Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 4

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  We spent the next few hours making the room, well I should say rooms, into the right kind of place for me. He added a bathroom- something I clearly had forgotten- as well as a bedroom, a small kitchen, and a training room. It was amazing to watch. I was exhausted in the end just from watching him, but he didn't even crack a sweat.

  Now you sleep. He guided me back to the bedroom that looked a lot like my tower room back home with Dom. He helped me into the bed, and then actually lulled me to sleep.

  The day had gone completely by the time I woke up. I couldn't see any light outside my covered window. It was amazing to see how my life had changed since I had been a normal teenage girl back home that was asleep in the dark and awake in the light. I was tempted to try and call Dominic, but I knew I probably couldn't get any service in here and I needed the time away from him.

  I had just gotten out of the shower and pulled on some loose comfortable clothes when I heard a gentle tap at my bedroom door. Bernie pushed the door open and brought in a tray of food. My mouth watered, apparently I was hungry and hadn't noticed.

  So is this stuff real or materialized? I joked with him, although I seriously wondered.

  Only the real stuff for the princess. He winked at me.

  Princess? Ha! I don't think I'd make a very good princess. I don't really do the whole royal thing. I tried to laugh it off, but the way he said the word princess stuck with me.

  Now you eat. Then we see what you can do and how we need to train you a bit before you go to school. He handed me the tray and formed a table and chair. Then he walked out of the room. I ate as instructed, and then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I had no idea what I was going to be tested in.

  When I walked into the training room, Betty and Bernie were both standing there. They were dressed similarly, and I suddenly wished I had light linens to wear. I stood in the center of the room and allowed my sense to take the reins. The first thing I realized was that the air was tainted with the smell of blood- not just any blood, vampire blood. I looked for the source and found Bernie had a huge gaping wound across his leg. I was sure it wasn't there before because I could watch the blood soaking his white linen. I immediately rushed to him.

  “Are you okay?” I shouted at him, like raising my voice would make the injury stop bleeding.

  He shook on his feet and began to fall. I grabbed him and laid him down. I moved to the bloody mess and ripped back his thin pants. The blood was pouring out of the wound, I need more time, dammit! I placed my hands over it to slow the bleeding and remembered my gift. I focused all of my energy into fixing what was broken. I could feel his blood slow, the muscles bound back together, and the tissue reform. I watched the skin close over the fixed injury. I glanced at his face and realized the amount of blood he lost was too much, he needed more blood now. I took the small dagger I had been carrying around and sliced open my palm and placed the flowing crimson river above his mouth. His paled skin began to shade back to its normal glowy shine. His eyes fluttered and he took a deep pull off of my bleeding hand. I saw a flash of color behind his eyes that I didn't recognize and then he let go.

  Thank you. He managed to say before I quieted him.

  “You need to rest. To make sure that it all healed well and to get your strength back.” I cooed at him as though he was a small child.

  It isn't necessary, Emma. You've healed the cut and supplied him with blood, he is fine now. I had forgotten Betty was there.

  But look at him. I looked back over at him and realized she was right.

  Thank you again. He said as he blushed and looked down at his feet.

  That was most impressive. It is a skill you don't call upon often though. What else can be done with this aspect of your gift? Betty asked with a look of excitement.

  I brought back to life a small bird once. And I can heal minor injuries. I've never done anything like that cut before though. I felt a little annoyed over being tested like this, he could've died.

  Leave the emotion, Child. He knew the risk. And I've a similar ability, only not as strong. I could've revived him. Shall we test you life giving ability? She raised an eyebrow.

  I don't think it's necessary. I really didn't want her to kill Bernie to see if I could make his heart beat once more.

  Fair enough. Then let's move onto your mental abilities. I'm going to test each aspect of your defense, attack, and manipulation abilities. After that we will begin to teach you some of the things we know. Her face turned dark.

  I didn't feel her at first, it was like testing for weaknesses and endurance at the same time. When I reached my limit I felt pain sear through my body. My mind went blank for a minute and then I tried to turn the pain against her. It required me to test her as well. Soon I hit a weak spot and poured my strengthen behind it. She gasped in pain and fell to her knees. I stopped.

  I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know what to do, how do you heal a mental injury?

  She sat there with a dazed look on her face. I decided I needed to fix it. I stood before her and placed my hand to her head and again felt for the injury. I found it instantly, I had broken something- I didn't know enough about the mind to know what it was, but I felt the broken buzz that came from inside. I reached out my healing abilities and wrapped myself around the problem. I wasn't sure what to do first, but then I could feel the problem. Once I knew my gift could find the mistake and heal it, I knew I could fix it.

  Betty blinked up at me. She looked over a Bernie who had gone pale white with fear, and he nodded his head. I assumed she had asked him a question directly. Betty looked at me with amazement.

  Child, I don't know what you did or how you fixed it, but I know I was lost. I couldn't find myself. It was as though you had cut the line that connected me to my body. Thank you for repairing me. She got up a little wobbly and walked to Bernie's side.

  I'm so sorry. I pleaded at her to understand how sorry I was.

  The fault is mine. I underestimated you. Something a seer should never do. We will need to work on your defense, but you last very well under my attack. Your own attack was a marvel. I know I'm well and everything is fine, but I'm shaken at your gift. I would like to continue this tomorrow. Once we've tested everything, I'll train you some and suggest to the school what should be done for your classes. I don't think a beginning mental attack class would do you well. Perhaps an advance one on one class. Hmm. I shall think on this. But I must rest some to regain my inner strength. And with that Betty actually disappeared.

  It wasn't your fault, Emma. Bernie told me as he came to my side to comfort me.

  It was. I did that. I shook up Betty to the point where I broke her. You don't understand that I knew she was broken. I could feel it! I cried.

  Bernie took me in his arms and whispered to me how it was all okay, Betty was fine, and it was only a test. I knew he was right, but I had a hard time letting go of what I was capable of, it frightened me. How can I even exist and be able to cause such damage? I thought I was chosen to fix things not make them worse. I cried.

  When I awoke, I felt utterly drained and wished my eyes didn't feel like bricks. Bernard was in my room, asleep in a small cot he must have materialized. He looked as tired as I felt. I went and took a nice hot shower. I smelled food as I got dressed in black linens that were by my bed when I got up. The smell was delicious and drew me out of the bathroom quickly. Betty stood holding a plate and beckoned me forward. My hunger didn't erase the memories from the day before, I looked down at my feet.

  Oh, come on, Child. I'm fine. I think it was more of my ego being hurt by being bested by a child. Now come and eat. You will get over things as you discover more about yourself today. Remember, you're supposed to be learning about WHO YOU ARE here! Now eat. She sat the plate down on the table and walked out of the room.

  The bacon was crisp, but not burnt. The omelette was cheesy and full of ham, potatoes, and various veggies. Delicious. I ate a small side of hash browns. And to finish everything off I d
rank orange juice laced with blood. I felt completely rejuvenated. I fixed Bernie a plate and took it to him on a tray.

  I woke him when I walked in. His eyes looked at me with concern. I handed him the tray, smiled, and left the room. I didn't want anymore reminders of yesterday.

  Betty wasn't in the training room. I walked through the entire house and didn't find her. When I went outside the front door, I found her sitting on a floor cushion with a low table in front of her. She gestured toward the velvety black cushion opposite her. I sat as gracefully as I could, but still managed to thump at the end. If it bothered her refined senses, she didn't say.

  Today, we test your seer abilities. If they're anything near your mental capabilities, I can only see one future for you- and it looks brighter each moment. Her smile was genuine, which caused some of my deeper fears to relax.

  So where do we start? I smiled at her.

  Tell me what this card is? In her outstretched hand was a simple playing card, the back was facing me.

  Surely, we're going to start with actually seeing something. I whined at her.

  No, we begin here. This takes as much focus as looking into the future, it's all about looking for the right thing. There are two ways to do this: one, you can take the information you need directly from my head- I'll not give it easily, and I'm positive you could take if it you truly wanted. She grimaced slightly, but regained her composure. The second way is to manipulate your vision to see in the direction you want. Allow your mind to trace back to the moment I took the card from the deck and see the card. Or check the future to when I reveal the card to you. She looked at me expectingly.

  I took a deep breath. I was not sure about bending time and space with my thoughts only. I decided that looking forward would be easier than looking back. I focused my thoughts on the card and what the future held for it. I saw the card being placed face up. It was a red card, hearts or diamonds. I thought about what the shapes were, hearts. Then I followed the pattern, counting out the number- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven. It was the seven of hearts. How the heck can I see this? And then it was gone.

  So, Child, do you know the card that I hold? Her smug face drew on my patience.

  “It's the seven of hearts.” I smiled and took the card from her limp fingers.

  I turned it around very slowly, and placed it face up on the table. The small red symbols stared happily up at the sky.

  Very good. Now to the next test. Perhaps a little mind reading. Her disappointment in my quick abilities seemed to take on a darkness to them. I figured this test would be hard.

  Bernard! She huffed out and he appeared instantly.

  How may I assist, Milady? He actually bowed to her. I wasn't sure where the formality came in, perhaps in the way she summoned him.

  I want you to think of something very secret. Something you'd never want anyone to find out. Then I want you to lock it away in your mind- the way I showed you before. Then Emma will try to figure it out. She looked at me and nodded.

  Sounds good. Just let me know when you're ready, Bernie. I beamed at him.

  Concentration broke out across his face, covering it in a light sheen of sweat. Whatever he was thinking about, it was clear that he didn't want it to be known. His face went lax very suddenly, and then he smiled. I'm ready, Emma.

  Okay. I wasn't sure how to begin this. I sent my normal probe out to his mind. I felt for his vampire thoughts floating on the edge. I grasped onto one as quickly and as hard as I could. My foothold was strong. I did a quick mental search through his most recent thoughts. It occurred to me that this was similar to a computer. If I wanted to know something about the previous use of the computer, I could search the data files. Here, I decided that I could run a search on his memories. It seemed like a good start.

  I focused my energy to find something recently hidden. Flashes passed into my thoughts. Nothing of use. Suddenly I felt it. It pulsed with the dark, lust of a secret wanting to be known. Bernie had hidden it well, but the problem with secrets is that they don't want to be hidden. It pulled me in with its black waves of sensuous thoughts. Do I want to know this? A part of me knew that I certainly didn't want to know. Its pulsing tendrils licked at my thoughts as desirous as smooth sweet chocolate. I could feel the creamy sensation of knowledge wanting to be known. I couldn't resist.

  I reached out and touched the darkness. And I was enveloped.

  Soft ivory flesh stood out against black satin sheets. The contrast was startling- white against black. The body was clearly female. Her back was turned toward me. The shadows of the room played with the curves of her back. She was lean and toned in places. Her hair was fanned out behind her, creating a curtain of black waves. A hand rested on her hip, the nails painted a deep blood red. She was still youthful, but that meant nothing in the world of vampires.

  A sound moved my vision to a man standing in the corner. He was chained and stood wearing only sheer black pants. His hands were chained above him, his face- Bernard's face- was a mask of pure delight. But desire flashed dangerously behind his eyes. He tugged slightly on the chains- something he could've easily broken with his strength or made them vanish with his gifts.

  A slight laughter caused me to turn my head once more. The woman was staring at him. Pleasure spread across her face. She held the key to his chains in her hands. It swayed back and forth with the gentle swish of her wrist. She cocked an eyebrow and with a confident smirk dared him to get it. I heard the clink as the chains broke. He was on her in seconds. He purred at her. And then he bit her. The only problem was that the woman in the bed was... me.

  I pulled out of the thought with a start. Did I just see that? I felt a little dirty to having stepped into someone's guarded wants. Even more so when they involved me. I looked at Bernard, and he turned crimson and cast his eyes down.

  Ah, so she was able to see what you hid. Betty was both pleased and annoyed- something I wasn't sure about.

  Betty, what's wrong? I wanted to know what I had done.

  You've done nothing, Emma. In fact, you're the most gifted mind user I've ever encountered. Let's test your seeing skills. Just briefly. Her eyes dimmed and faded to a cloudy gray. Ah, that will do quite well. Now, I want you to look into the future of your beloved Dominic. What can you see?

  I merely nodded. I thought of Italy, Bella Notte and the beautiful cave that connected me all to Dominic. And then I thought of him. I felt more emotions than I saw images- worry, happiness, regret, forgiveness, and then a grief that shocked me back into the moment and out of my thoughts.

  What does it mean? I asked instantly.

  What did you see? Her smile was constant.

  Nothing. I only felt. The last thought I got was all grief. Like someone died. I gulped for air.

  You tried to see too much. The images come when searching for moments- not an entire lifetime. You felt what he'll feel from this moment on- should things stay on this course. But courses change, so things are not set. Betty's smile was gentle with understanding.

  So, now what do we do? I wasn't sure I wanted to learn anymore.

  Child, it's time for you to rest. Soon you'll leave this place. I'll come later this evening and we will talk of the blade that hangs over your head. I've learned enough about your gifts to suggest to the school how they should train you. But rest is what you need. Betty turned and gestured Bernard forward- he resisted only momentarily.

  “Wait...” But the word fell to silence as they had already vanished from the strange room.

  “UGH! Now I'm just supposed to rest?! After everything that just happened! UGH!” I kicked out at the stones I stood on. Frustration rolled through my body.

  Deep breath. DEEP BREATH. With every command I gave myself, I felt my tense grow more and more- clearly deep breaths work for crap. I went inside and found some of my workout cloths. I threw them on, pulled my hair into a messy pony tail, and ran out the door.

  Two hours later, I had barely broken a sweat, but my mind wa
s blank. My mind was happily dancing around with the beat of my footfalls on the hard packed dirt.





  The rhythm beat out like a drum. The steady pace was calming and I soon found my focus. I thought about Dominic and Bella Notte. Will the business boom? Seemed like a safe enough question to me. Soon, my vision was lost to the balmy tropical atmosphere as I watched the success of Bella Notte and how it spread throughout the world. It would be a safe haven for vampires- bringing us closer together than we had ever been before. The vision left me feeling queasy. I slowed my pace to simple walk. I had been lucky not to run into anything- or maybe it was merely my vampiric reflexes that kept me safe.

  I knew he'd do it. Dominic would be delighted to know the future of Bella Notte, but if I told him maybe that would surely change it. I decided to keep the information to myself. Dominic would bring our people together in a way that no one had managed to do before and I certainly wasn't going to screw that up.

  I walked back up to my home. I took a brief hot shower and went back into the kitchen. I was in my black plush robe and nothing more, when I found Bernie fixing me dinner.

  “Uh, hi.” I pulled the robe tighter around myself as Bernie's hidden thoughts flashed through my mind.

  “Hiya, Emma. I thought you'd like a light dinner before Bettina returned. You'll be returning back to your home soon enough.” His voice held a tension that made knots in my stomach.

  “Let me dress and I'll be right back.” I said as I rushed back into my bedroom- pulling on the first clean outfit that looked comfy that I could find. It was my old gym shirt and some sweat shorts, my heart panged at the thought of my life with Mike.

  “Your pain rolls off of you in waves, you know. When you think of him.” Bernie's words were harsh.

  “Excuse me?” How do you respond to something like that?


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