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Falling for Mr Wrong

Page 11

by Joanne Dannon

  On a note pad, she wrote out a to-do-list while eating her sandwich. Being a tour guide involved two years of studying in English if she hoped to qualify. In the meantime, she could help her aunty and also earn extra money doing babysitting and nannying. But first, she needed to speak to Immigration about extending her stay.

  Tomorrow, she would leave Nate. It was easy enough to catch a public bus and she could hide out a little longer. A sharp pain of regret hit her tummy when she realised she would be leaving Nate. Right guy, wrong time? She could not take a risk that he would persuade her to return to London with him. She simply could not do it. Apart from Nate, she had no one there – no family, no real friends. Sure she had met some people and had acquaintances, but could she trust them? What would she do all day? She could not work, nor could she go out in public. She was unable to do anything other than hide out in an apartment all day. What if Sebastian did not recant his story? Could she threaten him with the pictures on her phone? Going to London made her uneasy. Could she do it with Nate supporting her?

  She shook her head. The easier option was to wait it out till she become old news. She had stood up to the press and look what had happened. Even with Nate by her side, there was no guarantee that they would listen this time around.

  She scratched her chin. She really needed to research him and his book on the internet. Last night, she had been too tired, so she was determined to check his online profile today. Reaching into her bag, she did not find her phone in its usual place. Checking the bag thoroughly, she came up empty handed. Frustration zipped along her spine. Where was it?

  Drinking the rest of her coffee, she opened the door and called out, “Nate have you seen my phone?”

  “Are you sure you brought it back?” came a reply from the kitchen. “Check with your aunt if it’s there.”

  Looking at the clock she squealed. “Nate, we need to get going. The tour starts soon.”

  Hours later Nate slid an arm around Tilly’s waist guiding her to an empty table at a café in central Jerusalem. “I didn’t want to spend the day here, but I have to confess it’s been fascinating. Your aunt is so knowledgeable and makes it all interesting, not like she’s reciting stuff.”

  Tilly nodded, her heart pounded feeling the warmth of his hand pressed against the small of her back. “To be a tour guide here, you have to study for two years, pass an exam and then do ongoing assessments and learnings,” she informed him.

  They sat and he groaned, stretching his long legs out. “It’s good to sit.”

  A waiter brought their iced coffees to them.

  “Toda raba.” Tilly thanked the youth.

  Nate’s fingers crept across the table to hers and her breath hitched. Their gazes met and she caught the flirtatious sparkle in his eyes. “Have I told you how beautiful you are today?”

  She eased back into her seat. “Aunty Maude can’t hear you. You can take a break from the attentive fiancé for a while,” she said with a flirtatious tone. He had been the perfect gentleman today. Every small touch of his fingers had made her skin leap for joy. She had even confessed bits and pieces of life in the Porter household. Nate seemed interested in her and the tour. Her insides had been warm and gooey during the day when they held hands. There were moments when she believed they were a couple and then her mind questioned whether she would have the strength to leave him tomorrow. If she remained here, would he stay with her? Was there a future for them? She took a long sip and pondered the possibilities. Honesty was important to her. Tonight, they needed to talk. But for now, they were together and to her, it was real.

  She looked up to find him looking at her, his dark eyes glinting with danger.

  She shivered, but not from the cold. She wanted him in a way that was foreign to her. Never once with Travis had she had the urge to tease him and suck his finger. Their sex life had been okay. Before leaving Australia, she believed it was because of her. If she had been a better lover, Travis would not have cheated on her. But now, with lust pummelling through her veins, Tilly wondered if the problem was Travis? There was one way to find out. A zip of anticipation rocketed through her tummy, as her breath quickened.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be responsible for what I do next,” he said in a low voice that made her tremor with expectation.

  “If you keep talking to me like that, I won’t be responsible for what I do,” she said in a husky voice.

  Nate looked at Tilly and his breathing came in short bursts. He wanted to devour her, bury himself in her, pleasure her till she came and came. His body tightened and he bit his lip before counting backwards from ten – he did not need an erection in a public café.

  It was supposed to be pretence, this fake engagement, but it did not feel like an act.

  Coming on the tour was a waste of time, or so he thought. But she had pleaded with him that morning and he begrudgingly agreed. Not only did he want to keep her in sight, but he hoped to gain more insight into her and what had happened with Sebastian.

  But he had forgotten all about that as the day had turned out to be one of the happiest he had experienced in ages.

  And even though he did not want to admit it, Maude had been right. The tour had inspired his writer-brain and he busily made notes about a political thriller he itched to write. His first fiction book. It filled him with a jolt of energy and excitement. It was not practical to be a writer and he had a job and responsibilities that he could not just stop. Perhaps one day, but definitely not now. Not wanting to forget anything, he typed up a list of ideas on his smart phone, which he then emailed to himself.

  And then there was Tilly.

  Each press of his lips against her cheek or the linger of his fingers along the length of her neck had his insides yearning for more. The fresh, fragrant waft of her shampoo presented him images that were totally inappropriate, especially with Aunt Maude standing close by.

  He could not blame sleep deprivation for his behaviour. No, he ached to have her close by.

  At the church or wherever they had just been, she gave him a smile as he held her close. “You’re very attentive,” she said.

  “And you’re very pretty,” he replied. And she was. Her face had lit up as her aunt explained the history of where they were and his brain kept zoning out every time he felt the feather light brush of her hand against the back of his palm or hearing the tinkle of her laughter.

  “Thanks for coming on the tour, I know you didn’t want to but I’m so glad you did,” she whispered. “I like being with you.”

  “I like being with you.” And wasn’t that the truth. His mind now determined and no longer looking for answers.

  It would have been easier if she had bristled in resentment or moved away from him. But she had not. And even though he had come on tour shuffling his feet away from his computer and blog posts on political issues in London, he was surprisingly, genuinely happy. Happiness that radiated from his chest along every inch of his skin.

  Spending the day visiting ancient sites and learning about history had not been so bad especially when he had the bonus of admiring Tilly’s long legs and the curve of her hips.

  His mouth longed to taste her lips again and his fingers itched to trace along the length of her spine. The endless cups of coffee during the day had helped clear the grogginess of the lack of sleep. Now his brain and libido were awake. Wide awake.

  Hell, he had been attracted to her since the first time he met her on the beach. Now that he had the opportunity to get to know her better, the attraction had grown. And it seemed she liked him too. No longer giving him sullen looks, they spent time together holding hands, laughing at anecdotes and sneaking the odd kiss here and there.

  She may have thought it was to keep up the pretence for her aunt, but he knew better – he loved the taste of her lips.

  “People, we’ve got five minutes till we start again,” Maude’s voice chirped brightly.

  He leaned over the table towards Tilly and whispered
. “I’m feeling tired. We should both rest.”

  Her eyes widened and her lips parted. “Oh…okay.”

  He liked that she caught his drift immediately and he did not have to spell it out. The anticipation of being alone with her soon pumped through his veins.

  Leaning towards him she said, “I’ll tell Aunty Maude you have to work.”

  He watched the sway of her hips as she sauntered to her aunty and although he could not hear what she was saying, Maude’s face indicated she did not quite believe the story of why they had to leave early. Her aunty kissed Tilly’s cheek then gathered the other tour members so they could make their way to The Garden Tomb.

  Tilly walked towards him, giving him a dazzling smile that made the blood in his veins swoosh faster and his heart thump a steady beat in his chest.

  The door to their suite had barely shut when Nate’s mouth crashed on Tilly’s. Away from Maude’s watchful eye, he could now do what he desperately wanted to do, touch and taste Tilly. His hands roamed everywhere, eager to feel the smoothness of her skin before they gripped her bottom.

  He was tired of pretending. He wanted her with a longing that robbed him of breath. He could continue to fight the attraction or he could kiss her till she was breathless. Kissing was the preferable option. He wanted honesty. The chemistry between them was real and alive. Now he was no longer hiding behind a mask of indifference, he was grateful and relieved that Tilly was also no longer fighting the attraction between them.

  “Babe, you’re beautiful,” he murmured before his mouth trailed down her neck. The taste of her skin reminded him of the delicate scent of dessert flowers they had seen yesterday. His hands cupped her face and he looked directly into her eyes before he kissed her long and hard.

  She stretched on tippy toes matching his urgent kisses, her tongue duelling with his.

  Blood roared in his ears as her soft breasts flattened against his chest. Her breathing grew harsh, matching his.

  A choked moan erupted from his lips.

  Her hands urgently tugged at his shirt yanking it from his jeans before her hands stole under the material to roam his chest. He groaned when her fingers sought out and touched every hard ridge of his muscles as though they were braille, driving him crazy with need.

  With his heart thumping and his lower body granite hard he said, “if you want to stop, you gotta say now.”

  He heard her gasp. “You’d better be joking. I want this.”

  She clung to him as his hands cupped her behind before carrying her to the plush sofa.

  He kicked the pillows off not caring they landed all over the floor, before gently lowering her to the couch.

  His fingers trailed along her thighs before his fingers tugged at her knickers. She lifted her bottom and in two seconds the lacy scrap hit the floor. A husky laugh escaped her lips while he helped her shimmy out of her shirt, which joined the clothes on the floor.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he groaned as his gaze took in her delectable near-naked form.

  His heart leapt while her hand trailed against the rock hard evidence of his need.

  “You’re killing me,” he hissed through clenched teeth. Every cell in his body was tight with anticipation.

  In seconds flat, he stripped her bare except for the lacy bra enclosing her breasts. “I left the best till last.” His mouth came down on her nipple with killer precision and sucked hard. She panted his name while he slaved attention on her breast through the lace. With a well-practiced deft, he unsnapped her bra and tossed it aside.

  A mischievous smile curved her lips. “I’m naked and you’re not.”

  He silenced her with another deep, hungry kiss before his hands traced over the softness of her skin. Her breath hitched and his fingers trailed lower and lower. At the junction of her thighs, his fingers slowly circled her curls towards her moist core. Her muscles clenched as she sighed his name.

  His mouth moved southward past her breasts, down the softness of her belly and then lower. She jack-knifed up, her eyes wide, her hands covering her breasts. “I can’t. I…um…I—”

  “It’s okay.” He reassured, surprised to see unease cloud her eyes. He could not believe the tosser she used to be with had not done that. His heart filled with masculine pride and ego at being her first and anticipation of pleasuring her pumped through his veins.

  He gave her an encouraging smile. “Let’s see how you go.” He was going to make it brilliant. “Relax.” He encouraged. The muscles in her bended legs remained firm and taut.

  His mouth hovered over her feminine core and he breathed in her sweet scent. “Babe, keep your legs like that,” he instructed.

  He bit his lip willing his heart rate to slow a fraction. It didn’t. He was so close to losing control. If she had been more experienced, he would have had her coming hard and fast. He took a steadying breath. This time was to be enjoyed, slowly, intimately. He wanted her to come hard and strong but after a long build up. The challenge was a welcome one.

  Lowering his head, he traced his tongue along her intimate lips. She shuddered and her legs became less rigid. He did it again and then lightly blew on the outer lips. Looking up, he noticed her body had relaxed into the comfort of the couch. Trailing his tongue and fingers, he retraced what he had just done and smiled in smug satisfaction as she moaned.

  A quick glance up and he saw her head back and her eyes closed. His mouth hovered over her and she heard him sigh his name. Pressing his lips against her, his tongue caressed her in the most intimate way, his hands inching their way up to cup her small breasts. The nipples sprang to attention and he continued to massage the softness of her breasts all the while he continued to taste her.

  His tongue darted in and out. He repeated it till she started crying his name. Before long, her fingers entwined in his hair anchoring him to her. An eruption of self-satisfaction burst in his belly as her sweet taste spurned him on.

  His hands made their way down and cupped her bottom. Her hips lifted and his tongue plunged into her making her jack-knife to a seated position. From lazy eyes, she watched him feast on her.

  “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” she whispered.

  “Lean back, there’s more.” He kissed his way up her belly desperate for a taste of pink nipples. He sucked and licked them till they were hard peaks before making his way back down to where he wanted to be.

  Burning with a need to hear her come, his fingers started lazy circles as his mouth hovered along her feminine lips. Starting slow, he maintained a steady pace till her hands gripped the couch and her knuckles whitened. Her delicious naked body lay sprawled on the couch, a buffet for him and he hungered to make them one.


  While she pleaded for completion, he inserted one finger and then a second finding her inner bud. She shuddered under his touch while his heated mouth continued its onslaught.

  His fingers and mouth started a rhythm that had her begging. Male pride burst from every skin pore, seeing the quiver of her thighs and hearing those little pants she made every time he massaged that secret spot. His chinos were ready to explode off him but he managed to hold onto a thread of sanity as he delighted in pleasuring her. Her body shuddered. He started again, building her up and then stopped. This time she cried out, promising him anything if only he let her finish.

  And only when she lay so rigid and so close to exploding did he finally start pleasuring her hard and fast. She gasped for air as his fingers applied the right amount of pressure to the place he knew would tip her over the edge. He rubbed a little harder, before plunging his fingers into her, wishing it was another part of him. She rode his fingers, calling out his name. Then screamed out long and hard, “Nate!”

  Her inner muscles clutched his fingers so tightly, he had difficulty easing them out. Her body shuddered, her hips hitching and he watched in satisfaction as a powerful orgasm ripped through her. Watching her come had to be one of the most exciting, visually stimulating things he had e
ver seen and he took a moment to enjoy the show. His heart pounded against his ribs, momentarily distracting him from his bulging erection and watched her body soften and crumble into the cushions. Her husky voice sighing his name.

  He drew a ragged breath and massaged the throbbing need through his pants. He ached, really ached. What he needed was to be buried deep inside of her.

  While she recovered, he managed to tug off his pants. His underwear, shoes and socks were removed in an instant and he reached for the foil packet in his wallet.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  His greedy gaze took in her beautiful breasts and soft curves while she listlessly lay on the couch.

  “You’re so sexy when you come,” he said, before his tongue took another sweet taste of her pink nipples.

  “I never knew…” Her voice trailed off.

  He took in the flush of her cheeks. He was going to obliterate any thoughts of her past lovers. From now on, only he was going to make her come.

  From half-lidded eyes she watched him sheath himself. He pushed her hands away, unwilling to have her touch him, yet. No doubt he would self-combust or finish quickly like a horny teen. No, he was a considerate lover and he was going to make sure he did everything right with her.

  Lifting her to a seated position, he helped her to straddle in his lap. He groaned as her perfect breasts and pink nipples were within full access to his mouth.

  Lifting her bottom, she eased onto him, deeper and deeper. Her heated silkiness enclosed his shaft and his head fell back as he luxuriated in her tightness. Inch by each delicious inch, till they were finally one.

  Opening his eyes slowly, he took in the way she bit her lower lip. A playful smile tugged at her lips before she moved her hips, slowly at first. Holding on to her hips, she kept a slow pace while he ground his teeth.


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