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Interview With a Dom

Page 3

by Holla Dean

  “I have been thinking about what you want to write and I’ve come to the conclusion that whatever you write about this lifestyle will be all wrong.”

  “But why, Sir, when you’ve been so willing to help me with this project? I have no intention of distorting anything you tell me.”

  “I don’t believe one can write about something they have absolutely no experience about.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, Sir, however I believe that after last night, you can no longer say that I have no experience.” She could still feel the sting of the spanking when she sat down.

  Alex gave a short laugh and said, “My dear, that is not experience. A simple over the knee spanking is barely a step up from your basic vanilla lifestyle.”

  “I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with you, Sir. My bottom is still pink and as I sit here, I can still feel the effects of what you did to me.”

  Alex took a sip of his wine and said, “I am hesitant to make this suggestion as I’m sure you will instantly decline.”

  Kylie couldn’t help but wonder what suggestion he wanted to make. He had piqued her curiosity and she wanted to know.

  “We won’t know unless you make the suggestion, Sir.”

  He drank more of his wine and then set the glass down on the end table at his side.

  “I can take you back into my room and walk you through it one more time. I can describe the various ways to use all the implements and toys. I can tell you how a sub would be spread out on the bed and restrained, or how she would be put on the pony or the cross. But unless you actually experience what it feels like to be in one of those positions, I don’t think you can write about it.”

  “So you’re suggesting I let you tie me up? Restrain me?” She asked incredulously.

  Alex smiled. “In part, yes. But again, being restrained will not give you the experience to write about what happens next.”

  Kylie was pretty sure she knew what he was getting at. “Sir, are you suggesting that I become your sub for the night?”

  Her ass ached at the thought of possibly feeling one of his canes or paddles striking her and she was sure she felt her pussy quiver even though her legs were crossed.

  “I would suggest it for one weekend. From Friday noon to Sunday midnight. Of course, you’d be welcome to stay until Monday morning should you so desire.”

  Kylie put her glass down on the table in front of her chair. The only reason she didn’t blurt out a resounding no and get up and leave was because that would confirm his suspicion that she would immediately decline.

  “Let me get this straight. You want me to spend an entire weekend in your torture chamber and allow you to use, abuse, and misuse my body?”

  “Sir.” She added as an afterthought to make sure he knew she was being respectful.

  “Let me clarify,” Alex said. “Use? Yes, I will use your body. For my pleasure and yours. Abuse? Misuse? No, this will be consensual so there will be no abusing or misusing.”

  Kylie’s panties were wet. She wondered if her pussy was so sex starved that it was saying yes while her mind screamed no.

  She took so long in answering that Alex finally said, “It gives me hope that you seem to be considering it. I was sure you’d be running for the door by now.”

  “I’m thinking about it.....Sir.”

  “Thinking about running or about the weekend?” He teased.


  Alex handed her two sheets of paper. “This is a very basic Dom/sub contract. Anything can be changed, deleted, or added. Why don’t you look it over?”

  Kylie wasn’t really surprised by a contract. She had run across mention of them when she’d done her internet research. Most of what it covered she understood.

  She read it through quickly. She was to arrive here at Alex’s home at noon on Friday. Immediately upon arrival she was to enter the dungeon, strip off her clothes, kneel on the pad at the foot of the bed and wait for Alex. All activities they engaged in would be determined by the Dom, however he would at all times keep in mind the sub’s inexperience and choose activities accordingly. The Dom would discuss the activity with the sub prior to engaging in said activity and the sub would have the right to refuse.

  There would be two safe words. Yellow would indicate the sub is approaching the point of not being able to withstand the current activity any longer. Once the sub used the Yellow safe word, the Dom would slow down whatever he was doing or decrease the intensity.

  The other safe word was Red. It meant stop immediately. The sub was not to use this safe word just because she was slightly uncomfortable with an activity she had agreed upon. Red was to be used only when the sub had reached her limit or was in some other pain or difficulty such as a cramp, chest pain, or other possible serious medical problem.

  The sub was to obey all instructions, commands, and orders in any activity mutually agreed upon. Failure to do so would result in immediate punishment to be determined by the Dom, again with the sub’s inexperience in mind.

  Adequate provisions for eating, sleeping, resting, bathing and other personal care would be provided for during the weekend.

  “That’s it?” She asked him. “Are we going to talk about what types of punishment you might determine are necessary?”

  “We certainly can if you like. Considering your inexperience I thought it might be best to just play it by ear. Perhaps there won’t be any need for punishments.”

  “You punished me last night for virtually nothing, Sir. I’m very doubtful you’ll make it through a weekend without thinking of some reason to do it again.”

  “You may have a point,” He responded. “However, I’m simply suggesting you allow me some leeway in this. I have trained new subs and I understand there is a learning process. We will not go beyond what you are ready for and capable of handling. I give you my word on that.”

  Kylie thought about it. Could she do it? He was correct when he said authors write better when they’ve experienced what they’re writing about. Could she trust him? Above all, why the hell was she not running out the door?”

  She took another sip of her wine and then said, “Very well, I will agree. But if I come to a point where I no longer wish to continue, you must agree to let me leave. And when I say stop you must stop.”

  “Yes, of course to your first stipulation. However, stop does not mean stop. Only red means stop and it will be up to you to remember that and use it only if you have to.”

  Kylie nodded, she understood. Now what? Should she leave, go home, and wait for Friday?

  While she was thinking about whether or not to leave, Alex poured more wine for both of them. “If you’re agreeable, we could have a small session tonight. Sort of a trial run.”

  She hadn’t expected that! She looked at Alex and said, “Oh...uh...I don’t know. I’m not prepared for anything like that.”

  “Anything like what?” Alex asked with a smile.

  “ know. Uh...kinky stuff.”

  “We will do very little tonight.” He said. Since she had not outright refused, he thought she just might be ready for a little bit of play. “When you’re finished with your wine, you will go to The Room and undress. You will kneel on the mat at the foot of the bed and wait for me.

  “ mean the dungeon?”

  “You’ve been researching on the internet. Some people call it a dungeon, some call it a playroom. I prefer to refer to it simply as The Room. And please do not forget to address me as Sir again.”

  “Oh...yes Sir. Sorry Sir.”

  What the hell was she doing? Was she really going to go in that room and strip? The thought was scary and, if her pussy was any kind of indicator, oh so exciting!

  She took a sip of her wine and watched Alex. Then she took another sip. It was almost gone. Then she’d have to make up her mind. Leave or go to The Room.

  “When you get in The Room, remember to keep your gaze to the floor as you kneel on the mat. Do not look up until I g
ive you permission to do so. Do not speak other than to reply to a question I have asked. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. What if I need to say the safe word?”

  “You will have no need for the safe word tonight.”

  “Are you sure, Sir?”

  “I give you my word, Kylie. In the future, do not question me again. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Sir. Sorry Sir.”

  Kylie drank the last of her wine and set the glass on the table. It was time. She got up and walked towards The Room. As she passed the front door, she paused briefly, looked back at Alex, and then continued to The Room.

  She entered The Room and closed the door behind her. The lights were on low and she set her purse down near the mat at the foot of the bed. She hurried to the restroom to pee before Alex came into the room. It was probably a safe bet that if she wasn’t kneeling on the mat when he came in, she’d be in trouble.

  Kylie took her clothes off, folded them neatly, and placed them on the floor next to her purse. Then she knelt on the mat, got as comfortable as she could, and stared at the floor.

  And waited.

  And waited some more.

  She looked at her watch. She’d been waiting for fifteen minutes. Her knees were getting tired, she shifted a bit to make them more comfortable and suddenly the door opened.

  Alex walked to her and stopped when his feet where in her line of vision. “You are not to fidget when you are kneeling and waiting for me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Sir. It’s just that....”

  “I don’t want to hear your excuses. No fidgeting while you wait for me.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I did not ask a question or give you permission to speak.”

  Kylie didn’t say anything. She was trembling now. Afraid of what was to come.

  “You are not to wear a watch in here. Remove it and place it with your belongings. I realize I did not mention this before.”

  She gave a small sigh of relief as she removed the watch and set it on top of her clothes. He must be telling her that she had not violated any rule by leaving the watch on since he had not given her any instructions concerning it. She was not in trouble. So why couldn’t she stop the trembling?

  “Take my hand, you may stand up.”

  Alex’s hand appeared just inside her view. She took it and pushed up from the floor. What a relief for her knees! She had taken a quick glimpse of the time when she removed her watch and saw that she’d been on her knees for nearly a half hour. Kylie hoped this wasn’t common.

  “Look at me.” He commanded.

  Kylie lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

  “You are shaking. Are you afraid?”

  “Yes Sir, I am.” She whispered.

  “There is no need to fear me. I will not hurt you tonight.”

  Did that mean he was going to hurt her at another time?

  “Lie on the bed, on your back.”

  Kylie walked to the side of the bed and climbed up onto it. It was the highest bed she’d ever been on. She positioned herself near the edge.

  Alex ran his finger down her torso, from her neck to her navel.

  “You are beautiful, Kylie. Your breasts are full and inviting. They beg to be kissed.” He bent down and kissed her nipple, then gently sucked on it. Alex repeated the kiss and sucked on her other nipple.

  Kylie felt a shiver run right through her, down to her pussy, and all the way down her legs. She knew she was wet.

  Very gently, Alex took her left leg and fastened a fur lined cuff to her ankle. Then he took hold of the loop on the bedpost and hooked it to the ankle cuff. He repeated this on her left wrist.

  She shivered in fear. He was tying her up, for god’s sake! She’d have no option to run. A whimper escaped from her lips.

  “Shhh...don’t be afraid, I will not cause you any pain. You will feel only pleasure tonight.”

  Kylie tried to calm down, breathing slowly as she watched him walk to the other side of the bed.

  “Scoot over to the center of the bed.”

  She did and he fastened her right leg and arm to the bed posts on that side. Now she was spread eagled on the bed, fully exposed to his eyes. She wanted to cover herself but had no way to do so. She closed her eyes.

  Alex gently caressed her body, running his fingers down her arms, her legs, around her breasts, the inside of her thighs, teasing her as his hands came so close to her clit and her pussy. She squirmed as each shiver rocked through her body.

  “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  She did. He was standing there with a riding crop in his hands. He must have taken it from the rack of implements while her eyes were closed.

  Now those eyes opened up as wide as saucers and she gasped. What the hell happened to feeling only pleasure?

  “You will feel no pain, Kylie. Trust me. I will very lightly flick this on you. On your nipples, on your belly, on your pussy, and your clit. It will not hurt. Do you trust me?”

  “I...I don’t...I don’t know, Sir. I’m afraid.”

  “Relax and enjoy. It will be pure pleasure. You can trust me.”

  Alex lightly rolled her nipples with his fingers, bringing them to taut little nubs. She closed her eyes again feeling the sensations, trying desperately to relax and trust him not to hurt her.

  He flicked his forefinger lightly against her nipple and said, “This is what the crop will feel like. It doesn’t hurt, does it?”

  “ doesn’t. It feels nice, good.”

  Alex repeated flicking his finger against her other nipple, then he did it on her belly, the inside of her thighs, her pussy, and finally on her clit. He did it over and over. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t know where he would flick next. Each time she shivered and felt her cunt quivering in anticipation of more and she knew she was very wet.

  After several minutes of this exquisite torture, Kylie realized the flicks were a little stronger. They still didn’t hurt, but sometimes when she expected a flick on her nipple, it was on her clit and the surprise of it seemed to make it a bit more than pleasure. Perhaps on the very edge of going towards pain.

  She opened her eyes and was surprised to see that Alex was no longer flicking with his finger but with the crop.

  He smiled at her and said, “You see, you didn’t even realize when I had switched from my finger to the riding crop.”

  Alex hung the crop back on the rack and sat down on the bed next to Kylie. His hand felt the smooth soft skin of her inner thighs as it moved up to her wet pussy.

  “You are very wet; did you enjoy our little exercise?”

  “Yes.” She whispered. “Yes Sir, I enjoyed it very much.”

  Alex parted her pussy lips and inserted a finger deep within her. He bent over her and sucked on a nipple as he slid his finger in and out of her wet center. Another finger joined the first one.

  Kylie moaned and arched her back. She tried to move her legs, but the restraints held her in place.

  “Do not come, Kylie. You are not to come until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Sir,” she gasped, “But I don’t know if I can keep from coming.”

  “You can, you must control yourself. Coming without permission is not allowed and is a punishable offense. Do not come yet, Kylie.”

  She moaned and squirmed. It felt so damn good, he had three fingers inside her pussy now and his thumb was circling her clit. The pressure was building and she didn’t know how much longer she could keep from coming. She was about to explode!

  Her moans were becoming more intense, her hips were writhing in pleasure, and just as she was thinking she’d gladly take the punishment and come right now, Alex ordered, “Now, Kylie! Come for me now!”

  He pushed his fingers in deeper and took her clit in his mouth as her back arched and her hips bucked as wave after wave of the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced washed over her.

  While she lay there, breathing heavily and trying
to get her heart rate to slow down, Alex removed the cuffs from her wrists and ankles. He stroked her legs, her arms, and her body.

  “How do you feel?” He asked.

  She smiled, “Wonderful. I feel wonderful, Sir.”

  “Did you have any pain?”

  “No, not at all, Sir. Just as you said, I felt nothing but pleasure. Thank you, Sir.”

  Alex smiled at her and pulled her up into a sitting position. He hugged her close and kissed her. “You can always trust me, Kylie. I will always do as I say. If I say there will be no pain, there will be none. Understood?”

  She burrowed her head into his chest and said, “Yes Sir.”

  “I will leave you now. You can rest for a while if you like, or you can go home. Whatever suits you. In fact, you’re welcome to stay the night. Feel free to use the shower or tub.”

  Kylie was overwhelmed right now. She thought it would be best to go home. “Thank you Sir. I think I’ll take a shower and then just go home. I have a lot on my mind to think about.”

  When she had showered and dressed, Alex was waiting in the living room. He got up and walked her outside where he unlocked the courtyard gate.

  “Can I expect you on Friday at noon?” He asked.

  Kylie looked at him with shining eyes and said, “Yes Sir. I will be here at noon.”

  Chapter Four

  Kylie had a hard time falling asleep that night. All she could think about was being tied up in Alex’s big king size bed while he teased her body with flicks of the riding crop. She had no doubt that he could have made those flicks very painful. But he had promised there would be no pain and he had kept his word.

  She had tomorrow to get through and then it would be Friday. Kylie was surprised by how much she was looking forward to spending the weekend with Alex.

  There was still a good amount of fear in her, but she now felt that if she made it clear beforehand what she would and wouldn’t do, Alex would go along with it. Kylie was most concerned about punishment. It seemed to be the thing that brought about most of the pain.

  On Thursday she made an appointment at the salon for a bikini wax. She had a manicure and pedicure as well.


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