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Night Calls the Raven (Book 2 of The Master of the Tane)

Page 44

by Thomas Rath

  “Always stay to the center.” The guard called out as he helped people down through the opening in the floor. “Stay to the center tunnel or you’ll be lost for sure.”

  “But where does it come out?” one lady clutching a child asked, the tremble in her voice revealing her terror.

  The soldier shrugged. “Don’t rightly know miss, exceptin’ that it be a good distance from here. You just stay to the center tunnel and you’ll get away just fine.”

  Jack and the captain left the evacuation work to his lieutenants and rushed through the emptying streets toward the west gates where the enemy was certain to attack first. Jack shook his head at some of the town’s people who were still boarding up their shops or packing carts with their wares as if they thought to return. They had no idea that their town would no longer exist, as well as their lives forfeit if they didn’t hurry up and make it to the line to get out. He and Dainz yelled at many to go but only received rude gestures in return. It was no good trying to convince some people that their lives were worth more than the things they left behind.

  Reaching the gate, they ascended the stairs to the wall and met with Ranse, Jace, Dor and Tam who had already joined Thane and Jne on their watch. Colonel Braxton remained on the ground giving last minute instructions to the men defending the gate. The clouds still kissed the ground shrouding the whole area in misty cover but were beginning to loosen their grip allowing the defendants at the wall to see further out. The rain had slowed to a light drizzle but was still enough to keep everything soaked. Tam lifted her nose to the wind testing its scent and quickly determined that it would continue well into the night. She hoped that that would turn to their advantage.

  The drums continued to grow louder but were now coming from the right and the left as well as straight on giving everyone a sense of the sheer size of the army they faced. Thane could sense the anxiety in the soldiers closest to him. There was a feeling in the air of hopeless resolve. They knew that they would not make it out of the city alive. Thane only hoped that they used that knowledge to make certain their deaths were noble and for the good of those now trying to get away.

  He forced back the sadness that threatened to overcome him. He knew that it was all for naught, but still he would do all in his power to protect his people against the wave of evil coming at them. Should it mean he waste away while giving every ounce of energy in using his gifts, he would do it. He looked at Tam and Dor, strangely happy that they would all be together when they perished. He didn’t fear death, knowing that life was only a short stop along the road through eternity.

  “They’re surrounding us,” Dor’s voice suddenly broke through the silence that shrouded the wall.

  “He’s right,” Ranse said. “The drums at the center remain stationary while the ones on the right and left are fading.

  Dainz looked back over his shoulder. “May Seless protect those who escaped through the eastern gate,” he whispered, knowing in his heart that many would be cut down before their flight to get away ever really began.

  “We’re lost,” Jack said. “Before the battle even begins, we’re lost. We don’t have the manpower to cover the walls all around the city. Not against an army this size.”

  They waited through the long hours of the night as the drums continued to beat, their constant banging growing louder at the gate and then fading away to the right and left as the army continued to fill the area surrounding Haykon. Braxton had spread his men out along the wall as best he could but knew that they were too weak to maintain it against siege towers or a massive rush of ladders and hooks.

  An hour before dawn, Dainz reported to his superior that the last of the townspeople had escaped through the king’s road save for a group of stragglers who refused to leave their shops and goods. Braxton merely nodded his understanding. There were always those few who refused to accept the truth, placing greater value on external things than life itself. Their possessions would be destroyed with them.

  The drums continued all night, their thudding growing louder as more and more joined the constant thumping. Sleep was all but impossible as the city’s defenders awaited their fate. A mixture of anxiety, rain and the constant drumming keeping eyes from staying closed for very long. At least the clouds had risen near midnight clearing the field for eyes to see though the enemy kept back and out of sight, even for the sharp eyes of the Chufa. The rain did not cease though, leaving everything and everyone thoroughly soaked as the gray light of dawn began stretching out from the east.

  Finally, as the sun rose, those on the wall could look out to the darkness that was the enemy covering the land for miles around the city. Men’s hearts failed them as they looked upon the doom of which Jack and Thane had tried to warn them. Many men on the eastside lost what little food they had in their stomachs when they realized that many of the fires that were springing up to cook the morning meal had the mutilated bodies of many who had left the city by the gate the previous day.

  “Why do they not attack?” Tam asked, her face slightly pale. She looked up at Dor, amazed that he had boldly walked into such a large gathering and taken her out again.

  “They want us to look upon them and fear,” Thane answered. “They taunt us with their waiting. But I will wait no longer for them,” he finished. Leaning over the wall, he took a deep breath and then let his senses out toward the ground below. Sinking into the wet soil he welcomed the voices that greeted him, their invitations to explore the eons of stories they held pulling at him incessantly.

  Forcing them back, he sent forth his own invitation, his own need for them to help him and become part of the histories they only had witnessed and had not experienced firsthand. They seemed to grasp hold of his TehChao Tane like a baby to its mother before their answers rushed back upon him, the voices farther away calling out their disgust at the army that tread on their backs. The angry voices raised a cry of contempt beginning to wash over him in their rage, their chorus growing, threatening to pull him into the whirlwind of wrath that undulated through the ground just below the surface.

  Thane pulled back with all his strength finally breaking through the surface and returning to himself on the wall, his sweat mingling with the rain soaking his face. His breathing was fast and labored and he had to force himself to calm down under the remaining fierceness that echoed through his mind, left over from the plain’s fierce hatred.

  “Are you well?” Jne asked, placing a hand on his arm. “What did you do?”

  Thane smiled, assuring her. “Wait and see.”

  All eyes stared unblinking unsure of what they were watching for but not wanting to miss what had been promised. Long moments passed in anticipation but nothing happened. The wind moved the grass back and forth in front of the wall and the rain increased its tempo but nothing out of the ordinary occurred. And then they saw it. A large bump started to appear in the dirt just below them, reaching up like a new forming hill. Slowly it grew at first, until it was almost to the top of the wall and then more quickly as the mound formed into something like a head sitting on broad shoulders that pushed out and down into long arms. It continued to grow, now taller than Haykon’s wall, supported on powerful legs that remained attached to the earth beneath. It was made of dirt and rock and grass mixed together to create a manlike form but lacking any distinct facial features. Suddenly, it opened a hole where its mouth would be and let out a horrible noise that sounded like the falling of a mountainside. All watched in awe as the body moved forward, its feet never detaching from the ground but rather picking up the earth in front of it and laying it back down undisturbed behind as it passed along, moving toward the dark army.

  Those who watched from Haykon felt hope growing in their hearts as the earth creature pushed forward. A swarm of arrows buzzed through the air as the enemy attempted to bring it down, but those that found their mark were merely absorbed into the creature or bounced off the rocks and boulders that were part of its form. They couldn’t stop it. As it reached the opposing c
amp it created utter chaos as it swept down its arms smashing everything that got in its way. A shout rose from the wall as they watched Thane’s elemental reeking havoc through Zadok’s army.

  Suddenly, a large boulder was spotted hurtling through the air, its course falling directly in line with the creature’s chest. All held their breath as they watched to see what would happen when the two collided, the elemental paying it no mind as it continued to deal out death upon the camp.

  The boulder connected, its force knocking the creature back, sending it crashing to the ground and burying any unfortunate enough to be underneath it. The defenders at the wall moaned audibly, their hopes suddenly crushed. The dark army cheered.

  Then there was silence. Many prayed for deliverance as they waited for the inevitable attack, while others yearned for the deathblows to be given to ease the destitute feelings eating away at their souls. Then a voice broke through the gloom. It was Dor.

  “See. It returns.” As if on his word, the ground where the elemental had been only moments before swiftly rose up, taking on the same form as before. The horde around it started to scatter away as the earth creature retook its shape. Pressing one of its massive arms against its chest, it forced it into the mud and rock and then pulled it out again holding the boulder in its hand. Twisting its head around it looked as if it were searching with an eyeless gaze for what had thrown the huge rock. Then pulling back its arm, it found its mark and let loose. The boulder hurled through the air headed for the catapult that had fired it. It connected with a loud crack sending great splinters of wood shooting outward, impaling many who had stood near.

  The men on the wall cheered as the elemental continued to deal out death and destruction sweeping the enemy before it and giving Haykon’s defenders a moment of hope and salvation. Their reprieve was short lived though as roar suddenly sounded far to their left and deep within the enemy camp. All eyes turned to see another like being pressing forward. The men on the wall at first cheered, thinking that Thane had called forth another creature but this one was noticeably different. Its form was black and slimy as if made from the depths of a stinking bog and it did not remain connected with the earth as Thane’s creature did, but strode over the ground.

  “Zadok,” Thane whispered. “It’s Zadok and his black magic.”

  All watched as the two collided, the men along the wall no longer cheering but watching in horror as the two elementals were meshed into a horrific battle. No longer was Thane’s creature able to cause destruction among the enemy forces, its attention now filled with fighting off this new adversary. Back and forth they went, hammering each other with their massive arms, grappling in a contest of strength and will, crashing boulder into boulder but without seeming to cause any harm. Moments passed without either gaining the upper hand when the bog suddenly forced the elemental back, moving them dangerously close to Haykon’s wall.

  Thane’s earth creature took a hard blow to the head turning it completely around so it faced the city. It paused, as if seeing the danger that its proximity created and then turned back to the bog its hand swinging and connecting with a crash of stone against its rocky jaw. The bog went down and the men on the wall watched in amazement as the elemental suddenly grew in size, its mass towering over its foe. It hovered for a brief moment before finally dropping its full weight and size on top of it, covering the bog and smashing it back into the wet soil with a tremendous crash. Both creatures disappeared into the dirt, the area becoming flat again and covered in grass as if nothing of the battle had happened there at all. The men on the wall held their breath, watching and praying that the elemental would soon return but nothing happened. The ground remained still.

  “It’s gone,” Thane said.

  A loud roar brought everyone’s attention back to the dark army as it lurched forward, racing ahead now to take the wall and those inside. At the same moment a wave of fear washed over the defenders as more cries echoed out of the skies revealing two massive forms dropping through the clouds and racing for the city.

  “Dragons!” Dor yelled. “Two of them. Everyone off the wall! We are defeated.” Grabbing Tam’s arm he hurled her toward the stairs as the others followed, racing to get down the steps before the dragons attacked the wall. Thane recognized the gray scales of the one that had attacked them at the pass. The other was just as fierce with scales as black as the deepest night. Tucking its wings it suddenly dropped, diving down to the defenders below. Thane watched as it thrust its head forward and opened its mouth, but instead of air, a dark red fluid, the color of blood, shot from its mouth and hit the top of the wall washing over a group of men racing frantically for the stairs. He was horrified to see the men suddenly disappear as if eaten by the liquid that now bubbled along the rock releasing a loud sizzle as it turned its hunger to the stone, devouring it before his eyes.

  Reaching the stairs, they threw themselves down, all hope of holding the wall gone. Men ran about them in panic, the dragon fear eating away at their courage and casting them into a blind hysteria. Some of the soldiers merely sat down where they were and buried their faces into their hands and wept. Braxton tried to pull one such soldier up but it was no use. The man would not listen, not giving in to any of the colonel’s threats or pleadings.

  Another loud screech shattered the sky as the gray dragon dropped down releasing its air blast directly into the western gate shattering a large hole through it and slaughtering the men that had been assigned to its defense. Thane looked up as it passed overhead, catching sight of what appeared to be two men saddled on the dragon’s back. “Zadok.”

  Jne grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, following behind Jack, Tam and Dor as they raced into the city. Dainz and Braxton ran at his side followed by the prince and Jace. “Where are we going?” he called to Jne.

  “The king’s road,” Braxton answered. “It’s our only chance.”

  Thane wanted to ask what that was but felt it unimportant to waste his breath in the asking.

  The black dragon passed overhead spraying its acidy liquid out against a nearby building taking out the whole top story in an instant as the remaining blood red liquid continued eating down into the bottom floor. He could hear the howls of wolgs and orcs coming up behind them as the enemy poured through the shattered gate. He thought of Erl and wondered what had happened to his friend who they had to leave outside when they reached the city on their retreat from the pass. Jack had assured him at the time that Erl could take care of himself, but he still wished for their companion’s company.

  Fighting could now be heard down other streets as they passed alleyways where men fought for their lives against the massive horde that swarmed like locust into the city. Not far away another blast shook the ground as the gray dragon released its incredible force of air into a nearby building crushing it as if it were made with mere twigs and mud.

  They were almost to the city center where a rush of soldiers had gathered, all pressing into the colonel’s headquarters as fast as they were able. Breaking into the square, the small group pushed forward following Jack as trolls and wolgs suddenly materialize pouring out of streets and alleyways. It was a race for the small stone building now where Jack, then Tam and Dor, passed through the entry. Thane and Jne stopped and turned, waiting for Braxton and Dainz to pass through with Ranse and Jace following right behind. Jne grabbed Thane’s arm to pull him in, but he resisted, pausing for a moment as he caught sight of a figure emerging from an alleyway, a hundred yards to his left.

  “Domis,” he whispered. Running as fast as his legs would take him the stable boy bolted toward Thane, having seen the others duck into the building and instinctively knowing that they were his only chance of survival. Thane pulled the bow strapped to his back and nocked an arrow aiming it at an orc that saw the boy and was just reaching out a hand to grab him.

  Letting go his arrow, he dropped the orc, just as its hand touched the boy’s jacket. Thane pulled another arrow taking out another orc as more came through t
he next road over catching sight of the young boy and taking up the chase to bring down something so tender.

  Jne rushed forward protecting Thane’s flank while he loosed arrow after arrow into the crowd hounding the boy. A group of goblins to Jne’s right caught sight of her and turned toward her, anxious for a kill. She chanced a quick look at the boy’s progress judging his speed and distance against that of the goblins.

  “We’re about to have company,” she shouted to Thane.

  Releasing his last arrow into the closest orc, Thane pulled his swords and rushed forward. Domis covered the last ten yards not pausing to thank his saviors but bolted passed through the portcullis. Jne was already engaged with the group of goblins, taking down two while Thane rushed into the charging orcs. Their actions were quickly noticed by other marauding packs of trolls and wolgs who turned toward the battle and the prize that was waiting to be had.

  Both Jne and Thane were piling up their enemies around them as they moved their swords in a blur of death, but they also knew that they couldn’t hold for much longer. Backing toward the portcullis, they gave way to the onslaught of attackers trying to make up the remaining distance to the opening. Fortunately the area was surrounded in shrubs and bushes, closing in the space so that no attacks could get to them from the side, though an arrow would be all that was needed to drop either one of them.

  Suddenly they were side by side as the battle grew desperate. The trolls and wolgs had just closed the distance taking up the fight and pressing on hard. Trolls were not so easy to take down.

  “Watch out!” Thane called as a troll brought his club around just missing Jne’s head. Thane pushed up with his right sword, cutting a deep gash into the trolls arm while swinging back with his left to deflect a swatting claw struck out by the nearest wolg. They had to break and get inside.


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