Rock Me Slowly

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Rock Me Slowly Page 5

by Dawn Sutherland

  As I finish up my meal and take a large sip of water I lock eyes with Josh across the table. I decide to play Josh at his own little flirting game, he thinks he can affect me; well buster two can play at that game.

  I scrape my plate of the remaining enchilada and put the fork in my mouth and suck on it seductively. Josh’s eyes almost fall right out of his head as he pays close attention to my sucking movements on the fork. I moan a little for some added effect and Josh shifts a little on his chair. Josh goes from having his hands and elbows up on the table to on his lap to back on the table again and I know my actions are having the desired effect. When it looks like Josh can handle no more his hands fall back upon his crotch and he visibly alters himself under the table.

  Oh yes, the son of a bitch is as hard as an iron rod I can bet.

  I pick up my plate, Blaine’s and Tanners and I take it over to the sink and start to wash up. I smirk at myself knowing just how excited I had just got him. God I felt so empowered, I could get used to it.

  As I wash the plates, all the boys head on into the entertainment room and I’m left alone, alone except for Josh that is. When Josh is absolutely sure that we are on our own he heads on over to the sink and cages me in with his hands to the counter. This action has me building up a raging inferno. The guy just seems to push all my buttons and he isn’t even touching me, yet.

  “Oh sweet little Sophie did you enjoy your little game, huh? Did you wish that that fork was my cock? Did you imagine what it would feel like to have me fucking your mouth? Would you like that?” Josh bends down and starts inhaling my hair which sends shivers all the way down my spine. I try to act all innocent.

  “I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about Josh.” I don’t think my innocent act is washing with Josh at all though.

  “Oh aren’t you a pretty little liar. There’s ways we can fix that.” Josh pushes forward with his hips and now I’m completely pressed against the counter. Josh starts dry humping me and boy oh boy am I getting hot and bothered. His dry humping becomes more vigorous and his cock is already starting to get hard again. If he doesn’t stop what he is doing I’m going to end up throwing my resolve out the window and asking him to fuck me right here in the kitchen.

  I quickly grab the dish towel and dry my hands. I turn around swiftly and I’m now toe to toe with Josh. I place my hands on the hardness of Josh’s pecs and gently push him so that he backs off. He reluctantly does so and smirks an arrogant smile.

  What an arrogant son of a bitch!

  “Josh don’t be a naughty little boy now. You could not handle me even on your best day.” I throw back the same smirk he just gave me and saunter off towards the bathroom to take my daily bath.

  Game 1-0 to Sophie.


  I’m still in Sophie’s office waiting to be told what new look I’m to be sporting; the thought of her dressing me has a certain appeal. I don’t know if the guys realise that I like Sophie because they have all deserted us. Usually I have to fight with Mickey for every girl that I want. Seems to be a competition going on between us on who can get sex the most often.

  Every girl in America wanted one night with us, although many wanted to be the one to tame us into a one woman guy. Now that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. So why the hell has Sophie turned my head full tilt? Is it because she actually genuinely cares? She was quite clearly worried about me when the story broke about the threesome with Alicia. I couldn’t bear to see the look of worry etched on her face so I bailed. Like I always do.

  I have wanted girls before, hell I usually get laid three or four times a week but I’m always detached towards them afterwards. Sex is an unemotional transaction for me and I prefer it that way. Sophie on the other hand has me considering wanting sex with her on more than one occasion.

  I stand directly in front of Sophie and I stroke her cheek with the palm of my hand. This has Sophie breathing a little harsher than before, her cheeks are now flushed and she can’t take her eyes away from my lips. It pleases me that she is affected by me. I edge her up against the filing cabinet in her office and stroke her hair reverentially. She really is beautiful.

  “So Sophie have you thought any more about giving into me?” I want her to honestly think about what it would be like. Us coming together would be earthshattering. I’m not bragging or anything but I can make a woman feel pretty damn good about herself.

  “Josh this is madness, I can’t sleep with you. How on earth would we be able to work together after a one night stand? It would be plain awkward.” Sophie really does have a point but I refuse to acknowledge the awkwardness until afterwards. I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Usually, I would be totally keeping away from her due to the work situation but I just can’t seem to help myself. Sophie is breathing in choppy breaths now and I know she is having an internal battle with herself.

  “Josh let’s just keep this friendly, huh?”

  “I don’t think that’s going to be possible Sophie.” I grip her thigh and lift it up and wrap it around my waist. I inch closer to her and can instantly feel the heat radiate straight from her core.

  Sophie drops her head back against the filing cabinet and she grabs my hair roughly urging me on to give her more contact. I kiss the side of her neck and lick right up to her ear. I nibble gently on her ear lobe. She squeals in delight which makes me smirk at how I could manipulate her body in pleasure. I rub my hand up and down her thigh and she darts her tongue out to lick her lips and that action alone has my cock twitching in anticipation.

  I grab Sophie’s ass firmly and lift her up, she wraps both her legs around my waist and I lick her nipples through her very thin blouse. She is very aroused and I can feel myself losing control with her. I lay her against the door and rub my body up against her core roughly. She is now writhing against my body for more and I happily oblige. Just when I think I’m going to get her off we are interrupted by her cell phone ringing. Sophie unwraps her legs from around me and stands back on the floor and quickly sorts her clothing out. I can see she is ashamed that she let herself get this worked up. I make a quick exit out of the door and leave Sophie to sort through whatever business she needs to.

  I take a few moments to calm the fuck down. I came pretty close to ripping off every shred of clothing that Sophie had on her and claiming her. I could feel the passion building up in me and in that moment I don’t think that Sophie would have stopped me from swiping everything off her desk and laying her out on it. I have never felt such a strong desire to be inside of someone, it was completely consuming me.

  Once I feel like I have calmed down a fraction, I go back into Sophie’s office to finish off the professional business that was meant to have been carried out before I lost control of my body. I slip into the chair that is facing Sophie’s desk and relax myself. It’s hard to remain neutral in her presence but I’m going to have to at least try. I’m in a world of my own when I hear Sophie calling my name.

  “Josh are you with me? Josh?” Sophie’s sweet voice that sounds like honey brings me back to the moment. I really have to stop staring at her; this attraction is frying my brain. I’m either going to have to make a serious move to getting her in bed or I need to find a way to forget about her. Fuck that, there is no way I can forget about her. My dreams are plagued by the feel of her soft body against me, giving her every pleasure that I can. I want to hear her climax, watch the expression on her face when she can’t take anymore.

  “Yes Sophie I’m completely here but I wish we both were somewhere else. However, what is it that you wish to change about me onstage?” I’m trying my fucking hardest to maintain a professional decorum like she wished. I want to throw decorum by the wayside and lick her out against the wall, I want to smell her and drive her wild with longing until she begs me to stop. I can feel the stirrings of an erection and I have to quickly think of something to get it back under control. That’s right cold water, think of that, and yep that’s done the trick.

p; “Okay Josh thank you for being professional about all of this. You know it’s the best way. Anyway, what I was thinking about for you onstage was adding a little accessory. I already really like your look on stage from the pictures I have been provided with.

  “Oh you like my look do you? It’s just clothes baby, what’s important is what’s underneath them.” I’m flirting with her but I can’t help myself, just seeing her surprised look at my words was all the encouragement I needed. I like to see her flustered and helpless under my gaze, but I will tone it down for now whilst she is working. Despite my flirtatious attempts to get her into bed I will respect her desire to succeed in her career. I really admire that in a woman, someone who has goals and ambitions and god I want her to succeed; I want to be around her for as long as possible.

  “Please don’t Josh, you know we can’t act on our feelings for each other. It’s only an attraction it will soon die down. I’m pretty sure you have been attracted to someone before. I’m just a novelty, just wait until the shows are up and running then you will have your little groupies trying to get all over you.” If I wasn’t mistaken I would take that as jealousy. She does want me, she just isn’t willing to give in to me yet, but she will.

  “Sophie I can’t help myself you know that. I will tone it down whilst you are working but I’m not going to deny that I want you. And I’ll continue to want you until you give in and give us what we both want. It’s going to happen Sophie, sooner or later it will happen and it’s going to be amazing between us. Every time you look at me I can see the pure unadulterated lust in your beautiful green eyes.” Sophie’s breathing has increased and she has a beautiful flush on her face. She wants it as much as I do but she is a damn stubborn woman.

  “Oh, Josh you have no fucking idea how much I want you. There I’ve said it now, are you happy!” Sophie shouts at the top of her voice and I know the other guys would have heard her outburst. The declaration makes me happy but I know she still isn’t going to give in anytime soon.

  “I know Sophie but it’s killing me staying away from you. What’s the change you want to make then? I can at least try to keep it professional though it’s killing me.”

  “I want you to add a pair of aviators to your stage get-up, how would you feel about that. I love the guy liner and everything about the jeans and tanks but I think the aviators would give you the rock star edge.” I love Sophie’s ideas and I’m going to stand out with that look. It’s these kind of ideas that will have us coming to the forefront of the Rock world. She has amazing ideas and drawings that will hopefully increase our success. She is simply amazing.

  I agree to Sophie’s ideas and I’m dismissed, no doubt she is needing some space to calm down after our revelations to one another. She’s not the only one; I need to calm the hell down too. She seems to awaken emotions in me that I thought I had buried a long time ago.

  “Okay fuckface you want to come and practise the riffs and solos for Tear it down? Typical of Tony to add it to the show at the very last minute.” Zack, the rhythm guitarist is one of the most talented guitarists I have had the honour to play with. He is literally my best friend in the band and we seem to gel off of each other’s creativity. I’m proud to say we write all our material for the musical compositions of our tracks. Mickey writes the lyrics and between us we have come up with some shit hot songs.

  “Sure Zack let’s do that, I need a distraction anyway.” Pounding the riffs on my guitar will get my mind off the issue that is Sophie. This is the way I always deal with stress, my guitar is my best friend, and it lets me beat the shit out of it with no complaints.

  We go into the empty entertainment room and set up our instruments. It feels good to have my baby back out again. Zack starts off with an introductory riff which he plays to perfection. His talent is raw and extremely special, something that doesn’t happen very often, he has a rare gift. I start my lead part and I seem to be struggling to get up to the tempo of the song. Okay, so it’s a much faster song than the majority of our pieces but I have nailed it before without a problem, so what the fuck is wrong with me now?

  “Wow dude what the fuck happened there? That wasn’t even the most complex part? Get your head in the game; we will be performing tomorrow, we need to nail this before then.” I know Zach’s right and I know exactly what has my head in such a spin, Sophie. I have to try and find a way of tuning out my feelings for her during this tour. Our whole future depends on the success of it.

  “Your right Zack, come on let’s do it again. I’ll fucking nail it this time.” And we do. Zack has the riffs down to a fucking fine art and I hit the solo with military precision. I’m back and the song sounds awesome. I hope the fans like this new material. We spent the whole of last summer holed up in the mountains writing the new record. Our diehard fans will love the new direction we have taken. We have evolved into a band that is pure metal. Our guitars are grungier and Mickeys singing is stronger. This new direction could really be the making of us.

  Bring on the tour we are ready for you!!

  Chapter 5


  We have another stop for a couple of hours and a group decision is made to go to the mall for an afternoon of shopping. Josh dragged his damn heels over this decision too. Who knows what is wrong with that man, blowing hot and cold all the time now. He doesn’t want to spend the time talking to me unless he’s turning up the flirting, but then he doesn’t want the others to have a good time with me either. I shake my head; the boy fucks with my head plenty.

  We head into the mall, excited to be off the bus for a while. I stay close by Tanner and Blaine. Tanner puts his arm round my shoulder and keeps me close, almost protectively. I feel comfortable and at ease around Tanner. I can talk to him easily and don’t have to take a step back to work out if he is trying to fuck with my head. No, interaction with Tanner is so easy it’s effortless.

  Josh storms off into a music store. I must say his theatrics are pretty impressive. We agreed to meet at the entrance to the mall in approximately an hour, so I wander the mall with Tanner and Blaine. They help me pick out outfits and shoes to add to my ever expanding collection.

  Blaine really cracks me up. We are in Victoria’s secret and every hot blonde that walks past him has his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I stare at him incredulously. “What? She was damn hot. You can’t expect me to come into a lingerie store and not check out the goods.” He motions to his chest making a rude gesture with his hands indicating the woman’s chest that just walked past. He points his thumb in the direction of the blonde for Tanners benefit.

  “Nice.” Tanner whistles appreciatively. I glance over at the drummer and shake my head, the guy is a sight. He has placed one of the blue bras on over his shirt and stuck a thong on. He is prancing around in the undergarments like a damn fool. He has attracted quite the audience due to his antics. He bends over in a mock gesture of seduction and grabs his ass whilst pouting. He flutters his eyelashes and whispers hoarsely, “does my ass look big in this?” Blaine is in fits and I have to admit Tanner is pretty damn funny.

  Security is instantly at our side and Tanner quickly whips off his underwear and throws them in the security guards face. We make a run for it. I soon catch up with Tanner and Blaine and we walk down towards the mall entrance to meet with Mickey, Zack and Josh.

  Before we are able to get further than a few yards in front of us we become accosted with female fans. They are screaming at the top of their voices for autographs and photos with Blaine and Tanner. I actually can’t believe how these fans are getting right in the boys faces. Give them a little breathing room!

  One fan gets right up in Tanners personal space. The little brunette shoves a piece of paper and a pen right into his face. Who in the hell does she think she is? “Sign your autograph Tanner. I love you Tanner, I want your babies.” Woaw there lady, getting a bit personal there aren’t we?

  Tanner and Blaine exchange looks obviously creeped out by the forward fan. I can see the othe
r boys making their way towards us but I know in this instant I have to try and diffuse the situation quickly.

  “Look love, don’t you think that’s a little unnecessary. Tanner really doesn’t want to hear that kind of thing, ok. He will sign his autograph for you if you can control yourself for a few minutes.” I nod at Tanner to just sign it so we can get on our way.

  “And who the fuck are you? I’ve never seen you before and I follow everything about Buried Alive. Who the hell are you?” The little bitch gets right up in my face. She is damn feral. Well, she can back the fuck off of me. I have to think on my feet.

  “I’m Tanners girlfriend. I don’t appreciate you getting up in either my face or Tanners personal space so I suggest you take your autograph and back the hell away. If you don’t I will personally have security move your psychotic little ass off the premises.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder and storms off. That will teach her!

  We are joined by the other boys and they exchange puzzled glances with Tanner and Blaine. I throw Tanner a sweet smile silently letting him know I’ve got his back. He returns my smile and wraps me up in a bear hug.

  Josh watches intently, a puzzled expression plastered across his features. “What’s going on here, Blaine?”

  “A fan got a little too personal with Tanner. She was telling Tanner she wanted his babies. Our hero here jumped to Tanners aid and told the little groupie that she was his girlfriend. She really stood up to her. I’m proud of her; she’s turning into one of us.” Blaine rewards me with a hug of his own. I was only protecting the boys. I won’t have someone trying to get their pound of flesh. Josh simply nods his head but you can see he is in deep thought. Josh won’t look me in the eyes. Suppose I can’t please everyone.

  We all make our way back to the bus before we are accosted some more by the fans. Never a dull moment in the presence of Buried Alive.


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