Book Read Free

James Black

Page 12

by Skye Turner

  What?! He’s not mad?

  I got his dog hurt. And he’s checking on ME?!

  Gazing at him with wide eyes, I can’t speak. I nod.

  He looks back at Charles and Hugo who are standing by the door. He says to Charles, “Would you mind bringing Clive back to his vehicle? Or home. Wherever he needs to go.”

  He shakes Clive’s hand again. Clive says, “I can call my roommate to come get me. It’s no problem, Mr. Black.”

  James cuts him off. “No, I insist. Thank you for your help and for not leaving AJ. I really appreciate it. If there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Clive blushes. “Oh, no Sir. That’s not necessary. I just did what anyone would have done. No thanks needed.”

  James nods and shakes his hand one last time. Clive smiles at me and says, “It’ll be ok, Miss Price. She’s going to be fine.”

  Tears fall from my face. “She will because of you. Thank you.”

  He smiles and walks to the door with Charles.

  Charles meets my gaze and I can read the concern in his green eyes. I smile and mouth, “I’m ok.”

  He nods and leads Clive out the door.

  James looks at Hugo. “Go with them. Find out what you can. If he has school loans, I want to cover them.”

  Hugo nods and smiles at me. “On it. Call me with news.”

  James agrees and Hugo follows Charles and Clive out.

  It’s just the two of us in here and it’s deathly quiet.

  When I chance a glance at James, he’s watching me. “I’m sorry.”

  He looks shocked. “Sorry?! For what?”

  It’s my turn to look surprised. “For Marie. She was my responsibility. She got hurt when I was watching her.”

  He frowns and takes my cold hands in his. “It’s not your fault, AJ. You didn’t dig the hole. You got her to the vet and got her help. You have nothing to be sorry for. So, put that out of your mind.”

  I nod and we sit in silence again.

  I break the quiet. I can’t just sit here. “That was nice.”

  His confusion is evident. “What was?”

  “Clive. Are you really going to pay off his loans?”

  He nods. “I am. He helped Marie… and you. He has a kind heart. He’ll make a good veterinarian. I can help him, so I will.”

  My heart melts.

  Oh boy… and there it is. You’re gone, Avangeline. Total goner.

  Chapter Sixteen


  We were at the vet until late. Almost midnight. Around ten, the vet came out and said he’d been able to align Marie’s leg and had inserted the pins. He is a little concerned the bones may not grow properly without them. She’ll probably have arthritis that will get worse as she ages and she may walk with a limp forever, but he said he’s optimistic and she should make a full recovery.

  About midnight they sent us home and told us she could be picked up this afternoon if no issues arose from her surgery.

  I made AJ stay the night with me. She was still really worked up and worried last night. She also looked exhausted.

  I’ve showered and made a cup of coffee in the Keurig, but if I’m going to get to the set on time, I’ll have to wake her.

  Placing the coffee on the bedside table, I sit on the bed and lean over her. Gently shaking her shoulder, I speak softly so as not to frighten her. “Avangeline. It’s time to wake up, Avangeline.”

  She groans and stretches. She’s wearing one of my shirts and as she stretches, the sheet falls down and her stomach is exposed. The top of her pink panties taunts me. She’s disheveled and adorable. She peeks at me from beneath heavy lids and then moans. “Is that coffee I smell?”

  Laughing, I hold out the cup. “It is. Now, get up. You have half an hour before we have to leave.”

  Sitting up, her legs are bared and I make myself stand up and cross the room to keep from touching her. Touching her will lead to fucking her and fucking her will make me late.

  She sips her coffee and the sounds she’s making cause a deep hunger in me.

  I groan out loud and she looks up. She looks at my crotch and smirks. She rubs the neckline of my shirt… pulling it down.

  Fuck it. I can be late just this once…

  * * *

  It was a long day, but we forfeited our breaks because things were going so smoothly. Everyone is anxious to have some time off. Even a small break is a break.

  Finally, the director calls, “That’s a wrap for the day. Enjoy your weekend everyone.” Everyone sighs in acknowledgement.

  It’s earlier than it has been lately and I’m excited to get home and see Marie. AJ was all set to pick her up this afternoon and take her home for me.

  As I reach my trailer, I see the black Tahoe. AJ’s here. She’s in the front seat and I can see her dancing and singing through the windshield.

  She’s really rocking out. I stop and just watch her since she isn’t aware I’m here. Her hair is flaring out as she jams. She’s so sexy and the best part of it is that she doesn’t seem to be aware of her appeal. She’s not vain or snooty, but that tongue of hers is as sharp as a sword. It’s one of the qualities I like the most about her.

  I like that she doesn’t care that I’m rich and famous. She talks exactly the same way to me as she does to the guys she works with. Well, not exactly the same way. She doesn’t moan and scream their names.

  Or does she?

  We’ve still never talked about what exactly this is. Not that it’s my business who she sleeps with.

  But, I might want it to be…

  Whoa… What?!

  What are you talking about, James? You WANT to be in a relationship with AJ?!

  I don’t know. I think I might.

  Why not?! We get along. The sex is out of this world. I’m here for a good while longer. She’s here…

  If she’s willing, why the hell not?

  You know why…

  Shut up!

  She looks up and freezes. Then grinning, she opens the door and hops down.

  “Hey. Good day?”

  I nod. “Yeah, we’re all caught up.”

  She smiles. “That’s great, right?”

  “It is. It means that I have tomorrow and Sunday free.”

  Her chin dips and she glances at me from under those bleached bangs. “Cool. Anywhere you want to go?”

  “I might have some ideas.”

  Her mouth turns up. “Well ok. Wherever you want to go. I’m at your disposal.”

  Grabbing her hands, I pull her toward me. She gasps and looks around the lot. Leaning down, I kiss her swiftly and pull her in the direction of my trailer. She follows me, though she looks apprehensive.

  As the door closes behind us, I flip the lock. Her eyes go wide and she steps back from me in retreat.

  I stalk her across the narrow space. She only stops when her knees hit the arm of the couch. Swallowing, she asks, “What the hell are you doing, James? Someone might see.”

  Cupping her face, I stare at her. She really is lovely. My eyes travel the planes of her face as she looks at me breathlessly. Leaning down, I sweep my lips over hers. She moans and her arms snake around my neck before tangling in the hair at my nape. Her head angles and I deepen the kiss.

  Lifting her, I sit her on the arm of the chair and stand between her legs. She sighs into my mouth.

  Pulling back, she looks at me in bewilderment. She whispers, “What was that?”

  I kiss one corner of her mouth and then the other before kissing her nose. Pulling back, I look at her. “Are you seeing anyone else, Avangeline?”

  She pulls back in shock. “Huh? Am I what?”

  Holding her arms, I ask again, “Are. You. Seeing. Anyone. Else?”

  She looks at me and says, “What do you mean?”

  Is she avoiding the question?

  Does that mean I’m not the only one with the keys to her gates?

  “Are you sleeping with anyone other than me?”

/>   She pulls back like I slapped her. “Are you kidding me?”

  What did I say?

  She glares at me. “Are you fucking kidding me, James?” She shakes her head emphatically. “Hell no. I am not a slut. I don’t fuck multiple people. What the fuck?” Then a look crosses her face. “Why? Why are you asking me that? Are you fucking someone else?”

  She’s not sleeping with anyone else. I never thought she was a slut.

  But, she’s asking me if I am… Does she sound jealous?

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I lean back and concentrate on her. “Not currently, no.”

  What could be considered relief passes over her face.

  I fist pump in my head a little.

  “And even if you were, I wouldn’t think you were a slut.”

  She frowns at me and mumbles, “Oh, ok then. If you do, can you just, like, tell me first? I’m not into sharing. In fact, I failed sharing in school. I knocked a kid out for taking my blocks once. So if you decide you want to fuck someone else… I’m asking you to at least respect me enough to tell me.”

  I frown. I’m not her ex-husband.


  Staring at her I say, “Same goes for you.”

  She mutters, “Yeah, I don’t think that will be an issue.”

  The fist pump turns into full-fledged Rocky Balboa in my head.

  Damn right!



  I don’t even know what that was about, but I’m pretty sure James and I just decided we were in a relationship?!

  Are we in a relationship?

  I can’t believe he asked me if I was fucking anyone else, too. As if.

  He knows what happened with Mathais, so the fact that he even asked that is kind of red-assing. I’m trying not to get pissed. Though, his rules and world are different from mine.

  But he’s really not that different.

  Haven’t you figured that out, AJ?

  I’m still staring at James. He pulls me back against him and kisses the breath out of me before pulling me up and slapping my ass. Then, he grabs his jacket. “Ok, let’s go see my baby girl.”

  Shaking my head at his abrupt change, I follow him out the door. I will never understand this man.

  It takes about twenty minutes to get back to his apartment. He chatters the whole time. He never really chatters.

  I park in front of his unit and before I can get out, he’s hopped out and rounded the car. He opens my door and helps me out.

  I’m completely bewildered by his behavior. Looking at him as I reach solid ground, I ask, “What’s gotten into you?”

  He grins. “What are you talking about?”

  I mock glare and point at him. “You. You’re acting weird. You’re all… like romantic… and chivalrous.”

  He laughs abruptly. “Yeah, shockingly I can act like a gentleman occasionally. Why? Do you prefer me as an asshole?”

  My head is spinning. Holy hell. I can’t resist the man as a jerk, so if he turns on the charm, I’m a fucking goner.

  Ha, yeah right. Like you aren’t already.

  Ignoring the madness occurring in my brain, I step around him and call out, “Come on. I thought you wanted to see your baby.”

  He sprints past me to the door and as he reaches it, flings it open and rushes inside.

  I’m left outside. In the cold. Trying to figure out the intricate puzzle that is James Black.

  Taking a few deep breaths to get my head on straight, I head in. Stopping in the doorway, I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. Marie is curled up on her bed next to the couch. Her bandaged leg makes her look pitiful as James sprawls on the floor next to her, kissing her head and rubbing her ears. He’s sweet talking her and she’s eating it up.

  “How’s my favorite girl… Daddy is home now… Did you miss me…? I missed you.”

  I laugh and two pairs of eyes look up at me… Icy blue and big brown. Marie barks faintly and her tail wags. Aw, I think she’s happy I’m back, too.

  Taking my jacket off and throwing it on the chair, I join the duo on the floor. James rubs her head and I pet her nose and soon, she’s fast asleep.

  James looks down at her with adoration on his face and my heart thumps a little harder.

  Avangeline, you better chill the fuck out. Don’t go getting all crazy about this man and his dog. Yes, he’s not sleeping with anyone else, but how long do you think he’s going to be content with a driver from Louisiana?

  Two different worlds. No matter what things seem like right now.

  He’ll leave and when he does, you can’t lose your mind.

  A man almost destroyed you once, you better keep your fucking head on straight so that doesn’t happen again.

  I look up from Marie and find James staring at me. “What’s going through that head? Your face is showing worry.”

  I don’t want to tell him and I don’t want to deal with the shit in my head, so what else can I do?! I lie. “I’m good. Just worrying about Marie’s leg. I still feel bad that it happened when she was my responsibility.”

  He sits up, leans against the couch, and props his arms on his bent knee. “I told you that wasn’t your fault.”

  “I know. But I still feel bad. She’s so sweet.”

  He looks down at her and back at me. “She is. So are you, though.”

  He can’t say shit like that. That is not helping my problem.

  Standing up to break the mood, I ask him, “So, what are you in the mood to eat? What do you have in the house? I can cook something.”

  He smiles and stands up and we head to the kitchen together.

  * * *

  The last of the dishes are placed in the dishwasher and James asks if I’d like to stay over.

  He’s asking me?

  He’s never asked me before. I’ve just kind of passed out after a round of sex and that was that. But now, he’s asking me if I want to stay with him?

  This is uncharted territory.

  I decide to ask some questions. “Why do you want me to stay?”

  He looks baffled by my question. “Why do I want you to stay? You’ve stayed before.”

  “I know. But you’ve never asked me. It’s just sort of happened. Why are you asking me now?”

  Frowning, he picks up a dish towel and starts absently running it through his hands as he watches me. He shrugs. “I don’t know. I suppose because this is new for me.”

  I’m the one who’s confused now. “What do you mean? What’s new?”

  Looking away from me, he stares out the window. “This.” Turning back around, he regards me and makes a circle with his hands. “I don’t know what you want here, AJ. I’m not a relationship kind of man. I sleep with people and that’s it. I just don’t do this. In my adult life, I’ve never done this…” He looks away again. It seems like he’s trying to tell me something, but he’s warring with himself.

  My heart is in my throat. This feels like a profound moment.

  Swallowing, he meets my eyes again. He frowns and the lines in his forehead are defined. “I’m thirty-nine years old, Avangeline. Thirty-nine and I haven’t had a relationship other than physical or friendship in a long… very long… time.”

  I’m staring at him.

  He’s thirty-nine? Really. I thought he was in his mid-thirties.

  Seriously, that’s what you’re focusing on, Avangeline?!

  Not that it matters, but still… ok, back to the conversation at hand.

  “Are you going to say something?”

  I blurt out, “You’re thirty-nine? Really?”

  His eyes widen and then he smirks. “I am. Yes. Why? How old did you think I was?”

  I can feel my cheeks flush. I cannot believe I just said that. I shrug. “I was thinking you were mid-thirties.”

  He laughs. “I’m not that far removed. But I’ll be forty in a couple of months. Is that an issue?” He studies me and his face changes. “How old are you again?”

w old am I? I think we’ve already covered this. Maybe he doesn’t remember… Oh, well I’m not that much younger. But, over thirty for women is different than over thirty for men. Look at him. He’s gorgeous at almost forty. And me… I’m divorced and not a socialite or movie star.

  While I’ve been thinking and flipping out in my head, he’s been watching me. Finally, he asks me with exasperation, “How old are you, AJ?”

  I mutter, “I’ve told you before, I’m thirty-one.”

  He blinks. “You did?! You are?! Are you joking?”

  I get flustered. “No. I’m not joking. Why would I joke about that?! I’m thirty-one. How the hell old did you think I was?”

  He laughs. “Well, I’ll be damned. You look good, babe. I thought you were in your early to mid-twenties.”

  I laugh at his absurdity. “You’re insane. Maybe you need those eyes checked in your old age.”

  He strides toward me and I’m rooted to the spot by the look in his eyes. Once he gets right in front of me, he pops me with the towel in his hands. I yelp in surprise. Grinning wolfishly, he grabs me and yanks me into his body. His mouth captures mine and when I’m completely boneless, he releases me. I slump against the wall as I attempt to catch my breath.

  He chuckles. “Not too shabby for an old man, huh?” Then he walks out. Leaving me clutching my chest in the kitchen as my lower half swells and throbs.

  Jesus. I guess what they say is true… Men age like fine wine and dammit, I need a taste…

  Standing up, I stride purposefully down the hall. I intend to get my taste.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Something wakes me up and it takes me a minute to get my bearings. I hear the sound again. It’s my phone buzzing on my nightstand. Squinting at the clock, I see it’s 2AM.

  Disentangling myself from the warm body curled into me, I reach over and swipe the phone. Checking the caller ID, I rapidly head into the living room to answer it before she hangs up.

  Attempting to be quiet so I don’t wake AJ, I answer, “Hey, babe. Why are you calling me at 2AM? What’s wrong?”

  I hear her gasp before she says, “Shit. I’m so sorry, J. I forgot the time difference. I just… wanted to hear your voice.”


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