His Angelic Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 7] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“And all you will have, my Queen,” he said softly. Pulling the door open to the Hummer, he helped her inside before handing her a blanket. “Do up your belt and tip the seat back a bit, darling,” he advised before shutting her in and then joined her. Getting them rolling, he turned the heat up inside the cab to help lull her into a nap.
Doing as he instructed, she turned slightly in the seat so that she was looking at him and smiled. Reaching out after covering herself with the blanket, she touched her hand to his arm and sighed. “You just don’t want to be sweating, darling, while we go home.” She did seem to like it a lot warmer than he could handle it.
“I’m Dragon, love, heat doesn’t bother me all that much.” But he did crack the window a bit on his side. “Just sleep, sugar,” he told her quietly with a smile. “We will be home in a half hour, and then you can have some juice, have a two-hour nap, and then we will go and help a few more of the Vampires.”
“All right,” she whispered and closed her eyes. “I love you,” she told him quietly and reached out to touch him once more. Rubbing her thumb over his arm, she let it relax her and then she went silent, her body went still, and from her breathing she was sound asleep.
Chapter Twenty-One
Sitting next to her on the bed, Talon smiled down at her. She was still out cold, but he had promised to wake her two hours after he’d tucked her into bed. Checking the clock, he sighed. He’d stalled a few minutes and had to wake her.
Reaching out slowly, he rubbed his finger to her cheek. “Time to wake up, angel. Two hours is up, Cinnamon. We need to head downstairs to see if we can’t help more of the Vampires break free of the darkness.”
Her eyes opened and she turned her gaze up to him. “I’m awake,” she whispered very quietly. “Okay.” She took a moment. Sitting up, she rubbed the back of her neck and then sighed. “You will make sure to keep me from doing anything that might hurt our child, right?”
“Absolutely,” he told her quietly with a grin. “We will do one or two, take a small break where you eat something and drink water. Do another couple and repeat. I’ll watch you and keep tabs”—Talon tapped his temple—“and if I say you stop, you stop, period.”
“Perfect. This sounds like the best idea to me.” Pulling back from him slightly, she licked her lips. “Then let’s go and see who we can help, honey. We will go with the ones that are closer to accepting the darkness before the others that can hold out longer.”
“You may want to brush your hair first, my sweet little mate.” He grinned, eyeing the mess on one side of her head. “You look like you were attempting some sort of maneuver in your sleep that didn’t quite work out.”
“Shoot.” She moved from him and toward the bathroom. She squeaked when she saw herself. “Oh heavens, you shouldn’t have seen me like this.” She began to pull the brush through her hair. “Gosh blessed it all.”
“Why not?” he asked, moving to stand in the doorway. Reaching up, he took hold of the frame and rocked back and forth slowly. “You are my mate and wife, Cinnamon. That means all the good and bad, the beauty and bad hair days,” he teased. “Were you not listening during that very moving and touching ceremony? I distinctly heard the minister mention bad hair days and bed head.”
“Oh that was so not in our vows.” She paused and then tilted her head. “Was it?” Now she wasn’t sure. She had been so engrossed in Talon and just how handsome he had looked standing there before her that she had to admit that a great deal of things slipped her mind, and she didn’t recall them from that day. She still couldn’t believe he’d arranged a wedding, just for her. They had mated but he’d gone above and beyond and given her a dream day, beautiful setting, her gown and her mate. And it had all been a surprise, they’d been going about their day one moment and she’d been rushed about the next to find herself getting married. How he’d kept it from her she’d never managed to figure out.
“Hell if I know, darling. We’ll have to ask someone that was paying attention. I was too busy eating you up with my eyes and wondering just when I could get you naked again,” he teased with a huge grin.
Cinnamon began to laugh and finally just pulled her hair back in a bright pink ponytail holder. Nodding, she turned to him and grinned. “All right. Let’s go and save some more of our friends from the darkness shall we?”
“Yes, darling.” He grinned at her and wiggled his eyebrows. Dropping his arms, he stepped back out of her way. “Come on, little mate. Let’s go and handle some business.” He’d already arranged for snacks and plenty of water to be available for Cin while she worked.
She could only smile. He was so good to her. However, as they descended into the dungeons, her smile was lost to the cries and moans from the Vampires below. “They all are hurting so very much.” She could feel the darkness, feel the oppression, and it made her ache. Stepping before the first cage, she looked to Talon. “We begin here.”
Looking inside, he nodded and led her to the office they’d used before, now cleaned. Entering, he waved the guards to go to the first cell and bring in a Vampire. He guided her to the center of the plastic-coated room. They’d done a little redecorating to protect it after the last round.
Cinnamon gave a small, sad smile to the Vampire before her and said, “I’m so sorry, but this is going to hurt very much.” She then allowed her Angel out and him to see her. “I can save you, however.” With those words she reached out and into him, seemingly shoving her hand into his chest and searching for the darkness that was inside of him.
Standing back, he kept a close eye on her as she did her work digging out the darkness. Wincing at the volume the Vampire reached in his shrieks, he clenched his jaw. This was always the hard part, when she was digging it all out and yanking it free.
Cin pulled it all free and then let it drop, her Angel light coming out and killing the darkness even as the Vampire dropped to his knees. Laying her hand on his shoulder, she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I hate doing that, but it had to be done,” she murmured quietly and looked to Talon. “He’s fine. He needs blood, however, lots of it.”
Nodding, he waved the guards forward to take him to the rooms where the others were recovering. They would get him blood, water, a shower, and a bed to lie in. Passing Cin a bottle of water, he watched as she drank it down. “Ready for another?” he asked, his eyes assessing her top to bottom.
After another couple of drinks, she finally nodded. “I’m ready, honey,” she stated firmly. “Bring in the next one and let’s see if we can get this done as best we can. I’m just ready to get this done, love. It’s time for us to get this over and done with so that we can go upstairs, eat, and sleep for a bit more.”
“Then let’s get this done.” He smiled, taking the bottle from her. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he stepped back as the next Vampire was brought into the room.
On and on it went for a week. Finally they had been able to save more of the Vampires than she had believed they could have saved.
Sitting on the deck of their home, Cinnamon’s eyes were closed and a smile came from her when she felt her bond-mate approaching. “Hey, you.” She lifted her hand to him and relaxed when he took it. “I do believe, darling, that we are going to have a very, very good life together. I think that we will be able to keep our people safe as well. That’s good, right?”
“Very,” he told her and sat on the lounger facing her when she shifted her legs. Bracing a hand by her hip, he leaned in to kiss her. “But now we will worry about us for a time, you and I and our child. The rest of the world will survive for a little time without us worrying about them, too.”
“Good. I’m glad. I like that it’s time for us to simply focus on us. Maybe we should pull out our wedding video so that we both can figure out just what it is that we have pledged ourselves to give each other?” she asked with a smile. They would have a good life, a very good life, and she knew it.
“Babe, all I care about is that you love me, I love you, and who the hell car
es what was said during that ceremony.” Talon grinned at her. “We’ll watch the video later,” he told her honestly. “But for the moment all I care about is you and only you.”
That had her grinning. “I love you, honey, and that makes me all kinds of happy. I’m very happy that you want to be with me, too,” she admitted honestly. “Now I think we should go upstairs to our bed so that you can tell me how much you love me.”
“We don’t need to go all that way just for that,” he teased, leaning in to kiss her again long and hard.
Born in the mid-seventies, Honor’s writing career only really started in the last six years, faithfully that is. While she’s always been one to scribble down a thought or phrase, she didn’t really dedicate a lot of time to her craft until recently.
As a lover of all the written word, everything from Shakespeare to mysteries and deep into the erotic, she found her niche in the paranormal. While she will still read just about anything she can get her hands on she has a definite preference for paranormal romance in her writing.
When she first started to write her focus was mainly poetry, which lasted about three years with many of her works remaining hidden away to this day. Honor then stretched into short stories where she stretched her muscles and wrote whatever interested her. This is when she truly began to find her stride. But all that got put on hold when life threw her a curveball in the form of her two kids and her husband.
While both her children are in their teens and growing up faster than she’d like, she has finally found time for her writing once more. In between her family and her job in customer service, she spends her night at her computer working out the next great and fantastical story. Consummate professional by day, romantic writing fiend at night, Honor is always looking around for her next inspiration. And in the dark hours when the house is finally quiet, kids and husband asleep, she weaves together her words and imagination to create a new level of romance, sizzling hot and leaving her readers wanting for more.
For all titles by Honor James, please visit
Siren Publishing, Inc.