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With This Ring, I Thee Bed

Page 25

by Alison Tyler

  When she walked into the crowded bar, she paused and looked around. Because it was finals week, the place was crawling with cowboys, some the real deal, others the dime-store variety. Before she could call Ben, he waved at her from the bar and she made her way through the throng. His smile of welcome was enough to make her glad she’d had the courage to stay in Vegas. Even in her high heels he still topped her by about six inches.

  “Hey, April.” Ben touched the shoulder of the guy sitting next to him. “You remember Jack Delano, right?”

  “Of course I do. How’re you doing?”

  April smiled at Ben’s companion. He was tall but slender compared to Ben, his black hair and tanned skin reflecting his South American heritage, his blue eyes hinting at something more European. There was a quietness about him that had always intrigued April, a stillness that few men in her world possessed or valued. But he noticed everything and was the quickest to react to any problem. In the years she’d traveled around the country on the rodeo circuit, she’d never seen him lose his temper with an animal or a person.

  “I’m doing good.” Jack touched her arm. “Sorry to hear about Tex being such a fuckhead.” He nodded at the far corner of the bar. “He’s here with the dumb blonde buckle bunnies. Me and Ben thought you’d probably like to go somewhere else.”

  She smiled at them both. “That sounds good. As long as there’s beer and dancing, I’m happy.” God, she really was. The thought of not having to worry about what Tex was getting up to without her, waiting for him to call, hating it when he forgot, listening to him tell her the same lies over and over and over…

  Ben took her hand. “Then let’s go.”

  He pushed a path through the throng toward the exit, and Jack stayed close behind her, one hand riding casually on her hip. April let out her breath as they emerged into the golden pillars of the hotel lobby. Her smile faded as Tex appeared from the direction of the restrooms. He stopped right in front of her, his handsome face flushed, his gaze darting between her, Ben and Jack.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  “Out with my friends,” April said.

  Tex swaggered a step closer. “The loser and the gay? Is that the best you could do?”

  Beside her, Ben stiffened, and April put a hand on his arm. “Nope, two guys I grew up with on the rodeo circuit. Guys who still like me for who I am and haven’t turned out to be a worthless dick like you.”

  Tex’s smile wavered and he pointed at Ben. “You’ve always wanted to get in her pants, haven’t you?”

  Ben shrugged. “Hell, yeah, who wouldn’t? Even Jack wants to bang her. Your loss, buddy.”

  April stifled a smile as Tex’s expression turned mean. She didn’t want any fighting, didn’t care if Tex thought she’d come back to him if he beat the other guys up. It was definitely time to go. She linked her arms through Ben’s and Jack’s.

  “Night, Tex.”

  She kept moving until they were out in the hazy evening heat and the constant roar of the Vegas traffic. Her shoulders tensed in case Tex decided to follow them. But even he wasn’t quite man enough to take on Ben and Jack.

  “Do you really want to get in my pants, guys, or did you just say that to annoy Tex?”

  Ben stopped walking. “Honey, come on, you know I’ve always carried a torch for you.” He smoothed a hand over the front of his Wranglers. “A big one.” He winked at her and then at Jack. “And Jack’s willing to pitch in if we need some variety.”

  April stared up at Ben and slowly licked her lips. What would he taste like? Better than Tex, she reckoned. Better even than maple-and-pecan-butter ice cream.

  “Let’s go dance.”

  “Sure.” Ben reclaimed her hand. “Let’s do that.”

  The bar he chose was just as crowded as the one in the hotel. When April tried to dance, her body ended up plastered over Ben’s front. Not that he seemed to mind, or did anything other than draw her even closer, so that she could rest her cheek on his shirt and hear his heartbeat, appreciate the heat and thickness of his cock rubbing against her stomach. His big hand clamped down on her ass, his thumb riding under the hem of her skirt to stroke the soft underside of her buttock.

  “Umm…you smell good, honey. Like home.”

  April looked up and Ben lowered his head and captured her lips, kissed her with a slow lascivious ease that made her instantly wet. When he drew back she simply stared at his narrowed brown eyes and pressed herself closer into the swell of his cock.

  His smile was crooked. “I’d really like to get in your pants now, but perhaps we should take this someplace else?”

  April nodded. She didn’t fuck around when Tex was gone, and despite her best solo efforts she was dying to feel a real man, a real cock, and a real wet tongue sucking her breasts and pussy. She frowned up at Ben.

  “Do you think I’m shallow?”


  “Two hours ago I was engaged to Tex and ready to marry him on Saturday, and now I’m contemplating going to bed with you and Jack.”

  He looked down at her as they headed off the dance floor. “First off, I don’t think you would’ve gone through with the wedding. You’re way too smart for that. And secondly, I think you’re doing the right thing. Tex gets two slutty blondes, you get two hot guys. It’s kind of like cowboy karma.”

  April squeezed his arm. “So you don’t think I’m using you?”

  Ben poked Jack. “Will you feel used if April fucks us?”

  “Hell, no.” Jack shrugged. “I’d be honored.”

  “And you won’t go around bragging about it?” April asked.

  Ben kissed her again, then pushed her back toward Jack, who linked his arms around her hips from behind and held her tight until she realized he was just as hard and ready as Ben. “Stop overthinking it, darlin’. We want to help you, we’re willing and if we want to share any details, we can always share them with each other.”

  There was no sign of Tex in the lobby when they returned, so the journey to the room the men shared was quick and uneventful. April shivered as Ben shut the door and locked it, and then walked toward her.

  “You okay, honey? You still want to do this? Because if you don’t, you can stay and watch me fuck Jack instead.” His smile was full of lust. “Either way, I get lucky.”

  April put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Typical selfish male.”

  His smile died. “I’d prefer it if we both got to fuck you, but I’m trying to be a gentleman, here.”

  April took a deep breath. Strange that she felt far more comfortable with Ben and Jack than she had recently with Tex, when he’d done nothing but order her around and criticize her sexual performance. “I’d like to be fucked and then I’d like to watch you fuck Jack. I’ve never seen two men together before.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” Jack unbuttoned his denim shirt and removed his belt from his jeans, exposing his lean, muscled chest sprinkled with black hair. Ben did the same, his gaze fixed on April as he revealed his tanned abs and heavily muscled arms. She stared at the two men, felt her nipples harden against the silk of her top. She’d seen them without their shirts before, but somehow in such a small space it felt way more intense and personal. Neither man attempted to remove his jeans or boots as Jack sank to his knees in front of her and Ben reclaimed her mouth.

  God, he kissed so thoroughly and possessively that she wanted to moan into his mouth. Jack walked his fingers up the inside of her skirt and urged her thighs to part for him. April gasped as Ben released her mouth and trailed his lips down her throat, latched on to her nipple through the taut silk. Her knees threatened to buckle at the dual assault to her senses, but she couldn’t fall, knew she wouldn’t fall because they wouldn’t let her. Jack’s finger circled her clit, delved lower into the thick cream of her arousal.

  “She’s wet, Ben, so wet,” Jack murmured. “You’re going to love sinking your cock deep into her pussy.” He pushed up her skirt, set his mouth over h
er clit and sucked and licked her in time to Ben’s pulls on her breasts. His arm tightened around her waist as she arched against the pressure of Jack’s mouth, fought for the climax she knew was close.

  “Take her skirt off, Jack.” Ben raised his head long enough to undo the halter ties at the back of her neck. “I want to see her naked.”

  April allowed herself to be undressed, then sat on the edge of the bed, with Jack on the floor between her spread legs, one finger still moving inside her, his thumb flicking her clit. Ben stared at them both and slowly unbuttoned his jeans, kicked them and his boots off.

  “Take my cock in your mouth, honey, make me big for you.”

  “You look pretty big from here,” April managed to croak. His answering smile made her even wetter. He climbed onto the bed and straddled her chest, his weight on his knees. One hand gripped the root of his shaft and he rubbed it against her lips. “Take my cock. I want your mouth on me.”

  April opened her mouth, but he didn’t shove himself deep like Tex always did. He waited for her to suck him in, take him deeper, and explore every thick, hot inch of him. And she took her time experiencing his differences, the things he liked her to do and the things he loved. Jack returned his mouth and tongue to her pussy and it became difficult to concentrate, to maintain her focus under the onslaught of pleasure. She came hard against Jack’s tongue, felt Ben’s answering groan as she instinctively clamped her teeth around him.

  “Hold up, honey, I want my cock in your pussy when I come. I want to feel you coming all around me.”

  Jack tossed Ben a condom and he covered himself and moved off her to replace Jack between her open thighs. He ran his finger down her slit. “She’s soaking, Jack.”

  “Yeah.” Jack moved to sit beside April on the bed and slowly took off his boots and jeans. “She sure is.”

  April turned her head to look at him. “Don’t you mind?”

  “Mind what?”

  “Ben fucking me?”


  “What are you going to do while he does it?”

  Jack smiled. “Watch and give myself a good yank. If that’s okay with you.”

  Ben cleared his throat. “Hey, guys? Can we move it along here?”

  April tried to ignore the press of Ben’s cock against her pussy. “But it doesn’t seem fair.” She gasped as Ben rocked his hips and pushed in three inches. “Couldn’t Jack join in?”

  Ben’s hands came to rest on her hips. “Exactly where do you want him?”

  “In my mouth?”

  “God, yes, whatever you want, just do it.” He surged forward, grabbed her hips and drove himself deep. April went to scream but found her mouth suddenly stuffed full of Jack’s condom-covered cock instead. She closed her eyes and gave in to the pleasure, the thrust and withdrawal of Ben’s cock and the thick presence of Jack’s shaft grazing the back of her throat. She climaxed and Ben kept going, grunting into each stroke, one hand reaching out to grip Jack’s shoulder as he came.

  April screamed as Ben’s final thrust set her off again, and remembered to release Jack’s cock before she could bite through the condom. He collapsed onto the bed beside her as Ben covered her body with his own. For a long moment, no one spoke, until Ben levered himself up on his elbows and touched her cheek.

  “There’s only one thing I need to know, honey. Were we better than Tex?”

  April found herself giggling like a five-year-old, watched as Jack started laughing, too, and then Ben joined in. She was so glad she hadn’t run back home to cry and start returning engagement presents. This was way more fun than she had had since she’d agreed to marry Tex. Was Ben right? Would she really have gone through with it on Saturday? She managed to sit up and cross her legs, studied the guys’ expectant faces.

  “You were twice as good.”

  Ben frowned. “Is that all?” He glanced at Jack. “We’d better try harder next time then.”

  April sighed. “You guys are so competitive.”

  “Tex’s loss is our gain, right? If you married him, he’d probably take it as an invitation to fuck around even more. We’re glad you dumped him.” Ben shrugged. “Not that he’d left much pussy unfucked already.”

  April glanced from him to Jack. “Tex has really been that bad?”

  Ben grimaced. “Hell, that’s none of our business, is it? I’m sorry, honey.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s okay. I’d kind of worked that out myself. He’s a terrible liar.”

  “Then why did you agree to marry him?”

  Jack’s quiet question made April swallow hard. “Because last time I caught him with another woman he promised he’d do anything to keep me. I was stupid enough to believe him when he said he wanted to marry me. I’d waited so long, you see, it seemed that if I didn’t marry him I’d have to admit I’d made a mistake, and I’ve never been good at doing that.”

  Ben reached out and stroked her knee. “Makes perfect sense to me. You’ve always been stubborn as a mule.”

  She slapped at his hand before she realized he was smiling, his brown eyes full of warm affection and a hint of something deeper, stronger. She sighed. “I came to Vegas early on purpose. Tex was being so evasive. I’d kind of decided I had to know, for better or worse.”

  Ben crawled toward her, wrapped her in his arms and lowered her back down onto the bed. “And now you know, so how does it feel?”

  “Like I made the right decision for the first time in years.”

  His stiff wet cock grazed her stomach as he kissed her, and her body responded with more heat than she’d known was possible. When he drew back she was panting.

  Ben’s grin was full of intent. “In the interests of fairness, will you suck Jack’s cock while I fuck him?”

  “Yeah, it will be a pleasure.”

  Jack knelt up facing the headboard of the bed, hand gripping the frame, back arched as Ben positioned himself behind him. There was just about enough room for April to kneel on the pillows in front of Jack’s cock, but she waited as Ben kissed Jack’s neck, fondled his nipples and rubbed his covered cock against the crease of Jack’s ass.

  “Do you want it, Jack? Do you want it as much as April?” Ben glanced at her. “Are you going to suck him off?”

  “Yeah, but I want to see you…” She waved her hand at his groin.

  “You want to see me shove my dick in Jack’s ass?”

  April could only nod like an idiot as Ben smiled at her. “Then here you go, honey, just for you.” He gripped his shaft at the base and rocked back and forth until the crown of his cock disappeared inside Jack. “You want to see me go all the way? See me fuck him so hard he begs?”

  “I’m begging now.” Jack groaned. “And I’ll be screaming for it if April sucks my cock.”

  Ben started to move, his big hands anchored on Jack’s narrow hips. Almost reluctantly, April crawled around to face Jack. One look at his straining cock was enough to make her warm to her task. She licked the heavy crown, opened her mouth wide and took him deep. He cried out, his back arching into Ben’s thrusts even as he tried to shove himself farther down April’s throat.

  “Scoot forward, honey.” She barely heard Ben’s guttural command before his hand snaked around behind her ass and his fingers pumped into her soaking wet pussy. God, he was so strong, fucking Jack and finger fucking her pussy at the same time, making them both cry out, making them both come for him.

  April lay sandwiched between the two guys, more sexually replete than she had ever been before. Her cheek rested on Ben’s muscled chest and Jack spooned her from behind, his arm stretched across both Ben and her, his rumbling snores vibrating the hairs on the back of her neck.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Ben kissed her forehead, the rough stubble of his beard making her shiver.

  “Yeah, I think I’m more okay than I’ve been for years.” She touched his smiling mouth. “Did you really want me right from the start?”

  “Yeah.” He kissed her fingertips, the
n drew them into his mouth and lightly bit down. “But it was always Tex you wanted. I’m dumb, but I’m not stupid.”

  “And if I didn’t want him anymore?” April held her breath as he went still. “I know it’s too soon and I could just be desperate, or on the rebound, or… Not that I’m trying to say I want to hook up forever or anything, but…”

  He brought his hand down and covered her mouth. “Honey, as I said, I’m not stupid. If you want me, I’m yours—but there’s Jack.”

  She shook his fingers off. “What about Jack?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t want to give him up.”

  April raised her eyebrows. “Did I ask you to? Am I not lying here between you both, after just having the best sex of my entire life?”

  His smile was breathtaking. “Then I’m yours and so is Jack. If you’re planning on rejoining the rodeo circuit next year, Jack and I will make sure Tex doesn’t bother you.” He kissed her nose. “Do you want me to wake Jack up and tell him the good news?”

  “Do you think he’ll be okay about it?”

  Ben eased her gently away from Jack, who continued to sleep. “I sure do. You’ve figured in our sexual fantasies for years now. He’ll think we’re the luckiest guys on the planet.”

  “You’ve both fantasized about being with me?”

  Ben’s thigh slid between her legs and his knee nudged her wet pussy. “All the time. Do you like the sound of that?” His grin was triumphant. “You do, don’t you?”

  Dammit, he knew her far too well. April sighed as he kissed her, and she closed her eyes. So she wouldn’t be getting married on Saturday, but she’d certainly won the jackpot. Two guys who adored her, fantasized about her and knew her through and through. A return to the career she loved and the potential to win big. How good was that? Maybe Vegas was for lovers, after all.

  Taking Vows

  Kristina Wright

  It was too much. The yards of ribbon and tulle piled on every surface; the fifty yellow and white roses chilling in the refrigerator; the silver-foiled Belgian chocolate party favors; the too fancy, too expensive dress hanging on the back of the bedroom door. It was all simply too much. It was suitable for a wedding, perhaps even suitable for a renewing-the-vows ceremony, which this was going to be. But it certainly was not suitable for a couple who were planning to divorce.


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