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A Sea of Smoke: A Dark Romance (A War of Hearts Book 2)

Page 33

by Karen Lynn

  Jake tried to ignore the throbbing sensation in his leg. Detective Harvey was a tall dark skinned man with a soft voice and sincerity in his eyes. He looked around the room, then studied Jake with an intent expression on his face, as if trying to read his thoughts. After a few minutes of silence, Jake’s grogginess increased and his mind began to wander. I should've sliced Logan's other cheek also. Here I am struggling to push the self-defense crap, when I know that motherfucker killed Ray. If it wasn't for Kristen...

  “So, Jake…”

  Jake heard the faint sound of the detective’s voice somewhere in the back of his mind. Bouncing back to the present, he straightened up in his chair and looked him in the eye.

  “You back with us now?” Without wasting another minute, Detective Harvey began hammering Jake with never-ending questions. Out of the blue, he stopped to offer him a bag of chips and a can of Pepsi. That's when it hit Jake—he was famished. It had to be late afternoon already, hours since he and Kristen had a light breakfast. His mind was spinning with thoughts of food.

  Finally, the detective pushed his chair back and rose with a vibrating yawn. “Well that's it for now. But we need you to come to the station with us to give a recorded statement.” He took one more swig of the soda before tossing the can in the trash.

  “I have to talk to my girlfriend first. We were going to the emergency room for my leg and also to see our baby.”

  “Your leg? Did they document it? What happened?” Detective Harvey seemed to inflate with renewed energy.

  “I told them. It was a stray bullet. Just a flesh wound.” Shit! That was a mistake. Sighing, Jake scratched his head.

  More questions now and an inspection of his leg followed by additional note taking.

  At last they returned to the living room where he was allowed to sit next to Kristen. The two detectives conferred and handed them cards with all of the case information and phone numbers. They stressed the importance of going to the station right then, but agreed they could come in the next day.

  “Let's get outta here. We still have to go to the hospital and get some food.” Starving, exhausted and beyond the breaking point, Jake’s eyes and voice were dull.

  “What about Logan?” She turned her head, searching for him through the congregation of workers stationed in the living room.

  Frustrated, Jake dropped her arm and started storming to the door when a burning pain shot through him like a torch. Some of the investigative team had already taken up residence at the kitchen table. Wincing, he slumped against the wall to wait for Kristen’s return.

  Logan’s hands were bound, the petite female detective leading him towards her. Kristen stood frozen in place as they approached. Logan had an impassive expression on his face. They gazed at each other without blinking.

  “Can I talk to my wife for a minute?”

  “One minute.” The detective moved off to the side.

  Kristen ran to him, anxious to ask so many questions, but the words were lost in her throat. She touched his arm.

  “Hey, don't worry. I'll be out before you know it,” he spoke into her ear.

  His act of optimism couldn't fool her. She searched deep in his eyes for the truth. He was terrified.

  “I'll call Nick! What about that attorney? Did they mention bail?” Everything was happening too fast. She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

  “Not yet.” He had to grin. “That comes later. He'll call the attorney.” The detective marched back to him. “You know where I'll be. Keep in touch.” He rushed to kiss her, right as the detective seized his arm to pull him away.

  The sound of footsteps alerted Jake. Logan's head was bowed, his hair cascading around his ashen face. Jake’s eyes fixed on his shackled hands. He could hear his own heart pounding and couldn’t deny the elation sweeping over him. The detective clasped Logan’s arm as they walked past him toward the door, leaving behind an unusual tranquility. After so much turmoil, maybe it was all over at last.

  Logan avoided his eyes, looking down at the floor until he reached the door. Unable to resist any longer, he turned his head back, his face sullen, searching every inch of the room. At that moment, Jake felt her presence. He let his eyes trail to Kristen, standing rigid and forlorn at the entrance to the kitchen. Her eyes were filled with misery, but they weren't focused on him. They fixed on Logan, unwavering. It was as if he were invisible.


  The atmosphere was tense as they sat in the emergency room of Coral Beach Medical Center. Jake needed Kristen to be with him for moral support, but her mind was far away. Finding she was too perturbed to communicate with him, she decided to check in on the baby while he waited. He was still in line waiting to be seen by a doctor when she returned thirty minutes later.

  “He's fine. We can drop in later.” She slid into the seat next to him. “What's wrong?” His long face was unnerving. She re-checked her phone, desperate for Nick's return call. Not knowing if he had taken care of everything was increasing her anxiety.

  Jake shook his head in exasperation, then looked down. “It took you that long to find out and come back?” He didn't raise his eyes to her.

  An irritated look spread across her face. When her phone rang, it brightened. Instead of Nick, it turned out to be Alicia. A dark shadow fell over her as she gave a brief report and hung up to try Nick again.

  Jake sat with his face buried in his hands. When she rose abruptly and started pacing, he peeped up at her, disheartened by her obvious distress.

  After a few minutes of silent contemplation, she returned her attention to him, a sudden tenderness in her voice. “Does it still hurt?” She fell into the seat beside him.

  He could tell she was too distracted to really care, and gave her an annoyed look.

  “No. It feels great.” Grimacing, he rose and hobbled to the vending machine.

  Ten minutes passed without a call from Nick or Jake's return. Kristen sprang from her seat and headed to the other side of the waiting room where Jake crouched in a corner. He pretended not to watch her, not looking up until she stood right in front of him.

  She sank down next to him. “I asked Alicia if her cousins could help unload the truck so you could rest.” When he didn't respond, she tipped her head to the side taking in the weariness and redness in his eyes. “Jake, I'm sorry.”

  “What are you sorry about Kristen? That he's rotting in jail. It's only been a few hours. I'm sure he'll survive it. I wonder if you will though.” He couldn't hide his contempt.

  Kristen's jaw dropped, an angry flush rolling across her face. “He's saving my ass Jake! If could've been me, remember?” Here we go again.

  For the first time since they'd arrived at the hospital, he looked her straight in her eyes.

  He leaned close to her ear. “Maybe you should be. You pulled the gun on me earlier, ready to waste me. If it wasn't for your undying love for him, none of this would've happened in the first place.”

  “I can't believe you said that!” Close to tears, she leaped from the seat and stomped away.

  They alternated between ignoring each other and glaring. As if on cue, it was announced there was an examining room available for him. With a quick glance in her direction, he followed the attendant. For a minute she remained anchored in place by the wall. With a harsh sigh, she slowly trailed after them.


  The clock ticked away. Logan sat in the holding cell of Miami Dade County Jail impatiently waiting for word that Nick arranged bail.

  What the hell is taking him so long? Countless hours had already passed since he used one of his three phone calls to leave him a voicemail with the details.

  His mind was on overdrive. I know Kristen contacted Nick, she wouldn’t let me down. But what if she screws up? She always freaks out over everything. What if that idiot boyfriend of hers doesn’t let her call him?

  Overcome with mental and physical exhaustion, he was desperate to close his eyes and surrender to sleep, but too terrified.
The horrible stench of the crowded cell sickened him. Even though he tried to keep his eyes to himself, to cower in the corner, to be indivisible, he could feel everyone glaring at him. Their vicious hoots and snarls wouldn’t stop. He resisted listening, but the noise was deafening.

  The uproar in his mind wouldn’t let him rest. Explaining everything to Nick is gonna be a bitch. If I tell him Kristen did it, I won’t look like a fool. No! I can’t be tempted to tell him the truth. I can’t give in. We will be together again; I feel it in my gut. As long as I keep my promise and cover for her she’s gonna see I changed and realize how much she wants me. I am better for her than that meathead.

  There must've been at least fifteen guys in there with him, one more sinister looking than the next. When he closed his eyes for a second of relief, he sensed one of them closing in on him. There was no way he would get a minute of rest, much less any sleep.

  It didn’t matter though. Somehow, after last time, he felt it would be easier. Somehow he was positive his attorney would get him out. It was simple self-defense and Florida’s pro-gun laws would be in his favor. Gina wasn't even dead, the last he heard. It would all work out. Wouldn’t it?

  His mind began to wonder again, this time centering on Kristen and the look in her eyes when she saw him handcuffed. Then something crashed against his back, the excruciating pain blasting up to his brain. After that, everything went black.


  The visit with the baby had a pacifying effect. Jake behaved, taking his prescribed pain killers after allowing the doctor to do his job. Once his leg was cleaned and bandaged, his mind more at ease, his dull spirits rose a little. After a quick bite at a Cuban cafe, they finally unloaded the furniture with the help of Alicia and one of her muscular young cousins, Tony. While he occupied Jake with his nonstop banter, Kristen welcomed a few minutes alone with Alicia.

  Too exhausted and spaced out to sit up anymore, they lay on the bed in the master bedroom. It wasn't the best mattress on Earth, but was like a slice of heaven for Kristen’s aching body.

  “So how much time do you think Logan will get?” Alicia promised herself she would appear neutral, but was secretly delighted.

  The question took Kristen by surprise. Alicia had already expressed disbelief that Logan was taking the heat for her. So far, it hadn’t registered completely in her own head.

  “I hope nothing. Nick swears by his attorney.”

  Alicia's eyes widened. “Kris, please tell me you're not having second thoughts about Jake and Logan. I know it was noble and all, but I'm sure he has his nasty ulterior motives.”

  Kristen laughed. Alicia was nothing if not direct, a true New Yorker forever. Still, it did touch a nerve. “Maybe, but maybe he's changed, who knows? The point is, I could be the one rotting in jail right now. It’s really forcing me to reconsider if I hate him or not, that’s all.”

  Jake will be furious if he knows I confessed to her. Perhaps I trust Alicia to a fault—but she has nothing to gain by ratting me out. It feels good, I need to express my true feelings to someone or I’ll explode. I certainly can’t to Jake.

  “Him changing? That would be a major miracle, but, sweet girl, for your sake I hope it's true. Either way, he’s still dangerous, don’t forget that. I better get going. You guys should get some rest. Take care of Jake, he needs you too.”

  Kristen stared at her, mulling her words over in her mind. She was about to reveal her disturbance about Nick and bail, but held back. After giving her a quick kiss, Alicia hopped off the bed, grabbed Tony and scooted out the door.

  By the time Kristen came out of the shower, Jake was sprawled across the entire bed, passed out. It had been hours since she cried; she was sure all of her tears had all run dry. Once again, she was wrong.




  “Are you sure we have everything?” Jake was so anxiety-ridden, he felt his blood bubbling in his veins.

  “Yes. All we need are Alex’s clothes and the car seat.” She touched his face, still uneasy about their hospital fiasco. Her emotions were running so high, she was combustible. They were on a battle field, during a cease fire. Only the baby, her little dove, held them at bay.

  For a second Jake’s eyes filled with warmth as he allowed himself to gaze at her. His heart pounded with a strange, undeniable fury, but he refused to crumble. With an apprehensive nod, he hoisted himself into the driver's seat of the truck.

  “Let's go then.”

  The hope drained from her face. Trying to mask her disappointment, she grabbed her bag and climbed into the passenger seat. She studied him through the corner of her eye as he fidgeted uncomfortably for a second. His right hand started a feeble search for hers, then drew back to clench the steering wheel. She stiffened and turned her attention to the majestic palm trees fading past them as they sped away.

  * * *

  When they handed Alex to Kristen, all of her strength dissolved. As hard as she tried to contain her silent tears of joy, it was useless. She couldn't believe this beautiful little boy in his tiny blue beanie, with random brown curls sneaking through, her son, was in her arms finally going home. Trapped and comfortable in the calm, dreamlike aura, she felt them help her into the wheelchair and began the short journey to the car. She couldn't take her eyes off of him as he snuggled in her arms, struggling to hold his open. Jake towered alongside of them, a docile expression on his face, her small handbag hanging off of his huge shoulder.

  Kristen had kept her conversation with Jake to a minimum, speaking only when necessary for hospital procedures, but the electricity was unbearable. She couldn't refrain any longer.

  “Do you think he knows who we are. That he's going home?”

  It snapped him out of the peaceful realm he was lost in. His eyes flicked up to hers, contemplating her as he walked.

  “I hope so.” He smiled, brushing his fingers along invisible tears that misted the freckles on her cheeks.

  She flushed with delight, resting her cheek against Alex's tiny head.


  The emergency room doctor concluded that the injury to Logan's back wasn't serious enough to keep him overnight. There were no apparent broken bones, and it appeared to have been from a fist, since none of the detainees in the holding cell had access to weapons. Or so they said. After administering pain killers to him, he was transported back to a different holding cell, with fewer suspects.

  He was dizzy and confused, especially after taking the meds. At least the pain was subsiding, helping to clear his mind somewhat. The attack left him paranoid and chilled to the bone, but there was little time to complain. Even in his hazed state he knew his priority was to stay low and get out as soon as possible.

  The vague recollection that he had never spoken to Nick came back to him. The police officer promised to find out. When he returned a while later and told him that bail was never arranged and he had to wait for a hearing before a judge, he struggled to figure out what to do. His second phone call was to Kristen.

  The police officer stood close by with an indifferent attitude as Logan flitted from foot to foot waiting for her to answer.

  “Krissy, did Nick call you? I'm still in jail,” he spoke as low as possible, holding onto the phone as if it were his lifeline. For some reason lowering his face so that it was covered by his wispy hair, provided a false sense of security from the other inmates.

  “Logan! No, I called him a bunch of times. Do you have that attorney's name?”

  Jake’s image zoomed through his head. He had to make it fast. “You need to look him up. It's Richard Schwartz I think. See if you can find out about bail or something. So will I.”

  A sudden barrage of hoots and hollers boomed through the hallway.

  “Please, Krissy, I need you to do whatever it takes to get me outta here!” Something told him not to reveal too much information over the phone. A gigantic, angry skinhead layered with venomous tattoos, leaned against the wal
l glaring at him. The police officer smirked nearby.

  “I will. I promise. Be careful, okay.” Kristen was breathless. Then the line went dead.


  After she fed and put the baby down, she sat helplessly staring at the walls. Where should she start? The air had finally cleared between her and Jake and they were warm and affectionate to each other again. Still there was a looming uneasiness prompted by his repressed suspicions. This was only going to make it worse. Regardless, she couldn't abandon Logan for many reasons, both selfish and compassionate.

  Jake was busy setting up his painting supplies in the Florida Room. She was surrounded by boxes and suitcases and still had clothing and house supplies to unpack and put away. The small house needed to be cleaned. At least, the baby was asleep and she had some free time.

  Calling Micky Sedakis entered her mind. Even though he was in New York, he would probably know what to do. It was almost nine months since she'd given the sudden notice of her move. Since then she'd never spoken to any of the lawyers. Decisions were never easy for her, but this one was instantaneous. She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try. She silently slipped into the backyard. After finding and leaving a message for the criminal lawyer Logan gave her, she summoned all of her courage and called Micky.

  “Hey doll, it's been a long time! How the hell are you?”

  Although her heart was heavy, she couldn't prevent the tiny smile from surfacing at the sound of his hearty voice. “Not too good unfortunately. It's a long story—Logan's in jail in Miami for shooting his girlfriend.”

  “Holy shit! I can refer some attorneys I know down there if you want. Talk to me.”

  With an unexpected resurgence of hope, she sighed and began the long story, leaving out any part that implicated herself, just as they had agreed and told the police. By the end of the conversation her voice choked and she was very close to breaking down. Then Micky's response pushed her over the edge.


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