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Ripped Open (The Infected: Ripped to Shreds Book 2)

Page 18

by P. S. Power

  Cindy smiled back, being that she was the one that needed help.

  “Ah. I’m Cindy Mableton.” That patting of her front was done the same way, since Patricia seemed to get what that meant. It crossed cultures well enough, too. “I’m looking for Tim Baker?”

  She nearly asked about them having the same last name, when the woman called out.

  “Timon? Volks arriva por wa!”

  Which meant, from the translation over the lady’s head, that people had come for him. That got a rustling sound from the back of the strange shop, and a rather tall man to come out about then. Come to that, the lady that was clearly Marcia Turner, Patricia, was also pretty tall. Nearly six-six.

  The man stopped to inspect them, his mind flowing over the idea instantly, picking up data points about them from their clothing, coloration, size and even scent. Which, luckily, wasn’t offensive to him. Just pieces of a puzzle that he was putting together almost instantly.

  When he spoke, the words flowed out in slightly accented English.

  “Hello! I’m Timon Baker. May I help you with something?”

  Interestingly he was looking very closely at Troy Lopez. He too, seemed to recognize him. There was a name associated with the idea, and a picture, but other than it being familiar, there was no point to the thing.

  “Hi! I’m Cindy. I was wondering if I could get some genetic changes made? If so, how would we set that up? I… Don’t have a lot of money.”

  The man looked at her closely, and then did something that caused her skin to tickle a little bit. His eyes went wide, but he smiled hugely a moment later. From the side Patricia was watching them all very closely, trying to work out what they were saying. She’d been learning English, but was only getting every few words so far.

  Before she could work out what was going on, the man started to meditate, getting the page above him to show a single word proclaiming that. Just like Hobbs and Bridget did all the time.

  “Oh, I don’t charge for that kind of thing. What sort of work do you wish to have done? I could make you taller? Or a man? Darker skin, or lighter, if you want. I can’t do everything, but there’s a lot that can be done if you want to try it?” His eyes locked on her, waiting for her response to his question, his focus nearly absolute.

  Cindy grinned back.

  “I wasn’t really coming for myself. Back home, on my world, there are some people that could use that kind of thing, if it’s possible. I… I can tell you now that it may not be doable all the time. They have vast differences. It’s the Infection. Not everyone has it, but in those that do, they can become… Interesting? Would you be willing to try and help some of my friends?” She felt awkward asking like that, not having anyone there to show him, to illustrate her point.

  Instead of suggesting she actually provide the needed data in writing, which would be totally fair, since she was being more than a bit vague about what she might need to have done, Tim gave a careful nod. His face was fresh and youthful looking and he seemed to have a face that was nearly Mediterranean in some aspects. He looked to be about sixteen to her eye, but when she checked the index of the book over his head, he was older than that by about twelve years. So her own age, more or less.

  He glanced over at Patricia.

  “I’ll need to go and talk to these people, and see if anything can be done. So far two different people have asked me to look into this, and both seemed to be suggesting that I might well not be able to do anything to help. That can’t be good.”

  The words were in English, but spoken slowly. Then repeated in a different language so his wife, and that was who the woman was, instead of being his sister or anything like that, could get the idea.

  For that part of things, they were going to need Dareg. Whoever that was. Cindy could read that part over the head of the tall man standing there. Though the rationale was simply that Dare could take him back and forth at need, and while the two before him had come from another world, they might not be willing to transport him around like that. Just before he was going to suggest that they put a call in to the man, Cin glanced at Troy.

  “Can you get us back and forth today? I probably don’t have a right to ask for anything like that…”

  Which was actually just the honest truth. She didn’t and couldn’t repay the man for his time or efforts.

  Instead of pointing that out, Troy smiled at them.

  “Sure thing. We can set up getting you all around whenever you like. I have to work part of the day, and do like to sleep on occasion, but if we can work around that it will be fine. I can just check in here every few days?” He looked at Patricia directly, and even if she didn’t totally get what he meant, she nodded.

  Thinking he was suggesting that they get together for sex.

  Timon explained the words, which got her to nod again, and seem happy enough about the whole thing. Then, as if it made total sense, Tim moved along with them back to the red hut outside the shop door, and got them inside. Ready to go and see to things right then. Not even knowing when he might be back. It showed a lot more trust than she would have allowed for.

  After the world blinked at them, Troy touching their arms, and then gasping for breath on the other side of things, as if he’d been running hard, Tim glanced at her.

  “I need to learn how to do that. Tor can do it. Using a jump ship? If both he and Dareg can do it, then I should be able to as well. Can you do that yet?” The look was directly into her eyes, even if the words were just polite.

  “Nope. I didn’t even know it was a thing until earlier today. Not for me to try. That was interesting, going there. Some kind of underground city? Is it in the same location as here? I mean, only on another world?”

  Troy smiled, and didn’t speak, allowing her to lead the way. She decided that the first person to check on was Tobin Peterson. Lauren would be the harder case to work on, she thought. Not that she was any kind of expert in things like that. If there were shots involved, then it wasn’t happening for the armored lady however.

  Tobin was off at the dining hall, since things had taken a bit of time that day. Smiling she waved for the others to follow her, hoping that she wasn’t being rude.

  “This way? We can get some food and meet up with Tobin. He’s… Well, you’ll see.”

  Both men nodded, and walked behind her, Tim speaking gently, his voice deep due to his size.

  “Harmony, where the shop is? That’s inside the Moon. We have ships and transports that can go between places now. So we have colonies on the Moon and Mars. So far. Space stations as well. How about you, here?”

  She was about to say that they didn’t, when it occurred to her that she didn’t know that for certain.

  “Not that I know of. It might be possible that someone has done it in secret. So… I was on the Moon? That’s different. I’ve only been out of the U.S. a few times and that was just taking day trips into Canada. To the North.” She was about explain all that, when Troy stopped walking, about fifty feet from the dining facility.

  Cin thought she understood that, since Olga was standing there, glancing at them covertly, her story going on about the pretty men and how embarrassed she felt being looked at by them. For a moment she figured that Troy was going to act shocked and possibly scared of the tall and muscular woman, but instead he grinned.

  “I know her. In my world? She’s pretty much my girlfriend, I think. Hilda.”

  Olga looked away, but back again and smiled, her voice deep when she spoke.

  “Olga. You come from different place then?” Her accent was still thick, but she was understandable enough. The Hispanic man winked at her.

  “Right in one! Troy Lopez. Line Walker. I go between worlds like this. We should hang some time, if we get a chance?”

  That got a nod from the large lady. Timon, for his part, smiled politely and bowed in her direction.

  “Well met.”

  Awkwardly Olga did the same thing, her face turning slightly red over the issue.
  “Hello. Pleased to meet you…”

  “Timon Baker. Tim if you prefer?” If seeing the woman was shocking to him it didn’t show on his face. No, he simply waited while they made small talk for a bit, his inner words showing that he was reading the vast woman.

  On the good side it was clear that he was fairly certain it would be within his ability to change her safely, if that was desired. Even to the point of removing the emotional problems she had.

  That was interesting news to read about, for Cindy.

  After a bit Olga walked on, letting them get inside. Instead of seeming put off by the variety of people, or the strange arrangement of tables, Tim and Troy just moved with her, took food without worrying that they needed to pay for it somehow, which they didn’t, and sat at a long table with Tobin and Kerry.

  Timon bowed toward them before sitting, and cutely enough, Tobin stood up, faced the man and did it back. If either man thought a tiny talking frog was unusual, they managed to hide it entirely.

  “Hello. Are you visiting with Cindy?” He got that Tim was incredibly tall, but also good looking. It could mean that he was Infected, but jumping to that conclusion would be rude, so the small froglike black and green man didn’t do that.

  Timon stood and smiled.

  “She actually asked me to meet with you? Or, rather, Douglas Tibs asked first. I… I’m from a different reality? He had some genetic work done. I did it for him?”

  Tobin, not even guessing at anything, nodded.

  “That was good. Charlot was saying that he actually looks like Team One material now. She can be hard on people as far as looks go. Please, sit.”

  It was very clear that the tiny man, and he was incredibly small, didn’t link himself to the idea of changing at all. Not that he didn’t want to, just that it didn’t seem possible to him. Even Doctor Burrows had told him it would be impossible.

  Timon on the other hand seemed to think that it might be within what he could do that day. The words were there, but he spoke slowly, as if the man might not want to change.

  “I… Don’t wish to be rude to you, Tobin.” Then he paused, not really knowing the protocol as far as bringing up changing a person like that.

  The smaller man ducked down in his seat, then started to pick up his tray, as if he were being asked to leave. Even though he’d been there first.

  “S’okay.” The word was mumbled, and Kerry looked ready to send the larger man flying across the room. Which she could pull off, so it wasn’t a minor thing for her to be thinking.

  Timon kind of understood parts of it, reading the others, and put his large hand out, smiling.

  “Forgive me. I wasn’t suggesting you leave. It’s just that… I was asked to see if I could make changes to people here. Your name came up in the discussion? I don’t know if it’s a thing that you wish to do, and don’t want you to feel pressured into anything. You seem fine, the way you are.” Then the man bowed again, going low and holding it.

  On the good side, that got Kerry to look a bit happier. After all, they weren’t trying to send her boyfriend away, due to bigotry or anything. They weren’t even attempting to change him against his will. It was just an option on the table.

  Tobin smiled and nodded happily enough then.

  “That would be good. Can you? I’m…” Glancing down at his body, with its thin arms and large head, he made a face that expressed disbelief in the idea that anyone could alter that much.

  The giant man shrugged.

  “Yes. You can look any way you wish really. I can even leave you with all of your abilities, I think. Truly, it seems that something inside you insists on that. That will be a bit interesting, but you seem stronger and faster than most. The muscle structure you have going on is very different, but we can use that if you wish? Add muscle and use that cellular format. It will take a while for you to grow all the way, due to mass issues, but we can do the work right now, if you aren’t busy for a few hours?”

  It turned out that he wasn’t. Cindy just had to find a place for them to do the work, and make certain Troy didn’t go running off, getting bored with all the waiting.

  Chapter seven

  Cin didn’t stand there while Timon worked, since it was, he assured them all, incredibly boring to watch. Just him sitting there, as Tobin sat in a chair with his eyes closed. Waiting for things to happen. It was a magical process, which apparently meant it didn’t require stabbing. On the great side, Tim had all the gear with him he needed to finish the first part of things that day.

  That meant she got a chance to do some work for a while, mainly looking for people that she simply wasn’t finding yet. The people that were behind the attacks on the IPB. It was frustrating, but whoever was doing the work was used to the fact that telepaths might be brought in, and so far they’d protected themselves pretty well.

  Enough that she couldn’t find them.

  After five hours she was stuck, spinning her wheels on the idea. Instead of whining about it all, she decided to go and find Troy and Tim again.

  The line walker had actually left, and come back already, after doing a few hours of his own work. The changes on Tobin were being done over in the conference room, and Cin got a shock when she stuck her head in, to see if anyone needed food, or something to drink.

  Mainly because Tim was sitting down, and Tobin Peterson was gone. In his place sat a very small man, who, interestingly enough, looked a lot like Troy Lopez. The full sized version was in the room as well, having followed her in, grinning.

  “See, now that’s a good look. I should have suggested it myself.”

  Tim laughed a bit, seeming a little tired. That, or drifty. He was so focused that it rippled off of him.

  “It’s just what he was supposed to look like. I made him a bit taller than you are. He will be. It’s going to take a few years for him to grow though. It hurts too much otherwise really. I can’t make him larger than his mass at this moment. What will happen… Is his strength will go up a lot, as he gets bigger. That part… I can borrow that muscle pattern for others, can’t I?”

  Tobin, who had very short black hair and brown eyes now, as well as normal looking skin, took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Definitely. I… Do I really look different?”

  They needed a mirror, but had to crowd into the bathroom to find one. Marcia came out, having missed what was going on. She understood it however, when Cindy walked her through what had been happening.

  “I think Tobin is done for now? He has the same powers, but a new look. We can see if Lauren can be helped. That might…” She honestly didn’t know. The woman was probably impossible to actually do anything with. If they could, then it would be a great thing to do, but the odds of it happening were so slim that Cindy nearly didn’t want to mention it.

  Timon stood up and stretched, his hands going high over his head.

  “Perhaps we could meet? I can check the situation without letting anything slip?”

  Cindy nodded at that, and so did Marcia, who was standing in the door, staring at Tobin.

  “I’ll set that up. She’s in the brig right now. There was a bit of an incident, largely due to her first mode.”

  A term which would mean nothing to the man, Cindy knew. Troy either. Thankfully Tobin wanted to be helpful.

  “The Infection hits everyone differently. The one constant thing is that everyone gets both a power and an emotional problem. Generally, it’s a single emotion that people become fixated on. With me it was shyness. Lauren has loneliness. To make that even harder, she’s trapped as an armored giant.” He raised an eyebrow, then smiled, his face looking a bit distorted by what he was doing. The patterns he was used to just didn’t fit his new, far more normal, seeming face.

  The taller man looked at him closely, and after a few moments nodded.

  “I think I understand? We should meet with this lady. If that’s allowed? I’m not certain what a brig is.” He was thinking that it might be a hospital, since the
re had been a problem, but wasn’t willing to say that, in case he was wrong.

  Cindy waved at him.

  “Right. It’s a jail? That’s the military term for it. Lauren had a problem, um, kind of betraying us. So we had to lock her up for a few months. It would be more, except that we can’t really hold her at all. So it was either get her to go along with us, or kill her, and frankly, I’m not certain we could do that last one.” Her tissues didn’t die even when ripped off of her body after a day.

  For all she knew, that meant the woman couldn’t die at all, ever.

  Timon let himself be led out of the room, assuming that they didn’t need to fly to a different part of the country in order to reach the giant woman in question. Which was true, but said something about the way he thought things would be constructed. Most places didn’t have a prison of their own in the world they were standing in.

  It seemed like that might be a little more common where he came from.

  Troy followed along with her, but Director Turner didn’t. It was going to be strange, bringing in two new guys to see her, as it was. Marcia coming along would make it seem too important, or like a big deal. It might not be. It probably wouldn’t be, she knew.

  The guards let them in directly, and while the two men in black didn’t smile at them, both had words that were happy enough, over their heads. They currently had only the one prisoner after all, and if they lost her, they were going to look bad. Even though they were just two regular men, and Level could simply punch through the walls, and was bullet proof.

  In short, they were being held responsible for doing something beyond their ability to actually get done, and knew it. Luckily for them, Lauren was willing to do her bit, and be punished. In part because she simply felt guilty about having done what she had in the first place.

  Which was mainly entertaining the wrong thoughts.

  Cin knew that, and had in the first place. Now though, it seemed more serious. Like the woman was being wronged, instead of them sending a warning to the others that might turn against them.


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