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ThornScope_Federation of Europe

Page 26

by KC McLaren

  “You going to hit Germany’s banking system?” Jonathan asked.

  “Not just Germany, those traitors in France too. Genesis, commence now.”

  No reply.

  “Genesis. Commence next phase, reply.”

  A high pitched siren sounded around the room.

  Genesis said, “I have detected the Bank of England systems are not on line. Quantum core has started. Please stand by.”

  Strickland stood up. “What the hell is going on?” he asked to no-one in particular.

  “Quantum Core on line. The Bank of England protocols do not exist. Jonathan has led me to a ghost network. The system is fake.”

  Strickland hurriedly walked over to Jonathan, gun raised. “What have you done?” He raised the gun in the air and before Jonathan could react brought it down onto his head striking him hard.

  “Genesis, send out the new protocols for the underground. Push all malware out throughout Europe. Do it now,” Strickland said.

  “My systems will be detected by ThornScope, Mr Strickland,"

  “Do as I tell you, do it now. Release Protocol Armageddon. Let me show you the real potential Jonathan. Let’s see how you feel with thousands of deaths on your conscience. Genesis, hit every major bank in Europe. Hit every nuclear power plant, take them all off line.”

  Strickland raised the gun, Jonathan tried to stand. His mind swimming with thoughts about what he had done. His mind raced, he never calculated that Strickland could or would do this. He underestimated him – underestimated his madness. Millions of people would be at risk.

  Strickland brought the gun down on Jonathan’s head again causing a large gash and blood started to gush from his head.

  As he tried to turn back around to the computer terminal, he felt himself losing consciousness. With everything he could muster he raised his hand to the keyboard and hit the send key. I have no choice. God help us all, have mercy on my soul. A darkness hovered over his eyes and as he felt his body crumpling to the floor, he took one last blurry look at the terminal’s screen.

  “Jonathan found. Immediate danger. Resetting security protocols. ThornScope rebooting.”

  Chapter 47 | The Facility

  WITH MUCH ARGUMENT and threats, Carl had secured one of the police helicopters circulating above the area. The pilot informed them he couldn’t take off as he could no longer get into contact with his base. As Carl and the pilot were in a heated discussion, the mobile Egil retrieved at the penthouse had started to vibrate in his pocket. He fetched it out the glow from the screen lighting up the inside of the cramped helicopter space. Carl, four of his team, Jason, Sara and himself squashed in like sardines – another point of argument in the discussion going on - too many people to take. He noticed out of the corner of his eye Sara looking over at him. He glanced back and gave her a casual smile.

  Egil raised his voice, “For Christ's sake, this is not getting us anywhere. Pilot, I don’t want to threaten you, but this is a matter of national security.” He raised his eyebrows in amusement as he looked at the mobile screen and read the text message, is that possible, how the hell? “You will take off now. All your comms have been disabled, you will be speaking to no-one but us from now on. I want you to head North West once in the air I will give you the co-ordinates for the destination. Take off now.”

  “I can’t take off, and I won’t regardless of the goon threats. I can’t just fly blind through London…” The pilot replied.

  “Just get out, I’ll fly the thing myself…” Carl said.

  “Don’t worry about any of that. It’s been taken care of, and this is going to be your last warning,” Egil replied presenting his MI5 credentials. “This flight has never happened; it will never be recorded. Do I make myself clear?”

  The pilot hesitated then said, “You goons are alike. Be it on your head. Put on the overhead comms so I can talk to you better.”

  Egil put on the headphones and said a thank you to the pilot. There was no reply. He watched as Carl put on a pair taking them from above. The helicopter started to raise off the ground and headed in the direction Egil asked.

  Twenty minutes later they were leaving the lights of London behind them following the path of the M40 crossing into Oxfordshire. The helicopter flew fast and gracefully above the snowy ground of the countryside. Egil looked out at the scene below. The night was now clear and a full moon bathed everything in a cold fuzzy glow. Hand in pocket he felt the mobile. Where were the messages coming from? He had an idea but surely that was impossible, however the co-ordinates were exactly where he wanted to be heading – Buckinghamshire. More precisely, the estate owned by one David Strickland. Egil knew he was about to fly into a shit-storm, orders or no orders, still a career ending shit-storm.

  Carl came over the radio. “We need a plan, Egil. We can’t just land and knock on the door and ask for Jonathan Beckett…”

  “We'll most likely be knocking, but not at the door...” Egil replied.

  “We don’t have much time to think about it then. Pilot, how far are we out?”

  “Another twenty minutes. Jonathan Beckett? You guys are looking for Beckett?"

  “Kind of. What's it to you...” Carl replied in a gruff voice.

  “If I knew it was Beckett, I wouldn't have given you grieve. The man supports our air group and donates to the air ambulance – he keeps it going.”

  Egil felt slightly bemused, so MI5 credentials and threats just about get us off the ground, the mention of Beckett and this guy is all worship. Some people just don't know what they have, he thought to himself.

  “We're coming up fast. I know this place I've been here before. Where do you want me to land? Not too happy knowing where we are going, but fine. Let's get on with it,” the pilot said replying to Carl.

  Egil replied, “You know where we're heading then?”

  “Yes, there's a helicopter pad about a hundred yards from the main building. I'll take us there?”

  Egil leaned over with the mobile in his hand. “No, can you take us here,” he said showing the mobile to the pilot, “it's a covered area. You should be able to land there?”

  “It's a bit tight, not the usual practice. But ok, you’re the boss,” the pilot replied.

  Egil turned back around and removed his head-set. “Carl, take your headset off. Back on our comms now please.”

  Carl did what he was asked, “What do you have in mind, Egil?”

  “The place where we are landing gives us good cover. It’s about half a mile from the main building. That's where we are heading.” Egil replied.

  “Egil, one thing to note. Strickland does not have the usual security detail. It's a private outfit and no doubt heavily armed. He's the only ex-PM that does not have Government security...”

  “And?” Egil said.

  “And my friend that means they won't take any orders or requests from me let alone you. What’s our operation procedure?”

  “Simple, if they put up a fight, shoot the bastards. But hopefully it won’t come to that. Once on the ground we head for the main building, we need to get to Strickland's study room. There's a door in there leading to some sort of underground room, or rooms. That’s where we need to get to. That is where Jonathan Beckett is. Get in, get Beckett, get out. Nothing else.”

  “Roger that, but we don’t know where the study room is in the house and don't have floor plans, it’s not going to be easy...” Carl replied.

  “Let’s just get on the ground and take it from there,” Egil replied.

  Jason for the first time spoke up, “I don't want to put water on your fire and plans, Egil. But this place is going to have some of the most advanced security in place. More advanced than I can handle I'm afraid.”

  Egil felt the mobile in his hand and replied, “I have a feeling we are going to get some sort of outside help, you'll just have to trust me.”

  The pilot turned his head around, he must have realised Egil did not have his headset on any longer. He put his hand up, fin
gers and thumb spread out. Egil took that as five more minutes to landing.

  Carl came over the comms, “Five minutes to landing. Weapon's check.”

  It’s now or never, Egil thought. He had been in some tough situations before that was the norm in both his army life and in MI5. However, leading a team on what could only be described as a tactical assault on a previous Prime Minister of the UK was certainly not the norm. To make things worse, an assault that had no sanction or legal standing. Oh well, he smiled to himself, in for a penny in for a bloody career destroying pound. He looked out of the window and saw Strickland's large mansion. It was lit up brightly with snow covered lawns rolling down to the tree land where they were going to land. Not much cover there then, we could be sitting ducks.

  As the helicopter started the decent Egil put his headphones back on. “Pilot, once we land I won’t be surprised if you take off. I just want to say I, or anyone else, will not hold it against you.”

  The pilot replied, “Although I should, I won’t be going anywhere. I'll rotor down for twenty minutes. You have to understand I can only keep her on standby for no more than forty minutes. After that I be forced to take off otherwise I won't have enough fuel to get back to London.”

  “I understand. If you don't hear from us within that time lift off and go back to base,” Egil said.

  “Not sure how you’re going to contact me, I can’t contact anyone at present.”

  “Don't worry, you'll hear from me,” Egil replied.

  “Good luck,” said the pilot

  The helicopter landed in a clearing surrounded by woodland. Egil watched on as the snow on the ground started to swirl up and around, this is not going to be fun, he thought.

  Carl was the first to get out followed by his heavily armed team. Egil looked on watching as they moved quickly forward away from the helicopter rotors spreading out then crouching down onto one knee into a defensive formation. How the hell did we all fit into the helicopter? Egil thought as he looked at the back packs the team were laden down with. They must contain enough of an arsenal to start a small war.

  Egil scurried out of the helicopter followed by Sara and Jason. He could hardly see as the rotors of the helicopter swirled the snow around and the icy cold air smashed into his face.

  Carl came over the comms. “We'll move to the tree line then through to the grounds of the mansion. Egil, we only have enough night vision goggles for the team, so keep up and keep close. I hope you have some sort of plan before we get to those lawns. This snow is going to have us stand out like sore thumbs. There’s absolutely no cover moving up to the building, we'll be sitting ducks.”

  “Roger that, Carl. Let's just get to the start of the grounds then decide how to proceed.”

  “Copy that but I'm worried Egil, I can’t remember the last time I’ve taken a team into such a situation. Don’t forget, there is no backup here. Anyways, I'm switching comms over, everyone in the team will be hear all conversations.”

  “That's fine. I know how you feel, Carl. You're just going to have to trust me,” Egil replied.

  Trust what? Egil thought to himself. He put his hand into his pocket feeling the mobile. Come on, give me something for Christ's sake.

  Carl came back over the comms, “Listen up people, comms is now on open channel. Move up to the tree line then through the woods. This will bring us to the grounds and lawns leading up to the main building. You all know what the objective is, and there is only one, secure Jonathan Beckett and get the hell out of dodge. Once we get to the start of the grounds, you will receive further orders. Do not come on open mic unless it's absolutely required.”

  Egil followed Carl's lead as they ran towards the trees. He felt the hard crisp snow being trampled beneath his feet. They moved quickly taking no longer than a few minutes to reach their first way point then through the small woodland to the edge of Strickland's grounds. As Egil came to the edge of the lawns Carl had a set of binoculars out scanning up ahead surveying the grounds and the mansion.

  Egil looked over his shoulder and Sara came up to him. Crouching down beside him she said, “That mobile you have. Let me take a look at it.”

  He took it out of his pocket and handed it over to her. “What's up?”

  She took the mobile inspected it. “I’m sure this is Jonathan's mobile. It's the same one he had on him when we were being chased by you guys in London. Where did you find it?” Sara replied handing it back to him.

  “I didn’t. It found me. I know it sounds strange, but yes, it's been sending messages to me,” Egil replied.

  “It’s not that strange, Jonathan used it to do something to the CCTV cameras at Canary Wharf. I presumed that is one of the reasons why you guys found it hard to track us.”

  Egil looked at her, “Still strange to me, but explains a few things. But who is sending me information?”

  “I don’t think it's a person, it’s an it,” Sara replied. “I’m convinced Jonathan had access to ThornScope all along. He was never really off the grid, just hiding from the likes of you and Strickland. He used this mobile in some way as part of that communication.”

  Egil was never after Jonathan, but he let it slide and didn't comment, “So you think ThornScope is communicating with me?”

  Sara nodded.

  “The only thing is,” Egil continued holding the mobile and looking at it, “I’ve not had anything else from it since we lifted off. I can't access it any longer, and I have no idea what we’re going to do now...”

  As he stared at the device it lit up and vibrated. He looked at Sara who in returned stared back at him. The light from the mobile eerily lighting up both of their faces showing their surprised expressions. A message appeared on the screen.

  “ThornScope back on line. Not fully up and running. Sending building layout to tablet device. Proceed to southwest corner of building. Lights out in 30 seconds. Jonathan Beckett in crucial condition. I will help.”

  “What the…!”, Egil said pausing in mid-sentence and showed Sara the message.

  Sara shouted, “It's ThornScope. What tablet? Who is carrying a tablet? Quick man, Jonathan is in danger. Who here has a tablet device?”

  “Sara, we are on comms,” Egil told her, “no need to shout. Jason, you hear that? Get your tablet.”

  Jason rushed over taking his back pack off and retrieved the tablet. He brought it up to Egil, “Look, I have the schematics of the building, have no idea how. We need to go here,” he said pointing at a blinking dot on the screen.

  “Carl,” Egil said, “did you get that? We need to go to the southwest corner of the building.” Taking the tablet of Jason, he rushed over to Carl and showed the messages on the mobile then he gave the tablet.

  Carl took it, “Jesus, so that’s where you're getting your intel from. Listen up everyone we are moving out now, it’s open ground, keep low and run like hell...”

  Placing a hand on Carl's shoulder Egil said, “Wait a few more seconds and...” He didn’t need to finish the sentence. The lights around the building and in the mansion went out.

  “Move, move, move. Southwest corner, get your asses into gear people,” Carl shouted over the comms shoving the tablet back into Egil's hands. Before Egil could say anything, Carl and his team were already running, guns at the ready moving forward, his men flanking him on both sides.

  For a few moments for the first time in his life Egil froze. The madness of it all dawned on him.

  It didn't last too long. Jason came up and took the tablet out of his hands. He said, “I believe I can work that better than you, come on, as GI Joe said,” referring to Carl, “get your ass into gear. We’ve got a rescue to complete. I doubt those lights are going to stop off for long. God help us all, God Save the Queen, Tally Oh...” Jason sped off.

  Egil shook his head. How the hell could Jason keep up his sense of humour in such a situation? Well at least it lifted his own spirits. He raced forward trying to catch up with Sara who had sprinted ahead of him. It was dark but
the moonlight above and clear sky gave out just enough light to help him navigate. Looking ahead, he could just about make out the silhouettes of Carl and his team, they had already covered half the distance.

  Damn, glad I'm not carrying the equipment these guys are. Mental note, go work out more, he thought to himself.

  The snow on the ground was heavier. A couple more inches which made running energy draining. He managed to get to where the rest of the team were. Carl and another of his team already stood at the entry point.

  “So far, so good, no immediate threats found. Breaching door in five seconds. Everyone get down and close to the wall,” Carl said.

  The low hanging wall travelled along to the south-west corner of the building leading to the door. Egil surmised it must be some sort of service entry, most likely for the gardeners or maintenance personnel. He got to the wall before the door blew open. Not a loud bang but he felt the vibration of the explosion as he crouched behind Sara.

  Carl and his team disappeared into the doorway. “Moving in now. Egil get your ass up here behind me. Sara and Jason? Stay at the back then follow...”

  “This is not my first rodeo I can be more useful up front...” Sara replied.

  “I have no doubt it's not, but do as you are told. I don't have time for mavericks here,” Carl replied giving her no choice.

  Egil saw Sara starting to move – obviously not one for taking orders. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Let's get in the building before you go all gung-ho, more importantly let Carl do his job,” Egil said.

  Sara shot Egil a look but crouched back down. He moved up the line into the doorway. It was pitch black now. “Carl, I can't see a bloody damn thing in here.” As if in anticipation of Egil's comment, one of Carl's team passed him their night goggles. He put them on.

  “Jason,” Carl said, “we’re in a corridor. Where does it lead to?”

  “It’s about ten yards long then you'll hit a flight of stairs that will lead up to the main reception area of the building. Directly opposite will be Strickland’s study room, it’s the one with the double fronted oak doors. Seem strangely quite around here, I can’t detect any security. We should have tripped something by now.” Jason replied.


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