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The Dark Lord Cecil

Page 26

by Wade Adrian

  He shrugged. “I like it. Working for Gomer is great. I think I might just forget being from Rojo and embrace this new identity. Blue suits me.”

  Ani narrowed her eyes at him. “You do remember you stole that uniform, right?”

  “True. But this outfit has much better benefits than Redding ever offered. Makes him look like a slave driver.” He flipped through a little book, apparently handed out to recruits. “Ten years and they’ll pay for my apprenticeship. Pay for it. All of it. Can you believe that?”

  She shook her head. “I doubt they intend to live up to that. Besides, what then? You going to make candles?”

  “You’ve got a real negative outlook, you know that? I could make candles. You don’t know. I could be the best candle maker there ever was. You’re just angry you have to wear that medic outfit.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. A bit. This place has some really backwards ideas.” She sat down and lowered her head as people approached. Ani made a thorough study of the deck of the ship as Lady Aldora, General Gomer, and the lady’s hens wandered by.

  Tim leaned out a bit to watch them go. “I’m sure we could get you in that group, if you prefer.”

  “I hate you.”

  “What? It’s prestigious. Pretty dresses…”

  “Hate you so much.”

  Cecil leaned on the railing, watching the important people wander away. His weren’t the only eyes that turned to them. People knew to get out of their way. “What’s up?”

  Kenley pushed the giant hat back out of his face. “I have a lead.”

  “A lead? That’s important for fishing, as I understand it.”

  “What? No. That’s… ugh, never mind.” He shook his head and the hat that rode on it. “A lead on destroying the crown.”

  Cecil’s eyebrows crept up. “Oh. Good.” He nodded a bit, glancing at Gomer and Lady Aldora as they climbed the stairs to the fancy upper decks. “Nothing would please me more.”

  Thank you for reading The Dark Lord Cecil. If you have the time and inclination, please consider leaving a short review so others can find and enjoy it.

  Other (somewhat less silly) works by Wade Adrian:

  The Hawk, Book 0: Recruit

  The Hawk Trilogy

  The Hawk, Book 1: Unleashed

  The Hawk, Book 2: Captain

  The Hawk, Book 3: Legend

  The Proving Grounds: Ultimatum

  The Proving Grounds: Heralds

  The Proving Grounds: Growing Pains


  Black Knight: A Land of Shadows

  The Ghost of Captain Blackstone

  To be notified about new releases follow me on Amazon




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