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Empires of the Mind

Page 43

by Robert Gildea


  Abaaoud, Abdelhamid, 228

  Abbas, Ferhat drafts Manifesto of the Algerian People (1943), 59

  for autonomous Algerian republic (1946), 80

  Abd al-Qadir, 22, 24, 43

  Abd el-Krim, 46

  Abdeslam, Brahim, Salah and Mohammed, 228

  Abedi, Salman, 240

  Aboukir Bay, Battle of (1798), 17

  Abu Graib prison, 194

  Accra, 73

  ACHAC (Colonisation, Immigration, Postcolonialism), 10, 198

  Acheson, Dean, 85

  Adebolajo, Michael, 214, 216

  Aden British forces leave (1967), 111

  Adenauer, Konrad, 188, 250

  Adonis, Andrew, 245

  Afghanistan American attack on (2001), 185

  magnet for jihadists (2001), 186

  mujahideen fan out from (1990s), 163

  mujahideen fighters in (1980–9), 159

  Soviet invasion of (1979), 158, 258

  war in (1839–42), 24

  Africa contest for French Empire in (1940–2), 52

  forces from in First World War, 40

  forces from in Second World War, 60, 62, 74

  forces return from Second World War, 73

  French West, 34, 40, 46

  pillar of French policy of greatness, 103

  scramble for, 28, 98

  Africa, French Equatorial taken by Free French (1940), 52

  Africa, French North Allies land (1942), 58

  immigration from, 129, 174

  under Vichy control (1940–2), 51

  African National Congress (ANC), 30, 76, 94

  African People’s Organisation (APO), 76

  Afrikaners construct racially homogeneous state, 30

  in Rhodesia, 45

  ‘nowhere else to go’, 104

  sympathy with Germany, 40

  Ageron, Charles-Robert, 8

  Ahidjo, Ahmadou, 103

  Ahmed, Munir, 169

  Ajeed, Mohammed, mayor of Bradford, 139

  Akhtar, Shabbir, 165

  Aki Nawaz, 170

  Al-Assad, Bashar, 213bombs Douma (2018), 247

  bombs Ghouta (2013), 223

  fights Arab Spring, 209

  Al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr, 223

  Aleppo taken by Free Syrian Army (2011), 210

  Alexander, Claire, 219

  Alexandria, 17riots (1882), 26

  Algeria and First World War, 40

  anti-Semitism in, 33

  as oil-producing country, 117

  civil war (1992–8), 163, 177, 213

  clearance of Arab populations, 24

  conquest by French, 18

  coup to save French (1958), 93

  demands for independence quashed (1945), 64

  elections of 1948 rigged, 81

  Exhibition ‘Algeria 1830–1962’ (2012), 222

  famine of 1867–8, 24

  French atrocities in, 19

  French use of torture in, 14, 92, 175

  histories of, 8

  industrialisation in, 118

  insurrection (1954), 84

  Jews and citizenship, 25

  Manifesto of the Algerian People (1943), 59

  military despotism in, 24

  Muslims excluded from citizenship, 25, 32, 43, 77

  part of metropolitan France, 77, 91

  putsch to defend French (1961), 100, 222

  rebellion (1870), 25

  referendum on self-determination, 97, 99, 100, 257

  settlement in, 2, 22, 24, 25, 32, 46, 69, 77

  war of independence (1954–62), 3, 12, 87, 93, 102

  war of independence fought in France, 101, 132, 133, 178, 181

  war recognised by National Assembly (1999), 175

  Algiers ‘Battle of’ (1957), 91, 228

  French seize (1830), 18

  Islamist attacks on (1994), 164

  massacre of rue d’Isly (1962), 102

  seat of French Committee of National Liberation (1943–4), 59

  taken by Allies (1942), 58

  Week of the Barricades (1960), 100

  al-Hazmi, Nawaf, 182

  Ali, Tariq on colonial situation in Northern Ireland, 110

  Ali, Tausir, 128

  Alibhai Brown, Yasmin, 166, 179

  Allen, Charles, 7

  Allied Military Government in Occupied Territory (AMGOT), 61

  al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 182

  al-Mohammed, Ahmed, 228

  Al-Nusra Front, 213

  Al-Qaeda, 9, 171, 187attempts to join, 213

  greater threat after Iraq war, 191

  ‘Hamburg cell’, 182

  penetration into Libya (2012), 212

  spawns other movements, 194

  Alsace-Lorraine, 25, 152

  al-Sadr, Muqtada, 194

  al-Shehhi, Marwan, 182

  al-Suri, Abu Musab, 203

  Alternative für Deutschland, 250

  America Declaration of Independence (1776), 66 See also United States

  Amimour, Samy, 228

  Amnesty International report on killing of civilians (2017), 242

  Amritsar massacre (1919), 44, 256

  Anderson, David, 10, 200

  Andress, David, 13

  Anglo-American Corporation, 106

  ‘Anglobalization’, 199

  Anglosphere, the, 7, 40, 200, 234, 260

  Angola, 109, 118

  Annam, 21, 25, 66, 79demand for independence (1919), 43

  rural soviets in (1930), 49

  Ansar al-Islam, 194

  Ansar Dine, 221

  anti-apartheid movement, 76, 105, 106

  Anti-Federalist League (1991), 157

  anti-globalisation movement, 120, 190, 208, 258

  Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act (2001), 186, 195

  Arab independence promised by British (1916), 41

  Arab League war with Israel (1948), 73

  Arab Spring, 210end of, 211

  Arab Workers’ Movement (MTA), 134

  Arafat, Yasser, 159

  Arcady, Alexandre, 7

  Argentina as a British semi-colony, 112

  debt of, 118

  miltary dictatorship in (1976), 112

  Aristide, Jean-Bertrand heir of Toussaint Louverture, 194

  overthrow of (2004), 194

  Armada, Spanish, 113

  Armed Islamic Group (GIA), 163, 176, 213

  Armitage, Richard, 183

  Asante, 27

  Ashdown, Paddy, 153

  Asmal, Talha, 229

  Assaye, Battle of (1803), 18

  Association for the Taxing of Financial Transactions to Help Citizens (ATTAC), 190, 204

  Asylum and Immigration Act (1993), 168

  Athens, 207

  Atlantic Charter (1941), 54

  Atta, Mohammed, 182

  Attlee, Clement and India, 71

  and Palestine, 72

  Audin, Maurice, 92

  Aussaresses, General Paul, 175

  Australia and British nucl
ear testing, 70

  and First World War, 39

  and Second World War, 53

  and Suez Crisis, 90

  as penal colony, 21

  British ‘betrayal’ of (1973), 235

  clearance of aborigines, 21

  pro-white policies in, 31

  settlement in, 2, 21, 45, 70

  Australian Aboriginal protests (2018), 246

  Axis of Evil, the, 184

  Ayrault, Jean-Marc, 222

  Badinter, Elisabeth, 173

  Baghdad, 47Americans take (2003), 191

  bombed (1998), 162

  Bagram, 186

  Baker, James and ‘Washington consensus’, 119

  on limits to democracy, 163

  Balfour, Arthur, 41, 43

  Balfour Declaration (1917), 41

  Banda, Hastings, 94

  Bandung Conference (1955), 87, 97, 118, 257

  Bangla.stories, 220

  Bangladesh, 206liberation from Pakistan (1971), 124

  war of liberation (1971), 220

  Bannon, Steve, 220

  Bao Dai, emperor of Vietnam, 52, 66, 79

  Barcelona, 207

  Basra occupied by British troops (2003), 191

  Bastien-Thiry, Jean, 102

  Bataclan attack on (2015), 258

  Bayly, Chris, 9

  Bayrou, François, 173

  Begag, Azouz, 136

  Begg, Moazzam finds Muslim identity, 170

  tortured in Bagram prison, 186

  Beghal, Djamel, 196, 224

  Beirut, 172

  Beit, Alfred, 27

  Belfast riots (1969), 110

  Belleville, 184, 226

  Belmarsh Prison, 187, 195

  Ben Ali, Zine el Abidine, 209

  Ben Bella, Ahmed, 60

  Ben Gurion, David visits concentration camps, 65

  Bengal Bay of, 60

  famine (1779–83), 17

  famine (1943), 56

  migration from, 124

  partition of (1905), 34

  partition of (1947), 71, 220

  Benghalem, Salim, 227

  Benghazi opposition to Gaddafi in, 209

  Ben-Gurion, David, 90and Suez Crisis, 86

  Benn, Hilary, 230

  Benn, Tony and colonial freedom, 75

  and Suez Crisis, 89

  on Europe (1975), 148

  Bennett, Louise, 4, 122, 258

  Bérégovoy, Pierre, 155, 156

  Berlusconi, Silvio, 189

  Bermuda offshore banking in, 120

  Beurs, 135, 176and French football, 178

  and March for Equality (1983), 140

  joyriding by, 140

  music of, 177

  Bevan, Aneurin, 59and Suez Crisis, 89

  Bevin, Ernest, 84

  Béziers, 222

  Bhopal disaster (1984), 119

  Bidault, Georges defends French Empire, 63

  defends French policy in Syria (1945), 64

  bidonvilles, 129, 130bulldozed, 132

  replaced by housing estates, 136

  Bigeard, Marcel, 1314brutality in Algeria, 91

  POW in Vietnam, 82

  Bin Laden, Osama, 203and 9/11, 183

  death of (2011), 215

  joins war against USSR in Afghanistan, 159

  Taliban refusal to hand over, 185

  trains jihadists, 182

  Birmingham. See also Handsworthimmigration in, 124

  Bizerta, 53

  Black Panthers, 137

  Blair, Tony and G8, 189

  and George W. Bush, 184, 187

  argues for war in Iraq, 189

  ‘everything falls apart’, 194

  ‘I will be with you, whatever’, 187

  on British values, 202

  on European referendum of 2005, 205

  on globalisation, 189

  on ‘unintended consequences’ of Iraq War, 191

  Blanchard, Pascal, 10

  blanchiment of French troops (1944), 62

  Blitz, the, 53, 157

  ‘blowback’, 193

  Blum, Léon, 46

  Boers, 22

  Boghossian, Alain, 178

  Boisson, Pierre, 52

  Bolivia, 131

  Boot, Max, 185

  Bordeaux, 16, 19, 51

  Bose, Subhas Chandra, 56

  Bosnia, 182war in, 163

  Bouazizi, Mohammed, 209, 210

  Boumeddiene, Hayat, 224

  Bourdet, Claude on Algerian struggle, 81

  on resistance changing sides, 79

  Bourgès-Maunory, Maurice, 86

  Bourguiba, Habib displaced, 209

  embraces Arab nationalism, 81

  Boutelja, Houria, 197criticises Macron, 251

  Bové, José, 190, 204

  Boyle, Danny, 211

  Bradford, 171conflict over Satanic Verses (1989), 164

  defined by Industrial Revolution, 139

  Honeyford case (1984–5), 139

  immigrant population of, 139, 164

  riots (2001), 180, 186, 199

  rise of Islamism in, 169

  Brahimi, Malek. See Freeman

  Branche, Raphaëlle, 175

  Brazil Landless Workers Movement in, 120

  meeting of World Social Forum in, 190

  occupy movement in, 207

  Brazza, Pierre Savorgnan de, 26

  Brazzaville Conference (1944), 61

  Bremer, Paul, 193

  Bretton Woods Conference (1944), 83

  Brexit, 237and Europe as a foreign power, 233, 260

  and fantasies of empire, 260

  and ‘great, global trading nation’, 239, 243

  and hostility to immigration, 236, 260

  and ‘left behind’ regions, 236

  and Second World War, 233

  and ‘take back control’ slogan, 238

  fantasies of empire and, 236

  hollowness of fantasies, 240

  referendum vote of 2016, 236, 260

  ‘take back control’ slogan, 233

  Bristol, 16colonial past of, 12

  Britain ‘constituted by empire’, 11

  global, 7, 157, 233, 236, 237, 239, 260

  Britain, Battle of, 53, 161rerun of, 113

  ‘Britain, Fortress’, 168

  ‘Britain, the Battle for’, 156

  British Columbia, 23

  British Petroleum, 119

  ‘British values’, 202criticised as exclusive, 5

  David Cameron on, 215

  defined, 217

  Theresa May on, 242

  Brixton, 135, 137riots of 1981, 137, 138

  unemployment in, 136

  Brockway, Fenner and Kenya, 75

  and Moroccan democracy (1951), 81

  Bruges group, 169

  Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 211

  Brussels. See also Molenbeekattack on Jewish Museum in (2014), 214

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 223

  buccaneers, 26

  Buenos Aires, 18

  Bugeaud, Thomas-Robert, 19, 27

  Bulganin, Marshal Nicolai, 90

  Burkina Faso, 251

  Burley, Aidan, 211

  Burma annexed by Britain, 24

  Burma campaign (1943 –5), 60

  war with Japan in, 56

  Burundi, 115

  Bush, George on ‘new world order’ (1990), 161

  Bush, George W. ‘mission accomplished’, 193

  ‘there are no rules’, 186

  on US democratic mission (1999), 183

  on War on Terror (2001), 184

  Butt, Khurum Shazad, 241

  Buttes-Chaumont gang, the, 196, 224, 227

  Cachin, Marcel, 79

  Cain, Peter, 16, 99

  Cairo, 17, 26

  Calcutta, 24, 60, 133bombed by Japanese (1942), 56

  loses Muslim population, 72

  political class of, 34

  Caliphate abolished (1924), 213

  bid to restore, 213

  Caliphate of Iraq and the Levan
t proclaimed (2014), 223

  Cambodia, 66, 98Anghor Wat temple, 38

  Cambon, Jules, 33

  Cameron, David argues for intervention in Syria (2015), 230

  intervenes in Libya (2011), 210

  on ‘British values’, 215, 217, 218

  on ‘buccaneer nation’, 234, 243, 260

  on ‘feral’ rioters, 216

  promise of a referendum on the EU (2013), 233

  ‘stop banging on about Europe’ (2006), 233

  Cameroon, 188French brutality in, 10, 103, 194

  secured by Free French (1940), 52

  Camp Bucca, 213

  Camp of Saints, The, 133, 220

  Campsfield House, 168

  Camus, Renaud, 220

  Canada and First World War, 40

  and Second World War, 53, 70

  clearing of Amerindians, 22

  Dominion status of (1867), 24

  economic development of, 23

  settlement in, 2, 23, 45

  Cantle, Ted, 199

  Canton, 20

  Cape colony British seize, 18, 22

  Great Trek from, 22

  Cape Town statue of Rhodes in, 12

  ‘Capitalism 3.0’ (1973–2008), 207

  ‘Capitalism 4.0’, 207

  capitalism, financial, 117120, 205206

  capitalism, gentlemanly, 3, 16, 99

  Caribbean migrants from classes as ‘illegal immigrants’, 246

  migration from, 124

  slavery in, 2, 4, 16

  Carlile, Lord Alex, 229

  Carnoux, 7

  Carrington, Lord Peter, 112

  Casablanca, 58, 69

  Casablanca Conference (1943), 59, 81

  Cash, Bill, 156


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