Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 5

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “When you think of your old boyfriend- the werewolf.” I couldn't read his inflection on the word 'werewolf' but I doubt it was a good one.

  “What do you know about Mike? Nothing. He's a good person. I'm sure those close to him think the same of us. It's all a stupid childish name calling.” I snarled.

  Bernie stopped and looked at me with sheer shock.

  “I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry, Bernie. What you just said is the whole reason that there are problems between our kinds. It's stupid and shouldn't be that way. And if I can, I'm gonna stop it.” I squared my shoulders and stood up as tall as possible.

  “I believe you might be one of the few people that can. La nostra salvatrice.” He bowed toward me.

  Did he just call me their savior? My mind whirled with the thought of what people thought of me.

  “Here, eat. She'll come when you're done.” Bernie placed a plate in front of me- it was a salad with a dressing that looked like a vinaigrette mixed with blood.

  “Thank you, Bernie. Are you going to join me tonight?” I gestured toward the second seat at the table.

  “Not tonight, Emma. I've many things to attend to, I'll eat breakfast with you.” He smiled and walked out. “Enjoy.”

  I sighed. Why do they all do that? I really hate being so alone. I ate my food in silence, enjoying the strange tangy taste of the dressing. When I finished I washed my dish and sipped on my water. I stood staring out the window into the dying light that washed out the colors of the plants. My mind circled back to the thought of going home and seeing Dom. I'd like to see Mike before I leave though. My entire body tried to plead with me.

  All is possible with your gift, Child. I didn't hear her approach, but I didn't start when I heard her voice in my head.

  “Not everything is possible, Betty.” My voice showed all the sadness I had whenever I thought of Mike.

  Your gift is special. And from what I hear, you've already visited him. How about I guide you this time and help you interact with the wolf? Betty's voice held no judgment.

  What about learning about the prophecy? It was the reason why I was there after all.

  Child, I've no need of sleep. We can do both. Her eyes smiled with hidden secrets that I wanted to know all about.

  Yes. How do I see Mike and let him see me? My heart beat was that of humans and I knew that excitement colored my cheeks.

  First, come and sit with me here on these pillows. Betty gracefully sat down on a bright red floor pillow.

  I sat on a hunter green one- it made me think of the forest.

  Because you're not trained, but very gifted, I don't know how long the connection will last. He will be the only one that can hear or see you. Now, you must focus on the castle you had seen before. Think only of it, until you can see it. Then focus your thoughts of finding your wolf. Now close your eyes, Emma. Betty's voice had become distant- as though I was hearing it through the wind.

  I shut my eyes. I thought back to my vision. I could see the green earth, the beautifully growing ivy, and the carved stone. I stepped back to look at the entire sight and found myself staring at the glorious castle from before. I held the vision tight. Now, where are you, Michael O'Shanold? My question sent a probe out around me. His presence was like a light in the darkness of night. I followed it. My movements were even faster than while I was awake. I located him in a blink of an eye. The guy I had fallen for was walking alone along a lake. I reached out for him.

  “Mike.” I spoke his name and knew he could hear me.

  He turned swiftly and stared in disbelief as I floated in front of him. “Emma?”

  “Well, sort of. I'm merely projecting myself here.” I reached my hand through his.

  “Spooky.” He smiled causing his bright green eyes to light.

  “I missed you.” My heart panged and I felt my vision fade slightly.

  FOCUS. Betty commanded from where my body sat.

  “Emma?” He reached to try and catch hold of me.

  “Don't worry. I'm here for the moment. We aren't sure how long I can hold this state- being so new to it.” I smiled at him apologetically.

  “How are you?” Mike's eyes held a caution I had never seen before.

  “I'm okay. About to start school and all. How about you? You liking it here?” I waved toward the castle behind me.

  “Oh, yeah. It's nice to be around so many like me. Acacia likes it here too- her family lives here and all.” He looked down at his boots- same as my favorite ones.

  “Right.” The air wiggled around me, I fought harder to hold on to it.

  “Em, you ok?” His face filled with concern.

  “Yeah, just... a bit... hard to hold it.” I breathed out.

  “Mike?” Her voice was like cold water in my veins.

  He turned quickly to see Acacia standing at the edge of the lake. “Hi.” He looked back over his shoulder at me.

  “Only you can see or hear me...” I was starting to fade.

  Panic washed his feature, he rushed closer to me. “Don't leave me, not yet. Em, please.” He whispered.

  “Michael, what on Earth are you doing?” Acacia's voice sounded concern.

  “I'm sorry, Mike, it's time for me to go now. You've company anyways. I'll try to come again. I miss you, my love.” I whispered back at him as everything faded away and I was back sitting on the floor with Betty.

  Interesting. She smiled.

  I sighed. Tears fought to stream down my cheeks but I bit them away.

  Now, let us talk about this death prophecy that hangs balanced over your and your wolf's head. Her words broke the sorrow that was weighing down my heart.

  How do we stop it? I needed to know this more than anything else.

  Ah, a good question. But not the place to start. Let me share the original vision with you. Betty reached out and grasped my hand in her iron lock.

  My world went black and suddenly I was watching the history of the two peoples and their bloody battles. My stomach rolled. Please make it stop. I pleaded with myself. All the pain and suffering of hundreds of years of fighting circled around me like a suffocating fog. I thought I might pass out from the overwhelming sensations being thrown at me, when everything shifted. I was standing in a royal looking court where two thrones stood empty- each with the insignias of its people. They were tributes to the rulers that once sat in them. The regal chairs grew larger in my view and I could read the inscriptions to Mike and myself on them. I gasped for air. My lungs seemed to believe the words written in stone about my own death. It didn't matter that I didn't require air to survive, my system went into shock.

  I woke from the vision huddled in a ball on the floor with Bernie holding me.

  “It'll be okay. Emma. Come back to us.” His voice chanted the words at me.

  “Bernie?” My brain was having a hard time registering everything that was happening.

  “Emma!” He kissed the top of my head.

  That is enough, Bernard. She's fine. Betty's voice was icy cold. But Bernie's hold on me didn't loosen.

  I tried to sit up and fell right back down.

  “Not yet. You need to rest for a moment. Here, sip this.” Bernie held a vial of straight blood to my lips.

  The effect was instant. My mind cleared and I felt better. “What happened?” My voice still sounded weak as I sat up.

  Your mind didn't handle the images as well as I thought it might. But now that you're with us again. What I showed you is only one path, Emma. You chose this ending, no one else does. You can stop it for you both. Now it's time for you to get ready to leave. Betty's words were abrupt.

  “Okay. Betty. Thank you for everything.” I got to my feet, I didn't feel the need to argue the point or push anything. I finally realized that everything would eventually make sense.

  Betty left. Bernie helped me to my room. “Emma, can I help you pack?” His eyes burned bright with concern.

  “Of course, Bernie, I'd appreciate it.” I gave him a small smile.

  We packed all my possessions in silence. I would miss this place. I would miss Bernie.

  “Emma, would you, eh, write to me sometimes? So I know you're ok?” Bernie was looking down at the luggage at his feet.

  “Of course!” I hugged him tightly around his neck. “Promise you'll write back?”

  “I'd never offend Milady by not.” He winked at me as he bent and kissed the back of my hand.

  I laughed. “Thank you, Bernie, for everything. You've made my time here better.”

  “Aww. Now let's get this stuff out to your car. It'll be waiting for you. I've been told that you should just follow the path and you'll find your way out.” He lifted my bag up.

  “Thank you, Bernie.” I whispered and squared my shoulders to walk out of this place the way I came.

  My trip back to the real world was as easy as taking Betty's private jet back to Italy- something I still didn't understand why she had in the first place. I slept through the entire trip. The moment we landed at the private airport I knew he was there. I could feel him in every ounce of myself.

  Chapter two

  Dom! I hadn't realized just how much I had missed him. Feeling his presence once the plane landed filled my body with a joy I didn't recognize. Was this what I was missing while I was gone? A deeper thought demanded to know if the hole of not having Dom around is what caused seeing Mike to be so intense. I don't know.

  The plane taxied to its spot. I happily bounced in my seat with anticipation- bag in hand. As soon as the attendant lowered the stairs, I was out of my seat rushing out the door.

  “Thank you!” I shouted over my shoulder.

  Dominic stood in all his glorious beauty just off the tarmac. He was clad in all black. His sleeveless shirt showed every tattoo that had been expertly carved into his skin. I had never seen Dom look like an avenging angel until that moment- it was breathtaking. I rushed into his waiting arms.

  “Emma!” His word was an electric jolt to my system.

  “Dom.. I've missed you so.” I sobbed out at him.

  “Almost a whole week and no word. I was so worried, mia bella. I was beginning to wonder if I should contact the school about you having a late start.” His pout was visible.

  “Almost a week?!” I didn't believe I was gone that long.

  “Yes! Did you fall into a black hole? How could you not know how long you were gone?” His eyes pierced my very soul when he looked so deep into mine.

  My heart beat just slightly faster, but it didn't matter, he'd hear it if it was just the slightest increase. “ I, ah, was, um, away. You know that.” I smiled sheepishly at him.

  He seemed to debate within on whether or not to push the matter. The decision was clear- he would allow it to drop for now. I still wasn't sure just how much of my trip I should reveal to him. “So, we're going to have to get you settled and ready for classes as they start the day after tomorrow. I went by to get your schedule, but they said there was some last minute changes and that you could pick it up on the first day.” Dom lingered over the thought that the changes might have to do with my trip- I could easily read it on his face.

  “Wow! Time flies fast. So what needs to get done?” Dom's bike was behind him, he handed me a helmet.

  “Come on. Let's start by getting you home.” He tied my bag to the back of the bike and then hopped on.

  “Kay.” I climbed on behind him, the very scent of him sent waves of excitement through me- clearly I had missed him.

  The ride home was a mixture of flashes of places I knew and loved and whirls of blurred images. The night sky was kissed with the brisk fall air that I loved to feel sweep across my face. I wanted to lean back and feel the moonlight dance its way over my skin, but I didn't want to throw the bike off balance.

  Emma, mia bella, I missed you so. Did you at least have a pleasant trip? His words tickled my mind in the most intense way.

  Yes. It was an interesting trip. I'll tell you about it when we get home. I don't want us to die out here because I was distracting you with my lame old trip. But you have to tell me everything that's going on with Bella Notte. I beamed back at him, I quickly decided that I needed to tell Dominic everything except the weird dream that Bernie had, so we had no lies between us.

  When we're home then. He let the silence drift between us like static on a dead radio, I didn't like it.

  The rest of the ride was spent in this fashion, which in turn caused me to desperately try not to fidget. I allowed my mind to wander back to England and everything that had happened. The entire trip was insanely strange. How will I tell Dom about all this nonsense? I knew him well enough to know that he would think me foolish for keeping it all a secret to begin with. Then I remembered why I had to keep it a secret in the first place- that god-awful dream about his sister.

  I sighed out into the cool night air, and missed the fact that my breath no longer made little puffs of smoke.

  What's wrong? There was no alarm in his voice.

  Nothing, my love. I sighed internally for having to lie once more. I knew I needed to tell him, but how was an entirely different story.

  We crossed the water, and I secretly laughed to myself about that old legend about running water stopping vampires in their tracks. Clearly, it was nothing more than a silly myth. I wonder where and how that one got started? The sleek bike made small crunching sounds on the well-worn road of this lovely enchanted place. Dominic's castle like home towered above us as we pulled up. I could easily see the tower-like rounded corner where my room was located. The rich sea air was damp, but so welcoming. I even had to admit to myself that I missed the spooktastic catacombs under the house.

  “Welcome home, mia bella. It hasn't been the same without you.” His words echoed through my body as though he had said them straight to my heart.

  “Oh, Dom!” I clung to him as we got off the bike. “I don't know where to begin! I want, no I need to tell you so much!” The words rushed from my mouth.

  “Emma, hush. Calm my love. Whatever is the matter?” He stroked my straight black hair.

  “Oh, so much. And your sister!” The mere mention of Issy sent me into hysteria.

  “Emma, what about Isabella? What's wrong, my love?” His hold tightened around me, as though to protect me from whatever was causing my tears.

  I could do no more than shake my head.

  “Come, let's get inside where it's warm and I'll make you some tea.” Dominic led me up the well-worn stone stairs into my home.

  The kitchen was so welcoming after being at Betty's with her strange rooms and servants. The beautiful tile floor, with its warm hues, and the vast open space, with the light pouring in during the day- it was just what I needed. Dom set the kettle and retrieved a blanket from one of the many closets, he placed it around me. The gesture was reassuring, even if the blanket wouldn't change my naturally cool body temperature.

  He placed the steaming cup in front of me, I could smell the naturally calming herbs and the hint of blood he must have mixed in.

  “Drink this, mia bella.” His words were a command filled with love.

  I sipped the soothing liquid. I could feel it course its way through my body. The herbs were easily absorbed into my system, and the blood gave me just the right amount of extra energy that I needed to get control of my raging inner self.

  “Feel better?” His green eyes looked like storm-churned waters with his concern.

  “Yes. Thank you. I think it was just how overwhelmed I suddenly felt to be home. I'm sorry if I scared you. I'll tell you everything about my trip and the reason for me going there. I'm sure I'll ultimately need your help anyways. But right now, I'd like to go upstairs, take a long warm shower, and then eat dinner.” I told him directly, expecting his objection.

  “Sí, of course, my love. I know your trip was long. We will talk later.” Dominic's voice drifted after me up the stairs.

  What's wrong with you, Emma Hutchinson? I realized that was a good question! Why would I tell Dominic tha
t I would talk to him about everything, and what would I tell him about his sister? The comforting warmth from the shower never eased any of my tension. Instead, my body was twice as tense by the time I got out of the shower. I got dressed in some loose sweats, and went back to the kitchen.

  The room was filled with food smells, and I realized that Dom had made me some delicious looking dishes. My mouth began to water, because even though I'm sure I could live off of blood, I love to eat way too much to give it up. I didn't know what any of it was, but I sat down quite happily anyways.

  “Eat, mia bella.” Dom placed a plate in front of me that had some of everything on it.

  “Yes, sir!” I saluted him and dug in, the flavors were out of this world.

  Dominic ate nothing and didn't mention anything. I felt like he was waiting for me to approach the subject. Once I was full, I helped clean up the kitchen.

  “How about we have some hot cocoa to go?” I asked.

  “Where would you like to go, Em?” I wasn't certain of his thoughts or his emotions, and that put me on edge.

  “I was thinking we could go down to the cove.” I tried to make it sound like a statement, but it felt more like a question.

  “It's quite dark out still. Perhaps we could go enjoy the veranda in the back?” He sounded amused.

  “Veranda? What veranda?” I was certain I had explored this huge place from top to bottom.

  “The newest addition to the house. I had it built while you were away.” He beamed at me.

  Of course you did! “Which way?” I asked to him.

  “Follow me, Milady.” He held out his arm for me to take.

  We walked through several of the rooms that were themed. When we came to the beach themed one, I noticed a new set of French doors set into the wall. Dominic smiled encouragingly at me. I rushed forward with curiosity, and pushed them open. The cool salty sea air blew into my face. In the darkness, the rich dark wood looked black, and the sweet blossoms that clung to the overhead trellis were vibrant red. It was a spicy musk that drifted on the air from the blooms. The furniture was a bamboo like wood, stained a darker color, with bright red fluffy cushions. It was like a secret room with the most beautiful view of the sea, and I knew that it would have stellar views of both sunrise and sunset.


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