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A Pepys of Mongul India (1653-1708)

Page 32

by Niccolao Manucci


  ings with the King Abu.l Hasan, 193, 194, 195 ; at Gwaliyar, 35, 36 ; employed by Governor Gyfford, vii, 215 ; visits the Royal Harem as a physician, 203; buries Bello-mont at Hodal, 37 ; arrives at Hugli; 118 ; goes to see Frey Irao Bautista, 118, 119; at Hugli, a marriage proposed by the Jesuits, 120, 121 ; interference of two friars, 121, 122 ; leaves Hugli, 123 ; helps Ignatio, a French doctor's son, 269, 270 ; in India with Bello-mont v; at Isfahan, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 ; and I'tibar Khan, an offer of employment, no, in ; Jacob, a Dutch surgeon, assists him with a case, 124 ; enters service of Jai Singh, v, 125; describes European modes of fighting to him, 127, 128 ; a demonstration, 128, 129 ; is

  E resented by Jai Singh to hiva JI, 132 ; grief at death of Jai Singh, 141 ; and the Jesuits, account of their disputes with the Capuchins, vii, meets them at Agrah, 110; they ask him to take two friars with him to Bengal, 112; ask him to use his influence in their behalf at Hugli, 119; they try to arrange a marriage for him at Hugli, 120, 121 ; he visits them at Agrah, 141 ; at Karapa (Cudapah), visit to Da,ud Khan, 257; describes Aurangzeb's march to Kashmir, 102-10; three days' march with the army towards Kashmir, no; spreads false report of death of Khalilul-lah Khan, 71 ; is ordered to proceed to court of Aurangzeb by Kh. Kh.. 97 ; takes service with Kirat Singh, vi ; is generously treated by him at Dihll, 141 ; goes to Lahor, vi; rejoins Dara at, 77 ; with Khwajah Basant at, 91, 92; at Lahor, in great danger, 94 ; escapes naked, 95 ; at Lahor, 141 ; sets up as a physician, 142 ; his first patient, 142-4 ; gains a reputation for skill, 144, 145 ; at Lahor, affair

  of the holy man of Balkh, 150, 151, 152; at Lahor, story of Thika Arain, a corpulent Ma-homedan, 153, 154, 155 ; at Lahor, forced to leave in suite of Muhammad Arnin Khan, 145; returns, 146 ; falsely accused of theft, 147 ; at Lahor, appeals for protection to Fida,e Khan's troopers, 147, 148 ; at Lahor, visits Mirza Salih, son of Fida.e Khan. 148 ; is presented by him to Fida.e Khan, 149 ; at Lahor, story of the eunuch Dau-lat, 159,160 ; at Lahor, practises as an exorcist, 160, 161, 162 ; leaves Lahor, 162, 163 ; at Lar, 25, 26 ; and A. Legrenzi, physician, 287, 288 ; and Ant. Machado, 164 ; in Madras, vii; his house and garden, vii; he arrives at Madras (Fort St. George), 196 ; at Madras (Fort St. George), his marriage, 197 ; returns from deputation to Da,ud Stan, 245 ; warning to the English, 251 ; at Madras, leaves for S. Thome, 255 ; returns with a message for Governor Pitt, 257 ; returns from Tevanapatam, 267 ; suspected of poisoning Mahabat 1^3an, 149, 150; receives a visit from Clodio Malier, 39, 40 ; befriended by Clodio Malier, 46, 47 ; presented at court of Pr. Dara, by Clodio Malier, 48 ; lives in house of Cl. Malier, 50 ; escapes from Malkher, vi; and Father Martin, Jesuit, 231-33 ; Fr. Martin, Director-General, suggests that Ma-nucci should write his autobiography, 110 ; sends Ma-nucci to Daman in an armed sloop, 166 ; visits Fra^ois Martin, at Pondicherry, is advised by him to marry, 196 ; receives letter from Fra^ois Martin, 231 ; replies, 233; communicates with Fran9ois Martin, 251, 255 ; treats Fr. Martin when ill, effects a cure, 267; at Masulipatam, vi ; Dom M. de Souza de Menezes, treats M. as a traitor, 169 ; his friend Mirecautaula, 282, 283 ;


  and Mirza Arjanj, 274, 275 ; and Mirza Muhammad Muqim, 207, 208, 209 ; visits MirzaSalih, 148 ; is presented by him to Fida.e Khan, 149 ; called to attend Mirza Sulaiman _Beg, brother-in-law of Shah 'Alam, 207, 208 ; and Khwajah Miskin, 49 ; explains why he left the Mogul country, 198, 199 ; and Muhammad Amln Khan, forced to leave Lahor in his suite, 145 ; falsely accused by him of theft, 146, 147 ; assisted by Muhammad Ibrahim to escape from Shah 'Alam, 191, 192, 193 ; asked to treat Muhammad Ja'far, 257 ; Mir Muhammad sent in pursuit of, 186] 187; and Muhammad Muqim, 278, 279 ; cures Muhammad Riza, 210 ; altercation'with Shekh Muhammad, 183, 184 ; and Sultan Mu'izz-ud-din, 186 ; at Multan, 81,91 ; and Mumin Khan. 195 ; at Narsapur, vi, he flies there to evade capture by Shah 'Alam, 194; at Narwar, 35 ; interview with Nawab Bae Ji, mother of Shah 'Alam, 180 ; writes to the eunuch Nekroz, 215 ; and Nur-un-nissa Be-gam, an accident in bloodletting, 286 ; his first trial of pan (betel), 30 ; attacked by thieves at Pandharpur, 139, 140 ; lucky escape near Panipat, 75. 76 ; at Parenda, 140 ; at Patnah, 114; story of the clever Armenian, 115, 116 ; at Patnah, visits Da,ud Khan, 116; at Patnah, 124 ; sent as envoy to Rajah of Pent, 129 ; in Persia, v, 6-27 ; and Pheliciano de SantaTeresa,Prior of Carmelites, at Goa, 227, 228 ; appeals for help to Lourenco Pit, 195 ; employed by Governor Pitt, vii ; Governor Pitt arbitrates between Manucci and the Portuguese, 219 ; Manucci warns him of the approach of Da,ud Khan, 251; is asked by Governor Pitt to visit Da,ud Khan with the English envoys, 263 ; and Thomas Platt, of Dhakah, 118 ; in Pondicherry, vii, 251 ; visits

  Fr. Martin at, 196 ; leaves, 197 ; returns to Pondicherry to treat Fr. Martin, 267 ; and Joao A. Portugal, embassy to Shah 'Alam, 222, 223, 224; employed by the Portuguese, vi; and Signor Protazio, 287, 288 ; at Qasim Bazar, 123 ; befriended by Qazi Mir, minister of Shah 'Alam, 281, 282, 283 ; at Qazwin, 9, 10, 11, 12 ; arrives with Lord Bellomont at Ra-guza, 2 ; receives a warning from Rajapur, 168 ; at Rajma-hal, 117 ; story of sail at, 123 ; sent with Ramap§. on deputation to Da,ud Khan, 236 ; Ramapa causes trouble, 238-40, 243, 244 ; his excuses, 245 ; generous conduct towards Ramapa, 246 ; sent as envoy to Rajah of Ramnagar, 129, 130 ; receives a horse from Manoel Ribeiro, 140 ; M. and T. Roach, 38, 39, 44 ; visits G. Roberts, Governor of Tevenapatam, 266, 267 ; and Heinrich Roth, Jesuit, 112; and the Turk, Rumi KJian, 78, 79, 80, 81 ; assisted by Domingo de Sa§, to demonstrate European mode of fighting, 128, 129 ; receives letter from Sa'adatullah Khan, 256 ; and Sambha Ji, vi; sent as envoy to, 171, 172, 175 ; and Diogo de M. de Sampayo, 163, 164 ; at San Thome, unjust treatment by Portuguese, 217, 218 ; at San Thome, Governor Pitt as arbitrator, 219; San Thome, sent to receive Da.ud Khan, PannI, at, 248; made a Knight of Sant' lago, vi, 184 ; the letters patent, 184, 185, 186; takes part in a rescue from satJ, 124, 125'; warns I. Sermento at Bassain of trouble, 133 ; I. Sermento testifies as to Manucci's services to the Portuguese, 133,134 ; tardy payment of a debt to Manucci, 136 ; enters service of Shah 'Alam, vi, 165, 166; obtains leave, 166 ; visits him at his camp near Goa, 179-82 ; and Shah 'Alam, 181,182 ; attempts to leave Shah 'Alam, 186; is


  recaptured, 1.87 ; obtains leave from Shah 'Alam to visit Goa, 188 ; takes a supply of wheat with him, 189; again leaves Shah 'Alam, 191, 192, 193 ; Shah 'Alam sends in search of him, 197 ; Shah 'Alam plays a_ trick onM., 201, 202 ; Shah 'Alam tries to persuade him to change his religion, 204 ; tested by Shah 'Alam,_ 206, 207 ; ordered by Shah 'Alam to treat different people at his court, 208-10; Shah Alam annoyed at his being sent for by Diler Khan. 212, _ 213; negotiates with Shah 'Alam, vi, 222-24 ; and Shah 'Alam, 277-82 ; presented to Shahjahan, 42 ; describes the audience hall, 42,43 ; at Shiraz, 24, 25 ; meets Shiva JI, 132 ; at Sihrind, 97, 163 ; reference, 285 ; atSindi, 28 ; at Sironj, 33, 34; M. and R. Smith, 38, 39, 44 ; arrives with Lord Bellomont at Smyrna, 2 ; Joao de Souza helps him to prescribe, 100 ; his " Storia do Mogor," account of the MSS., viii, ix ; at Surat, 29, 30, 31, 163, 166 ; as a swashbuckler, 273, 274 ; youthful escapades, 275, 276; at Tabriz, 7, 8 ; Ignacio de Taide embezzles his ship and cargo, 163 ; and Fr. deTavora, Viceroy of Goa, 221 ; sends Manucci to negotiate with Sambha Ji, 171 ; Fr. de Tavora, his reports to, 173, 182 ; sends Manucci as envoy to the Mogul fleet, 174, 175 ; Fr. de Tavora, sends Manucci to speak with envoy of Shah 'Alam, 177 ; Fr. de Tavora offers Manucci knighthood of Sant' lago, 184 ; at Tevena-patam, 266, 267 ; and Thlka Arain, a corpulent Mahomedan, 1 5 3~5 5 ; atTokat, 3 ; describes manners and customs of Uz-baks from Balkh, 100-102 ; at Vellore, 259, 260 ; runs away from Venice, 1653, v, i ; and Father Damao Vieira, 228, 229 ; sent as envoy to Mogul fleet off Vingorla, 174, 175 ; applies for help to Wazir Khan. 40, 41 ; taken to Shahjahan's palace by

  Wazir Khan, 41, 42; and Wazir Khan, 44, 45, 46 ; writes to Henry Young at Surat, 50 ; Zu.lfiqar Khan sends a present to, 266

  Maquari, Monsieur, doctor at Pondicherry, 267

  Maronites, musical instruments employed by, 107
br />   Martin, Father, Jesuit, and M. 231, 232, 233 ; reference, 235

  Martin, Fra^ois, Director - General, suggests to Manucci that he should write his autobiography, no ; sends Manucci to Daman in an armed sloop, 166 ; Manucci goes to visit, 196 ; advises Manucci to marry, 196 ; letter to Manucci from, 231 ; Manucci replies to, 233 ;; Manucci communicates with, 251, 255 ; sends an envoy to Da,ud Khan. 255 ; Da.ud Khan sends a horse to, 256 ; letter from Sa'adatullah Khan to, 257 ; marriage of his granddaughter, 266 ; illness of, Manucci hastens to his side, 267 ; death of, 289

  Martin, Senhor Francisco. See Martin, Francois

  Masqat, fruitless Portuguese expedition against, 137, 138

  Masson, Monsieur, a French pirate, 268

  Masulipatam, Manucci at, vi

  Maya, Thomas de, of S. Thome, 220

  Mecca, Jew's-stones from, 28

  Meerman, Baron Gerard, purchases MS. of the " Storia," 1705, viii

  Mellos and Mendozas, disputes of, at Bassain, 134, 135

  Menezes, Dom Manoel de Souza de, Archbishop, temporary Governor of Goa, 168, 169; treats Manucci as a traitor, 169

  Menezes, Manoel da Silva de, of S. Thome, 217, 220

  Mirak Ata ullah, a captain, 150

  Mir Baba, foster brother of Aurangzeb. See Bahadur Khan

  Mir Jumlah, in Assam, 117, 118 ; Viceroy of Bengal, makes Mirza Jam Governor of Rajmahal, 117; makes Mirza Gul Governor of Hugli, 119


  Mirecautaula, a friend of Manucci,

  282, 283

  Mirza 'Abdullah, 146 Mirza Arjanj and Manucci, 274,

  275 Mirza Jam, Governor of Raj-

  rnahal, 117 Miskin, Khwajah. Manucci put in

  the charge of, 49 MisrI Khan, marries the Pa than

  widow instead of Manucci, 158 Mogul country, the, why Manucci

  left, 198, 199

  Moguls, the, fond of flowers, 22 Monte Grande. See Big Mount Moreira, Souza, custodian, 185 Mota, Una de Manoel de, island

  near Goa, 178 Mozambique, I. Sermento goes to,

  136 Mu 'Azzam, Sultan, on the march

  to Kashmir, 106 Mubariz Khan, Manucci attends

  the wife of, 209 Muhammad, 81, 82 ; the image of,

  164 Muhammad Amm Khan, 51 ; on

  the march to Kashmir, 104 ;

  Governor of Lahor, 141 ; forces

  Manucci to leave Lahor in his

  suite, 145 ; has Manucci falsely

  accused of theft, 146, 147 Muhammad Ibrahim, assists Manucci to escape from Shah

  'Alam, 191, 192, 193 Muhammad Ja'far, Manucci asked

  to treat, 257 Muhammad Mir, foster brother of

  Shah 'Alam, sent in pursuit of

  Manucci, 186, 187 Muhammad Muqim, chief physician to Shah 'Alam, 277, 278,

  279, 287, 288 Muhammad Muqim Mirza, and

  M., 207, 208, 209 Muhammad Riza, Manucci cures,

  210 Muhammad Riza, Mirza, officer

  of Shah 'A lam, 222 Muhammad Sadiq, official at

  Shah 'Alam's court, 222 Muhammad Sa'Id, dlwan of the

  Karnatik, 237 Muhammad, Shekh, envoy from

  A'urangzeb to Viceroy of Goa,

  altercation with Manucci, 183,

  184 ; reference, 185

  Muhammad, Sultan, son of Aurangzeb, 60 ; routed by Dara, 66

  Muhsin, Khan, Persian physician in service of Shah 'Alam, 207 ; and Muhammad Riza, 209, 210

  Mu'm Mir, Uzbak, 246

  Mu'izz-udjdm, Sultan, son of Shah 'Alam, Manucci entrusts money to, 186 ; quarrels with his father, 200 ; references, 180

  Multan, Dara, starts for, 78 ; his followers arrive at, 81 ; and his followers leave, 82 ; Aurang-zeb arrives at, 83 ; Aurangzeb leaves, 85 ; Khwajah Basant and Lashkar Khan, Governor of, 91 ; reference, 116

  Mumin, Hakim, physician to Bahadur Khan, 113

  Mumin Khan, envoy of Shah 'Alam, tries to carry Manucci off,


  Mumiycfi, Shiraz and its, 25

  Munger, rivers at, 114

  Murad Bakhsh, prepares to seize the throne, 51 ; advances with Aurangzeb's army, 60 ; hard pressed by Ram Singh, Rathor, 66 ; arrives in Agrah, 73 ; starts with Aurangzeb in pursuit of Dara, 74 ; made a prisoner by Aurangzeb, 74 ; Manucci attends the daughter of, 151, 152 ; references, 54, 59

  Murad, Mulla, Mahomedan Governor of S. Thome, 276

  Murad, Sultan, 8

  Music, instruments of, employed by Armenians, Syrians, Maro-nites, and Turks, 107

  Najabat Khan, one of Aurangzeb's generals, 60 ; routed by Dara, 66

  Narapa, sent as envoy to Da,ud Khan, 251

  Narbada, the river, 33

  Narsapur, Manucci at, vi; flies to, to evade capture by Shah 'Alam, 194

  Narwar, Bellomont and Manucci at, 35

  Nawab Bae Ji, mother of Shah 'Alam, interviews Manucci, 180


  Negapatam, the Dutch at, asked by Da.ud Khan to help him against the English, 254

  Nekroz, the eunuch, Manucci writes to, 215

  Nelur, the river, 179

  Niccolao, Hakim. See Manucci

  Noah, the Ark of, 6

  Nur-un-nissa, Begam, accident when Manucci drew blood from, 286

  Nutmeg, good effect of, on a horse, 140

  Ochu. See Uchh Ormuz, the fortress of, 13, 14, 22 ; the fortress and island of, 27

  Pan (betel leaf), 30, 31 ; Manucci's first trial of, 30

  Pandharpur, Manucci attacked by thieves at, 139, 140

  Panlpat, Manucci's lucky escape near, 75, 76

  Parenda, Manucci at, 140

  Paris, volume of portraits now at Bibliotheque Nationale, in, ix

  Patnah, rivers at, 113 ; Manucci at, 114, 115, 116, 124 ; factories at, English and Dutch, 115; manufacture and trade of, 115

  Pedro, Dom, Prince of Portugal, 184

  Pent, the Rajah of, Manucci sent as envoy to, 129

  Pereyra, Donna A, wife of Chris. Hartley, 196

  Persia, Manucci, accompanies Bellomont through, v ; presents for the King of, 6 ; sheep of the country, 8, 24 ; water supply in, 8, 26; climate resembling England, 14; Shah 'Abbas,King of, 9, 10, ii, 12, 14, 16, 20 ; the King of, references, 7, 8, 138; Akbar's intended flight to, 166, 167; references, 2, 3, 5,184,271

  Persian cavalry, parade of, 16

  Persians, fond of flowers, 22

  Peshawar, Fida.e Khan at, 150

  Pheliciano de Santa Teresa, Prior of Carmelites at Goa, 227, 228

  Philipps, Sir Thomas, purchases MS. of Manucci's " Storia" 1824, viii

  Pinto, Manoel Texeyra, of San Thome, 217

  Pit, Lourenco, Dutch envoy in Gulkandah, Manucci appeals for help to, 195

  Pitt, Thomas, Governor of Madras, employs Manucci, vii ; arbitrates between Manucci and the Portuguese, 219 ; visited by Da.ud Khan, 248, 249, 250 ; warned by Manucci of approach of Da,ud Khan, 251 ; reply to message from Da,ud Khan and others, 257, 258 ; asks Manucci to visit Da.ud Khan in company with English envoys, 263

  Plato, 160

  Platt, Thomas, English boat-builder at Dhakah, friendly to Manucci, 118

  Ponda, Portuguese, defeat at, 168

  Pondicherry, Manucci in, vii, 251 ; Manucci goes to visit Fra^ois Martin at, 196 ; he leaves, 197 ; Father Martin returns to, 233 ; Manucci determines to visit, 235; Da,ud Khan asks French at, for help against English, 254; Fran9ois Martin ill at, 267 ; death of Fra^ois Martin, Governor of, 289

  Porto, Domingos do, of S. Thome, 217

  Portraits, volume of, sent home with first MS. of " Storia," ix

  Portugal, the King of, 132, 181

  Portugal, Joao Antunes, Portuguese envoy to Shah 'Alam, 183 ; Joao Antunio, Portuguese envoy to Shah 'Alam and Manucci, 222, 223, 224

  Portuguese, in India, 13, 22, 27, 1 33> 136, J 66; employ Manucci, vi.

  Primavera. See Basant, Khwajah

  Protazio, Signer, a German, and Manucci, 287, 288

  Puldo, ii, 15, 100, 101

  Puna-garh, the fortress of, reference, 132

  Qandahar, and Shahjahan, 159 Qasim Bazar
, English, French

  and Dutch factories at, 123 ;

  Manucci at, 123 Qasur, Dindar Khan, of, 157 Qazi Mir, minister of Shah 'Alam,

  befriends Manucci, 281, 282,



  Qazwin, 8, 14; Manucci, and Bellomont at, 9, 10, 11, 12 ; the royal palace at, 9, 10 ; situation of, 12

  Quran, the, references to, 74, 143, 153, 164, 204, 208, 268

  Qutb Shah, King of Gulkandah, treasures of, 193

  Qutb-ud-dm, Khwajah, gardens of, near Dihll, 273

  Raguza, Manucci arrives with Lord Bellomont at, 2

  Rajapur, warning sent to Manucci from, 168

  Rajmahal, rivers at, 114; Manucci at, 117 ; story of satl, 123

  Rajputs, the, 67 ; way of wearing the hair, 126

  Ram Raja, son of Shiva JI, 258

  Ram Singh, Rathor, advances with Dara's army,'61 ; death of, 66, 67

  Ramapa, sent with Manucci on deputation to Da,ud Khan. 236 ; causes trouble, 238, 239, 240, 243, 244 ; his excuses, 245 ; Manucci's generous conduct towards, 246

  Ramghat, a mountain called, 190


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