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Romancing the Seas

Page 13

by Cait O'Sullivan

  Juliet launched straight in.

  “Now, Daddy told me he had discussed you taking me onto the board of executives … ”

  The door opened to admit Rob.

  “Juliet, if you would care to choose some fruit?” Jonathon butted in. He struggled to bite his tongue and speak at the same time. Did she want it to be known all around the ship that they were in negotiations about her being on the board? He glanced searchingly at Rob and was less than pleased to see an inscrutable look on his face. Past experience told him the more inscrutable a look, the more had been overheard.

  “Thanks, Rob, that will be all.” He gave the man a nod as Juliet carefully picked a mandarin from the bowl and started playing with it. Thank God she hadn’t chosen a banana. The thought very nearly pushed him over the edge into laughter.

  He waited until the door was shut firmly behind Rob. “Now, Juliet, you were saying?”

  Juliet looked up at him and suddenly looked very young, younger than her twenty-nine years. Remorse surfaced in him, but he shoved it aside ruthlessly — this was the girl who had demanded he fire Pippa. Even if he didn’t feel for Pippa the way he did, it was a disgraceful demand to make.

  Juliet put a black painted nail into her mandarin and started taking the skin off. “Um, Daddy told me he had spoken to you about me being on the board of executives, as PR exec.”

  Jonathon nodded, keeping his eyes trained on hers.

  “So I guess I was wondering what you thought about that.” She started shredding the peel, not touching the flesh. Boy, would Freud have a field day.

  “I want to know what makes you think you would be a good PR person.” Metaphorically, Jonathon climbed aboard his soapbox and looked down on Juliet. He had to dissuade her from making mad demands and by hell, he was going to use every trick he had learned on his way to becoming CEO by thirty-seven.

  “Well,” Juliet perked up, “I have the plans here to ensure that the last night on board is a PR dream. Do you want to look at them?”

  “No, why don’t you tell me?”

  “Great, well I have Marcus Longbottom lined up to fly over here to oversee the dinner. You know him, don’t you? He’s London’s top chef, and is rapidly becoming a celebrity chef. I spoke to him — ”

  “You spoke to him already?”

  Juliet turned fiery red. “I know him, I’ve been out with him a few times in London and I just kind of — ”

  “Just kind of what? Just kind of asked him to come over here and help out? Tell me something, Juliet.” Jonathon’s tone was one he deployed in order to make people want to run away and hide. “Did you ask him on behalf of Queen Cruises, or — and I’m hoping this is more the truth — did you ask him to come over to dangle on your arm?”


  Jonathon sat back and blew out a long breath of air. “Spill. Tell me your exact words.”

  “I, em, kind of asked him to come over to help with the overseeing, and yeah okay, to bring some publicity with him. He was thrilled, though, Jonathon, really thrilled to be asked. His agent has arranged for the BBC TV crew to come over with him. The publicity will be amazing.”

  Juliet wittered on, saying something about fireworks further out to sea and cocktails out on deck by the hot tubs but Jonathon’s anger had reached his ears and shut off the sound.

  “That was extremely unprofessional of you.” He reigned in his anger to speak quietly.

  Juliet flinched. “I thought you’d be glad of it all. Daddy said you needed some positive publicity, and here is a fantastic way of courting it.”

  “Just tell me please. Did you ask his agent on behalf of Queen Cruises, or on your own personal behalf?”

  “On behalf of Queen Cruises.” The mandarin peel could now join a jar of marmalade with no shame whatsoever, it was shredded so perfectly. Juliet refused to look Jonathon in the eye.

  He stood abruptly, shoving the chair behind him and walked to the door of the balcony, hoping the fresh air would cool his thoughts. “Dammit, Juliet, can you see what you’ve done? You’re holding me over a barrel. If I say no, as I want to, as I so very want to, the negative publicity resulting from this could nearly wipe out Queen Cruises.” And you want to be our PR exec. Fortunately he managed to hold that thought in. He did need the deal signed, after all. Between a rock and a hard place, that was where he currently resided.

  The sound of a sharp rap on the outside door came through, and Rob popped his head around the door. “Mr. Stevenson is here.” Great, this was all he needed. He shot a look at Juliet, sure she’d have more confidence now, but she had sunk even further into her chair.

  “George.” Jonathon walked over to him, holding his hand out. “What can Rob get you to drink?”

  “Black coffee please, Rob.” George shot back his cuff to check his watch. “I don’t have long, due on a teleconference in half an hour. Bring me up to date.”

  Jonathon nodded his thanks to Rob, dismissing him. “Juliet?”

  Juliet shook her head.

  “Right then, George, time to tell you what your daughter has planned. She has booked Marcus Longbottom to help with the Gala Dinner, and apparently the BBC food crew are all set to come out here … tomorrow, is it, Juliet?”

  Juliet nodded, without looking up at either of them. The mandarin was being subjected to a very thorough scrutiny.

  “Booked?” George sat down beside his daughter and bent his head to hers.

  “Yes, Daddy. I thought it was what you wanted, all that lovely publicity.” Juliet raised her eyes to him and Jonathon inwardly groaned. She worked the puppy dog eyes on her dear ole daddy, and from what Jonathon had seen already, George would fall for it. Damn. There was no going back with the BBC, and in fact, it was a pretty good idea. If only she had checked with him beforehand. But there may be a way to use this to his advantage. At least now, George could see that she couldn’t be trusted to the role of exec.

  George paced around the small boardroom.

  Juliet straightened her shoulders and sat up straighter. “It is a good idea, Daddy. I know publicity and at the moment, Marcus Longbottom is the chef to have here.”

  George looked at Jonathon. “What do you think?”

  “Well, not allowing for the fact that I have an extremely competent and highly creative head chef already, it is a good idea, certainly. But it doesn’t mask the fact that Juliet saw fit to book this without checking with me. I think you both must see that I cannot have an exec on my board with such clear insubordination.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw George nodding.

  “What experience do you have anyway, Juliet?” She shook her head once, and then rested it in her hand, the very picture of glumness.

  “Well then, I propose that you start out as a PR junior manager. We have a very good PR manager based in Sydney, where I would like you to be based to learn the trade.” He held up a hand to stop Juliet from interrupting. “I know you know the business, but you clearly do not know how to work within a business.”

  “I think that may be a good idea.” George stood still, arms folded.

  Juliet erupted from her chair. “Do you honestly think I’d be happy to work as a nobody? Daddeeeeee!” Her voice ended up as a wail.

  Jonathon hid a smile. “What did you have in mind, seeing as an exec position is out of the question?”

  Juliet pouted, and thought, one finger tapping her lip. “Well, how about I be the go-between for our corporation and your company? That way I can learn to work within a business, so I can be PR exec, say, this time next year.”

  PR exec, in your dreams, honey. “Well … ” Jonathon walked to the doors onto the balcony and stared outside. “I’m not sure I could trust you, or your judgement. That’s a very senior role you’re asking for.”

  “Now look here.” George frowned at him. “That’s my daug
hter you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, but as you know, Juliet wants me to fire my best chef. How can I trust her not to make demands anytime she takes a dislike to someone?”

  “Oh, it’s not because I dislike her.” Juliet changed tack now to a wheedling tone. “I think she’s really good.”

  “Oh great, so I need to fire her then.” Jonathon wanted to smack a hand over his mouth, for sarcasm had found its way in despite his best efforts. Fortunately, neither George nor Juliet seemed to notice. Juliet was sticking her bottom lip out in a good imitation of a toddler about to throw her toys out of her pram.

  “Oh, all right then, I only said that because I wanted to make room for Marcus.” She muttered something else.

  “Right then.” Jonathon ignored the mutterings. It was probably something to do with her and Pippa and he really didn’t want to know, thank you very much. He just wanted to get this damn deal signed without losing Pippa.

  “We have a deal then? The Stevenson Corporation and Queen Cruises are going into business together. We keep Pippa, and Juliet comes on board as relationship manager between our two companies. She will work closely with the PR team with the view of becoming exec in the future. Regarding the Gala Dinner, that is a mistake you made that I shall have to sort out. Somehow. Deal?” He stuck out his hand.

  George smiled and shook his hand hard. “Deal. Juliet?”

  “Great, it’s a deal.” Juliet too shook his hand, with a wet fish kind of a handshake. She half looked at Jonathon. “Does this mean we’ll be seeing lots more of each other?” She reached over and straightened his tie.

  “It does, but obviously, any relationship couldn’t be anything other than purely professional. Just to protect both our names, you understand.” Juliet looked as though she were about to sulk again. “Anyway, you’ve got Marcus coming over.”

  “I sure do, honey, except he’s only interested in some ex-girlfriend who dumped him and left London. Still, maybe I could take his mind off her. She’s an ex for a reason, after all.”

  “No better woman, Juliet.” It was nice to be able to relax around her, now that the relationship was strictly on a professional basis.

  A thought raced through him. What had she said about Marcus Longbottom pining after an ex? That couldn’t be Pippa, could it? She had worked with him, after all. Was she going out with him when working with him? No, surely not, not after all she had said to him.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Pippa? Pippa!” The kitchen had just sent out the last main course, and Pippa was in the sweets cold room checking on the desserts when she heard Rob calling her. She washed her hands and went into the main kitchen.

  “I’m here, what’s the panic? Does the redoubtable Doubtful need something else?”

  “No, they’re all finished, Eagleton said to tell you the food was good. But wait ’til you hear what they were talking about.” He took a mushroom canapé and leaned against the counter, crossing his ankles.

  Pippa leaned up beside him. “Ooooh, have you some juicy gossip?”

  “I do.” Rob lowered his voice conspiratorially. “But I think Eagleton clocked the fact that I was listening, so if he finds out that anybody knows, he’ll know it came from me. Maybe I shouldn’t say.” He gave her a sideways grin, clearly delighting in his newfound knowledge.

  “I won’t tell anybody. Come on, spill!” She leaned her shoulder up against him as her stomach lurched. Was she going to like what he was about to tell her?

  “Weeeell … ” Rob pretended to deliberate. “Juliet Stevenson and Eagleton are in cohorts together!” The words came out in a rush.

  “What?” Juliet and Jonathon, together? Of course, a match made in heaven. No wonder Jonathon had looked so guilty on the morning after the hut. He had been cheating on Juliet. A shiver ran through her, drawing her shoulders in as though to protect her heart.

  “I just overheard Juliet talking about being on the board of executives, can you imagine it?”

  “Wait a minute.” Pippa put a hand to her forehead and absentmindedly stroked it. “Are they together? Or just in business together?” Please let it be the latter.

  “Oh, business, I guess, although — ” Rob stopped when he saw her face. “Are you okay?” He slipped an arm around her, and gently squeezed her shoulder.

  “Fine, I just haven’t eaten much today.” She blew a long breath out between pursed lips. It’s okay, he’s not with her. Her heart recovered and the deafening sound subsided beat by beat.

  “So how do you mean, in business?”

  “I think, and again, don’t quote me, she’s going to be on the board of execs as PR exec.”

  “But has she ever worked before? That’s crazy.” Although it was a darn sight better than her original conclusion.

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t think Jonathon was too happy about it. He certainly looked pissed off to me.”

  “That may explain why he’s been going around looking so stressed. I know he was keen to get the deal signed, so perhaps she being on the board was part of it. PR exec, hey? Well that’s far enough away on the chain of command not to affect our work, so that’s a relief. Now, I need something to eat.”

  “Some canapés, m’lady?” Rob bowed low, gesturing to his trolley of food.

  Pippa laughed, the relief that Jonathon wasn’t involved with Juliet making itself known in a clear bubble that emerged as a giggle.

  “Get on with you, Rob.” She swatted him with her towel. “I don’t need any disruptions. I can’t believe the Gala Dinner is tomorrow night and I’ve got loads to do!” Thank God for the distraction it provided, stopping her obsessing about Jonathon. Perhaps she had been a bit harsh on him but in her opinion, a man lays himself wide open when he says he thinks a woman only gets to the top by sleeping with her boss. However, there was a niggling voice telling her that she was only trying to justify herself. She knew she was super-touchy on the subject due to being the butt of jokes when working and sleeping with Marcus.

  “You’ll be great, I know you will. I’ll ensure the restaurant staff is on top form as well. It’ll be a fantastic night.”

  “I hope so. I’m still a bit nervous about it though. Fingers crossed for me, hey.” Pippa felt under siege when she thought about the enormity of the task that lay ahead of her. It was the first time she would be sending out such a large quantity of high-quality food. Each two hundred plates of the five courses, plus their accompanying side dishes, had to be brought out together on time and hot, and sent out as fast as possible. Pippa had requested extra waiting staff, as she preferred to send the food out already plated instead of silver served — ensuring, as long as there were enough staff, everything would be served piping hot.

  She had it all under control. Each chef in the kitchen was fully briefed as to what was expected of them. The food was being delivered in the morning, and once she had checked that everything was present and correct, she could relax a smidgen.

  Then it would be full on for the rest of the day, and she was already anticipating the champagne at the end of service, signalling a successful night. Big nights like these were the business. The adrenaline would be pumping as they found a rhythm and ran with it, culminating in a priceless feeling of success and camaraderie within the team.

  First, she had to get through the busy hours before she started mentally congratulating herself. Singing to herself, she went to get her plan of order and headed up on deck to see the beautiful Dusky Fiord laid out before her, a surreal image.

  Ancient glaciers had carved the valleys out of the mountains, leaving very steep slopes down to the water. It was prehistoric — she could imagine dinosaurs like Nessy the Loch Ness monster, slinking their long necks out of the water to eat the thick forestry that grew on either side. It was breath-taking, unlike anything she had encountered before.

  She dran
k it in from both sides and she saw herself walking the Dusky Trail, an errant mind throwing in the picture of Jonathon at her side.

  She hauled her thoughts back, examining them intently. Perhaps it was the simple beauty of the scenery pulling honesty from her, maybe she tired of pretending, possibly it was a mixture of both. But she could see clearly now that Jonathon occupied a little place in her heart, warming her from within.

  This was scary stuff. Was she in love with him? Could she be with him for the rest of her life? Would she be ready to turn her back on single life? Stripping back all pretence, her heart picked up the pace.

  Yes. Jonathon is the one. Oh. My. God.

  Of course Jonathon was at her side in her daydream, he was her soul mate. Surely if she felt this strongly, he must feel something for her. Damn damn damn. Did he? What did he think of her? Oh, this was too much. Backtrack, fast, forgeddaboudit.

  To business. The dinner tomorrow night. Breathing a deep breath of the clear air, she bent her head and immersed herself in her work, determined not to think of anything else.

  • • •

  Jonathon strode through the kitchen, scanning right to left looking out for Pippa. She had to be here somewhere. Seeing Christian, the kitchen porter washing the floors, he walked up to him.

  “Christian, hi, how’s it going?”

  “Great, thanks, Mr. Eagleton.”

  “How did the evening’s service go?”

  “Very well. Chef had me preparing the vegetables. She thinks I’ll be ready to start my training in no time at all.” Christian went pink with the pleasure of telling the CEO his success.

  “That’s great, Christian, I’m pleased.” Jonathon put a hand on the boy’s shoulder and smiled at him. He wasn’t all that different in age as Jonathon had been when he had been given his first break. “Where is the chef now?”

  The boy frowned, leaning on his broom. “I’m not sure, I saw her talking to Rob earlier, and I haven’t seen her since. Have you tried the office?”


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