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Teacher: The Final Act (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy #3)

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by R. L. Merrill

  “I bet he enjoyed that. You are so good with your tongue.”

  His eyes rolled back in his head. “Jesus, Jesse. I never thought talking to you about being intimate with Alex would have this effect.”

  I reached under him and unfastened his jeans. “Did he return the favor,” I murmured against his throat. When I touched him, he shivered.

  “God, yes, he did. Fuck, Jesse! I love it when you touch me.” He moved against my hand and kissed me hard. Then he stilled, holding my face in his hands.

  “Jesse, you need to know that I mean it when I say that no one, and I mean no one, has ever made me feel as good as you do. I don’t mind telling you this stuff. It’s surprisingly kinda hot. But I can honestly say that you’re the best I’ve ever had. Hands down, no competition.”

  I smiled up at him. “I’m glad to hear you say that, but I wasn’t worried. If Alex was better than me, I don’t think we’d be here right now. Now roll over.”

  He grinned and complied. He rolled onto his back with his hands behind his head, and watched me stand before him intently.

  “I think we both have too much clothing on for this conversation, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve really missed being naked with you.”

  His smile fell and he sat up. His hands came around my waist, pulling me close. “I’ve missed you, too. I was afraid you wouldn’t want me to touch you...”

  “How about we show each other how much we missed each other,” I said hoarsely. “No more being afraid.”

  He smiled up at me and proceeded to undress both of us. We spent the rest of the night getting reacquainted with each other’s bodies and all the things we loved to do together. When the first rays of the sun filtered in, we were still making love, covered in sweat and each other.

  “I kept you up all night,” he panted.

  I laughed. “You mean, I kept you up all night.”

  He laughed, nuzzling my neck. “And I loved every minute of it. You can keep me up whenever you like, honey.”

  We kissed lovingly and then Danny began to thrust into me like he meant business. It was difficult not to scream when I came. It gave me a rush, like riding the downward path on a roller coaster. Danny watched me the whole time and when I smiled at him he pulled me over on top of him and I moved against him until his whole body was quaking, his head thrashing from side to side.

  “Let go, baby,” I whispered, but his movements grew more desperate.

  He gripped my hips hard enough that it caused me pain, but it felt so good to watch him experience such ecstasy. His head kicked back and he moaned.

  “I love you, Jesse. I love you,” he cried over and over. Suddenly his eyes opened, he reached up to touch my face, and then his whole body bowed up off the bed. “Ahhh, God! GOD! Jesse, Jesse.” His breath was labored, his body slack.

  I climbed off of him and he gasped. “I can’t even pull you over here, I’m so fucking spent. Hold me? Please?”

  I pulled him over to me, using the last of my strength, so his head was resting on my chest. I stroked his back and laughed at the cries coming from him.

  “I’ve died and gone to heaven,” was the last thing he mumbled before he finally fell asleep.

  I rolled him off of me so I could use the bathroom. When I came out, I put on the t-shirt he took off last night and walked over to the window.

  The sunrise was so beautiful. It left me feeling even more optimistic.

  Chapter - Two

  For once, Jane woke before Danny. She knocked quietly and I looked up from the book I was reading. She giggled when she saw him sprawled out on his stomach, his face turned to the side with his mouth open, snoring. I motioned her over and gave her a hug.

  “I so want to mess with him right now,” she whispered.

  I nodded and whispered some suggestions in her ear. She crept quietly into the bathroom and came back with my makeup bag. I handed her a bottle of nail polish and she painted his toenails and fingernails on his right side bright pink. He barely stirred. Next she lined his lips with my purple eyeliner, his eyebrows in dark pink lip liner, and finished off by writing “ROCK STAR” across his forehead. She grabbed his phone off the nightstand and took pictures before he woke up and all was lost. Her giggling must have disturbed him, because he rolled over on his back and rubbed at his mouth, smearing the lip color everywhere. I snorted and we both cracked up.

  “What the hell,” he groaned, scowling.

  Jane smiled sweetly and tried to hide the evidence. “Good morning, Daddy! Did you sleep well?” She was overdoing it with the cheese and he picked up on it.

  “I slept fine, thank you. What are you doing up so early, acting so damn chipper?” He winked at me and pushed himself up to sit against the headboard. I tried not to gawk at the sight of him like that.

  Jane sat on the end of the bed towards my side, still giggling. “It’s eleven o’clock! I’ve already had breakfast. Nora was going to take me and Legs to the ranch, but I wanted to give you a kiss first.” She skittered around to his side, kissed him quickly, and then hurried around to my side for protection.

  Danny laughed at her behavior, only a little confused. Then he noticed the polish she’d left on the bedside table. He looked at his hands and feet and frowned. “Baby, this totally isn’t my color. It pales next to my skin. Didn’t you have anything brighter?”

  She laughed hysterically, falling back on the bed and I knew she was only saved from a mauling by his lack of clothing.

  “Oh, my sweet daughter...Beware what you start with your old man.”

  She giggled, a little more nervous. “Gotta go! Love you! Oh! Can we go do something this afternoon? I wanna hang out with you. And Jesse. Bye!” She shut the door behind her and I felt Danny’s eyes on me.

  “How bad is it?” he asked, stretching out and rolling over towards me.

  I covered my mouth with a hand to hide my smile. “I believe there’s some damning evidence on your phone.”

  He rolled his eyes and leaned over to grab his phone, exposing his delicious skin and delectable ass. I noticed I’d left teeth marks the night before. Oops. I put my book aside so I could fully appreciate the view.

  “Nice touch with the forehead tattoo,” he chuckled, setting the phone aside. He reached for me and pulled me up against him, essentially trapping me so he could interrogate me. I reached for a tissue to try to get some of the makeup off. It was hard to take him seriously with writing on his forehead.

  “So what was your role in this? Co-conspirator? Accessory? Or were you an innocent bysleeper?”

  I wiggled, trying to get loose, but he had a good hold on me and used his bulk to keep me pinned beneath him. He yanked his shirt off me with one hand while using the other to keep me from escaping. He kissed my neck, shoulders and breasts enthusiastically, his version of coercion.

  “I swear, I had nothing to...Ok, maybe she used my makeup, but it was all her...I might have told her where it was, but she intimidated me. Hey, I didn’t think cops were allowed to use excessive force,” I said the last part with a groan as he entered me deeply. Even after our marathon session the night before, I welcomed him with a happy sigh. “What happens if I plead the fifth, officer?”

  He kissed me hard on the lips and then pulled back. “Vell, ve have vays of makink you talk,” he said as he moved down my body, nibbling, sucking, and kissing. Until he got to my hips.

  “Did I do this? Shit, Jesse!” He noticed the bruises from his fingers.

  I laughed and said, “Police brutality! Police brutality!” He frowned, looking really upset so I grabbed his jaw and made him look at me. “Baby, I loved it. I’m fine. I just bruise easy. And you were going to make me talk, remember?”

  Once he could tell I really was fine, he grinned wickedly. He got to work, and with his skills, he had me singing like a canary in no time. It didn’t take much more effort on his part for me to give him a full confession. He worked me over until he was completely satisfied there was nothing left to add to th
e story. He said I could go free, since I was a good little prisoner, and I was rewarded with a shower. After we dressed, I was fed a delicious breakfast. By hand. I made sure to savor every bite and nibble every one of his fingers.

  “I fucking love you, honey. I feel so good after last night. In so many ways,” he said with a mischievous smile.

  “Me, too, baby,” I answered, leaning forward to link my fingers around his neck. “So let’s talk schedule.”

  He stepped closer to my barstool and leaned in close. “Absolutely, although mine is pretty set. Breakfast with my ladies, studio with my boys, home to make love to my woman.” His hands started to get busy, so I slapped at them.

  “Serious talk time, mister! Now, I know what your schedule is, and I know Jane’s going to horse camp until Friday, but I also go back to work on Tuesday.”

  His smile was gone and he was all serious. “Work. Right. I forgot.” He pulled back a little and leaned his elbows on the counter. “Do you know what your schedule is going to be like?”

  “I think Gloria has me scheduled to work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I’ll work from eight to three, and then I was thinking of talking to the dance studio to see if I could have flexibility with my nights. Nora said her cooking will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I was going to see if I could teach Mondays and Tuesdays so I can be here with Jane.”

  Danny smiled at me and then shook his head. “You are so fucking good to me.” He leaned over to kiss me lightly on the lips and I almost lost my focus.

  “I just want to help. Anyway, this week, I’m going to go to acupuncture and the doctor tomorrow, training Tuesday through Thursday, and Friday I was going to go clean up the rest of my apartment. Nora said she’d come help me.”

  Danny took my hands in his. “I’ll come help. I can tell the guys—”

  “There’s really not much more to do. It’s fine.”

  He exhaled, frustrated, and then nodded. “Okay.” He walked around behind me and rubbed my shoulders. “You know what I like about your schedule?” He spoke close to my ear, giving me shivers.

  “What do you like about it?” I asked, enjoying his touch.

  “You will have four days off each week. It’ll make it easy for you to fly out and spend weekends with me when I’m on tour.”

  I turned to face him, a surprised smile on my face. “Really? You’d want me to?” I attempted to hide my excitement.

  “Of course, honey! I’d love for you to be with me all the time, but I know you have to work. It might not be possible when we’re in Europe, but when we’re here in the states, hell yeah I’m going to want you with me! We’ve already decided to only be out two or three weeks and then a week home. I want you to send your school calendar to Patricia when you have it so she can work her magic. Oh, and if you don’t already have a passport, I’ll want you to go with Patricia to get one.”

  I snorted. “Oh yeah, because I’ve had so much need for a passport. I’ll talk to her about it. But why?”

  He grinned like he had been busy making plans. “I have my reasons,” was all he would say.

  We spent some time doing business type stuff. I pulled up my calendar and sent it to Patricia using Danny’s computer in the office. I sat on his lap, at his insistence, and he told me a little bit about the business of being Danny Black. He slid on his reading glasses. Very hot.

  “So Patricia handles the band stuff, but she also handles a lot of my personal business.” He ran his hand up and down my back while scanning his email. He flipped through the snail mail and sorted it. Bills, music catalogs, requests for donations, invitations to appearances. The stack was pretty hefty.

  “I know she handles your schedule, but what other kind of business?”

  He laughed, shaking his head. ”Taking my girlfriend shopping, finding rehearsal space and booking it for a bunch of ruffians that live next door to my girlfriend. Well, used to. Let’s see, helping me order jewelry for my girlfriend.” I pinched his side and he jumped, almost knocking us out of the chair.

  “I get it that she takes care of stuff for your girlfriend,” I said with an exaggerated eye roll. ”I’m just curious what else?”

  “Ah, she helps me with my finances, she oversees my accountant, insurance, stuff like that. She helps me hire people I might need, like my attorney. Pretty much she’s my go-to girl. Nora, on the other hand, is my business partner and personal assistant. We make decisions about the house together. She pays the bills, handles household maintenance, oversees the cleaners when they come...We do have a cleaning crew that comes through once a month, taking care of the heavy-duty stuff that Nora hates to do. She schedules the gardeners. She handles the dry-cleaning. She’ll be Janey’s chauffeur for all of her stuff. You’ve already seen that. Pretty much she’s the boss. I just live here.”

  I giggled and kissed his temple. ”So what’s my job, then? Seems like other competent women already take all of the jobs in your life. Speaking of which, do you consciously surround yourself with women? I think it’s really cool. I was just wondering if you did it on purpose.”

  He made a face and then laughed. ”Wow, I guess I hadn’t thought of it that way. Does that make me a mama’s boy?” More pinching from me. ”Ow! I guess it started with Patricia. Nora came with the house. Jordan and Connie came with the territory. My accountant is a dude. My band members are dudes. I’m an equal opportunist.” He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

  “You have the most important job,” he murmured, the rumble of his voice giving me shivers. There was a time when he couldn’t speak, when I didn’t know what his voice even sounded like. Now I got to hear it and feel it. No wonder I was so in love with him. He assaulted all of my senses.

  “And what does my job description say?” I asked in a low voice.

  His lips spread into a most sexy smile and he said, “To love, honor and cherish me. To hold me in sickness and in health...”

  “Hey, those are vows, buddy!”

  “Hmmmm,” he murmured. “How about sleep aide, muse, swim partner, masseuse, hair washer, well, total body bather...” He kept on with his list, getting quite graphic, but then he stopped and smiled again. ”And most importantly, my best friend, my sounding board, and, of course, my teacher. That’s how you started, that’s who you’ll always be, because you’ve taught me so much, honey.” He was so sweet. I had been determined not to cry anymore, but my eyes welled up with tears. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. It’s just the truth, honey.” I sniffled and he kissed me. And kissed me again. And some more. He lifted me onto his desk and started assaulting my neck when we heard the front door open.

  “You guys home?” Nora yelled, probably meaning “are you guys decent?”

  Danny smirked and said, “We’ll have to save this for another time. Mmmm, don’t think I’ll be able to work in here without thinking of you on top of...”

  “Hi Daddy!” Jane came running in and I turned to hide my blush.

  “Baby girl! How was the ranch?” He gave her a big hug and she beamed up at him.

  “Great as usual! But I think I need new riding pants.” She pointed down at her legs and the bottoms barely reached the top of her boots.

  Danny barked out a laugh. ”Yeah, I would say so! The flood waters are coming in!” She slugged him in the arm. ”Ow! How about we go this afternoon? Do you need anything else?”

  She shook her head. ”Well, yeah. Maybe some boots? Tall boots? Mine are getting tight.”

  I reached down and felt to see where her big toe was and all her toes were pushing against the front. “These are way too tight.”

  Danny nodded at both of us. ”Well, that settles it. Let’s go to the country and western store. I better get mah Ropers and mah Wranglers on, little darlins.”

  Jane groaned and I cracked up at Danny’s bowlegged cowboy walk down the hallway. He even turned and tipped a pretend Stetson at us, and then he fake spat.

  “My dad is such a weirdo,” Jane groaned.
r />   I hugged her close and said, “Yes, but he’s our weirdo.”

  She looked up at me quizzically. ”Everything ok with you two?” she whispered.

  I frowned down at her, smoothing her hair back. “Why do you ask? Yes, we’re fine, but what made you think something was wrong?”

  She shrugged and rested her head on my chest. ”My dad seemed kinda depressed. You did too, I guess. Is it always like this when you’re in love? The ups and downs?”

  I kissed her hair and rested my chin. “I think so. At least that’s what I’m learning. But I hope he and I won’t have too many of the downs. It’s just been a tough adjustment for us both, but I think we’ve worked things out. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. Certainly not without a fight.”

  She smiled at me and squeezed. “Good! Because I love you, Jesse. I don’t want you to go.”

  I smiled at her and said, “I love you, too. And the only place we’re going is to get your new supplies! Let’s git along little dowggie!” I smacked her butt and she scooted out of the room, laughing.

  Danny in the Western Supply Depot was almost as bad as Danny in the drug store.

  “Hey darlin’,” he called out to Janey, continuing with his horrible attempt at a Texas drawl. ”You think I need a ten gallon or a twenty gallon hat? Maybe they make a keg sized one.” Then he held up the gaudiest Western shirts and asked, “Honey pie, think I should git me some of these to wear on tour?”

  I grabbed my forehead and shook my head. Jane leaned into me and tried to hide.

  “I think this hot pink one with all the sparklies is totally me! Oh shit, this one’s a chick shirt. Dayam! Can’t tell the difference.”

  I pulled his arm to get him out of the clothing aisle as he was starting to get frowns from some of the real cowfolk.

  “Danny, don’t be offensive. Those cowboys over there don’t much like your kind in here, and you promised Jane no fighting.”

  Danny looked down at himself in his black jeans, black Chucks, Motorhead t-shirt, tattoos everywhere, and his hair styled like the rock star he was. He looked thoroughly admonished and he whispered an apology to Jane, who was still giggling.


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