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Bella Vita

Page 41

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  The first thing I noticed was that everyone seemed to be lacking their usual shine. The night hadn't been kind to anyone. Derrick showed deep purple circles under his eyes. The Boys seemed to be using each other to prop themselves up. Leland's cocky face was pulled in worry and stress. My beautiful Dominic looked like he had been hit by a truck. His hair was plastered down from obvious night sweats, his eyes were dull with a need for sleep, and he was missing his usual vitality.

  “Morning, troops.” I smiled regardless of how I was feeling.

  There was a mumble of recognition.

  Yep, a very long day. I realized that I was going to have to figure out how to breathe life back into these gents. I grabbed a stack of coffee cups and set one in front of each person. I poured the strongest coffee that the staff could brew for us. I secretly dropped a few drops of werewolf blood into the mix. I knew that it was what was best for the mission- opinions be damned.

  “Drink up.” I toasted my cup into the air and slugged back the black brew.

  Each one did the same thing, and then looked at me. I knew that they all knew there was wolf blood in the brew, but they didn't say anything. I could see the effects of the poor night begin to wear off. I got up and poured a second cup for each one. I only had to stare down Dom about drinking it.

  “Eat something too. We have to be strong and alert tonight. The tribunal should happen as the moon rises, we land about six. We'll have a little time to do some recon and figure out the possible exits in case things go bad.” I bit into a nice piece of bacon.

  “Em, what do you think will happen? You're closest to the wolves...” Derrick was trying to find out any info I might have.

  “I've no clue about what the trial will be like... I know that there is a quaint vamp hotel on the school's protective inner ring- I planted it there. There's a protective ring that's meant to challenge anyone from going into their territory. I've requested that this be taken down while we're there... I don't want the wolves to know about my hotel. The school's an imposing building of old and new. I had no clue about any underground caverns. We'll just have to take things as they go and try to be as prepared for anything as possible.” I shrugged.

  “Clearly they've magic on their side, maybe they attacked Jack... maybe it's the wolves we should've been fighting all along.” Leland piped up.

  “It's not the wolves that are against us. The witches we're dealing with are trying to pin us against each other... and, look, it seems to be working.” My look was icy.

  “You're right, darl. Sorry.” Leland looked down at his plate.

  “We'll not go in there believing that the wolves are to blame for everything. They think Issy killed their beloved Jack- they want her tried for it. We would want the same thing if it had happened to us. Don't even try to deny it.” I looked pointedly at each of them.

  “Sì, mia bella, that's correct.” Dom was lost to his own thoughts as he spoke- his Italian accent colored his words.

  “Well, after we eat, I suggest everyone rest a little more and then gather their gear. We leave here around one thirty.” I went back to eating the pile of food I didn't really want to eat, but knew I needed to.

  I left the dining room and sat on my bed. I looked at the things that surrounded me. It was nothing like my room back in the US, or even at the DeDominico's. The room was meant to feel regal. I decided that if I made it through this ordeal then that was going to change. My space would reflect who I was as a person, not the position I now held.

  I went through the systematic motions of laying out my outfit and gear. My body moved, but my mind felt detached. I wanted to be somewhere else, and not have all this horrible shit in my life. I took a deep breath.

  “You asked for this, Emma.” I said to my room.

  “True, but I never thought it'd be so damn dangerous!” I felt exasperated even with myself.

  “Most things are never what we think they're going to be.” My thoughts drifted over my relationships with Dominic, Michael, and Leland- I wasn't even sure what I had with any of these men.

  “Well, enough of that.” I dusted my hands together and focused my thoughts back on the task at hand.

  I pulled on a sheer body stocking that had been fabricated not to show, but to protect the heck out of me- it was almost impenetrable. My black loose soft leather pants went on next. I slipped my red rip apart riding skirt over them. My black leather vest went on and hugged my breasts to my chest- it also added a slightly plated armor to me. The boots were the easiest to get on from so much wear. The well worn soft leather molded to my foot and cupped my calves. The thin daggers shinged out when I tapped the hidden switch. I double tapped the switch and back they slid, like the silent predators they were.

  Next came my hair. I pulled it into a high ponytail and then braided it down my back. I had seen enough movies to know that as cool as swishing hair looks, it's the first thing that people grab in a close fight. I wrapped the braid around the band until I had a very simple braided bun. I slipped the two pins in to make it look like they held it all together. They glittered like eyes in my hair.

  I stuck an emerald stud in each lobe. My usual hoops would be a target to get yanked out. I slipped on the bracelet that would coil for me and crack through skulls if need be. The last item I added was the brooch- part of me really hoped I wouldn't have to use any of this stuff.

  My make-up was done striking. My eyes were lined with a rich black, elongating the lines. My lids were shaded until my eyes were shadowed by a darkness that drew out the green of my eyes. My lips I painted blood red- my white teeth shone like stars against the color.

  The final look was frightening. I looked like I was ready for a battle, but also an afternoon ride. It was easily something a queen could wear without anyone suspecting anything. I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew that I could make it pass their security.

  When one o'clock chimed on my small mantel clock, I walked with my head high and shoulders back out to the front of the house. Two black SUVs waited for us. Kelly had agreed to meet us at my hotel. I was very grateful that she decided to come. Dom followed next. He was dressed similar to me, but he managed to look like a rueful boy rather than a threatening man. The Boys, Harold and Georgie, came next. They were armed and definitely looked the part of bodyguards. Leland came out wearing something similar to Dom, but he wore nothing black, only red. It reminded me of the royal guard in Star Wars. I tried hard not to snicker. Derrick came out last. He was dressed in the darkest black I had ever seen. His pale green eyes were shocking against the effect. The only caramel skin left to be seen was on his face, but I knew that had a protective coat of something on it. All the men that thought they would fight, were basically covered from head to foot in a clear coating that had been sprayed on their skin.

  Okay, then. Our silent communication would work best for this, so I started off with it.

  We're ready, Your Majesty. The Boys, Derrick, and Leland formally bowed to me.

  Dom, you good too? I didn't want any doubt present.

  Yes, mia bella. We shall win this fight, one way or another. His words were icy in my mind.

  Then let's move out. I let Derrick open my door.

  Dom and I were to ride in separate cars. The Boys would ride with him, Leland and Derrick with me. The atmosphere didn't change just because there were less bodies in the car. I could feel the tension roll around the car like waves on the sea. It made me want to cringe and vomit. I had to fight both desires. The airport came without incident, and I could tell that Dom had a similar car ride.

  Let's load up and get in the air. I had everyone grab a bag from the trunks of each car.

  Each person had the same contents in each bag. Loose black linens, first aid kit, a small set of bathroom necessities, and a copy of a letter should something happen to anyone. I carried two- an extra for Kelly. Dom carried the extra for Issy. We had the intent of coming away with her... and all of us unharmed. But we were also prepared in case something went terr
ibly wrong.

  The bags were stored, Dom and I retired to the bedroom compartment, and each of the others took a bench seat to lay across. We all knew we had to rest for the next three hours.

  The three hours flew by and we all managed to sleep. I had everyone have a shot of werewolf blood.

  This isn't up for debate. It makes us stronger, heals our wounds, and will help us keep clearer minds. My voice was solid- I wouldn't be budged on this.

  Everyone nodded.

  We landed on the gentle strip of green where I had landed on my small vacation. My thoughts drifted back to my time in Ireland. My face flushed slightly as I remembered my blood ceremony with Mike- nothing like my wedding to Dom, or the ceremony that bound Leland to my service.

  I shook off my memories like a fog.

  We unloaded and packed our gear on the backs of the motorcycles that had been stored. How they had managed to fit six bikes in the cargo hold I had no clue, but I wasn't going to argue either.

  The small road flew by in a soft hum of green. I knew that the circle of protection had been taken down when we passed the spot and no one reacted.

  They've kept their side of the deal so far. No vamp warding. I informed everyone once we were in the wolves' territory.

  Good. Let's hope that they'll keep to justice as well. Dom's thoughts were clouded in darkness.

  They will. This will all turn out well. I pushed my brightness into his mind, and spread it to the others.

  The hotel's exterior looked exactly the same when I had came across it before. I could smell that other vampires had been through here. A smile crept across my face despite the situation.

  Moira came out holding a small bundle of joy. Her face beamed when she saw me.

  “Dia dhuit, Emma, Cad é mar a tá tú?” Moira's smile was bright and cheery.

  “Dia is Muire duit, Moira. Tá mé go maith. I see the little one is looking quite fine.” I tickled the child's chin.

  “I know that we're just yer stop off point, but I do hope that yah'll come in fer some tea?” She took in each of us with her knowing eyes.

  “I think that would be most pleasant. We truly appreciate this. This area will be spelled once we leave. No one will know that we stopped here.” I tried not to worry the new mother.

  “Emma, I know what's been happenin' up at that ol' school. They took one of yers. Whether we're spelled or not, they'll find out about this place one way or another. Fillean meal ar an meallaire.” She spit on the ground.

  “True, I hope they get what's coming to them.” I tried to suppress my chuckle.

  “Well, then come in. Rest yerselves before yah go up gallivanting there catchin' yer death of cold. Oh, and yer friend left a note for yah about meeting ya up there.” She shuffled back into the cozy atmosphere of the inn.

  We spent a few hours enjoying proof of the living. It was a way to remind us why we were fighting all these wars. The importance of family was evident- we needed to save our family- including Isabella. When we left Moira and her beautiful baby Agnus, our hearts were a little fuller and weighed a little more.

  The ground was covered in a gentle creeping mist. It masked our movements, but also made it hard to see the school properly. All chances of us finding an alternative way out became bleak as the mist turned into a thick fog.

  How will they know when the moon rises if you can't even see it? Leland scowled at the grayish goop.

  The same way any true creature of the night does. It's natural. I'm sure they can look up local information about the moon cycles too. They'll do this by the book, so we have two hours until we're expected to present ourselves before the Wolfen Court. I really didn't want to present myself anywhere- I just wanted to get Issy out and go home.

  Let's not waste those two hours. I'll do some scouting. Leland said as he seemed to disappear into the fog- his red clothes completely vanished.

  What the hell? Derrick mumbled.

  One of Leland's gifts is invisibility. As long as he is stealthy, the wolves won't notice him if he gets near the building... also they won't smell him because of the blood he ingested. I didn't want to sound smug- but one of the side effects of taking werewolf blood was that it masked the vampire scent with a wolf one.

  It seems that our Queen is very wise and doesn't always reveal her hand. Your Majesty has dealt our hand in our favor. Dom bowed to me.

  Stubbornness and being unwilling to use all the tools available to us will not help us get Issy back. I was merely willing to make the choice for you, especially if it would help us. I wasn't going to apologize for not telling them everything.

  Mistress Emma, is there anything else that the wolf blood will do for us? Georgie asked, his eyes big with wonder.

  The wolf that donated the blood will feel a little more connected to the vampires that he has given it to. Should anything fatal happen to us, he'll feel it physically. I hear it would be quite painful. I smiled.

  Who was the wolf? Dom's eyes were luminous orbs of fiery green.

  Mike and Acacia, I also believe one of their closest men. They're all high on the scale of importance. It would be unwise of them to let anything happen to us. They know what would happen to them if that occurs. I kept my face blank.

  You're very smart, Mistress Emma. Harold smiled at me with a big toothy grin.

  Thank you. Now let's see what Leland can bring us back in terms of intel. I let the conversation lag out.

  It took him an hour to come back to us. I sensed him and turned. He faded back to us out of the mist.

  Holy hell! Derrick mumbled with a start.

  What do you have for us? I giggled slightly as I asked.

  I'm glad to see a smile on your face, darl. What I learned was that there appear to be three entrances to these caverns. One is the main one, there are two offshoots hidden amongst the tree line. One is disguised as a tree trunk, and the other a large stone. There are gates just on the insides of the entrances. There are a lot of guards at the main entrance, I counted fifteen, but I believe there will be more once the time draws closer to our arrival. There are guards on patrol around the place too. It makes a high security prison look like a cakewalk, darl. Aye, it's gonna be a hard one. I didn't see any people posted at these alternate routes, but I don't know if that will change once the tribunal starts. That's all I got. He stared at them.

  Very good, Leland. At least that gives us hope for a backup plan. Georgie and Harold, if we need to, do you think you could break down a gate? I looked at them.

  Yes, Your Majesty. Strength is one of our gifts. They beamed at me.

  Excellent. Now, Leland while you were walking about them, did you notice what sort of weapons we're up against? I wanted as much information as possible.

  Most just look like they're carrying basic guard weapons- a gun, some clips, maybe a throwing knife or two. But there are some that are clearly specially trained in unique weaponry. I think I saw a device used to rip the heart out. There were a few flame throwers. Oh, and several people walking around with serious swords. What the weapons or defenses are inside, I'm not sure. Leland's face was pale.

  Then we won't give them any reason to use any of these colorful implements. My smile was bright and sure- something I didn't feel inside.

  When should we head up there, Em? Dom didn't know what the best approach would be, and he wasn't happy being stuck asking me questions.

  I think that if we take the winding road up, we could leave for there now. What do you think Leland, since you just scouted? I knew I had to keep everyone involved.

  Yes, that'd take about forty-five minutes. He nodded his head.

  Excellent. Emma, mia bella, I think that we should stand with them surrounding us. It was a statement.

  Yes, Dom. I smiled and gestured for him to set up our little party.

  By the time we set out, Leland was in the front, Derrick was in the back, and Harold and Georgie sandwiched Dom and I together.

  Dominic, what's wrong? I couldn't have him being in
a bad mood when I needed his top game.

  I feel like I don't know you anymore, mia bella. You're not the girl from our childhood, or the young woman I reconnected with. His lips pouted.

  Well, of course not! I laughed.

  I feel like you have so many secrets from me. His eyes were a dark green and brooding.

  My love, you're the one to talk. I'm not the girl or woman I once was because the person I need to be these days is a queen... therefore I'm a queen. Anything that you don't know isn't necessarily a lie, but could merely be a result of your lack of attentiveness. Dom, I married you, I love you, I'll rule beside you, but I will not have you question any decision I make as a ruler, or question my loyalty. You know of my feelings toward Michael... that hasn't changed, nor ever will it. I could feel my temper rising, Leland looked back at me with concerned eyes.

  I don't question your choices or your loyalty. His words were defensive.

  I watched Leland hop up onto a fallen tree and offer me his hand to help me over.

  Dom, if you didn't you wouldn't be wondering if I'm sleeping with your best friend. I closed my mind off to him and was greatly satisfied by the look of sheer shock on his face.

  I took Leland's hand and waited for the rest of the party to scramble over the tree. We walked in silence. I debated about telling Leland of Dom's worries, but it wasn't a serious concern at the moment. Dom reached out and took my arm.

  I'm sorry, mia bella. You're right, again. His head hung in shame.

  Now isn't the time for such petty worries, we need to survive all this and then we can clear the table. I broke free of his hold and stepped ahead of him.

  When we reached the top, we were all strung with tension. It was colder, and a breeze had picked up. We walked up to the steps. A man came forward and greeted us.


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