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Colonial Commander

Page 3

by K. D. Jones

  She put her hands up to his chest, intending to push him away. Big mistake. The moment her hands touched his skin, electric currents went down her arms and straight to her pussy. Every part of her was sensitive and she could feel his energy wrap around her. He took her hands and raised them up over her head, pressing his chest against hers.

  “What did you mean, Ava?”

  “I...didn’t mean to insult you. I’m just worried about the survivors.” She closed her eyes when he leaned down and ran his nose against her neck. It felt so good to be touched, she couldn’t stop her body from reacting to him. It had been a long time for her.

  “You smell delicious.”

  He did too. She hadn’t noticed his cologne before, but it was very heavy and rich with a woodsy scent. Fuck! What the hell am I doing? She’d walked in on the man having sex with two other women, and she wasn’t about to be number three. “I need to go. Release me, please.”

  “What if I don’t want to let you go?” He licked a spot on the side of her neck and nipped it gently with his teeth.

  Her knees shook. She was about to melt right there in front of him. Then image of the two women he’d been fucking popped into her head, effectively dousing her arousal. She stiffened in his hold.

  “If you want to play with a woman, go chase after the two bitches who just left. I’m not interested, and I’m not that easy.” She somehow found the strength to jerk her hands out of his hold and used her renewed anger to shove at his chest, making enough room to duck past him. He turned around to watch her pace back and forth.

  “I shouldn’t have said what I did. I know you aren’t like the Morins—they’re evil creatures that want nothing more to destroy everything they touch. You and the Katierans are good people trying to help. I came here because I’ve seen enough disasters to know how devastating things like this can be to the survivors. They need to feel safe and stable. They’re not ready to be moved yet.” She rambled about her work with FEMA. She wasn’t sure how long she ranted, but when she paused to take a breath, she turned to see that AshOR had pulled on a shirt. Why did that disappoint her?

  “Can I speak now?” he asked.


  “I was planning to notify the medic wing to keep the survivors there until the Kiljorn transport arrives.”

  “You were?” She looked at him, surprised.

  “Yes. For some reason the Kiljorn commander requested that they remain where they are for now.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s good. I guess I’ll be going.” She headed for the door.


  “Yes?” she said, turning back to look at him.

  “I think you are the farthest thing from being easy. In fact, you are the most complicated and confusing female I have ever met.”

  “Um...okay.” She wasn’t sure if she should feel relieved or offended. She opened the door and left, resisting the urge to go back inside and show him that complicated women could be worth the effort. What they hell had gotten into her? She needed to take a cold shower, like now.


  AshOR stared at the closed door, stunned by what had just happened. Ava’s scent was the most delicious thing he had ever smelled, sweet and floral. It wrapped around his senses and left his body throbbing with need.

  Before she entered his room he’d had two beautiful females trying to pleasure him, but neither could draw a response from him, even though one was working his cock hard. His mind had been drifting to his work and what he needed to do next. That changed the moment Ava and her incredible scent entered the room; suddenly he was walking around with a painful hard-on. Even after she left, his body still craved hers.

  Everything male in him demanded that he claim her. What in Kitana was that about? He wasn’t looking for a mate. He was too young to settle down, and he had too much responsibility. If he took a mate, it would ruin everything he had worked so hard for. He was finally serving his people and restoring the honor of his family name. He couldn’t let some female interfere with that, no matter how beautiful or sexy she was.

  He looked at his bed, the sheets in a tangled heap. He reached down and ripped them off, tossing them in the dirty laundry chute. He would call someone to come and replace them. He didn’t want to smell the females who had been there before.

  Sighing, he walked to the door, not feeling tired at all. He would head back to the command center; there were things he could do there for the next few hours. He would do anything to get his mind off of one tempting female and her scent.

  Chapter 4

  AshOR was on his way to morning meal the next day, having worked a couple hours after Ava left before heading back to his quarters to rest.

  “Security needed in the medic wing!” An announcement blared throughout the ship and lights flashed.

  AshOR wheeled around and ran alongside a group of lieutenants to get to the medic wing. He heard grunts and a roar as he barged through the doors.

  “What in Kitana is going on here?” he demanded. The medics were trying to hold down a patient, but he kept throwing them off. The security team rushed over to hold the patient down while the medics gave him a sedative. When the patient calmed and the security team was able to release him, AshOR finally saw who was causing all the problems. The male Norad.

  “What is going on here?” he asked the lead medic.

  The Lead Medic LawsON stepped forward. “Sir, the patient woke up and demanded to see the young female related to him. We explained to him that she was in a type of deep sleep, and he tried to get up to go to her. That’s when he discovered his missing limbs. He just—exploded with anger.”

  He glanced over at the patient. He was still trying to get out of the bed, but his motions were now slow and sluggish. “Strap him down. I don’t need him attacking my crew again.”

  “You will do no such thing!” An angry feminine outburst from the doorway made everyone turn. AshOR turned around, already knowing who it would be. He sighed with frustration.



  Ava was fuming. She’d suffered a horrible night of tossing and turning with need because of the damn commander. Now she came to visit the survivors and found AshOR ordering poor Zander to be tied up. Over my dead body!

  “What are you doing to him?” She rushed over to Zander’s side, trying to undo the straps they were working to restrain him with. A lieutenant grabbed her hands, pulling them behind her in an attempt to keep her from releasing the patient, but he grabbed her a little too hard, making her cry out.

  “How dare you manhandle me!”

  Zander started to try to get up. “Le’ go of ‘er!” he slurred.

  “Lieutenant!” AshOR roared.

  Everyone in the medic wing stopped moving and looked at him. He walked over to the lieutenant and said in a low but deadly voice, “Take your hands off of the female or I will kill you where you stand.” The lieutenant immediately released her and backed away.

  Ava looked up at him. “Are you okay?” She had only known him a short time but she’d never seen him act like that before. AshOR always seemed so controlled.

  “I need to speak with you in private,” he gritted out.

  “You can use my office, Commander,” the lead medic offered, pointing to the hallway at the back of the infirmary.

  “Thank you.” He motioned for Ava to come with him, and she followed.

  Ava wasn’t sure being alone with AshOR was a good idea, but she was pissed off by his treatment of Zander. On top of that, some asshole had grabbed her hard enough to leave a bruise. She watched AshOR as he stormed into the room.

  “Close the door, Ava,” he growled.

  “I think I would prefer to leave it open.” She eyed warily as he turned to face her. His eyes had darkened, making the gold irises stand out even more.

  “Do not throw yourself in between males like that. You could have gotten hurt.”

  “Why were you tying Zander up?” she asked, keeping her distance.
br />   “He was out of control when he woke up. The medics were securing him for his own safety and the safety of those around him.”

  “Zander was out of control? Why?”

  “He was looking for his sister, who is still unconscious, and then he realized that he was missing his limbs. When I came in he had knocked down several of the medics. They sedated him, but he was still struggling. I was just telling them to secure him to the bed until he was under control so that he wouldn’t hurt himself or anyone else. It was not to cause further injury.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know all of that was going on.” She watched him pace back and forth.

  “I saw my warrior touch you and I wanted his blood for it.”

  “AshOR…” Something was seriously wrong. He was really wound up.

  “You don’t understand! I would have killed him for simply touching you!”

  “Calm the fuck down, you’re scaring me!” She wasn’t going to let him intimidate her. Whatever this was, anger or jealousy, he needed to get control over it or he could really hurt someone. She didn’t want that to happen.

  He stopped pacing to look at her, and his breathing was steadier. “You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you?”

  She approached him slowly and stopped right in front of him. “Are you feeling more in control now?”

  He nodded. “I didn’t mean to yell at you or scare you.”

  “You really lost it just from him touching me. Why?”

  “I sensed your pain, and something in me snapped, some kind of protective instinct. I’ve only ever seen mated males react this way, when they feel their mate is in danger.”

  “I’m fine. He didn’t grab me that hard. I made it worse struggling to get free. I’m sorry for barging in like that. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions so fast. I just saw someone who went through a horrible time being held down.”

  “It was for his safety.”

  “I get it. I’m sorry.”

  “I would hate for anything to happen to you.” He cupped her cheek gently and she felt her heart beat faster. He was so gentle for someone so much larger than her. She liked how he made her feel precious.

  “We should go back out there. They probably think you’re killing me.” She tried to joke, but he wasn’t in a laughing mood.

  He leaned down unexpectedly, stopping just a breath away from her. “They would know killing is the last thing that I want to do to you.”

  Oh wow. “Well-” She never finished her thought, because he placed his lips on hers. He was gentle at first, then became more aggressive. She raised her hands and wrapped them around his neck, pressing her body into his. She couldn’t think straight; his kisses were a drug and she was addicted. Her body was already primed from the sex dreams he’d inspired in her last night.

  AshOR placed his hands on her ass and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and ground her body against his. They should be naked for this. If they were, he would be inside of her already. God knew she wanted him to be.


  AshOR carried her to the desk and laid her down. He would remove her clothing, spread her out and kiss every inch of her delectable body. He was on fire for her and he wanted to burn in the flames. His hands went to her hips, then traveled up to just beneath her breasts. She made him forget everything except his need to have her.

  “Goddess.” He breathed her scent in and it enveloped him completely. He hadn’t slept last night; her scent had filled his quarters and made him hard for hours. He couldn’t think of anything but what he would do to her if he had her alone and naked. The problem was, they weren’t really alone.

  “Excuse me sir. I’ll come back later.” The lead medic cleared his throat and quickly walked away.

  AshOR looked down into Ava’s pretty eyes and saw the lust he’d put there clear quickly. Her expression turned to one of embarrassment. He sighed. The moment was definitely ruined. It was a good thing they had been interrupted when they were. He had been about to take her right there with the door open and other males nearby. That was not how he wanted their first time together to be. No, he would have her in his bed, soon.


  Ava felt like a cold bucket of water had been splashed on her face. How had she allowed that kiss to go as far as it did? She would have let him do anything he wanted to her. She felt heat rise to her cheeks at the thought that a few minutes later the medic would have walked in on them naked and fucking on the desk.

  “Let me up,” she whispered.

  AshOR raised himself up and stood back, letting her get on her feet and straighten her clothes. He went to help her lower her shirt, which he had raised up to her bra, but she pushed his hand away.

  “I’ve got it.”

  “Ava, I didn’t mean for that to happen. It was a mistake.”

  God, could it get any worse? Not only had they put on a show for anyone walking by to see, but he didn’t mean to kiss her at all. It had been a mistake. She felt humiliated and hurt.

  “Don’t worry about it. Mistakes happen. I need to go check on Zander.”

  He reached out and grabbed her arm to stop her from passing him by. “Don’t go near the male. He is too unstable.”

  She jerked free of his hold. “You would be unstable too if your entire race was exterminated, your planet ruined, your sister abused, and your limbs ripped from your body!”

  “My people suffered similar things from the Morins, so I do understand. However, he woke irrational. He may not intend to hurt you, but his outbursts of fury could cloud his judgment. It is safer for you to keep your distance.”

  “I’ll take what you’ve said under advisement but I will do what I feel is right.” She pushed past him out the door. She would have to keep her distance from AshOR; he was the real threat to her. He wouldn’t hurt her physically, but he was danger to her heart.

  Ava made her way back to the area sectioned off for the survivors. She ignored the looks she got from the medics and went to Zander’s bedside. His movements were sluggish, but he was awake. He looked over at her and frowned.

  “Are you okay? Did the male hurt you?” His voice sounded less slurred than before. Whatever they’d given him to calm him down was wearing off fast.

  She smiled as she took his good hand and squeezed it. “I’m fine. Commander AshOR would never hurt me.” Not physically anyway. “How are you feeling?”

  “Angry. I want them to let me go so I can get to my sister.”

  She looked around and frowned. She had requested that his sister stay near him so that he would wake and be relieved to know she was there. She looked at one of the medics. “Where is the girl whose bed was next to his yesterday?”

  “Miss, the female volunteers took her to a private location to bathe her. She was still unresponsive, but her vitals are stable. They will return shortly.”

  She looked down at Zander. “She’ll be fine. I’ll stay here with you until she’s returned.”

  “Why doesn’t she respond?” Zander looked between her and the medic. The medic looked away.

  Ava suspected that the girl was too traumatized by her sexual assault to process her own emotions yet, and thus was refusing to communicate. Sometimes the mind protected victims that way. She didn’t want to go into details with her brother, who was clearly barely holding his rage back as it was.

  “She was hurt, Zander. Sometimes people’s minds protect them when something horrible happens. Her body may heal but it will take a while for her mind and soul to heal. We just need to give her the time she needs.”

  He looked at her and nodded. She could see that he knew what kind of hurt she was talking about, but he showed restraint by saying nothing. AshOR was wrong about Zander; he wasn’t completely out of control of his emotions.

  “Thank you Miss…”

  “Ava, call me Ava.”


  AshOR watched from the other side of the room as Ava comforted every single survivor. Her gentleness and unders
tanding were amazing. She didn’t sugarcoat things; she simply let them cry or shout to let out their feelings.

  He couldn’t do what she did. He was a warrior; he needed to face his enemy in battle and fight. This was a different kind of fight that Ava did; she was a different type of warrior. One who battled an unseen enemy to help the victims. She was simply—astounding.

  Something in AshOR had snapped seeing another male’s hands on Ava. He lost control, and that was something that he was not used to. He had worked hard to prove himself to his people. For him to lose his control over a slip of a female was unacceptable. She was a distraction that he didn’t need right now.

  He turned to leave the medic wing. He needed to prepare for his brother’s arrival. Then he would be able to remove the survivors so he could continue his pursuit of the Morins before they struck again. That’s what he knew how to do, and he was good at it.

  Chapter 5

  Ava stayed in the medic wing with Zander and his people until it was time for midday meal. Then she left and went to the meal room. A few of her friends were there, other human women who had volunteered to come and help with the rescue of the survivors. She headed over to their table to eat.

  “How’s it going?” Megan asked, sliding over to make room for her. She had first met Megan on board the Katieran transport. They’d taken the same Katieran Culture classes, and they stayed after class and started up a conversation. It was funny to find out that they grew up only one state away from one another and even went to the same college. They became best friends.

  “It’s going. I spoke with Commander AshOR about not moving the survivors.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He’s keeping them on board for now, but I think as soon as the Kiljorn transport shows up he’ll be shipping them off and sending everyone else on to Katiera.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing.”


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