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Fanged Fury (The Adventures of Sydney Sedrick Book 3)

Page 10

by Mandi Casey

  He placed a hand on my chest. I reveled in the way the coolness of his touch soothed the fire blooming from my core. Daire lifted the pink ruby from where it sat just above the swell of my breasts while he closed his eyes.

  “What are you doing?” Plucking the gem from his hand, I tucked it underneath my shirt. “That was a gift from my grandmother.”

  Daire shook his head. “No, that is the treasured pink ruby given to your grandmother by Kieran to ensure that his enemies were aware she possessed protection by all the vampires in his coven.”

  I scowled. “That doesn’t change the fact I want you out of my store, vampire.”

  “You have a problem with your feelings toward me. I can understand it may be difficult for you to deal with. I’ve been briefed on your association with the heir to the local pack. That is not my problem. You’re attracted to me. Deal with it, because it is of your own doing. I am not making you want me.”

  Grimacing, I narrowed my eyes. Before I could argue, he said, “Please, I don’t need to be a wolf to smell your desire. I’m a vampire, Sydney. Your blood sings to me. Your heart races more quickly the closer we come to each other.”

  I looked toward the garment bag on the counter. “I assume you were told to bring that by for Kieran’s party.”

  “I wasn’t told to bring it by anyone. I volunteered. I meant when I said I wanted to spend time with you, Sydney. I’m enjoying every second we share together. It is already set, Selected. I’ll be your date Saturday night to Kieran’s party.” Daire lifted his shoulders, rolling his head from side-to-side.

  The vampire groaned with pleasure from the stretch. “Sydney, you are not the only one affected by the chemistry between us. There is nothing to be ashamed about. You want me. I want you. It’s called mutual attraction. I will have you, I will taste you, and you will taste me.” He shrugged his shoulders like he would when telling a child they had to take their medicine because they were sick.

  “Well, next time, you can have someone else bring me gifts from your boss because I don’t want to spend any more time with you, ever.” That’s right. I could be mean when I had to. Daire deserved to have his ego deflated. In my mood, I was more than happy to do it.

  He threw his head back, filling the store with the sound of his laughter. The corded muscles in his neck made me ache to see him in that position while he was driving his cock inside of me.

  Oh my, I was in serious trouble. Where were such thoughts coming from? I hardly noticed the inelegant way he bent backward, my attention focused solely on his virile masculinity. Besides the smell of his cologne, thoughts of him hovering over me, naked, consumed my mind.

  Warmth spread across my cheeks in an embarrassing flush, stoking my irritation. “I still think you’re making me react this way. I wouldn’t be having the thoughts I’m having if you weren’t messing with my head.”

  I held my hand toward the door. “I’m serious, vampire. You need to leave. Speaking of the wolf, I have a date with him I need to get ready for.”

  I tilted my head to the side, daring him to challenge my feelings again. I’d prove him wrong. Kasdeya would know if Daire was able to use his powers on me. If she wouldn’t give me the information I sought, I’d use the information from Dale as my bargaining chip to make her tell me.

  “Fine. I’ll leave you to deal with your lust by yourself.” Daire wiggled his eyebrows.

  “I said get out.” I pointed toward the door again, stomping my foot for emphasis.

  He smiled, then moved so fast I had no time to react.

  His lips were on mine, searing, demanding, lustful, filled with the promise of delicious hot sex.

  When I opened my eyes, he flashed to the door. “I’ll see you again, Sydney. Soon.”

  That rat fink just stole a kiss from me. Well, he wasn’t going to have the chance to get another. Stomping my way back behind the register, I kicked the back of the counter. Pain shot through my foot for my efforts. Damn that man. I had to figure out the cause of my attraction to the abominable vampire and take care of it, immediately. I also planned on giving Kieran an earful for assigning such an ass hat for Selected duty, then I was going to demand he assign someone else for the job.

  Aunt Judith wasn’t home when I finished work. She’d left a note on the microwave, where she had my dinner waiting for me, bless her kind heart. She was spending the night with Meredith to help her with a project. My shoulders lowered in relief. I hadn’t realized how tense I was. I instantly felt better knowing Aunt Judith was with her best friend. If anyone could get the truth about my aunt’s health out of her, it was Meredith.

  I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. Rifling through my options, I thought about the upcoming events of the night. I’d be with Blake at the pack’s den, so dressing up wasn’t an option. Blake thinking that I made the effort to look good for him would support his argument about us. I didn’t have the energy to fight with him, not tonight.

  With a pair of tattered jeans and a large baggy sweatshirt in hand, I headed to the bathroom before jumping into the shower. While the hot water pelted my back, thoughts of Blake and Daire swam through my mind.

  It was possible I was in love with Blake, but in lust with the vampire. Sighing at having yet another complication added to my life, I convinced myself the vampire had done something to make my body react in such a wanton fashion. It was just not in me to look at another man when I already had one in my life. Something was definitely up.

  Finished getting ready, I dialed Blake’s cell number. Surprised at his ignoring my call, I headed downstairs to the kitchen to heat up the dinner that Aunt Judith had left for me.


  The neon-blue screen lit up on my phone. Brianna’s picture flashed across the screen with her number below.

  Hitting the answer button, I said, “Hey, Sis, what’s up?”

  “Not much, just wondering what you’re up to?”

  Detecting an unusual sadness in her voice, I said, “Just got off work. Now I’m eating dinner. What’s going on with you?”

  Brianna sighed into the phone, which meant she was upset about something. “Michael had to make a quick drive up to Kenosha because his uncle called. Sydney, I’m getting tired of the secretive family drama all the time. Michael wouldn’t even tell me what was so dang important that he had to drive there for.”

  “Brie, I know you’re sick of it. I really don’t blame you. But, honey, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about with Michael. He’s crazy in love with you. Keep that in mind when you get mad at him for stuff going on with his family. He can’t control what the pack, I mean his uncle, does.” I couldn’t believe I’d let that slip come out of my mouth. I held my breath, waiting to see if she’d caught what I said.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I just miss him when he’s not here.” Brianna whined through the phone as I finished the last bite of dinner.

  I rinsed my plate off before putting it in the dishwasher. “Of course I’m right, now why don’t you get some rest?”

  “What are you doing tonight?” Hope laced her voice, but I didn’t have time to meet her.

  I was just about to give her a lame excuse when a knock sounded at the front door. Blake hadn’t called me back, so I didn’t know if it was him. Closing my eyes to concentrate, I threw out my Selected senses. Warmth enveloped me.

  Yes, Blake stood on the other side of my front door. The warm caress I got whenever he was near soothed my confusion over the dastardly vampire plaguing my thoughts. No matter what, Blake’s presence made my physical self feel better. My emotions calmed to a tolerable level.

  “Brianna, Blake just showed up so I have to go. Sorry, honey, don’t worry about Michael.” I tried to reassure her, but it didn’t help when her boyfriend’s cousin was at my house.

  There wasn’t a single a
spect of my life that was simple.

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.” Brianna hung up on her end, freeing me to get Blake.

  Opening the front door, Blake stepped inside.

  The moment the door closed behind him, he clutched my arms painfully.

  He let out a growl as he nuzzled my neck, snuffling my hair.

  Oh, crap.

  Chapter 7

  “Blake, what are you doing?” I pushed at his chest.

  He jumped back from me like I repulsed him. “Sydney, you reek of sex and vampire. What have you been doing?”

  The accusatory expression on his face hurt, but more so it ticked me off. “Blake, I haven’t been doing anything, so calm down.”

  Blake’s eyes turned amber-bronze, revealing his anger. He frowned. “So why do you smell like you’ve been taking a bath with a bloodsucking parasite?”

  I grabbed my jacket from the coat rack, shoving my arms through the sleeves as fast as I could. “Kieran’s replacement for Liam came to the store for a visit. That’s probably what you smell. I can’t explain why you think there’s anything else, so maybe your sniffer is off or something.”

  I turned my back to him so he couldn’t see the guilt on my face. I didn’t want to hurt him. I cared about what he thought of me. If Blake knew how my body reacted to Daire, he would go berserk.

  “There’s nothing wrong with my sense of smell.” Whipping the front door open, Blake stomped down the porch steps to his awaiting car.

  Despite his temper, he held the passenger door open, waiting for me to lock the house.

  He remained quiet until we got close to the pack house. “Sydney, I’m sorry I jumped on you like that. It’s difficult for me to keep my feelings at bay about the vampires. I know you have to deal with them, but I don’t have to like it.”

  His jealousy warmed my heart. I put my hand on his knee. The heat he radiated warmed me against the chill of the night air. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you, but you have to get used to me being around vampires. I don’t have a choice.”

  A growl erupted from his throat. “That’s where we disagree. You being the Selected doesn’t mean you’re obligated to hang out with them. The wolf pack would protect you if that’s what you choose, you know that.”

  Taking my hand away from him, I said, “And who would protect the wolf pack when the vampires attack? You know as well as I do the vampires wouldn’t take it well if I up and decided not to deal with them or help them. They would hit your pack full force. Blake, they would kill anyone who got in their way.”

  He clenched the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white. “Yeah, that’s why you won’t be with me in all ways, as my life-mate. That argument is getting old, Sydney. We were meant to be with each other as human husbands and wives are.”

  Placing my hand on his shoulder, I squeezed his muscles gently, trying to evoke the same sense of calm into him that our contact did for me. “Blake, I don’t deny our compatibility. I don’t deny making love with you is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before, but it just isn’t the time for us. You know in your heart if I abandoned the pack and took up with the vampires, your pack wouldn’t find that as a kind gesture. Morris would retaliate. He would order an attack on the vampire coven. There would be a lot of bloodshed on both sides. I could never live with myself.”

  Taking my hand from his shoulder, he held it in his large palm. After a moment of absorbing my words, he said, “I know. Our situation sucks. I get angry. I’m sorry I get so frustrated and take it out on you sometimes. Forgive me?”

  I rubbed my thumb over the top of his hand before putting my hand back in my own lap. “We’ll see, Mister.”

  We both laughed and the tension in the air slowly dissipated. I snuck a glance at Blake, admiring his square jaw line. The day’s old facial hair told me he hadn’t shaved when he got up like he normally did.

  Blake pulled his car in front of the pack den’s front staircase. We climbed the stairs together. There was lightness between us. This was us, how we were meant to be, not us having the weight of the world on our shoulders, keeping us apart. I loved being with him when he wasn’t brooding about the fate of the world or what was to become of us.

  Walking through the entrance, I appreciated the smells coming from the kitchen. Blake’s pack had a healthy appreciation for food. I had been lucky to be a guest during their meal times. They were great cooks, but they had nothing on the healing properties and great-tasting cuisine Aunt Judith made.

  Morris stood in the doorway of his office, waiting for us. I held my arm out to stop Blake in his tracks. “Blake, I thought this was a pack meeting. Where’s everybody else?”

  Blake wrapped his arm around my neck in a playful manner, pulling me along down the hallway. “That’s what my father said. Maybe they’re in the dining hall.”

  Morris called to us, “Come on in, we have much to discuss this night.”

  We made our way into Morris’ office, taking a seat on the couch just as Michael strolled through the door. “Uncle Morris, what’s going on? Why the urgent call?”

  Brianna’s boyfriend’s face contorted with concern as he spied us in the office, apparently waiting for him to arrive. Morris gestured for Michael to lock the door behind him. When he was done, Morris bent over his desk. The telltale electrical buzz lifted the hair all over my body. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it had an unnatural quality to it. Whatever Morris needed to talk to us about, he wanted it kept among us.

  “Have a seat, boy.” Blake’s father pointed toward the chair against the opposite wall from where Blake and I sat on the couch together.

  Blake spoke with caution. “Dad, what is all this about?”

  Morris sat on the high-backed leather chair behind his desk. “We all know the rogue wolves are wreaking havoc in our city. We need to take action.”

  “Dad, I thought we went over this already. We’re monitoring for any rogue activity. We just haven’t found them yet, but we will.” Blake sat back against the couch’s cushion, rolling his thumbs together. I knew he was becoming agitated but he put forth a good effort to remain calm. I placed my hand in his giving him my silent support.

  Morris shook his head. “Son, we have to do more. I want Michael to stay with us until we have the situation under control. You need to start taking Sydney out on your rounds.”

  The expression on Michael’s face was priceless. He didn’t want to stay in Kenosha because that’s not where my sister was. In a flash of a moment, I realized how much he loved Brianna. He cared for her well being.

  Michael remained silent. I figured it was out of respect for his pack leader. If anyone else told the young wolf he had to leave Brianna alone down in Chicago, I feared he would rip their throat out before performing an elaborate happy dance around their body.

  Blake stood. His breathing became ragged. “Dad, I told you before we would take care of the rogues, but you have to be patient. They’re not exactly shouting at the rooftops where to find them.”

  Morris remained seated, which I felt was a wise decision on his part. Blake was winding up. I’d seen the two men argue before. It got ugly. I didn’t want to see it again.

  A knock at the door startled everyone. We all looked at Morris in question.

  Morris stood to unlock the deadbolt. A young wolf I’d only seen at the den in passing stood in the doorway. “Pack Master, you have a visitor.”

  Morris’ chest puffed out an inch before he said with irritation, “Who would be interrupting my meeting at such an hour?”

  The young wolf squirmed under Morris’ stare. “I’m sorry to have disturbed you, Master. The wolf said he was from Alabama. Master, he didn’t look too happy to be here.”

  Morris threw his hands up before turning to glare at Blake and Michael. “That bastard from Mobile must h
ave sent his representative early. Well, let’s go deal with this. I want this night over with.”

  “Dad, why is the wolf here now?” Blake gave off a smoldering heat, telling me he was getting more upset than he’d let reflect in the tone of his voice.

  Morris shook his head. “I’m sure it’s not for any good reason, son. Let’s go.” Blake’s father walked through the door while the young wolf jumped out of the way, not wanting to bring any more attention to himself.

  Blake took my hand to help me off the couch. “Sydney, you don’t have to deal with this. If you want, I can call my mother. You two could have coffee or something, if you’d like.”

  Gazing into Blake’s amber-bronzed eyes, I made a choice. “Blake, I’m in this, just as you are. Whatever this wolf from Mobile wants, we’ll take care of it. Together.”

  Blake smiled. Leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “That’s what I’m talking about, Sydney. We make a great team, you and I.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get the show on the road, shall we?”

  Michael came up behind us as we continued down the white-tiled hallway toward the dining hall where the visitor waited. “Cousin, you think you can talk to your father about making me stay here? I don’t want to leave Sydney’s sister unprotected down in Chicago.”

  Stopping in his tracks, Blake turned to address his younger cousin. “I guess that depends on what the wolf wants, cousin. If nothing else, we can have her brought up to stay with Sydney. Otherwise we could assign another wolf to watch over her while you’re here.”

  For the first time since meeting my sister’s boyfriend I got to see Michael’s temper flare. His eyes turned bright gold in a flash. His chest heaved. His body was readying to attack.

  Blake put his hand on Michael’s shoulder before giving him a good hearty shake. “Snap out of it, boy. No one wants your woman to get involved with this mess, so cool it. Get your head on straight. It seems we have bigger fish to fry this night.”


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