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Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys

Page 5

by Gerald McCallum

  I knew that there was no way that they would ever look so far away from the dead men for the shooter. I took a drink and went to find the girls by the pool. While I was sitting at the pool, I smiled as I could hear sirens heading in the direction of the Pharmacia.

  That night after spending the rest of the day at the pool drinking with other people from the condos, we all met for dinner at a local shrimp spot. The shrimp in Rocky Point came ten or twelve to a pound as they are the size of small lobsters. We went to the beach bar by our place for drinks, and it was almost empty as it was midweek. The bartenders were talking about the shooting, and they thought it was the “other” Cartel that had done it. That gave me a great idea. I would start a war between the two Cartels, and they would kill each other and do my work for me.

  At any rate, Terry would be coming down this week and we were going to party. Terry arrived at the condo a few days later, late at night and started off kissing Ebony and Tara almost simultaneously. We made him a drink and gave him a line to get him going. Eight balls were cheap in Mexico and very strong. You had to do smaller lines so you wouldn’t stroke out. The girls had spent the day ordering and making food. We also had a cleaning lady who came five days a week who cooked traditional Mexican food. Of course, we had Corona and Cuervo Gold tequila, too.

  We all got higher as the night went on, and at about midnight the girls started to dance to some CD’s, which quickly turned into stripping, lap dancing and very passionate kissing.

  Terry kept teasing the girls about missing him and how he knew that I was mean to them, beat them every day and was tight as hell. We had some good laughs over that. The girls were naked by this time, and we were down to our skivvies. Terry grabbed Ebony and turned to Tara and me and said he would be back in half an hour, then headed off to their bedroom. Ebony looked back at us and said “We’ll be back in five minutes”, and we all laughed.

  “Are you sure you don’t want Tara as a back up?” I asked.

  “Next time,” he replied, then I told him I was talking to Ebony!

  About a half hour later, Tara said, “I’m going in there to see or save Ebony,” and she asked if I was coming. I replied, “Nah, you go in there and give Terry a welcome home present, and I’ll see you in a little while or perhaps not ‘til morning.”

  While they were in the bedroom, I got out the binoculars and focused on the entrance to the Pharmacia. I noticed that the guards were attempting to stay in the shadows. I wouldn’t shoot with anyone else in the condo, even though it would have been so easy with the lights off in the condo, but I would do it again soon.

  They came out of the room giggling, laughing and entirely naked by this time, of course. We continued the party with more Cuervo and toot, and soon the girls were dancing again nude. We all ended up in a ball on my bed and before long, the sun was up. We had been up all night, but no one was tired or drunk!

  The town had filled with weekenders during the night and who would not be up from their Cuervo naps ‘til noon. We went down to the beach about two, where we found wall to wall college kids.

  The bar on the beach was on a cement slab about forty by forty, with four foot side walls and a roof. It was full of kids from Tucson and Phoenix, and they were wild as hell. The Federales spent a lot of time making arrests, so they kept an old wheelless school bus next to the bar that was padlocked. As they arrested the kids for being drunk and disorderly, they put them in the bus until someone paid a fifty dollar fine to bail them out.

  On weekends the population of Rocky Point went from ten thousand to thirty five thousand. Most of the weekenders stayed on the beach in tents or in their trucks. The kids were drunk, fighting and setting off fire crackers, and the music was very, very loud.

  We left the mayhem and walked back to the pool at the condo and ordered drinks. The pool area was filled with people from the different units; most of them were retired, our age and some younger. A lot of them came down for the weekends only.

  I made an excuse to all that I had to go to the unit to retrieve my phone messages. In the fifteen minutes I was gone, I set up my table and block as far back from the patio as possible. When I felt sure that they would not have a clue where the shot would come from, I set up a cross hair on a guard, did my calculations, and sent a messenger of death to him. He flew up a few feet and then fell in a heap on the pavement. With that, some men came out and were trying to keep out of sight while figuring out where the shot came from. A man came down the stairs at the Pharmacia, and I sent one to him, but it hit the block wall next to him. I thought to myself ‘how dumb,’ so I put everything back and went back to the pool to rejoin the others.

  We continued to party with the crowd from the condos until it was time to shower and change for dinner, then we all went out with the crowd to eat. A good looking couple in their mid sixties came up to us in the lobby after dinner and said they would like to come up for a drink or whatever. It was the “whatever” that spiked our interest, so we invited them up, and I broke out the toot and champagne. It wasn’t long before we were all in the party spirit, and the girls were dancing, and we were half naked. The new couple loved the blow and the dancing, and the female counterpart was down to her underpants and kissing our women as she danced. The men were at the mirror, and then Terry joined in on the dancing, leaving me with the newcomer, Bill.

  He looked at me over his glass and said, “Great party! We like this a lot,” and asked “Do you guys swing, too?” I told him that that was totally up to the girls as they had one hundred percent of the pussy, so we did anything they wanted.

  “I love those two”, Bill said, pointing to Ebony and Tara.

  “Your wife, Sandy,” I remarked, “is very appealing to me, too. In fact, watching her dance with Tara makes me hot.”

  At that point we joined in the dancing, and after about an hour of tooting, dancing and drinking, I asked Tara if it was okay if Bill and Sandy joined us in bed. She was more than interested, grabbing Sandy by the hand and heading down the hall. I looked at Bill and said, “I guess it’s okay”, so we followed them to the bedroom after doing two huge lines, of course.

  As the night went on, we would occasionally run into each other at the bar refrigerator or the mirror and start to kiss, and the sex would start all over again, or we would end up laughing over something stupid. The laughing would become infectious, and we’d end up at times with tears running down our faces. We had sex of some sort or another until we fell asleep, three in my bed and three in Terry’s bed.


  We got up about two in the afternoon, so I made coffee and ordered a large bowl of fruit for everyone. While sitting at the table drinking our coffee and eating the fruit, we would find ourselves dissolving into hysterics from time to time as we recalled some of the hijinks that occurred during the night.

  Bill and Sandy thanked us, excused themselves and went home to get some much needed sleep. Tara and I and Terry and Ebony went back to our own beds also. I think we got up about five p.m. and after some ‘hair of the dog’ we went out for food. We saw a lot of activity over by the Pharmacia. There must have been a hundred men searching houses within two or three blocks of the shootings, and some were heading to our building. I told myself that I would never again drop the hammer on someone after I’ve had a few drinks. The mess I made when I missed my target the day before, gave them a trajectory to follow, even though it was just the general direction, not the launch point. At least I was far away and in an American condo.

  After dinner we went back to the condo where we saw Bill and Sandy at the bar with the rest of the crowd. We went home to get a good night’s sleep about one a.m.

  The next day the girls went to the pool, and I stayed behind in the condo with my binoculars and kept an eye on what was going on at the Pharmacia. They were still searching houses in line with the missed shot.

  For some strange reason, I took a walk by the store front. I guess my curiosity got the best of me. I was questioned by two bo
dyguards who wanted to know what I was doing there and where I lived. The next thing I knew, two Federales came out, handcuffed me and took me to the station.

  After several hours of intense questioning, I was placed in a drunk tank with about twenty Mexicans who did not like me at all and were quite verbal about it. My size and weight training kept me safe though.

  Later that night when I lay down on a bench to get some sleep, I woke up to what I thought was water being poured on my head and realized it was pee! There was a catwalk above the drunk tank and ran katty corner. When the guards had a shift change, they would take turns peeing down on the prisoners who slept on the center bench in the tank. They also brought women in from other areas of the prison and sold them for sex for two dollars. They did this in a hallway right outside the tank where they used an old mattress as the bed. Some of the women had to endure ten or fifteen men if they did not want to be beaten.

  Terry bought my way out for a thousand dollars, and I went straight home and took a shower. Because of my mistakes (missing and hitting the wall and going to the Pharmacia), we had to leave, as it would only be a matter of days before they put two and two together and came after me. I took everything (all the evidence) to the desert and buried it. We packed up, and I sent the girls back to Tucson with Terry, and I stayed back in the condo.

  After a few days of watching the Cartel search homes, they never came within blocks of the condo, so I decided to find a new gun and get it ready for dealing with the guards. I found an AK 47 target rifle and went out to the desert and dug up the scope from the Grand. All I needed to do was to make a flame arrestor and a silencer, which I had done before.

  I set up the table at the back of the condo and started tracking a guard at the Pharmacia, then let one go. It hit the target in the crotch, not in the chest as I had planned. When he went down, I fired a second shot which finished him off. As the other guard ran to his aid, I shot and killed him, too. I just sat in the dark and watched the commotion.

  Eventually I went down to the bar and found that the usual crowd was present, including Bill and Sandy. They had half a bag on, so I started catching up and getting in the mood by downing several shots of Cuervo Gold. We talked about how we partied and all the other night. Bill mentioned that he would like to do it again and asked if I still had any toot left. We left the bar at about one a.m. and went up to my place. By then I had told them about Terry and the girls going back to Tucson, and Sandy response was, “Don’t worry about the shortage of girls, but there will be no crossing of swords.” We all enjoyed a good laugh over that.

  I got out the blow and champagne, and we started to party. Sandy decided to dance for us and stripped down to her panties. We all did more lines, and Bill and I undressed and starting kissing Sandy’s neck and tits. She did in kind, and we got very hot and moved to my bedroom. We continued kissing and fondling her, and then I got up and brought the mirror back and put on a porno for future inspiration, not that we really needed any. Bill and I really got into it with her, and it was four a.m. before we knew it, and time for them to go home. I went back to bed and slept until noon.


  When I got up, I found out that the Cartel had decided to move their headquarters to Matamoros, which was outside of Brownsville. I got packed and ready to leave so I could follow them and kill them for Elena, as I had promised myself I would.

  I followed them and drove to Matamoros, where I rented an apartment about a half a mile from their front door. They had set up in a house within a walled compound and they installed a front gate.

  In the meantime, I had my apartment painted and furnished and told all I met that I was retired and living on social security and my pension. I moved in and found a hiding place for my guns, etc. That first night I sat for hours and focused on the house and gate with my binoculars. The gate was well lit and fortunately for me, that made it easy for me to watch their activities. I couldn’t ask for a better view.

  I decided that I would take the guards down the next night about two or three. I spent the day in town, visiting local bars and meeting the local working girls, most of whom were younger than twenty-five. It helped that I spoke Spanish fluently which I had learned while living in Texas in a town where half the population was Mexican.

  I set up later that night and then tried to get some shut eye. I got up a short time later as I found myself too excited to fall asleep, so I made some coffee and sat at my table in the dark. I focused the scope on the guards, thinking that they were very foolishly feeling safe, standing side by side talking to each other. I spent an hour, to no avail, trying to site them together so I could kill them both with one shot. This would have been a personal best for me.

  As they were talking, I fired a single silent shot and watched as one of the guards flew backward. In the time it took for the other guard to turn and look toward him (which seemed like a split second), I had fired again and saw the second guard go down next to the first. I watched the scene for hours and no one was aware of what had happened.

  At change of shift which was about eight a.m. two other men came out and found the bodies which were cold by then. All hell broke loose at the compound and there were guards everywhere. Everything had settled down by late day, and I shot another guard at about nine that night. He was the only one I could see at the time.

  By the next afternoon they had mounted a four foot by eight foot by half inch sheet of steel on either side of the gate for the guards to stand behind for protection. They also cut holes in it so they could see, but little did they know that I could hit the holes also.

  Late that night I scoped a head in one of the holes and sent one. It must have hit the mark because there were no marks on the steel sheet and the hole was empty. I went for the other and it found its mark also. Both holes were now empty and the compound was quiet.

  I packed up and went to bed and finally got a much needed night’s sleep. In the morning I noticed that there were a lot of guards milling about. It seemed that they felt safer during the day, so I killed a guard and watched as they ran for cover like a bunch of cockroaches do when you turn on the lights at night.

  Terry and the girls were flying in today, so I packed up my gun, etc. and left for the airport. We were all very happy to see each other, and the girls and I spent a long time kissing and hugging. We went straight to a watering hole and started throwing down Tequila and anything else that struck our fancy. When we got hungry later in the day, we went out to eat and then returned to the apartment and to our respective bedrooms to make love and drink champagne.

  In the morning over coffee, Terry told me that although he was rich, he was sick and tired of working and that he needed some fun and excitement in his life. He said that he missed the foursomes we had. He told me that he missed the excitement of what I was doing, that he liked living on the edge.

  “I’m just plain tired” he said.

  I looked at him and asked, “So what do you want to do?”

  “I want to go back to Tucson and sell everything and move back to Mexico with you and Tara and Ebony.”

  “Have you told Ebony what I have been doing?”

  “Not a word!” he promised me. “Not a word!”

  I warned him again that he could never tell anyone, ever! “This is all pretty heavy, and you will be giving up a lot and could end up torched and dead!” I said. I also told him that I would think about it, and we would decide over the next day or two, and that he should think about it too. This might be just a temporary thing for him, like a mid-life crisis.

  We went out to the beach bars, and then the girls wanted to go shopping, of course. While they were on their own, Terry and I walked around killing time and wandered onto a boat dock.

  “Let’s buy a seventy or a one hundred foot boat,” Terry suggested, “and make it home and our base of operations.” We discussed this over the next few days and came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter if it was due to a midlife crisis or just boredom, and I k
new that I could sure use the company. The fact of the matter was, the four of us had a lot of fun together and had great sex together, so we decided we had a deal!

  The four of us partied and tooted our brains out that night in celebration and had great sex the night through. As the light started to peek between the shades, we got up and went to the beach and let the hot sun and Corona take over. The time flew by and before we knew it, it was time for Terry to leave. The girls were staying with me, and he was going back to Tucson to sell his business, house and rental properties. He hoped to have it all wrapped up within a month.

  The three of us got a good night’s sleep, as far as I knew, anyway. Tara and Ebony shared the guest room that night, and I slept in mine and snored to my heart’s content. The girls spent the next day shopping on the money I gave them.

  While they were gone, I set up and watched, hoping a boss might show so I could get a shot at him. I was putting everything away in anticipation of the girls’ return from shopping when I took one last look through the binoculars. I did this just as a black car pulled into the main gate where it was receiving royal treatment from the guards. I assumed that this was some kind of boss and wrote down the plate number. I knew the girls would return any minute and did not have time to take him out.

  The girls walked in shortly after, loaded with bags and boxes, all excited and asking for drinks, which I made for them. They both headed to the bathrooms to pee, and when they came out they asked me to sit on the sofa and watch their fashion show. They wanted to show off the new clothes they had purchased. I agreed, realizing I might have a good chance of seeing them naked while I was completely sober. The show was great and ended with the swim wear, and it was a show lasting over an hour. Then we went to dinner together.


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