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Colonial Commander

Page 5

by K. D. Jones

  “I’m Ava Collins, from Earth.” She felt the heat rising in her cheeks. Ava wasn’t sure what he meant by first meeting his own brother. She was caught off-guard when he reached out to shake her hand. It wasn’t the custom for Katierans; it was an Earth gesture. Katierans and all the other break-off nations clasped forearms when warriors greeted one another. A growl from behind her made her jump.

  “You can release her hand now,” AshOR told his brother, glaring at him.

  TylOR chuckled and let her hand go. “Interesting. I hope you will share the evening meal with me and my mate Elizabeth this evening.”

  “I…” Ava suddenly wasn’t sure what to say.

  AshOR leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You probably shouldn’t.”

  She glared at him and stuck her chin up. “I would love to join you and your mate this evening.”

  “Excellent. She’s from Earth, and she hasn’t had another Earth female to talk to in a few weeks.”

  “Commander TylOR, the Norad Leader is finished with his rehab,” Lead Medic LawsON came over to announce.

  “Are you here to meet with the survivors?” Ava asked.

  “Yes. The eldest male survivor is now considered their leader, so I asked to meet with him.”


  “To determine what their wishes are: for us to find them a planet in this solar system, or to take them back with us through the wormhole.”

  AshOR shook his head. “Leaving them here is not an option. The Morins are still in this area and could attack them again. They don't have any means to defend themselves.”

  Ava was in agreement with AshOR. No way should they dump these poor people off on an unknown planet with the enemy lurking nearby. She was about to add her opinion, but thought twice about it. Maybe tonight over dinner she could convince his mate to help her make the point.

  “Let’s give the Norads that option. They may be victims, but by all reports they were a strong people. They have the right to decide their own fate.” TylOR gave his brother a commanding look, one that she interpreted as a warning not to argue the point right then.

  Ava watched as the brothers glared at one another. She didn’t have siblings, but the two of them acted just as she always thought brothers would act. She followed them as they walked across the room to Zander’s bedside.

  AshOR moved forward to introduce them. “Zander, this is Commander TylOR.”

  Zander looked over at the other man, clearly not impressed. “Are you related?”

  “We’re brothers, except that I am from the Kiljorn Nation and AshOR is from the Colonial Nation,” TylOR responded.

  “What do you want?” Zander rubbed his shoulder, and he sounded like he was in pain. She would have to see when was the last time he had taken his pain meds.

  TylOR spoke up. “Since you are the official head of your people, you will need to decide. You can either remain in your solar system and we will try to relocate you to a planet that will have the resources that you need to survive. Or, you and your people can travel on board my transport to Kiljorn. We have recently rebuilt our main city after an attack from the Morins. Our security systems have been upgraded tremendously.”

  “I’m not sure. We do not know you.” Zander looked wary of the tall Kiljorn.

  Ava stepped forward, reaching for his hand. “Zander, I’ve traveled with the Katierans for over a month, and they have been nothing but kind to me. I worked with AshOR’s people over the last week helping to find all survivors from your planet. I think I can safely say that these are good people, caring people.”

  Zander nodded at Ava. “I trust you, Ava. You have been a good friend to my people. If you believe they are trustworthy, I accept that. I want to get my people as far from the Morins as we can get. Send us on the other transport.”

  “I will speak with the medics about getting your people transferred to the Kiljorn ship as soon as possible,” TylOR said, and walked off.

  “Will you go with us, Ava?” Zander asked her hopefully.

  “I have to return to my own transport to head for Katiera.”

  “I would go where you go, then. We are familiar with you,” Zander told her.

  “I have plans of my own.”

  “Besides, you must travel and help me with my sister.”

  She frowned at him. He wasn’t above using his sister to try to get his way. Damn him for that.

  “I’ll think about it. Right now you only have to worry about taking care of you and your people.”

  He nodded, but he didn’t look happy about her answer. “I need to rest now.” He lay down again, pretty much dismissing them. Wow, he’s being rude.

  “Okay, I’ll check in on your sister before I leave.” She patted his arm and moved away. She was worried about his sister not having woken up yet, but the medics had assured her that she was healing.

  AshOR and TylOR moved past her to the door, leaving the medic wing. She supposed they were done questioning everyone. She remembered the situation with Bubbles.

  “Commander AshOR, may I speak privately with you for just a moment?”

  “Yes. TylOR, why don’t you head to the command center and I’ll meet you there.”

  TylOR nodded his head and left the medic wing. AshOR turned to her. “Shall we take a walk?”

  She didn’t want witnesses to what she was about to say. “Yes, that would be fine.” She followed him into the corridor. They walked a little bit further from the medic wing.

  “What was it that you wanted to talk about?”

  “Did you tell anyone about what happened in the medic’s office?”

  AshOR frowned at her. “No.”

  “Well, evidently one of the medics shared what went on between us with that blond you’ve been sleeping with and she is in turn spreading rumors that we’re having an affair.”

  “Would it be a bad thing to have people think that of us?” He stepped closer to her. “You have to admit, there is an attraction between us.”

  She licked her lips, the heat from his body was causing her to have a dizzy spell. She inhaled and wondered what he wore as cologne because his scent was divine. He cleared his throat making her realize she was staring at his wide chest.

  “I just don’t like my business being talked about.” She didn’t admit to the attraction.

  “I don’t either. I will talk to the medics and find out who has been talking out of turn.”

  She put her hand on his chest. “Don’t do that. I’m probably making a bigger deal out of this than I need to.”

  He covered her hand with his. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Ava’s heart was pounding. No one had ever said that to her before, and she believed him. There was something about AshOR that made her feel safe with him. She looked into his eyes, those dark eyes of his made her melt. “Thank you.”

  The intimate moment was broken when two lieutenants walked past them giving them a curious look.

  “I’ve got to go back and check on the survivors.” She pulled away.

  “See you later Ava.” He called out behind her. She was about ten feet away when she looked back, he was still standing there watching her. He gave her a sexy smile and a wink then turned to leave. Damn that man was hot.

  Chapter 7

  Ava had been sitting for what seemed like hours next to Zander’s sister, holding her hand and talking to her in a calm, soothing voice. Her arms were getting tired, and she needed to shower and change before going to dinner with Commander TylOR and his mate. She started to release the girl’s hand, when suddenly she felt a squeeze. She glanced down into Lizetta’s exotic-looking blue face. Her almost completely black eyes were open, and full of pain and fear.

  “Hi there. I’m Ava.”

  The young girl pulled her hand free and tried to sit up. She looked around the medic wing, panic evident on her face.

  “Easy, honey. No one here is going to hurt you.”

  “Zander. Where is my brother?”

sp; “He is being given a shower. One of the medics is going to go help bring him back.”

  “Why does he need help?”

  “It’s Lizetta, right?”


  “How much do you remember about what happened to your people?”

  “I was helping the females collect firewood when we noticed these things coming down from the sky. By the time I got to my village, everything was on fire. My parents were killed. I called out for my brother, but someone grabbed me from behind.” She gulped, looking down at her hands.

  Ava knew this must be difficult for her. She reached out a hand to gently clasp Lizetta’s. “You’re safe now. You don’t have to say anything more if you don’t want to.”

  Lizetta whispered. “They ripped my clothes and—hurt me. I managed to get away and stumble to our hut. When the grey males came after me again, Zander tried to stop them. They cut him. I tried to get to him, to help him, but I couldn’t. That’s the last thing I remember.”

  “Don’t try to think too hard about the details. What’s important is that you’re both alive. You have time to work through what happened. I think you should be aware that your brother suffered severe and permanent injuries.”

  “What happened to Zander?”

  Ava wondered how much she should tell Lizetta about her brother’s condition. She would hate for Zander to return and have his sister look at him in horror. It wouldn’t help matters if Lizetta wasn’t prepared ahead of time and reacted badly when she saw Zander. “He lost a foot and part of his arm.”

  “Oh my Goddess! How devastating for him. He’s always been the strongest and bravest of all our people. There was talk of him one day being chief.”

  “Well, he is still strong and brave. He’s just different now. The medics gave him temporary artificial limbs.” At her confused expression, Ava explained. “He lost part of his arm and leg. The artificial limbs are mechanical and biological so they will give him the use of both arms and legs again. Unfortunately, he has to go through a lot of physical therapy to train him to use them so that he can walk again.”

  “Poor Zander.”

  “He doesn’t need pity; he needs your acceptance of him the way he is now.”

  “Of course he has my acceptance, he’s my brother. All we have left is each other.” Tears formed in the girl’s eyes.

  “You have a few of your friends still with you, and you have new friends now. Anything you need from me, just let me know. You can talk to me about anything. Trust that I will understand. I’m here to help you.” She glanced up and saw the medics bringing Zander back inside. She smiled up at him. “Here he is.”

  Lizetta turned to look for her brother, and her face lit up. “Zander!”

  Zander struggled to break free from the medics holding him as he walked forward. “Lizetta!” He growled at the medics, who finally released him. He stumbled but made it to Lizetta's bed, sitting down on it and taking her into his arms.

  Ava wiped away a few tears that slipped down her cheeks as she watched the touching reunion. The siblings had a long road to recovery ahead of them, but they had each other. That was a lot more than some of the other survivors had.

  She stood up, feeling like she was intruding on their moment. “I’ll just be leaving.”

  Zander looked up and smiled at her. “You don’t have to leave.”

  She shook her head at him gently. “You need time with your sister. Besides, I have a dinner to get ready for.”

  He frowned. “Which male are you sharing your meal with?”

  “It’s actually with Commander TylOR and his mate.”

  He looked relieved. She was going to have to put some distance between them. She didn’t want him to form an attachment, not that she wouldn’t be attracted to him. He was handsome in a very rugged, muscular, Smurf-blue way. She just didn’t find him as appealing as—AshOR.

  “We’re friends, Zander. That’s all.”

  He sighed with acknowledgement. “I understand.”

  “I’ll come by in the morning to check on both of you.” She was about to leave, but stopped to touch Zander’s shoulder. “Take it easy on her, she’s not ready to talk about what happened yet.”

  He nodded to show his understanding. She could see the pain in his eyes. Zander was a very proud male, and he must feel useless for not being able to protect his sister. Ava smiled at them and walked out of the medic wing.

  She was about to break down into tears. She was used to seeing people in horrible situations, and she’d learned to harden herself enough to get the job done. But that didn’t mean that she was heartless and that things didn’t get to her. Ava had gotten to know Zander a little, and his pain had become personal to her. She hoped his new life on Kiljor would be a good one. Maybe this dinner tonight would help get her mind off everything.


  AshOR wasn’t happy with the uniform he laid on his bed. He questioned whether he should go casual or formal. He had his formal dress uniform, which was used for special occasions. Would he come across as trying too hard? Kitana! Why was this so difficult?

  He chose to wear his dark blue uniform vest, but left off his jacket. The vest allowed the muscles in his arms to show. Most females admired his muscles. He remembered how Ava stared at him when he was naked; she wasn’t unaffected by his looks. Just the thought of Ava had his cock hardening.

  AshOR was confused about his feelings for the female. Everything male in him wanted to claim her, and had since the first moment he saw her, scented her, and even heard her voice. He thought about her all the time. It didn’t matter where he was or what he was doing, she always invaded his mind. He could be sleeping, working on the bridge, eating his meals, or in the shower. There were many times he stroked himself to release in the shower while picturing all the delicious things he wanted to do to Ava. He knew he was becoming obsessed with her.

  He didn’t like it when other males looked at or talked to her, especially the male Zander in the medic wing. He found himself extremely jealous of him, even though he was injured. That male wanted Ava, and it pissed off AshOR to no end. If she was visiting the survivors he always found a reason to go there too, just to keep an eye on her.

  Something had to be done, and soon. Maybe if he had her, shared sex with her, he could finally move on and forget her. He had a job to do, and building a relationship with a female just wasn’t feasible at this time. Finding the Morins was his top priority. Then he would have to go back to his home world. Ava was planning on living on Katiera. How would a long-distance relationship work if they were on two different planets? What bothered him the most was that he didn’t really believe that being with her just once would be enough.

  Should he cancel going to dinner? No, it was too late to do that. Besides, Lizzie would be furious with him if he cancelled at the last minute without a good reason. He would go, but he would find a reason to leave early, to avoid any uncomfortable situations.


  Three hours later Ava found herself standing outside Commander TylOR’s quarters, unsure what to do and why she was there. She barely knew the commander, and she hadn’t met his mate yet. What would she be like? She was probably tall; leggy with big boobs. That seemed to be what AshOR liked, at least.

  Ava knew she wasn’t bad looking. She never had problems with men asking her out. Even though she usually dressed casually with very little makeup, when she put in effort she could look quite attractive. She had honey-colored blonde hair, and she thought her pale blue eyes were her best feature.

  She looked down at her tight black cocktail dress. Why did she let Megan talk her into wearing this? All she had packed were jeans and t-shirts. Megan had come over briefly while she was getting dressed and was livid that she was attending a dinner looking like a teenager at the mall.

  She was wearing heels and her feet were hurting already. The heels also belonged to Megan. She was going to have blisters in the morning. Why did she make such an effort to dress up for this?
She reached out a hand to knock but pulled it back. Maybe she could call and tell them she was sick with something. She turned and started to leave when she head the door behind her open.

  “Going somewhere?” A deep male voice called out.

  Ava closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew that voice. She turned back around and faced the man standing in the open doorway.

  “Good evening, Commander AshOR.”

  Chapter 8

  Ava knew she was blushing. Why did seeing him make her pulse beat faster and her body heat up? This was a bad idea. She should have cancelled.

  “Let the poor woman inside, AshOR,” a woman’s voice called out from the other side of the doorway. She had a bit of a Southern twang to her voice.

  AshOR stepped to the side, but not too far, forcing Ava to brush against him as she passed him. She stiffened when he leaned toward her and sniffed the air around her. Damn their super senses. What did he smell on her? She tried to ignore him as she moved further into the large quarters.

  It was bigger than her quarters, and even bigger than what she had briefly seen of AshOR’s. Hers only had a bathroom and one main room with a bed, a small table, and two chairs. This one was much larger, probably similar to a presidential suite on Earth. It had a nice dining area, a sitting area with two couches, and a hallway that he assumed led to bedrooms.

  The very short red-haired woman standing next to AshOR’s brother TylOR, snagged her attention.

  “It is good to see you again, Miss Collins.”

  “Thank you for inviting me, Commander.”

  “Please call me TylOR. This is my mate, Dr. Elizabeth Connell.”

  The short woman stepped forward and offered her hand. “Call me Lizzie.”

  “I’m Ava.” She shook the woman’s hand, then paused. “Wait, Dr. Connell? Didn’t you help create the cultural classes taught on the transports?”

  “Yes, she did,” TylOR said with pride, making Lizzie blush.

  “I had help from Dr. Morris and others who collaborated.”


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