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Empires of the Mind

Page 39

by Robert Gildea

  8 The Guardian, 20 June 2017;

  9 The Observer, 18 June 2018.

  10 The Guardian, 5 June 2017.

  11 deaths.

  12 BBC Radio 4, Today Programme, 12 July 2017.

  13–0-with-african-commonwealth-after-brexit-v9bs6f6z9; Philip Murphy, The Empire’s New Clothes. The Myth of the Commonwealth (Oxford University Press, 2018), 216–17.

  14 The Observer, 2 July 2017.

  15 Shashi Tharoor, Inglorious Empire. What the British Did to India (London: Hurst & Co, 2017), xxvii.

  16 The Observer, 19 Mar. 2017.

  17 The Guardian, 30 Sept. 2017.


  19 Nicholas Macpherson, ‘Radical Joe Sets a Bad Example’, The Financial Times, 25 May 2017.


  21 The Guardian, 7 Nov. 2017.


  23 The Guardian, 30 Dec. 2017.

  24 The Daily Telegraph, 16 Sept. 2017.

  25 Murphy, The Empire’s New Clothes, 231.


  27 The Guardian, 13 Apr. 2018.

  28 The Daily Mirror, 17 Apr. 2018.

  29 The Guardian, 20 Apr. 2018.

  30 The Guardian, 28 Apr. 2018.

  31 The Daily Mirror, 17 Apr. 2018.

  32 L’Obs, 30 June–6 July 2016, 47.

  33 L’Obs, 30 June–6 July 2016, 54–5.

  34 Le Monde, 9 May 2017.

  35 Le Monde, 5 May 2017.

  36 Le Monde, 28 Sept. 2017.

  37 Emmanuel Macron, Révolution. C’est notre combat (Paris: XO Éditions, 2016), 221–40.

  38 Michael Broers, Europe under Napoleon, 1799–1815 (London: Arnold, 1996).






  44 Robert Gildea, France since 1945 (Oxford University Press, 2002), 272–8.



  47 Le Monde, 26 Apr. 2018.




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