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A Ghost of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 3

Page 10

by J. L. Clayton

  I cringed at the way my mind was working and looked at the small scar that ran from his temple to his left eye. I was trying to get some semblance back to me being a good-girl, but it wasn’t working. Damn it all to hell! The scar didn’t distract me, and it didn’t take away from Asher’s devastatingly handsome features. Instead, it gave his beauty more personality, and with that roguishly sensual smile of his, I knew I was in deep trouble. Asher's eyes were gleaming with amusement as he watched me. Then, ever so slowly, he started to move in a seductive way, swaying his hips as he edged towards me. I quickly stood up and took a step back, moving as fast as I could around the duvet. But it was futile. I was trapped. My back hit the wall, and I had nowhere to go. All I could do was wait and see how this-whatever this was-played out. For some reason, this little cat and mouse game he had going didn’t bother me as much as it should have.

  Asher placed one hand on the wall beside my head. He leaned in close, our bodies nearly touching. “Hello, Kitten. I see you have had a little bit of trouble with your familiar.”

  Puzzled, I stammered, “Familiar? Umm... familiar, what do you mean?”

  Asher flashed his fangs. “I do believe that the boy’s name I keep hearing rattling around in that brilliant mind of yours is Nikko.” Asher tapped the side of my head. I pushed his hand away and glared. He smirked. “Kitten, that's why Kate took your ghost from you. You two are connected now by spirit. I’m assuming Kate believes that, by taking him away from you, it weakens your magic.” Asher pulled back from me and tapped his chin. “But what I don’t understand is, if she wants to kill you like she professes she does, why didn’t she go ahead and do it? No offense, Kitten, but what I saw through your mind left much to desire. You are very powerful, but you, my smoking-hot beauty, are lacking in skill and knowledge. My sweet little Kitten, you are far from having a status equal to mine.” Asher tapped his chest, grinning wickedly.

  “It you did have all of that magic unlocked, Kate wouldn’t have even tried to go up against you. But, as it stands now, those two together would have crushed you. But they didn’t, and that had me puzzled. If she waits too long and you mature-developing your skills and magic-she would be no match for you. Why did she wait? If she wanted to kill you, why did she take your shade? It could only mean she has other plans.”

  I glared at him, putting up one hand. “Okay-okay, Leech, I get it. You’re old. Heck, you might be as ancient as a dinosaur. I’m young, so whatever. That just means you’ll become gray before I will!” I smiled, knowing my logic made no sense.

  Hello, a Vampire’s looks never age.

  Asher brought a hand to his chest and shook his head. “Pulling out the age card? Really? Remember, Kitten, with age comes experience. I am very experienced.” Asher licked the tip of his fangs. “As I recall, you didn’t mind this old-man crushing his body to yours and sinking his teeth into that pretty little neck. The noise that you made and the look that came across your face, leads me to believe that you liked it.”

  Asher stepped close and pressed his body against mine. “Do you have a thing for older men? Are those little boys not treating you the way you should be, Kitten? I assure you, I can treat a kitten exactly how she deserves to be treated. I know just how to pet a kitten to make her purr. Allow me to demonstrate once again.” My heart started pounding hard in my chest. My body felt like it was on fire. I wasn't able to move. Asher leaned in and traced his nose along my collarbone and up the length of my neck.

  Swallowing hard, I shook off the paralysis of sexual elation and stammered, “Where am I? What am I doing here? How did I get here? Because, as you said so sweetly a few seconds ago, a battle between Kate and I occurred; therefore, the only thing I can recall is Kate coming in and taking Nikko. Then I blacked out, and now I’m here.”

  Thinking of Nikko as my familiar, my shade, was baffling. I knew I needed answers and as soon as I was done with Asher, I was going straight to the source. I was going to talk to Eli. School could wait.

  “What crushing words you weave my way sweet, little Kitten.” Asher smirked. “I assumed you would be heading over to see Eli as soon as you left here. Kitten, this is a dream platform, but you should know that already. I wove it together so that I may look upon your beauty.”

  I scowled. “Would you please stop reading my mind? I know that’s not why you brought me here. So why am I here?”

  Asher bowed his head and said, “My apologies, but it is so easy listening to the thoughts that traveled through your mind now that your blood is flowing within my veins.” He rubbed his arms and gazed at me. “You are, indeed, beautiful. I did not lie to you when I said I wanted to look upon your beauty. That, my little kitten, was entirely true. Plus, if you could tone it down a little bit, I might not hear every thought that crosses your mind.” He beamed at me from the expression I gave him.

  Asher leaned in. My body tightened, not just from fear but also from the thought that maybe-just maybe-I was going to feel that ecstasy. Maybe that was why he brought me here. So he could sink his teeth deep into my neck. All of a sudden, I got ticked off. I was positive that I would not feel this way towards him if we didn’t have a bond. Sure, Asher is hot, but he’s a vampire. Logically speaking, all vampires are supposed to be hot and sexy. So far, I haven’t seen any evidence that to prove this isn’t one hundred percent true, and as much as I loved this yearning that spread through my veins, I had a mouth and knew how to say no. But right then, it seemed that all of my girly parts were telling my mouth and my morals to take a hike. Right then, all my body wanted was Asher’s teeth, hands, and heat.

  Yeah, explain to me the logistics of a hormonal teenager’s mind!

  “The other reason why I brought you here is that I have a little gift to bestow upon you,” Asher said, licking his fangs.

  I shoved him away from me and crossed my arms. I shook my head and said, “Hold up there you, extorting, parasitic, freeloading, bloodsucking tick. If you brought me here just so you can sink your teeth into my neck, artery, vein, or whatever I’m willing to allow you to sink your teeth into, well you have another thing coming. I’m not your walking blood bank or meal-on-the-go.”

  Asher’s eyes rounded. “Did you just call me a freeloading tick?” He touched his chest and quirked a brow. “Do I look like a tick?”

  “Grrr. Yes, I called you that, plus a little extra added in. No, you don’t look like a tick, but you act like one. Hello, blood! Sharp teeth! I’d say you have all the makings of a tick, leech, mosquito. A pest!”

  Asher ran a hand down his face. Shrugging his shoulder and cracking his neck, he said, “Though it is true that I do suck blood, I assure you, Kitten, a tick, mosquito or leech could never make you feel as good as I do while my teeth are sunk deep into your pretty white flesh.”

  I swallowed hard and looked down. Hell, I’d say he had me on that one, but if he thought for one second that I was going to stop mocking him, he was wrong.

  Relenting, I said, “Okay, Asher, spill it. What are you planning on bestowing on little ol’ me?”

  Asher crossed his arms and murmured, “Why, what you’ve been missing, of course.”

  “Of course!” I mocked. “What is that, exactly? Because everyone knows I’m missing a lot, but it seems you’re the only one that has the answers.”

  Asher chuckled, “No, Kitten. I’m not the only one that has all the answers. I’m just the one that is willing to give you the keys that you’ve been missing. Would you like the keys that will unlock all the hidden mysteries deep within your mind?”

  “What kind of keys are you talking about?” I asked.

  Asher placed both hands on my shoulders. “I’m going to transfer my knowledge of magic and the supernatural world into your mind.”

  I looked deep into his eyes and whispered hesitantly, “How are you gonna do that?”

  “Well that’s simple, Kitten,” Asher breathed. “By sinking my blood-sucking-tick-sharp-fangs into your neck.”

  My breath halted. I close
d my eyes and nearly moaned. Biting my bottom lip, I stammered, “What do you get in return for this gift that you’re giving me?” Asher ran a hand down my cheek to my neck. He pressed his thumb into my jugular, feeling the erratic beat of my heart. Tantalizingly slow, he glided his fingers around my collarbone and down my chest. Before pulling away, he said, “Your blood is all the reward I need.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. “How are you going to bite me? Isn’t this a dream?”

  Asher quirked a devilish smile. “Yes, but I have manifested myself and your soul within the dream platform.”

  I grumbled, “How is that even possible when this is a dream?”

  “Kitten, don’t waste your time on wondering how. It’s magic, and magic can never be solved. Magic is extraordinary. It knows no bounds, and it can never be defined. The magic within a vampire is exceptionally powerful.”

  I studied him closely, not knowing if I should trust him. “You know, Asher, part of my brain remembers the supernatural world while the other half has no clue. So, how do you think this’ll work? Putting a messed up brain back together, you can do that? How can I trust you?”

  “Kitten, have I ever lied to you? You can trust me. I can fix that little glitch you have in your mind,” Asher said, touching the side of my head.

  I cocked my head to the side. “Glitch?” I also agreed with him about trusting him because, even though he did manipulate me into this bond, he hadn’t really boldface lied to me. So, yeah, I trusted him… well as much as you could trust a blood-sucking vampire. That’s like saying you trust that a tick on a dog won’t suck its blood.

  Can you see the trust here… Yeah-there’s a lot of it!

  Asher folded his arms. He was sexy wrapped up in a pretty deadly package. “Yes, my little Kitten, I said ‘glitch’ because that is precisely what is going on in your mind, and I can fix it for you.” Asher grinned, showing fangs. “I can do pretty much anything you want me to do, yet in order for me to fix your little problem, I have to sink my teeth into your flesh.” He licked the tip of one fang.

  I quivered at the look that crossed his eyes, but I didn’t know if it was from want or terror. Sighing, I gave in. I mean, come on, it wasn’t that hard for me, I have to admit. Who wouldn’t want a sexy vampire with a killer body to sink his teeth into their flesh and give them ecstasy?

  Besides, I was single, and I needed something to make me feel good. Fortunately for Asher, he was about to get what he wanted. I nodded quickly before I could have any rational or sane thought travel through my head. This might be me cheating. No I wasn’t cheating. I was single, damn it! Yes, I have feelings for Jace and Tru, but it’s all confusing. Plus there’s that thing with Cris, whatever that was. But that’s beside the point. Asher was my no-strings-attached. Ugh, I’m turning into a slut, one that has never had sex!

  Asher chuckled, “Kitten, your thought process is marvelously dramatic. Indeed, a slut has to have sex in order to be called a slut. Still, how many partners does it take to be named slutty? Vampires do not have that manner of thinking. To us, sex and blood go very, very well together.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  With those dangerously-sexy words, Asher moved in quickly, wrapping his arms around my body. He brushed my hair to the side and struck. His body was tightly coiled around mine, like a snake aiming for its mark. I jerked, but the stinging feeling of teeth meeting flesh quickly faded, and that blissful warmth of ecstasy started to permeate deep within my core. I moaned. It seemed that I had been waiting for this for a very long time. The shockwaves of sensation rippled up and down my spine. Tiny tendrils of heat stroked my most intimate places as a lethargy settled over me, peace and calm following suit. I felt like I was floating, and I had no control over my body.

  My hands seeming to have a mind of their own, lifted up and roamed over his chest and down his arms. Asher growled and tightened his hold. My breathing started to speed up and then something strange happened. All of the carnal feelings I was having slipped away as this audible click sounded in my head. Miraculously, like Asher said, the glitch seemed to mend itself, and all of my memories from my childhood to Callamose and the memories of my present became whole. My mind was no longer split down the middle. Everything finally made sense. Then, Asher started flooding my mind with knowledge of the supernatural world. I was now a walking spell book. He poured knowledge and centuries-old magic into my mind. I now knew spells that I didn't even think Eli knew. I thought my mind was going into overload. I gasped for breath, shuddering and shaking my head.

  Asher pulled away and said, “I’m not quite done with you yet, Kitten.” I gave him a lazy grin. Asher leaned in and kissed my forehead, my nose, and my chin. Then, he moved his mouth back to my neck and licked the puncture marks he had given me. Slowly, he started to run his hands up my arms, around my collar bones, dragging his fingertips down and underneath my chest. All the while, Asher looked deep into my eyes as I stared dreamily into his. Ever so slowly, he cupped one of my breasts, flicking his tongue over my corset. I felt heat and a zing as his tongue brushed the top where my now beaded nipple was easily seen. Quickly, the dreamy haze that was over me faded.

  I gasped, shocked.

  No one had ever touched me like that before. I went to pull away, but Asher clasped my upper arms, holding me steady.

  “Shh, Kitten. I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do, my little naughty!” He finished with a wink and a wicked grin as he leaned in and kissed me. My body convulsed in excitement as Asher expertly twined our tongues together. Passion surged through me on a tidal wave of sensation. This kiss was much different than any kiss I had ever experienced. This kiss was central, passionate, and possessive! It scared the hell out of me, but I was willing to do whatever he wanted at this point. My body was on fire, and I was ready to burn.

  Asher trailed kisses down my neck and kissed the arch of my breast where it was overflowing the top of my corset.

  “Mmmm, one more bite… to seal the deal. Ok, Kitten?”

  I swallowed and asked, “Where?” But I already knew.

  Asher closed his eyes and licked his lips. “Why, on your beautiful, milky white mound, of course.”

  Not wondering why he had to bite me there, nor caring, because let’s face it, I did agree to this, I nodded my consent.

  Asher leaned in and kissed my breast where it was spilling out of my corset, and with a sharp tug, he pulled the corset down, revealing one of my nipples. I gasped at him in shock, my eyes wide.

  “You are so breathtaking and your nipple, so luscious and pink waiting for me to sink my fangs deep into that pretty nub.”

  I watched in a detached manner, numb now to what was taking place as Asher scraped his fangs over the now hard nipple. My mind started rationalizing what was happening. You made a deal! This is just a dream! This isn’t really happening! Sure, you can feel all these sensations, but remember, I am your mind, and I am making you believe you’re feeling said sensations. Why, you ask? Because, this is just a dream and it isn’t real, so you might as well have fun. Carry on!

  Before I could have an argument with myself convincing me that I needed this to stop, Asher sunk his fangs deep into the areola and pulled a mouthful of my blood. All thoughts faded as this woozy sensation turned within my stomach. What once was sensual was now making me sick.

  Strangely, I heard someone shout, “No! No! No!”

  I tried to shake Asher off, but he only deepened his hold around my body and sucked greedily, pulling on my blood. The sensations varied between ecstasy and nausea. Maybe I was losing too much blood? Can my dream-self die from blood loss?

  It didn’t matter. The whole room started to shake. Asher pulled away and looked around, glaring.

  “You can’t have her! She is mine!”

  Asher sank his fangs into his forearm; ripping a deep gash from his skin. Disgusted, I watched as he thrust the now bleeding appendage towards me, saying, “You must drink,

  I pushed his arm away. “Whoa, hold up there vamp, I don’t want to be a bloodsucker like you. So, I’ll pass. Thanks though.”

  Asher snarled and said, “You will not be a vampire. Do you ever listen to me? I told you this, and I do not have time to recap Becoming a Vampire 101. Now drink.”

  I protested. “I know, but why do I have to drink blood? I’ve already received the knowledge, and I’m fine. Sure, I might have a little blood loss, but trust me, I don’t need your blood.” I threw my hands in the air, noticing that the walls of the dream had started to crumble.

  Asher’s eyes sharpened, “But our deal!”

  Then the voice came even louder, declaring, “I said… NO!”

  A little freaked out, I asked, “Do you hear that? What is that? Do you know?”

  Asher said, “Yes and you don’t want to know. Now, please Kitten… Please… drink!” He sounded desperate as he shoved his arm once again towards my lips.

  Whatever he had planned for me, it was too late. I woke up.

  I felt my body being jostled. I open my eyes and saw Cris. He looked frantic.

  I sat up. “What’s going on? Is everything okay? Cris?”

  Cris ran a shaky hand through his hair. “Are you ok?” His voice was gruff, and he sounded mad.

  Everybody was looking at us-my mom, my dad, Jace, and Tru. I’m pretty sure they were as confused as I was. “Um, yeah, I’m fine, why?” I asked, baffled.

  Slowly, Cris stepped back. “I had this strange sensation… you know, I’m different. I am like you, and sometimes I get strange feelings. I just felt like I needed to wake you up. It felt like you were about to drink blood, and I knew if I didn’t wake you up, you would regret it. Trust me!”

  I studied his face. It showed openness and curiosity, but when I looked into his eyes, they looked steely, cold, and furious. His eyes seemed to burn a liquid fire of anger, if that was even possible.


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