James Black

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James Black Page 13

by Skye Turner

  “What’s happening? Something is wrong. Are you ok?”

  She sighs. “I just miss you.”

  I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose as I sit back on the couch. “Something happened to have you calling me this late. Even on your time. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “I went out with someone tonight. I’ve been seeing him for a bit. He’s a billionaire. A nice guy. He’s not like the others, J.”

  My back is ramrod straight as I listen to her.

  “Anyway, we had a really nice time. He’s a real gentleman even though he has more money than God… A really nice guy.”

  I grit out, “But…”

  She sniffles. “But because he’s such a good guy, I cut the date short. I left. He was floored and tried to stop me, but I left. He deserves to spend his time with someone better. Someone… not like me.”

  I’m furious.

  “Bullshit. Stop talking like that.”

  She sniffles again. “I can’t. I need you… Can you… Can you come out here for the weekend?”

  Staring at the ceiling, I scream in my head. Dammit! Dammit to fucking hell!

  But I won’t not go. I won’t. I’ll always go.

  I look toward the bedroom and then answer her. “Yes, I’ll grab a flight first thing in the morning.”

  She sniffles again. “I’m sorry to do this to you. I love you, J.”

  “I know. It’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep.”

  She says goodnight and I hang up with her. Then, I grab my iPad and book an 8AM flight. When I get the confirmation, I stare at the wall until the sun breaks through the blinds.

  Rousing myself, I head back into the bedroom and grab my overnight bag. I toss a few things in it and then head to the bed to wake AJ. Gently shaking her, I call out, “AJ. I need you to wake up, AJ.”

  She rolls over and sleepily smiles at me. “Good morning. Don’t tell me you’re waking me up for more sex. I’m not sure where you have the energy after last night.”

  I warm as I remember and then I sober up. “Something’s come up. I need to head back to L.A. for the weekend. I’ll be back tomorrow night, but my flight leaves in three hours.”

  She sits up and rubs her eyes. “What? Is everything ok?”

  I nod. “Yeah, everything will be fine, but I have to go take care of something. Can you take me to the airport?”

  I feel so guilty doing this to her, but I can’t not go. She needs me.

  AJ nods and says, “Yeah, of course. Give me like ten minutes and I’ll be ready to go, ok?”

  I nod and as she heads into the bathroom, I throw a few more things into my bag and tell myself I’m doing the right thing.

  An hour later, AJ pulls up to Check-In at the airport. She turns and looks at me. Her face is bare and she has bed head, but she looks beautiful. Leaning up, I gently kiss her lips. As I pull back, I say, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  She smiles at me and says, “Ok. Have a good trip. I hope you get everything straight. Text me with your arrival time for your return flight and I’ll be here to pick you up.”

  Leaning up, I grab her and kiss her like a starving man. As I break the kiss, I mutter, “See you tomorrow.” And hop out of the car.

  She smiles and waves as I clear the door and I head to Check-In with a feeling I can’t shake in the pit of my stomach.

  * * *

  Three and a half hours later, I’m grabbing a cab at LAX. As I settle into the backseat and give the cabbie the address, I can’t help but remember the last time I was in a cab. I think about it until I arrive at my destination.

  I have a key and the doorman knows me, so he slips me inside without any incident. Before I know it, I’m at her door. Using my key, I open the lock and turn the knob.

  Dropping my bag in the entryway, I walk in. The smell of coffee and tangerine lavender greets me. She’s curled up on the sofa with a cup of coffee and a magazine. Her feet hit the floor as she sees me and she walks over. Leaning up, she kisses me and I lightly kiss her back.

  She pulls back and I can see the circles under her eyes. “Did you sleep?”

  She nods. “Yes, a little. Thank you for coming. I’m sorry I took you away on your first time off in weeks.”

  Taking her hands, I lead her to the couch. We sit down and she presses her curves against the hard planes of my body. “Ok, now tell me everything.”



  I have basically two full days to do whatever I want. I’m not certain what to do with myself. I was looking forward to spending time with James, but since those plans have fallen through, I have no idea what to do with myself. I’ve agreed to feed and walk Marie, but that still leaves me with loads of free time!

  I head through the drive-thru at CC’s and grab a Rocky Road Latte before swinging in at Baum’s Bakery to grab two dozen sand tarts. It’s not nutritious, but it sure is a delicious breakfast. And after that workout from last night, I can afford the calories.

  I grin as I remember our lovemaking. The sex has been great every time, but last night it was slightly different. It was like we were both more open with each other. I just felt more. Who knew an almost forty-year-old could be such a badass in the bedroom?!

  My cheeks flush as I remember all that we did to each other. He might have right at forty years on him, but his body and stamina are that of a much younger man. Good lord. I can’t imagine him in his younger years.

  Pulling up at my own apartment, I open the doors and bring my load in. I have some laundry to do and I need to straighten up a bit, but I’m just not in the mood. I want to do something fun. Taking out my phone, I call Julee. She answers on the second ring and we make plans for the day.

  We agree to meet at Perkins Rowe in two hours for a day of shopping and lunch. A girl’s day is long overdue.

  I hum as I clean up and get myself ready. My iPod is set up and the sounds of Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas blare through my surround sound. I laugh as I think that I’m a twenty year old trapped in a thirty-one year old’s body. What can I say?! I love them both. Though the fact that I seriously appreciated Nick Jonas in white boxer briefs mimicking Marky Mark from back in the day, creeps me out a bit.

  Of course if Liam Hemsworth came knocking at the door, I doubt I’d turn him away either… Does that make me a cougar?

  What the fuck is wrong with you, Avangeline?!

  Oh shut up, they’re both fine.

  Laughing at my own absurdity, I sing Miley even louder and realize I think I have turned into someone else lately. I’ve always been opinionated and I’ve never taken any shit, but after Mathais… I hardened. And lately… I’ve mellowed a bit.

  I can only think of one reason for that…

  * * *

  Julee texts me as I’m parking to tell me she’s in Charming Charlie’s and to just meet her there. I love that store. They have the best accessories. This is not looking good for my credit card.

  Oh shut up. You can afford to have a shopping spree.

  I can. I really can. I make a damn good living at Top Notch Transport. And I’m single with no dependents and no bills. I can afford to let loose and shop and I think I’m going to. Maybe I’ll buy something to show off my curves. James seems to appreciate my body, which kind of surprises me. I would think he’d want a stick thin supermodel or a plastic Barbie that would look amazing on his arm at premieres.

  There you go again.

  Stop. Stop assuming you know what he wants and prefers. You’re the one who’s been sharing his bed, Avangeline, and you are damn sure not a twig bitch.

  I’m giggling at the picture in my head of a twig with my face as I walk into the shop. I spot Julee immediately. Her exotic beauty always draws attention. She sees me at the same time and waves me over. She’s trying on necklaces. She holds two up… “Which one?” One is black and pink and the other is salmon and gold. Both look great with her hair and skin tone.

  “I think you should get both. They both look great.”<
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  She rolls her eyes at me and then laughs. “Ok, you were supposed to talk me out of it. Oh well, I wanted both anyway. You can tell Larkin you talked me into them though.”

  I laugh. Larkin doesn’t care. He dotes on Julee and doesn’t have any complaints about any of her habits.

  She laughs. “Ok, so what have you been up to?” She smirks at me. “I mean other than banging the fabulous James Black left and right.”

  I look around quickly to make sure no one heard her. “Jesus, Julee. Shut up. Don’t say that shit out loud. Ok?”

  She chuckles. “No one heard me. No one is in here snooping about him. But ok, let’s give him a nickname so we can talk about him in public.” She bites her tongue as she thinks. “JB? Jay? Blackie?”

  I wrinkle my nose. Not JB. That reminds me of the guy we went to high school with who thought he was God’s gift. Blackie… Nah. That doesn’t sound right. Jay… Jay sounds like it fits. I could go for Jay.

  Nodding, I say, “We can call him Jay.”

  She nods. “I like it.” She holds up a dark purple shirt against my chest. “You need to try that on. You look amazing in jewel tones. So, you and Jay? What’s the scoop?”

  Julee is my best friend, but how much do I want to tell her? She already knows we’ve been sleeping together for more than a few weeks. She picked up on the sexual-buzz surrounding us at Roonie’s that night. But, after the conversation James and I had yesterday, I don’t know if I’m comfortable talking about all that. I don’t want to jinx it or make it out to be more than it is.

  “No scoop. He’s interesting and all that.” I glance at her and say quickly, “And amazeballs in bed.”

  She laughs out loud. “Damn! I bet he is. He has that authoritative air about him. I bet he’s bossy in bed, huh? Does he tell you what to do?”

  I can’t believe I’m having this conversation in the middle of a store. “Sometimes. But he likes it when I take charge, too.”

  She whistles. “Damn, I’m totally envious of you right now. Ok, so envious is the wrong word… Shocked… Proud… I don’t know what I am for you, but it’s a good thing… for you. Larkin is more than enough for me to handle. But… man… A movie star. That movie star… Ahhhh.”

  I grin. “Shut up. So, what’s going on with you?”

  She eyes me for a minute and then says, “You know… stuff. We’re talking about having a baby.”

  I gasp. They’ve been together for years, but a baby. Really? “You know I’m not judging you or anything, Jules, but a baby? You want to have a baby without being married? You guys have been together forever.”

  She stops and her face lights up. She grabs my arms. “Yeah, well… about that…” She holds up her hand where a massive black diamond is sparkling. “He asked me last night! I was going to call you today! You beat me to it!”

  I shriek and hug her before pulling her hand to my face. “Holy shit, Jules! That is some bling.” I hug her again. “I’m so happy for y’all. You two are the perfect couple. When is the big day?”

  She drags me into the dressing room with her. I haven’t even noticed she’s grabbed an armful of clothes. As the door closes behind us, she separates the clothes into two stacks. She points to the stack by me. “Those are for you to try on.”

  Huh? When did she grab all of this?

  Shaking my head and chuckling, I slip my jacket off and then strip down. When I’m in my bra and panties I reach for an emerald green strapless dress. Julee’s laughter stops me.

  “Are you serious, AJ?”

  Turning, I see her observing my panties. Propping my hands on my hips, I mock glare at her. “What’s the issue?”

  She giggles again. “Are you seriously wearing Harry Potter panties?”

  Shaking my ass at her, I chuckle. “I am. They are awesome. You’re just jealous.”

  She points to her delicate lilac lace panties and grins. “Yup. You busted me.” She laughs as she slips a dress over her head. “I swear your Harry Potter fascination is not at all normal. You know that, right?”

  I chuckle and stick my tongue out at her. “I love Harry Potter. The books are amazing. The movies are greatness. You’d love them if you ever read them.”

  She shudders. “Yeah, read for pleasure… er, no.”

  I slap her playfully. “You have no idea what you’re missing.”

  She groans. “Yeah, well, I think it’s boring. It’s not for me.”

  I roll my eyes. “If you think reading is boring, you’re doing it wrong, babe. You’re reading the wrong books.”

  Turning, she peruses me in the emerald dress. “I don’t read any books. So, I can’t be reading the wrong ones.” She twirls her finger to tell me to turn. I do. “You’re buying that.”

  Looking in the mirror, I have to agree with her. This dress is amazing.

  Chapter Eighteen


  We’ve been talking all morning and I realize how hungry I am. I bet she hasn’t eaten either. “Have you eaten anything today?”

  She thinks for a bit. Her delicate brow creases with her frown. “No, I don’t think I have. Just coffee. I wasn’t thinking about food.”

  Pulling her up, I head into her kitchen. She follows behind me and perches on the counter next to me as I search through her fridge. Her private chef has been busy, but there are a lot of labeled containers in here that look as if they haven’t been touched.

  “How long has this stuff been in here?”

  She bites the tip of her tongue as she thinks about it. “I don’t know. I think he dropped them off on Wednesday. Three meals a day, though I typically only eat one or two.”

  Frowning, I check through the containers. “Yup, these are labeled with days and Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.”

  Turning, I glare at her. “You have to eat.”

  She glares back. “I do eat. I just don’t eat enough to eat all of this food. I’m only one person.”

  Grabbing a few containers, I open them and pop them into the microwave. “If you don’t eat the food, why do you pay for it?”

  She twirls her hair. “I do eat. Do I look malnourished to you, J?”

  Perusing her body, I have to admit she does not. I grunt.

  She slides down to the floor and walks over to me. Leaning up on her tiptoes, she loops her arms around my neck. My arms come around her back of their own accord. Her lush curves are pressed against me. “Do I feel like skin and bones?”

  My hands travel her length and I shake my head. “Nope.”

  Leaning back, she sexily smiles at me. Then, her hands reach for her belt, untying her robe. She slips it off her shoulders. Her satin camisole and matching panties tease my hands with their smoothness.

  My hands cup her ass and fill with her. She’s not skin and bones.

  She slides her hands under my shirt and pulls it over my head before dropping it to the floor. Lifting her, I place her back on the kitchen counter. Using her legs, she pulls me closer. Leaning down, I capture her full lips and our tongues fence. It’s always the same.

  No slow burn here, just a pure raging inferno. Her hands travel my chest as my hands palm her hips and ass. She encircles me and I groan as I kiss a trail down her neck. Her head is thrown back and her hair is caressing my hands on her hips. She manages to unbutton my pants and push them to mid-thigh as she strokes me. I can’t take it.

  Fisting the satin at her hips, I rip them off and fling them to the floor. Grabbing a foil packet out of my back pocket, I quickly rip it open and roll it on before ensnaring her mouth again as I surge into her. Her back arches and she grabs my shoulders to brace herself as I drive into her repeatedly. Her nails are scoring my back and I’m certain I’m bruising her hips.

  The furious coupling and our moans combine to drown out the sound of the beeping microwave.

  Finally, her thighs hold me captive and she screams out. Her spasms as her interior muscles squeeze my cock, send me over the edge as well.

  She milks me. Breathing heavily, I le
an down and rest my head into the curve of her shoulder. I soften and slip out of her. She kisses my chest.

  The noise finally breaks through the sound of rapid, gasping breathing. Lunch is ready.

  Stepping back from her, I kiss her forehead and head out of the kitchen. I need to clean myself up.

  Grabbing my bag out of the foyer, I head down the hall and into her bedroom. As I toss the bag on the bed, I look around and my head starts pounding.

  I want to scream and I’m not certain of why.

  Then I realize. Shame courses through me and my blood ices over in my veins.

  You just fucked AJ over, J. After all of your protests… You ARE no better than her ex-husband.

  Feeling like punching myself, I head into the bathroom to discard the condom. As I toss it into the trash, I look in the mirror and the face looking back at me disgusts me. I quickly wash up before redressing.

  * * *

  The food was delicious, not that I ate more than a few bites. I look down and see I’ve decimated the gourmet meal and it’s pushed all around my plate.

  She gets my attention by calling my name. I look up. “What’s wrong, J?”

  What’s wrong? Nothing. Everything. I don’t even know.

  I shake my head and smile at her. “Nothing. Everything is ok.” It must seem fake, because she frowns and pushes her plate away. Resting her chin on her hands, she looks at me.

  “Ok, you’ve been sitting there in silence since you came back from the bathroom. I’ve tried to start a conversation with you multiple times. You are not here with me, J. So, do you want to tell me the truth? What’s wrong?”

  I look at her and then away. Staring at the amazing view of the Hollywood Hills, I try to determine what exactly is wrong and what I’m going to say. I never get the chance to speak.

  She gasps. I turn in alarm, but I can see it on her face. She knows. “A woman… Oh my God. You’ve met someone?”

  She scans my face and I see her face change. She can’t mask the horror. Dropping her hands to the table, she sighs as all color leaves her face.


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