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The Guardian

Page 12

by J. L McFadden

  We have hope, our hope is lying in Galechka’s bed upstairs, and like my one true love he shares a unique and a troubling power to the ancients. His kind has been hunted down through the years and believed to be extinct, but our lovely Galechka has found she has one of her own. This is the reason we disappeared for that month and a half was to get him trained and give him the fighting chance that mine did not.

  Soon my coven, we will come under fire and attack from other covens by the orders of the ancients, not only having a guardian, but a new found ancient in our presence tips the scales in a way that they cannot have. My coven I need to know who his with me and who is against me; I need to know who will stay and fight and who will flee.

  There is honor in the freedom that we seek from the entrapment we have been under all of these years. I promise all those who stays and fights along with us high rank and stature when this is over. I only ask that my youth stay clear of the ancients, you would not stand for more than a blink of an eye.

  I want to return this land back to its wondrous glories it had when my family ruled it, before the ancients swept from here turning it into the plagued and diseased state that we now witness. There was a time when my father and grandfather made sure that even the lowest peasant had enough to be happy and no one was begrudged of anything they needed.

  It was a dark night long, long ago when I heard the screams of my father’s workers and servants outside these very walls. I remember seeing the torches outside one by one fall to the ground in the pitch dark; one by one the owners of those torches had their lives ripped away from them. I can still remember my father giving the orders for a few of the maidens to take myself and some of the youth that belonged to the servants into the secret caverns with in these walls and to sneak us out into the back forest where we would hide in the very caves that the wolves claim as their home now.

  Most of those wolves that you see now, are the loyal servants of my family even through all of these years, even threw all of the misery that they have been threw; I owe it not just to you my coven, but to my extended coven that is the pack that looks after us in our sleep to release you all from the shackles that have been placed around our necks threw all of these centuries.

  Collectivism is an illusion of choose or option and that is not what we are facing; what we are facing is full on tyranny from the ancients that had enslaved this entire world threw out time. It is time to not only free vampire and wolf kind, but also the humans that may never know that we exist. “

  The coven erupted into clapping and cheering of these powerful words from their leader. Adela herself was shocked at how much of the coven was rusted up behind her and ready for an upcoming battle from the other covens. She raised her hands into the air signaling for her coven to settle down and as they began to settle she continued with,” My children, my flock, my coven, and my pack, these next set of words should ring very true for you all.

  It is time for you to all look around you, some of you will not be around at the end of this inevitable war with the other covens and some of you will be around to see the freedom for all living beings. Those of you who are still with me at the end I promise to give high rank and status in our new world; this is not the false new world order that we hear about on TV, but real freedom from these monsters that have held us for too long.

  I bid you all a good night and will understand if I see a few less faces the night after; some are not willing to dig in and do what is needed to save this coven. I myself a young ancient will do all I can to save who I can. As you can see my transformation seems to be a bit different than the normal. I have a strange feeling that my powers have come on a little faster than normal. So I leave you tonight to think over what part you will play in this.”

  Adela walked off the stage which her throne sat, and told Vitaliy,” Trap is set; let’s see if we have any other spies.” He nodded his head and was already doing just so.

  A New Day

  John and Galechka were cuddling in bed, wrapped in blankets and surrounded by pillows. She was in one of her couldn’t be happier moods that always made him happy and relieved; he never knew day from day, hour to hour, moment to moment what type of mood she was going to be in, he had to just take them as they came. He adored her more than anything else in this world and his heart truly belonged to her.

  In her moments of happiness with him she would seem like and angel that fell from heaven. In these moments her eyes took on a whole different life and light of their own. In other times you seem no radiance at all in her eyes, but in moments like this it was like seeing child’s eyes seeing things of wonder for the very first time.

  He loved the way she felt in his arms, she had the softest skin, the smell that would drive anyone mad, and at times the spirit of an angel, but in other fleeting moments she could be colder than any frozen heart on Earth.

  Adela had decided that John needed to take an active part in the coven to make everyone feel more comfortable with him and vice versa; he was to not only help Galechka with her errands of collecting from the local shops that the coven owned, but to also help some of the others out around the property; she figured this would help him get the lay of the land, so when they were under attack he would know where he could go and how to get around faster.

  Things seemed to be going well he was learning Galechka’s daily route and was even getting to know some of her familiars; he even came to realize that the last man he tangled with was one of the pack that had help him train. Galechka would just shake her head as he seemed to just click with the wolves. It got to the point where she would just have him go into the pub, because how it always seemed they had so much to talk about. It troubled her that at the castle a lot of the coven was standoffish with him, but never said anything to him, but at times would drop hints to her.

  Some of the coven was more than glad to get to know him, the hunger for blood sometimes made it hard on some of them; this did not concern Adela or Galechka knowing that he could take care of himself if someone got a bit hungry and tried to feed off of him, but sometimes he could sense that some of them hated him for his birthplace and nothing more.

  Adela and John still spent time training and working on trying to figure out how to control the bond between John and Galechka better. Adela believed that if the two really sat and worked on their bond that maybe Galechka might start to pick up some abilities as well.; she at least hoped so, so that Galechka had a better chance to protect herself. Besides them meditating long hours together she would train with John in front of Galechka and have Vitaliy train with Galechka in front of John hoping to spark something in her and/or his abilities.

  All seemed a little to calm and that worried Vitaliy, because he knew a storm was brewing and the longer it took, the longer the plot would be preplanned, meaning the worse the attack; he hoped to deal with one coven at a time, but he had a bad feeling that it was not going to be that way. He was growing more and more inpatient, which was not his way. Adela also shared in these fears that she addressed to him in their secret conferences in her bedroom.

  “Adela, what are we sitting here for? Are we really going to let the war come to our door?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean we need to be trying to gather some information on their plans; you know as well as I do, the longer they are plotting and planning the worse it is going to be.”

  “Yes, I know, but how do we do this? Now that that they know about us I am sure they are closing up all loose ends with our coven and associated covens.”

  “I have no idea at this moment, but I do know that we need to be taking precautions.” He took a long look at Adela to make sure he had her full attention,” You know as well as I do that Galechka will be the main target. No matter how strong the guardian is the vampress is always going to be its Akeley’s heel.”


  “Lose that tone with me A
dela; you may be able to kill me, but you owe me more respect than that. Was it not I who was at your side all those years you mourned? Not just for your guardian, but the time before, after we met helping you deal with the loss of you family. How many decades did you mourn your parents?”

  Adela slowly walked over to her bed, ran her hand up and down the old art work that had been carved into her majestic looking bed by her father’s best crafts man. This was one of the few things of beauty in her life that Baldemar did not strip away from her. She shuddered when she thought about all that she had lost, friends, family, and a lover that to this day she still longed for. She grasped the bed and sat as her heart filled with hate, dread, and fear all of that Baldemar put there. She was frightened that she would bear witness to more of those she loved perishing in front of her eyes.

  She tried to shake off the haunting feeling that he had been lurking in the shadows all those years just waiting for another opportunity to make her suffer, to feel her heart with more woe. Baldemar was a sadistic bastard for sure and she hoped that it would be she who ripped his heart from his chest. You see she had not just been pushing John, but herself as well hoping that she would be able to at least have the enjoyment of seeing his heart freshly torn from his heart giving its final beat within the palm of her hand.

  Baldemar was a cold hearted bastard that seemed to out date all of the other ancients; they all seemed to fear, loath, and worship him in one heartbeat. He had this endless energy of evil that would consume anyone that was in his company too long; if you were not evil in nature he would corrupt you or you would fall ill from all of the darkness that surrounded him.

  “Yes, I know my dear Vitaliy. I am also concerned about this.”

  Vitaliy who had been patiently waiting for her response replied back to his dear friend,” I figured this much, but wanted to make sure you were seeing clearly; you train not so much to push the boy, but to push yourself, so I figured you yourself wanted to take Baldemar apart.”

  “If I am given the chance, I will without a thought. That man has hunted and tortured me throughout my whole life as a vampire,” she began to stand up and look towards Vitaliy.

  Vitaliy swept in and embraced her in his arms realizing that stirring up these old wounds were too much for her at the moment; she wept on his shoulder and held onto him tightly. Her tears cupped down her face, it was obvious to Vitaliy that a lot of the emotional walls she had built throughout these years, strengthened by loss of loved ones and a fear of losing the ones she now loved, had been torn to ribbons by her transformation into an ancient. Not only did she appear younger, but it seemed that her emotional scars that ran deeper than anyone could ever contemplate had been ripped back open, but were healing without all the ugly scaring that they had the last time; her heart though bleeding was blooming like a freshly budded rose to for the earth to marvel and be breath taken over. His smile revealed the fangs that normally were tucked and hidden beneath, but showed his love and over enjoyment that his beloved friend was finally finding rapture in her deep, enduring and difficult path that was forced onto her.

  “I know, I know these years have been hard on you my dear friend,” he said kissing her cheek trying to give her comfort.

  As she sobbed she said,” You have always been the sweetest and dearest person in my life, since this entire hellish and tortuous nightmare began.” She returned his kiss to his surprise.

  She searched out his lips and they both began to embrace a warm and passionate kiss between each other. Vitaliy was taken aback by this and not sure what to think of this change in her attention to him. He worried: Could it be the change messing with his emotions? We wondered: What if she will reject our friendship later? Even though she had transformed into the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen he was troubled by the fact it could ruin everything between them. He pulled back even though he deeply lusted and truly longed for her to gaze into her beautifully, deep blue eyes to make sure she was aware of what she was doing. His heart was beating and pounding in his chest like it had never done, partly from the heat of the moment and partly due to the fact that he was unsure if the woman he followed all these years and trusted her judgment, before any other was now questioning if her judgment was clouded. He could feel her temperature rising along with his; he could see her want in those unbelievable eyes that could capture any soul and heart of any one. Both of them were dripping of lust and passion, but he had to be rational and realize was hers going to feel like a mistake later or was it something that had been brewing in her all of these years.

  “My beautiful lady, I am so afraid that you will regret this later and hate me,” he sadly admitted to this young angel of lust in front of his eyes.”

  “My lord do you question your queen?” She questioned and it her lower lip with a look of pure and unbridled lust, the look in her eye would melt and enthrall any living being.

  Vitaliy could feel his heart beating in his chest and throat, secretly he had wanted her all these years, but was afraid to over step the mark and ostracize himself from her life. For him it always seemed not worth the risk, not only was she beautiful before the transformation, she was a leader that ruled with eloquence, strength, and nobleness that made him respect her more than any leader he had known about in history; he truly believed that one great day she would unite and guide the covens to make the world less dark and miserable. She was the person he admired the most and this is why he was dragging his feet in this moment that he had always dreamed of.

  “My Vitaliy, are you going to kiss me?” Her voice inquired, with the soothing entrapping sound that one could only imagine a siren had as she lured the boats onto the rocks.

  “My queen, my lady, you are the most majestically beautiful woman I have ever met throughout this close on millennium, the most honorable leader I have ever met; the thought of being banished from your life later on in unthinkable to me.”

  She reached in and pulled him into her keeping their eyes locked the whole time as she began to kiss him and start stepping backwards leading and pulling him to the bed. His mind was being blown in a million ways that he could not comprehend at all. Step by step while being enthralled into each other they inch toward the bed, with one hand behind her feeling for the edge of the mattress she smiled a wicked and evil grin as she felt the back of her legs hit the bed; she wasted no time in letting him fall onto her. His mind was racing with how, why, and what the hell is going on, he could not believe that he was being this fortunate to be crashing on top of her on her mattress. They bounced as they made impact with the mattress, both grinning and laughing as they kept their intense kiss going.

  He lifted himself up just high enough to move her hair out of her face making her unbelievably angelical beauty visible to his eyes. He was breath taken by her now younger and steering beauty. It mattered not, now or before she was awe inspiring, but now for some reason she seemed to have a magnetic ability to draw anyone into her snare; God knew, he was already ensnared in her trap and there was no way out he was completely entrapped.

  She tore at his back with her nails ripping trails down his spine as they were locked in a kiss with each other, only pausing long enough for him to remove his shirt allowing her to see his perfectly cut body in front of her; she ran her hands down his chest and abs before reaching up and pulling him back down on top of her to lock lips again. The kissing and groping was getting more and more patient as they went along. She was going from kissing to biting his lip as he she moaned in enjoyment the look in her eyes as she began to claw and bite on his neck, not using her fangs, but playfully sexually biting.

  Adela spun him around and slammed him down on his back with one of her hands placed on her chest while she was straddling him. She reached down and pulled her shirt over her shoulders, revealing a body that not only had perfectly cut and defined stomach for a girl, but full and ample breast under her black lace bra that seemed like a prize fit for only the most deserving. She was immaculate and impeccable in
every way; God had broken the mold with this one. He ran his fingers slowly and playfully up her spine reaching for the goal of her bra strap until, click with one finger unlocking the harbinger of her ungodly globes allowing the black lace to slowly drifting and falling down to land on his abs unveiling her glorious marvels; his eyes could not believe that they were even better than he had imagined as he took them up in his palms, she leaned her head back and you could see how she was in complete bliss as he firmly played with her twins in all they ways she loved; rubbing, pinching, and caressing seeming in the right places at the right time as if he could read her mind. This was not just your normal lustful romp in the hay, it was a building love affair that had been brewing for centuries and was ready to boil over into an explosion that the whole world would feel.


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