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Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Georgia Hamilton

  Realising there is no point in putting off the inevitable, I press ‘Dad’ on my phone. Willie answers on the second ring.

  “Guy.” He gruffs.

  “Father. I got your message. Millicent has completely over reacted. I had a really important meeting to get to and she was just being irritating. She suggested we fake a relationship! Can you believe that? Anyway my meeting went really well, I have secure…”

  Willie does me proud, he cuts me off when we get to work talk, bored no doubt.

  “I don’t think a fake relationship would do either of you any harm. It is perfectly normal. You have known each other for years now, being thrown together will only force feelings and who knows she might be your soul mate” He barks laughter down my line. Shit. Is this life?

  “Father, she might fit your ideal, but she is not mine. I am sorry if that is not what you want to hear but it’s the truth. I have to go now. Can you tell Millicent that I apologise if she was offended by our conversation, it was not my intention and I wish her well”

  “Don’t be so final son, I think our two families coming together would be a stroke of genius. We would give everyone a run for their money. Don’t dismiss the idea just yet. I will get Esther to organise a dinner in the next few days, so you and Millicent can talk this through.”

  There is no point in arguing. I wish I could stand up to him, but he brow beats me every time. I silently hang up the phone. The euphoria I had moments ago has gone. All those people the other side of that door think I shit gold, but my own father just thinks I am shit.

  Refusing to let him dampen my spirit I get stuck into work, because he doesn’t approve doesn’t mean I am crap at it. I am the best.

  My intercom buzzes


  “Mr. Pearce Morgan, I have Mr. Fitzgerald on the line for you”

  “Put him through”


  “Hello Trent”

  “Guy, I have just heard the news and wanted to congratulate you. This is the break Guy. I knew we had a chance of pulling it off when I started this but knowing that you managed to get through every loop hole, every obstacle and come out so far on top. That is sheer brilliance Guy. I am so proud of you”

  I wish with all I have that it was my father saying this but alas he’s too far up his own arse to see daylight.

  “Thank you, Trent. That means a lot”

  He chuckles, not the harsh laugh associated with Willie but a calm, warm noise that makes me smile.

  “Guy. You’ve just pushed open every damn door in the entertainment business and demanded they know your name. Take it all in because this is the beginning of a whole new era.”

  I hadn’t thought about what happens next. I hadn’t thought about what the world would think about the news. Having these two major players working together, it marries East and West. It’s been done in film but in television? Nope. A movie trilogy budget for a television series? I pinch myself at the reality. Yes Guy, you did that!

  “Who knows what will happen Trent. Just glad it’s over.”

  “It’s far from over Guy, it’s the beginning. We should celebrate. I will see when Rose is free, and we can throw a little something here.”

  “Sounds great Trent. Let me know.”

  “Will do. Well done again”

  With that he’s gone. How did those two conversations go so differently? I haven’t got time to dwell on it. The day is disappearing, and I need to get ahead with Malachi’s case.

  My day improves considerably. The team enjoy an early finish and a few drinks on the company. Rayne has made massive headway on a cause for Malachi and it’s the weekend!

  I get back to my apartment and pour myself a brandy. It’s a mild night given the time of year and I take advantage of my roof terrace. I kick back on my recliner and watch the world below. The River Thames is there, in front of me. It’s taunting me. I know a few miles west Leilani is probably in her house looking out on this same river. I love the calm feeling that I get hearing the gentle lapping of the water below. My family threw a fit when I moved to Putney. They live in Chelsea, Battersea is the furthest South they had been before I moved. Not only did I work in Barnes and not the city, but I also lived too far south. Destined to disappoint, that’s me. Before I can wallow any further, my phone pings. Leilani.

  “Congrats on the deal. It’s just been announced on the news. Can’t believe you didn’t get a name check. Good publicity for the firm though! Hope you’re celebrating. Lei x”

  I knock back my drink and call her.

  “Want to brag in person do ya? A text not good enough”

  Hearing her voice stamps out that lonely feeling I had. She’s familiar and safe.

  “Come over Lei”

  I say it before I think about what I am saying.

  “Are you OK PM?” There’s concern in her voice that surprises me.

  I wish she wasn’t so clued up on me.

  “I will be if you come over” I almost whisper it, in case she declines, this woman has me spun 100 different ways. I could just call up someone else if she does say no but if I am honest? I’d rather be alone than have someone else here.

  “Be there in 30 minutes. Text me the postcode and car park code again please”

  “Why don’t you just save it in your phone Leilani?” She has come here at least twice on her own, every time she asks the same question.

  “Because it’s effort and we always say this time is the last so I don’t need it taking up valuable GB in my phone babe!”

  The babe is sarcastic, said in a different tone. Typical Leilani. I send a quick message her way with the info.

  “Sent it. Do you want something to eat, I am about to order food”?

  She thinks for a minute.

  “What you getting? Count me in for Noodles, Curry or Pizza”

  I hadn’t decided what to get, but it’s going to be one of those now.


  “Oh yeah. And wine. Give me wine.” I reckon she’s going to get a lot more than wine.

  “Deal. See you soon”

  She hangs up and I look around my space. Thank God I have a cleaner. Calling up Deliveroo on my phone, I laugh at how routine this is, I click on the last order I made and reorder. I remind myself that we called ourselves a habit, not a relationship. We have a working relationship and a habit of shagging like rabbit’s. Remembering that conversation makes me smile even more. Leilani is the female version of me. I drop my suit jacket into the basket for the dry cleaners, mid-way through removing my cuffs my phone chimes. I think for a minute it might be Leilani cancelling


  “Hey Guy, it’s Rayne, is this a bad time?”

  I drop my cuffs into the tray on my dresser and head back into the sitting room.

  “No, you’re good. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I just have news that I want to share”

  Rayne is the most excitable person I know. She is infectious in her spirit and you cannot help but get carried away on her crest of enthusiasm.

  Sipping my drink, I allow her to spill. “I am all ears”

  “Well, I have just had a Zoom meeting with Connor and Malachi and we’ve cracked it. Firstly, I am genius putting them together. They have more in common than we initially realised. Anyway, they want to start a foundation of mentorship, but not the usual ‘Big Brother’ style more of a residential foundation. Offering vulnerable young males a place to be safe and learn about life. We haven’t figured out the details, but the working title is Lost Boys Society. AND we might have a lead on a property they can redevelop”

  Typical Rayne style she barely pauses for breath. I take the opportunity as she swallows to interject.

  “That’s a great start Rayne. If you send me over the outline of the proposal, I can see what we need to have implemented to get it started and also what obstacles we might face. It’s not going to be something that happens overnight but with the right people worki
ng on it, we can get this moving fairly quickly. I will have a look over things this weekend and get it assigned on Monday”

  Rayne squeals so loudly down the phone, I temporarily lose my hearing.

  “This is going to be such an amazing opportunity Guy! Not only will this shine a great light on Malachi, but it will do some much good for the communities. This could be huge if we start it right”

  “It will Rayne, there is nobody better than you to be handling this” I am not blowing smoke up her arse, I mean it.

  “Thanks Guy. I am so excited about this, I don’t know if it’s the personal connection or not, but this doesn’t feel like work, it feels like an opening, does that make sense?”

  “It does. Hey Rayne? I am glad we get to work together on so much, as stressful as everything has been, it put a lot into perspective for me”

  “I hear that. You, me and Leilani make a formidable team, don’t we? I would have never put us all together”

  She has no idea how true that statement really is.

  “Neither would I but we work”

  My door bell interrupts us.

  “Hold on Rayne”

  Thinking it’s the food, I grab my wallet and swing the door open. It is the food with a side of Leilani.

  She struts through my door, slipping past me and into the kitchen and dumps the food on the worktop

  Almost like a lost puppy I follow behind her. My phone is still attached to my ear, but I momentarily forget. Leilani is in my physical and my head space.

  With her back to me she starts a rant

  “Why are delivery men…”

  “What did you say Guy” Rayne chimes in my ear as Leilani is mid vocal.

  I pull up behind her and clamp my hand over her mouth. She lets out a muffled noise, and for a second, I think she is going to scream or resist until she rolls her hip and starts to grind against me.

  With my hand still over her mouth, I tilt her head back just far enough to expose her neck – the thing with Leilani is she’s so receptive, I don’t need to apply too much pressure, just enough to get her moving in the right direction. I get as close to her ear as I can

  “Rayne is on the phone, so unless you want your best friend to know I am about to fuck you senseless you need to keep your mouth closed for 5 minutes... just 5.”

  I nip her ear to punctuate my statement. Leilani doesn’t say anything but keeps her body against mine. I remember that Rayne is on the phone and divert my attention. To be completely honest with you, I don’t give a shit if Rayne finds out. Leilani and I are both single. It is only because Leilani looks like she is about to melt down every time I joke about Rayne finding out that I honour her wishes.

  “Sorry Rayne, my dinner was just delivered”

  “Yum! What have you got?”

  I drop my hand from Leilani’s mouth and snake my way down her front, she effortlessly parts her legs, granting me the access I need to plunge two fingers straight into her.

  Before you start, Leilani is always ready for me, I have never met a woman whose sex drive matched mine – she has also turned up at my house in just my jumper and her running tights. No underwear no make-up – her intention was to get naked and sweaty. Trust me.

  As Leilani grinds against my intrusion, I answer Rayne

  “Kare Burosu, Bang Bang Cauliflower, Tama Squid, Greens and Seafood Ramen”

  “Jheez Guy, that’s enough food for a small village, can’t believe you eat that cauliflower thing as well, thought Leilani was the only person that ate it!”

  There’s questioning tone in her statement, but I am far too distracted by Leilani tightening around my fingers to care about it. As much as my intention was only get Leilani ready for me, she’s taking what I am giving and so much more.

  “Nope, I like to eat it” I reply to Rayne, completely on autopilot because all I can think about is getting Leilani stripped of these running tights things that she’s got on and have her naked and screaming my name. Leilani clearly agrees as she’s leaned forward, opening up some more for me.

  “Rayne, this is torture, I am salivating as I am taking to you. I need to get this in my mouth now”

  Leilani has positioned herself flat against my worktop, as I work my two fingers inside her she’s rubbing her clit against my palm. I want to stop her, make her slow down, but the fact she’s as turned on by this scenario as I am, allows me to let her keep going.

  Gentle murmurs are escaping Leilani and I know from experience she’s not far. Rayne says something through a giggle that sounds like goodbye and I hang up and throw my phone down.

  With both hands now free, I drag the back of her running tights down, exposing her fully from behind. There’s no time for conversation, the friction of her grinding against my hand is sending jolts of heat directly to my already engorged cock.

  This isn’t our first rodeo. We discussed protection early on in this habit. She trusts me to be safe and I trust her equally.

  I wanted to tease her, I wanted her to be begging me. How the tables have turned.

  I promise, I wanted to go in slowly to bathe in the warmth that her pussy has just for me, but I don’t go slow. The second her greedy little pussy feels my head close, she takes me in all the way.

  “Fuck Guy”

  It’s only the second thing she’s said since she got here, and I am only too happy to oblige.


  I know I said this would stop, I know it’s wrong. But it’s so good. And it’s only sex. Right?

  Guy comes across as this preppy, no nonsense geek. Someone who preferred to smash squash balls instead of smashing me but he’s not and he wouldn’t.

  I wasn’t joking when I said he is the best sex I ever had. His body, underneath that uptight exterior is the stuff of dreams. He’s perfectly smooth and equally sculpted. Every part of me physically dripped when I first saw him naked. Guy looks unassuming, he’s like a reverse Russian doll; Instead of getting smaller as you strip back the layers he gets bigger. It’s not until you stand next to Guy do you realise how tall he is. I am 5”7 maybe 5”8 and in heels he’s still got a little on me. He’s got incredibly thick legs, quads you want to crush you whole in a vice grip. Don’t get me started on his shaft. (Yes, we are still calling it a shaft, we are still worshipping at the alter of his member, or angling to play on his organ, whichever statement you prefer)

  You can tell he goes to the gym because he is a casserole of ripped, lean and defined muscle, abs of an Adonis, as solid as an over cooked steak, but juicier than a medium chateaubriand. Second to his shaft (get over it) my favourite part of his body are his shoulders, they are broad and strong making him look almost masterful. His prowess is further emphasised by his tattoo that covers his left shoulder. I am not one for body art but whoever did his tattoo is a genius. I initially thought it was a vanity thing and made a flippant joke about him trying to be cool. It’s only after he explained that a Rose Compass symbolises the search for love, the anchor represent his faith and the book is his unwritten journey. The rose covers his shoulder with the compass just above his peck. The points of the compass are actually initials; His, his brothers, his mothers and his sisters. The anchor is delicately shaded beneath the compass amongst the leaves of the rose. There is a small sunrise within the design and a sunset. His mother’s date of birth is in the rays of the rise and her death in the sunset. The sunset is directly over his heart, proving that his decision to have the tattoo on the left was intentional. The day he told me the story behind it, was the day things changed between us. The entry level of trust had been established and it has just kept growing since then. I didn’t expect a story behind it, I realised how much I had completely underestimated Guy.

  My momentary trip down memory lane is halted by Guy making demands at my entrance. All it takes is a roll of my hips and a gentle thrust back for me to take him all. He pulls back, almost completely out of me then slams back in

  “Fuck Guy”

  He’s holding one hip
firmly, using my position to angle himself he wedges me against the worktop, this is where Guy comes into his own, no hammer drilling to get him home, oh no. Guy has got his right foot on the run of the stool next to me, I can feel every bit of him, every roll of his hips, every ridge of him as he fills me completely. I grab his hand that’s in front of me on the worktop, I lean into him as he rocks me closer to an orgasm. I have never been one of those females who climax through intercourse. To me it was a myth, a myth that he’s about to send up in smoke. I take his other hand in mine and rub my clit against it. The goose bumps start on the backs of my arms, there isn’t an inch between us, every step he takes I am right behind him, following his lead in this merry dance. By the time those same goose bumps have multiplied I am quivering, they are up my arms, across my back and down my neck. Guy moves faster, his arm flush across my stomach, his mouth following every goose bump, the second he open mouth kisses me on my neck, I crumble. Shatter into a million pieces.

  “Ah, shit Leilani, shit, AH! HUBULUBUHUHUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH. Uh! Uh! Uuuuuhhhhhhhh!” (It sounded just like that)

  I still haven’t found my voice or my balance. Guy is holding on to me as we both collapse forward onto the worktop. I am sweating in places I didn’t know existed, I cannot feel my legs or any organ other than my heart.

  The loss of Guy as he peels himself off my back and pulls out of me makes me whimper.

  “God, that was good!” Like the gentleman that he is, Guy pulls up my leggings, then the twat goes and pats me on my arse before he heads to the bathroom.

  All the other times we have fornicated, had sex, fucked. I have been the one to get dressed and leave. I have been the one to take what I want and pat him on his head to say “Good job” what the actual fuck? This only works because it was on my terms… don’t go changing the terms now Mr. PM.

  He comes strolling back in to the room, changed out of his trousers and shirt, he’s wearing a pair of burgundy joggers – the ones that no doubt go with the hoodie I wore here.


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