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Wicked Plans

Page 12

by C. Morgan

  Her lips popped open again, but she didn’t argue. I also didn’t imagine that shiver that ran down her spine as the words came out of my mouth. Oh, so she likes that.

  Good. I couldn’t stand the prudes who pretended not to like so-called dirty talk. It wasn’t even dirty in my case. It was just true. And a pussy is a pussy. Who wants to call it a vagina outside of a doctor’s office?

  Ruby made quick work of my pants, then did exactly what I’d asked and swung one of her legs over my head while gripping the headboard with her hands. It looked like she wanted to say something, but I didn’t give her a chance. I was ready for her, my fingers on her thighs and ass already guiding her down to my mouth before she could get a word out.

  I didn’t care for self-conscious ramblings at the best of times, but especially not in moments like this. She really did have a pretty pussy and I didn’t want her to say anything about it. Starting with one long lick, I moaned when her musky taste hit my tongue and latched onto her after that, mercilessly working her over until she screamed my name before my fingers had even joined the party.

  As she was coming down, she was still trembling when I pushed one finger inside her, not letting her go when she tried to scoot off my face. I couldn’t see her, but I felt it when she gave in and let me keep playing with her. This time, I wasn’t going to let her have it so easy, though.

  “Remember that punishment I mentioned earlier?” I murmured into her slick folds. “Hold on tight, Ruby. Keep in mind that I warned you what would happen if you didn’t listen.”

  A bunch of incomprehensible moans were her only answer, but I was sure she’d heard me. Since it’d only been a little while ago that I’d issued said warning, I was also sure that she remembered it.

  When I started feeling her getting close, I backed off. She groaned in frustration, her hips rocking as she searched for friction. I didn’t give it to her. Not until I felt her cool down a little.

  Over and over again, I left her hanging at the last second. It wasn’t just a punishment for her. I was ready to explode myself before I finally let up.

  “There’s a condom in my nightstand,” I rasped out as I helped her get into position over the tip of my dick. “Get it and give it to me.”

  Her eyes were glazed over and her hands were shaking, but she managed to get the protection and hand it over like I’d asked. I tore open the foil and covered myself at lightning speed, then flexed my fingers on her hips and looked up at her before I entered her in one swift thrust.

  Both of us moaned—loudly—and I almost lost it when I felt her spasming around me. Holy shit. This isn’t going to last long, but at least I don’t think she needs it to either.

  Chapter 19


  Sometimes, on the rare occasions when I had time to read for fun and the mood for something light struck me, I’d pick up a romance novel. All sorts. I actually really enjoyed them. There were a lot of things, especially sexual things, that I’d thought only existed between those pages.

  Fast and furious fucking, for one. Really teasing for another. I’d now learned that both of those things were very, very real when with the right person. I’d also learned that they were both intense. Like crazy, eyes-rolling-into-the-back-of-my-head, can’t breathe, can’t-even-remember-my-own-name, intense.

  I didn’t know how long I lay there after I collapsed onto the mattress next to Brysen. My body was shaky and warm, sated and more relaxed than it’d been in a long time. At least my lungs had remembered how to fill themselves with air again, so that was good.

  It took my head a while to catch up to what’d just happened. Almost as soon as Brysen’s lips had touched mine after he’d pulled me down on top of him, I’d surrendered control to my body instead of hanging onto it with my brain. And then my body had gone and surrendered control of itself to him. It’d been totally worth it, though.

  The only worry that niggled at me as I lay there, panting and waiting for my thoughts to order themselves again, was that I wasn’t this girl. Who did I just become?

  Never before had I hooked up with a guy I hardly knew. It just wasn’t me. Especially not when that girl hooked up with the likes of Brysen, of all people. Usually, I was way more traditional than that. A guy had to take me out on a few dates—brief conversations at the scene of an accident or over a sandwich didn’t count—and he had to be patient with me while I got to know him a little better before I fell into bed with him.

  Brysen might’ve given me a glimpse of the person behind his wall of douche-baggery today, but he was still the guy who didn’t give a damn about other people, his education, his future, or the hopes and dreams of his family. As awful as they apparently were.

  He and I just weren’t the same. We were at complete opposite sides of, well, just about everything in life. The good girl and the bad boy might make for nice stories in those books I read sometimes but in reality, we were a terrible match. Bad boys could destroy good girls and everything they’d worked for and good girls, in turn, would never be able to accept it in the long run if the boy stayed bad.

  And Brysen was bad to the bone. Not in the cool, quirky song kind of way. In a very real way. He was who he was. Unapologetically so, and he wasn’t looking to change.

  As for me? I didn’t need or want any distractions or complications in my life, and a guy like him was sure to bring plenty of both. So, no. We weren’t one of those couples in my books, headed for a happily ever after without even knowing it.

  We were just two people who were better off apart. Which begs the question, why don’t I want to leave just yet?

  Rolling onto my side to face him, I flashed him a small smile and then realized that I didn’t have a clue what to say in a situation like this. My lack of experience with one-night-stands meant that I didn’t know the first thing about how to handle the ‘after.’

  “Is there anything I can do to help you out?” I asked eventually. I thought it was a nice gesture since he was struggling with mobility at the moment, but the almost mocking grin that spread on his lips before he opened his eyes told me that he thought otherwise.

  Glancing at me, he winked without even moving his head properly to face me and then closed his eyes again. “No. You can go. You’ve already done the best you could for me.”

  Both of my brows shot up. He was lying there like some broken king in his college sized castle, the smug grin still in place as his breathing evened out. We weren’t even dressed again yet, and he was telling me to go?

  I stared at him in total disbelief, not even in the least bit distracted by his nakedness as my stomach rolled. It wasn’t that he wasn’t something to look at. He really was. Stubble had started peppering his jaw after the day, shading the strong lines in a way that made him look much more mature than I knew him to be.

  His body, while still showing the evidence of faded bruising on his hips and torso and healing cuts on his face and arms, would’ve been right at home on the cover of a rock album. It was too easy to imagine him in low-riding leather pants with those cut lines of his hips teasing girls the world over as he glared broodily from beneath a lock of that black hair.

  Surprisingly, he had only one tattoo. It seemed to be of an angel type figure falling on its sword, but his arm was blocking a lot of the detail from view since the tattoo was spread over his ribs.

  At another time, I might’ve asked him about it. He’d asked about mine, after all. But right now, figuring out his choice in ink was the last thing I cared about.

  “Seriously?” I frowned as I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, turning to face him once I was on my feet. “That’s all this was? You just wanted a quick hook up?”

  Lazily tucking an arm behind his head, he peered at me from between his thick lashes and shot me another grin. “Uh, yes? What were you expecting? If you wanted a guy who’d cuddle you afterward, you should’ve fucked someone else. Maybe another med student. He could’ve walked you to class in the morning and everything.”

nbsp; “You’re an asshole,” I spat as I grabbed my clothes and started pulling them on. Embarrassment surged through me, heating my cheeks as I ducked my face behind my hair to hide it. While I hadn’t been expecting flowers and romance from the guy, being dismissed like some nameless, faceless sex doll still hurt. “This was a mistake, Brysen. One I won’t be repeating.”

  As I slid my shoes back on and shoved my arms into my jacket, he just shrugged. “It didn’t feel like a mistake while you were moaning my name.”

  Horror ripped through me as his words sank in. I’d never known what it meant to feel truly horrified by my own actions until right this minute. He was a jerk who I shouldn’t have touched with a ten-foot pole. Lesson learned.

  So ashamed that I didn’t even bother screaming any of the comebacks that leaped into my mind at him, I zipped up my jacket and stormed out of his room without another word. The door slammed behind me, and I was so wrapped up in how stupid I’d been that I didn’t notice them at first.

  Not until I smacked into the one at the front of their little group. My head jerked up as I bounced off some guy’s chest and realized I’d just bumped into a gaggle of his friends.

  The guy smirked at me. “Fuck, I knew Brysen’s dick had to be good, but I didn’t think it was so good that it’d break a girl’s heart when she realized he was done with her.”

  What? A girl comes running out of his friend’s room, and that was his reaction? He didn’t stop to think that something might’ve happened or to check if I was okay, he just jumped right to my heart being broken because I wouldn’t be having Brysen’s dick again. Holy hell. I’m surrounded by assholes.

  “Did it ever occur to you that maybe I’m running because that pathetic excuse for a dick of his wouldn’t even work?” I seethed, then instantly felt guilty about the lie. But I wasn’t about to take it back. Serves him right.

  The guys guffawed and some made sizzling noises while adding ‘burn’ under their breaths like the complete and total idiots that they were. Douchebag number one who I’d run into simply tutted at me. “Don’t be like that now. I’ve heard the moaning that comes out of this room. We all have. Just face the facts, sweetheart. That was the best dick you’ve ever had and you’re all torn up because he doesn’t belong to you.”

  “You’re welcome to give my dick a chance,” one of the others piped up, also smirking as he gyrated his hips obscenely. “I won’t belong to you afterward either, but at least I won’t send you packing while you’re still sweaty.

  And there it was. The most humiliating moment of my entire fucking life. He wasn’t even wrong. My face was still warm and my body was still covered in the thin layer of sweat we’d worked up. My legs were still shaky and my knees were still weak. Obviously, they knew it. I just wanted to disappear, but I had to get away from them first.

  Thrusting my chin up in the air, I narrowed my eyes at the gyrating doofus. “That’s because you wouldn’t be able to work me into a sweat to begin with. If all your lines are like the one you just tried, it’s no wonder you don’t send girls packing. You never even get them into your room.”

  It wasn’t the best I could’ve come up with, but my head was still spinning after everything that’d just happened and I wasn’t quite thinking clearly. With one last, exaggerated roll of my eyes, I shook my head at them.

  “Really, boys. You should be ashamed of yourselves,” I snapped. “Did you honestly not have anything better to do tonight than to come stand outside of Brysen’s room and heckle whoever came out? He might not have been very good, but at least he’s not as pathetic as any of you.”

  Still not my best work, but it shut them up for long enough that I could finally make my getaway. I heard them calling out more lame comments from behind me as I rushed toward the stairs, but I tuned them out.

  If those were the kind of people Brysen surrounded himself with, it was little wonder he was such a disappointment to his parents. Anyone would keep fucking up if that was the crap they heard from their supposed friends all day long.

  Taking a deep breath when I hit the stairwell, I focused on getting back to my dorm without stumbling and snapping an ankle on these stairs just to put a cherry on top of a pretty shitty night. Okay, Ruby. You messed up, but you can get past it.

  Everyone was entitled to making a few mistakes at college, and this had been my first. The important thing was making sure that I learned from it and moved on. Besides, at least the only people who knew about it was me, Brysen, and a few of his jackass friends.

  I’d rather have had it be only me and him, but the friends had been unavoidable considering that they’d been lurking in the hallway like a bunch of loser lurkers. Either way, I was sure they knew about a lot of the girls he’d slept with. It should hardly be news to them that he’d gotten laid.

  Hopefully, they’d all have forgotten about his latest conquest by the morning, and I’d never have to think about any of this again. No one else would ever have to find out about it, and the night would eventually fade into my distant freshman memories, never to be spoken about again.

  Yeah. That’s a good plan. I’m sticking to it.

  Chapter 20


  Back in class later in the week, I was surrounded by a group of students—mostly girls—who were looking at me in awe as I spoke about how wild the accident had been. After they’d gotten used to seeing me around again, my peers had finally stopped waiting for me to start talking and had taken it upon themselves to bombard me with questions every opportunity they got.

  They didn’t just come after me in the corridors and disguise their curiosity by offers to help me anymore. Their questions also weren’t just passing ones that they threw out if and when they got the chance to talk to me. They were actively pursuing me now to find out which of the rumors were true, and I was loving it.

  Some of the rumors made me sound like Superman and obviously, those were the ones I was leaning into. Forcing my features into a solemn mask, I made eye contact with each of the people gathered around me while we waited for our lecturer to come in.

  “There was this terrible screeching sound when I hit the tree,” I said in a hushed voice. “It felt like it was piercing my eardrums, but I knew I couldn’t just grab my ears to try to drown it out. The windows shattered on impact and glass sprayed all over me, but I’d managed to steer the car until the very end. That’s how I avoided hitting the tree head on.”

  One of the girls closest to me sucked in a sharp breath and scanned my face like she was searching for signs of scarring. “It’s such a miracle that you don’t have any big gashes. The doctors’ must’ve been so surprised by that.”

  I nodded, widening my eyes at her. “Oh, yeah. They said that if I hadn’t been able to shield my face by ducking when the glass came at me, I would’ve been all torn up. Unrecognizable.”

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” another girl exclaimed, throwing her arms around my neck as tears started streaming down her cheeks. It was possible I’d fucked her a few months ago. She looked faintly familiar, and since she was crying about me, she had to feel some kind of connection I just… didn’t.

  “Was it as scary as it sounds?” a blonde standing on my left asked. “You must’ve been terrified. I would’ve been. It sounds like a nightmare.”

  “I was too focused on surviving to be scared,” I lied blatantly, even adding a little chuckle to the end of the sentence. “When those instincts kick in, there’s no space for anything else. Adrenaline takes over and you just do what you gotta do to make it.”

  There was an awed silence as several heads nodded their understanding of my statement. The girl who’d hugged me had since released me, and she brought her sympathetic gaze to mine as she stared at me like she was cataloging every inch of my face.

  “Do you remember all of it?” she asked quietly.

  “Of course, I do,” I lied again. “It’ll stay with me until the day I really die.”

  Somehow, my head injury and that fact
that I’d passed out before the accident had even happened hadn’t become public knowledge. If it had, people must’ve just dismissed it. I didn’t really know, but no one brought it up now so I didn’t either.

  “Are you still in pain? You must be.” She looked at me with big eyes. “Do you have anyone helping you out so you don’t put too much strain on yourself? My brother was in a fender bender last year, and his girlfriend had to do everything for him for weeks.”

  My mind flitted to Ruby’s offer to help me before I’d told her to leave my room. A lot of people had told me to let them know if I needed help with anything, but she was the only one who’d actually helped me. A few times.

  “Too bad Brysen’s not the girlfriend type,” Max said as he walked into the lecture hall. He must’ve heard the girl’s comment, and he didn’t skip a beat on picking the conversation up from there as he sank into his seat beside mine. “There’s a med student who’s really been helping him out, though. If you know what I mean.”

  Everyone knows what you meant, dipshit. But I didn’t call him out on it. The guys who were standing around snickered, and one even snapped his fingers. “That’s right. I heard you hooked up with the med student who gave you CPR at the crash site.”

  Ruby hadn’t given me CPR, but I didn’t correct the guy. Instead, I smirked and played right into it. “Sure did. She could hardly wait until I got out of the hospital.”

  The guy lifted his fist for me to bump, and I did. “How was she?”

  “About as good as you’d expect an uptight med student to be.” I shrugged.

  Everyone laughed and then dispersed when our prof came in. A few sent me lingering glances, like they still had more questions to ask and hadn’t quite been done with me yet. Lucky for them, I liked having them all gravitating toward me. I’d stick around after to talk to them some more.


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