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One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Stephanie Haefner

  Fans started to fill the bleachers, decked out in orange and black, their school colors. It was a gorgeous Indian summer day, sunny and warm, with a cool breeze. Perfect for a football game.

  He breathed deep, watching his players warm up, the stands filling, the scent of popcorn and hot dogs filling his nostrils. Man, he loved this game. His mom had, too. He couldn’t step on a field without picturing her face. She’d never missed a single game—neither the ones he played in, nor the ones he coached. Most kids would’ve been embarrassed by their moms in the stands, decked out in school colors, cheering louder than any other parent or the cheerleaders combined, but not him.

  She would have been so proud of him, finally getting to coach the big kids. When he’d fucked up his knee and playing was no longer an option, she hadn’t cared about the money he’d lose or the big fancy house he’d no longer be able to buy her. She told him he’d find a way to be happy and make the game part of his life, and encouraged him to become a coach.

  She was like that. When one door closed—which had happened to her over and over in her lifetime—her positive nature always kept her looking forward, searching for the next opportunity.

  He’d never been a spiritual man, but he liked to picture her with a glowing halo, wearing her Kenville team jersey. Cheering him on, like always.

  “Coach!” His assistant’s voice shook him out of his daze. “You ready for the coin toss?”

  Thor adjusted his black and orange ball cap as the sun brightened around him, warming his skin. “Absolutely.”

  Mom was watching. It was going to be a great game.


  PENNY LEFT Marco’s, her last interview of the day, feeling far less enthusiastic than when she’d started that afternoon. Apparently she was completely unemployable in the restaurant business. Most places needed waitresses—not her ideal job—but they only wanted those with experience. Forget the hostess jobs. You must need to blow someone to get one of those.

  Some of the other places needed cooks and kitchen help, and she had zero experience in that area. There had only been one actual offer, and that was for a busboy position. And she was pretty sure she’d only gotten the offer because the guy interviewing her kept staring at her breasts the entire time.

  Disappointed and discouraged, she headed for home, but that was the last place she wanted to go. After passing The Red Brick Inn, she turned around. Theo was working. It’d be busy and crowded, but maybe seeing him and talking, even for just a minute, would brighten her mood.

  He was at the door when she stepped inside, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. “Hey. What are you doing here? And all dressed up like that? You look way too fancy to be in here.”

  “I had a bunch of interviews today.”


  “For a second job. My Classy ’n’ Sassy salary isn’t quite cutting it anymore.”

  “That sucks. I’m sorry.”

  Some college-aged kids came in the door behind her and she stepped to the side as Theo checked their IDs and stamped their hands. He was so official and businesslike in his black tee with The Red Brick’s logo stretched across his muscular chest.

  “How did the interviews go?” he asked when finished.

  “Not so well. No one wants to hire me. I figured a drink might help.” She paused, unsure about the next words. “And maybe seeing you would, too.”

  Even in the dimness of the bar, she could tell he was blushing. “Seeing you is making me feel better. I had a shitty day, too.”

  “Yeah? What happened?”

  “My kids lost their game.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess that makes us two depressed people in a bar who can’t get drunk. I don’t have the money and you’re working.”

  He laughed. “The owner and I are pretty tight. If you wanna get drunk, let’s do it.”

  That made her feel better. His laughter, not the get-drunk part.

  “Come on,” he said, and took her hand, leading her to the crowded mahogany bar. There was one unoccupied stool so he pulled it out for her. “Sit. Seth will take care of you.” He waved for the bartender at the other end, busy with a bunch of girls wearing tiaras.

  “What’s up, man?” Seth asked when he made it over.

  “This is Penny. I think you’ve seen her in here before.”

  “I most certainly have. Mia’s and Bryn’s friend.”

  “She needs some TLC tonight. You’ll take care of her, right?”

  Seth leaned on the bar, a sly smile forming on his lips. “What kind of TLC are we talkin’?”

  “Whoa!” Theo gently pushed his friend back. “Not that kind of TLC. She just needs some drinks to forget about her miserable day.”

  Seth met Theo’s gaze, some kind of unspoken man talk. “I got ya. I’ll take care of her for you.”

  “Thanks, man.” Theo squeezed her shoulder and smiled, then retook his post at the door.

  “So, you and Thor are dating, huh?” Seth asked as he poured miscellaneous liquors into a metal blender cup.

  “Well . . . I’m not sure. We went out once. Twice . . . I guess.” This was really awkward. How was she supposed to answer a question from a guy she hardly knew? Who was also Theo’s boss? “But we haven’t been able to go out again yet.”

  “He’s a good guy. I can tell he likes you.” He peered over her shoulder, a wicked smile playing across his lips. “He’s watching me right now, making sure I don’t hit on you.”

  She turned to look, and indeed, he was watching, but quickly turned away, pretending he hadn’t been. So. Damn. Cute. She giggled. “I like him, too.”

  He poured the concoction into a glass and set it in front of her, dropping in a few slices of fruit. “This’ll melt your troubles away.”

  “Thank you.” She pulled out her wallet and a ten-dollar bill, but he waved it off.

  “Nope. I promised Thor I’d take care of you. Your money’s no good here tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  A busty waitress wiggled her way up to the bar. “Seth, I got orders for three tables, and there are still two that haven’t been waited on yet.” She handed him order sheets with scribbles on them.

  Seth shrugged. “Then go wait on them.”

  “I have to pee. I haven’t gone since I got here. And table ten’s food is sitting in the window.”

  “Okay. You pee. I’ll deliver the food.”

  The waitress took off and Seth grabbed the tray of food and stepped out from behind the bar. The other bartender appeared in front of Penny and asked no one in particular, “Where the hell is Seth?”

  Penny offered the answer. “He’s delivering food.”

  “What the fuck? We can’t be down a bartender.”

  Seth came back and what’s-his-name returned to his end of the bar. When things were semi under control, Seth asked Penny, “You good? Need another?”

  “Not yet. But this is really tasty.”

  “Good.” He took a towel and wiped the area in front of her. “So what’s got you down today? I’m a bartender. I’m great at listening.”

  “Same thing I’m sure you hear all the time. Can’t find a job.”

  He grimaced. “That sucks. What line of work are you looking for?”

  “I already have my day job working for Mia and Bryn at Classy ’n’ Sassy, but I’m a little behind on some bills so I need a second job. I was hoping for a restaurant hostess or something like that, but apparently you need experience for those types of things. I had no clue.”

  “Well, it’s not glamorous or anything, but I’m short a waitress and could really use the help. No experience necessary.”

  “Really? You want me to work here?”

  “If you want to.” He smiled, repeating his wicked grin from earlier. “I’m sure the scenery is to your liking.” He nodded his head t
oward Theo.

  Working at The Red Brick with Theo? That could be interesting. And might kind of solve their problem of never finding time to go on a date. She’d at least get to see him a few nights a week.

  “It’s a deal. When can I start?”


  THOR SAT on his stool by the door. It was almost one and the crowd had died down considerably, which it often did by then. But Penny was still there. Still sitting on the same bar stool he’d put her on hours ago. In between breaking up a fight, helping intoxicated people to waiting taxis, and cleaning up broken beer bottles, he’d watched her.

  And yeah, he was a little jealous that Seth had gotten to talk to her on and off throughout the night. But Seth was a good guy and he knew he could trust him not to hit on Penny.

  Shelly, the waitress, was now talking with them, showing Penny something. Odd.

  He fixed a bunch of the bar stools. People seemed to like moving them around. He put them back where they belonged so they weren’t a fire hazard. By the time he got to the end where Penny, Seth, and Shelly were, they’d taken her behind the bar to one of the registers.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Say hello to our newest waitress,” Seth said. “We’re showing her the ropes.”


  “Yeah,” Penny said. “Is that okay with you?”

  Hell yes! “It’s fine with me.”

  “I’ve only got one rule though,” Seth said, his head moving from Thor to Penny. “No fucking while you’re on the clock.”

  Shelly let out a whoop of laughter as Penny’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. Thor felt his cheeks get hot. Friend or not, Seth was a dead man.

  Seth slapped him on the back. “Lighten up. You know I’m just screwing with you. Well, not really. Fuck on your own time. But seriously, we need to finish training her so she can start next week, so get those bulging muscles and dazzling eyes away from her.”

  “You really think they’re dazzling?” Thor batted his eyelashes at Seth.

  “Oh yes. Mesmerizing, even.”

  Shelly shook her head and laughed. “I’m seriously starting to question if this is a bromance you have going on or something more.”

  “I love this guy,” Seth answered, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and giving a squeeze. “But not enough to give up women for him.”

  Thor rolled his eyes and retook his place at the door, scanning the small crowd that remained, but his gaze kept landing back on Penny. She operated the register herself now, inputting a drink order and ringing up a customer. She looked totally out of place in her pantsuit, but sexy as hell. He never thought he’d be attracted to a woman dressed like that, but those pants hugged her ass in all the right ways.

  Shelly took her to a table as Seth yelled out, “Last call.” A few patrons approached the bar and ordered drinks. Shelly and Penny gave their order to one of the bartenders then took their tray to the table. The usual end to a usual Saturday night at The Red Brick Inn, but this time it’d end with Penny. And him. And maybe the kiss he should’ve given her the other night.

  “This is going to be so fun!” she squealed as she trotted over to him.

  “Really? I don’t think I’ve ever heard a waitress say that. It’s not an easy job.”

  “I know, but it’s exciting for me. It’s different than anything I’ve ever done. And I really like everyone that works here.”

  “Shelly and Seth are great.”

  “And you, too.” She stepped closer. “So what happens now?”

  “The bar closes and we all go home.”

  “Oh. So no one hangs out after work or anything?”

  “Penny, it’s one thirty in the morning.”

  “Oh. I forgot. I guess I lost track of time. I was having so much fun.”

  A smile spread across his face. Having her at the bar was going to be really nice. She brightened up the place, even more so than the neon beer signs that covered almost every inch of wall space.

  Penny helped Shelly clean tables and Seth followed after them, turning the chairs upside down and resting them on top. Thor ushered out the last few remaining patrons, flagging a cab for one and making sure there was a DD for the other few.

  “Make sure you fill out a time card for tonight,” Seth said to Penny.

  “Really? But I didn’t do anything.”

  “You did a lot and I’m thankful. I’m looking forward to having you around.”

  “Me, too,” Shelly added.

  Thor sure as hell did, too.

  Penny grabbed her purse and the suit jacket and headed for the door. “Good night,” she said as she passed by.

  “Wait.” He caught up to her as she pushed on the front door. “I’ll walk you out. You shouldn’t be out there alone.”

  He followed her, the chill of fall upon them, and she flung her jacket over her shoulders. His natural reaction was to put his hands on her, rub up and down her arms, warm her. He itched to touch her.

  Neither said anything as they walked through the bar’s parking lot, mostly empty, aside from his pickup and Seth and Shelly’s cars. And then a black Mercedes.

  “Is that yours?” he asked.

  “Jack picked it out. I don’t even like it. But I was lucky I got to keep it. At least I have a car.”

  They stepped toward the driver’s-side door and his heart raced. She turned and leaned against it. “It’s pretty cool that we’ll get to see each other so much at the bar.”

  “Yeah. I mean, we’ll be working, but still.”

  They kinda just stood here. Should he walk away? Grab her and kiss her? This was all so damn confusing.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” she asked, interrupting the argument in his head. “You’re off, right?”

  “Yeah. I was thinking of checking out that new dog park.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  There was an opening and he was going to take it. “Do you want to go with us? Me and Blitz, I mean?”

  “I’d like that. And Scarlett will, too.”

  “Okay. It’s a date then. Meet there at ten?”

  “Perfect.” She fidgeted with her keys. “Good night.”

  The lights on her Mercedes flashed, the sound of the door lock clicking open, and she started to turn.

  What was he doing? She was going to leave. He couldn’t bear another night of tossing and turning because he missed out on kissing her.

  “Penny, wait . . .”

  She turned, a quizzical look on her face.

  He didn’t say anything, just stepped up to her. In that moment he realized just how much he towered over her petite frame. She looked up at him, eyes begging him to continue, her chest heaving with deep breaths. And then she sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth. Oh fuck.

  Thor slid his fingertips along her collarbone, as gently as he could manage. He didn’t expect the reaction he got from her. A sharp intake of breath as her eyelids fluttered closed. His touch affected her just as deeply as hers did him. And that thought made his whole body ache for her.

  He slid his hand up her neck to rest at the base of her head, his thumb tracing the sharp line of her jaw. He waited for her eyes to reopen, moonlight reflecting in them.

  “Kiss me,” she begged, a whisper so faint he almost didn’t hear it.

  He wouldn’t keep her waiting any longer. He wouldn’t keep himself waiting.

  Thor brushed his lips across hers, a sweet sigh emanating from her throat. He ran his tongue along the crease between her lips and she parted them for him. The jingle of keys hitting pavement rang in his ear, but he ignored it. Her hands on him felt too good. Her fingertips left a path of electricity in their wake as they moved up his stomach and over his chest, locking around his neck. She pulled him to her and he lost all the control he’d managed to main
tain until that point.

  He pressed his mouth to hers, done with soft, gentle kisses. His tongue explored her, mingling with hers, the dance of saying so much without uttering a word. Forget the polite hand on the nape of her neck, he moved that to her ass, pulling her to him, pressing his erection into her, his other hand dangerously close to copping a feel on one of those amazing tits.

  A low whistle echoed in the empty lot, followed by giggling. He didn’t even have to look. Damn Seth and Shelly.

  He let go of Penny and pulled away, both of them catching their breath. He rested his forehead on hers, his hands going to the roof of her car.

  “You got some pretty rude friends there,” Penny said between labored breaths, a giggle of her own.


  More laughter. Man, it was a freaking amazing sound.

  “I should go,” she said.

  “Yeah. Me, too.” He lifted slightly, pressing a kiss to her forehead, then another to her lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  He took a step back, hoping the shadows hid his hard-on—not that she didn’t know it was there—and stumbled on some loose blacktop.

  More giggles. “Good night.”

  Penny sat into her driver’s seat and buckled up, giving a little wave as she pulled away. Damn. What a great ending to what had started as a boring night. And hopefully, many more like this were to come.


  Penny woke to birds chirping, angels singing, and a rainbow out her window. Or maybe she was imagining it all. Either way, she was in a damn good mood after that kiss last night.

  Theo seemed kind of shy, but that had all disappeared when his lips touched hers. Hot damn! He was a fine kisser. It was strong and powerful and oh my, she couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d be like in bed. She’d thought about it on the short drive home and while she showered, and especially once she was in bed with one of her toys. There would’ve been no sleep if she hadn’t relieved her sexual tension somehow.

  Once she had, it was sweet dreams all night long. And she couldn’t wait to see him again.


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