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Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2)

Page 16

by Georgia Hamilton

  I can see over the boundary, two trainers walking some horses back to the stud. We agreed to still allow them to use part of our field for exercise, for no reason other than Grandad always said this land was made for raising the world’s greatest thoroughbreds, and we have had a few come through here. It would be a sad day when horses were never on our land.

  “Yes, that’s kind of a given, I mean we are next door to a stud!” She throws her elbow back, I guess she was aiming for my ribs but comes perilously close to my dick.

  Gripping her elbow, I run my chin behind her ear, my lips grazing her skin. “Be careful where you swing that thing” I squeeze her elbow “You could do some serious damage”

  Without missing a heartbeat, her free hand reaches behind her and she strokes me through my jeans. “Do you need me to check he’s ok”

  I breath her in, I know I should say something, but there is no way my dicks going to allow me to speak, instead he does the talking by growing into her touch.

  She leans her head closer to me, my lips, like my dick start doing their own thing, I gently suck on her neck just below her ear. Her body responds. Her head rests on my chest, giving me all and more of her neck. I let go of her elbow and I need to feel more of her. Her tank top is doing nothing to keep her from me. Without easing from her neck, I palm her in my hand. I want to bury my head in her chest every time I see her. She reaches for my other hand and slides me into her bottoms, she holds my hand against her, she pushes one of my fingers into her and guides me, keeping me where she wants me.

  “Leilani, we need to take this slowly, you’ve been in a coma and should be relaxing...”

  Her mouth smothers mine, keeping me quiet. My tongue dances with hers, she sucks on my tongue and I very nearly cum in my trousers.

  I decide to take control, I am not fucking her up against the window. I ease my hand out of her and turn her around, my mouth never leaving hers. I lift her under her bottom and she locks her legs around me. How I don’t fall up the stairs I don’t know. We make it to my old room, it was another sitting room until I was born. Granddad decided to turn it into a play room. Gareth and I played in there all the time, when it was time for bed Gareth would make his way to our room. Me? I’d get my blanket and sleep on the window seat. The view of the sky from here was amazing. It wasn’t long before my bed was in here and I made it my own. As a teenager, we redecorated. I got a telescope and we added a desk. Summers were the best here.

  I fumble to the bed and lay her down. Yes, I am treating her like she’s made of glass, she’s the most precious thing I have.


  I promise, if I am still in a coma and this is a dream, please do not wake me up just yet.

  Guy is pushed up above me. His arms either side of my head. Through is white t shirt I can see his tattoo, the outline of his arms in my peripheral vision. I cannot take my eyes off his face. He’s scruff is now a beard, a dirty blonde beard, long enough for me to run my fingers through, his hair isn’t its usual styled self. It’s grown and looks a little wild as it hangs over his forehead. He looks like a cross between a Viking and Surfer. His grey eyes are practically shining at me – his lips peeking out from under his tash. I have never been into facial hair, and never really been a fan of blondes, but Guy is the sexiest man I have ever met. I lift up for a kiss, I want him. He moves back just out of my reach. The smile that breaks out should make me want to punch him, cocky sod but it doesn’t, it melts me.

  “What’s so funny?” I can’t help but smile myself as I say it

  “Not funny, I was just remembering something Rayne said to me whilst we were waiting for you to get your arse out of that bed”

  “You were thinking about my best friend?! Now?”

  He drops a very small kiss on my nose, so quickly. I can’t get my fill of him.

  “No. I was thinking about something she said. She told me that you were the first person she has ever loved other than her mum and before Connor. She listed all the qualities you had that made her complete. She admitted that she was worried how you, her and Connor were going to get on.”

  “Yeah, so not really seeing the joke in this PM?”

  He drops slightly, his nose a sniff from mine.

  “There is no joke. She finished by saying that she realised you didn’t complete her anymore, you completed me”

  That heart? You know, my heart that I thought melted a minute ago? Yep it didn’t melt then but it’s a puddle now. One that’s trickling through my veins.

  “You know what else?”

  I shake my head because I may cry if I speak.

  “You’re the only person that I have ever loved outside of my family. And if you hadn’t

  nearly died, I may never have told you that.”

  I didn’t have to speak to cry. I know the tears are there because they are cold on my burning face.

  “Hey, don’t cry. It’s not that bad is it?” He looks almost worried. The strong, masterful, no no-nonsense solicitor has gone, and I am staring out the most amazing human I have ever met

  “Nope, it’s not bad. It’s the best”

  I realise I am crying because it took me almost dying to see what was right in front of me. I fell in love with Guy a long time ago. I kept a lock on my heart because people have treated me like meat, like a pawn in a game, like I was meaningless. I toyed with men in the same way. But he never let me. He always made me feel like I was the only person in the room. Even when we were in a packed sauna and women were ready to drop to their knees for him, he didn’t notice and didn’t care.

  I swallow a tear.

  “I am not good at talking about my feelings, and I am likely to mess this up at some stage in the future, but what you just said? Ditto!”

  I got my kiss eventually. I didn’t need to look for it, we just met half way.

  That night I made love for the first time. We didn’t talk, we felt.

  For the first time, I gave myself over to Guy. I let him strip me, physically and emotionally. With nothing between us, he just held me. Skin to skin. He didn’t take his eyes of mine. He entered me in one thrust, I felt every bit of him, I lifted off the bed to meet him. Our legs are scissored, his chest so close to mine I rub my breasts against his chest. His position above me means he’s setting the tempo, he slows down and my hips circle against him, a spark of friction shoots through me as our hips brush against each other, I feel him everywhere. Inside me, over me, against me. I want to close my eyes.

  “Look at me Leilani”

  It’s not a request, it’s an instruction.

  I do as I am told.

  He slides his hand under me and lift me just enough to fill me deeper. My nails grip him, holding us flush. Rubbing against him increases my pleasure. I feel the chills start and I know I am going to climax, I want to stop, to prolong the sensation but I can’t. He keeps building my emotions.

  “Come for Lei, Come for me baby”

  Another first. I do as I am told. Not for the first time, Guy is right behind me. Holding me as I fall over the edge. The weight of him is a comfort I didn’t know I needed.

  “Morning you.” Guy hands me a cup of coffee. He looks even better than he did last night. It’s unfair. His eyes are crinkled in the corner, his perfect teeth blinding me as his lips part in a smile. He’s in nothing but his boxers and I am ready to take communion at his temple. He should be illegal. Those thighs – Gah!

  “Morning yourself” I manage to say. I take the coffee and take a gulp.

  His phone starts to ring as he clambers back into bed.

  “Guy speaking. Hi. Yes – that’s right. I am sorry to do it like that, but I need to get my priorities in order and want to start the ball rolling before I get back to London. If you could that would be great. I will take a look once I am back.”

  He’s sitting up. Leaning against the headboard. He shoots me a quick look.

  “Not sure when I will be back. No plans to rush back” He winks and ends his call

nbsp; “Work?”

  “Kind of, I formally resigned this morning”

  I nearly throw my coffee over the bed

  “Don’t look so surprised Lei. I have been falling out of love with most of my ‘job’ for a while. I don’t get the kick out of it that I used to”

  “But what about the deal you just did? And what about my clients who you represent? You love that. You’re too good to throw it all away”

  He takes my cup from me, placing it on the bedside table. He lifts me up and plonks me on his lap.

  Brushing my hair out of my face, he strokes my cheek.

  “I’m not giving it up, I just want to go in a different direction, the last week has made me look at what I really wanted”

  Some people get their best ideas in the shower or on the toilet. Me? I get mine when Guy is anywhere near me, preferably in me.

  He slides down on the bed, holding me in place. I feel safe enough to confess

  “When we were in Liverpool, I had this crazy idea that you, Rayne and I should just work together. I think we should do it. The three of us, a one stop shop for celebrities and sportsmen alike? What do you think?”

  He slides me up his legs, so I am almost sitting on his chest.

  “I think it will be a lot, living and working together, you sure we can handle that?”

  “Living together?” I bite the inside of my mouth to stop me smiling.

  He holds me tighter, drawing me further up his chest,

  “Yep. Living together, what? Did you think I want to miss out on this every morning? Not a chance. My house, your house. Can’t say I really care where we are”

  “You’re serious?”

  He lifts me, so I am hovering over him.


  My breath hitches as I feel his tongue on me. God dammit this man is insatiable.

  “Yeah. So erm that works for me”

  Not the line I accepted to end on but hey! This is Guy and I am Leilani. Did you expect anything else?



  Today is the soft launch of Connor and Malachi’s foundation. Malachi is hoping to return from injury in a few weeks. England didn’t win the Euro’s, but the world cup is less than 2 years away, and I reckon It’s Coming Home this time.

  The party is being held at Trent and Rose’s house. There’s a special surprise and I know Leilani is going to be beside herself when she finds out.

  We’re getting ready and it’s the usual mess in the bathroom. She’s got make up all over the side. Her hair straighteners are on the side cooling down. There are 3 odd shoes scattered on the floor and it smells like Coco erupted in here.

  “Can you do me up please babes?”

  I stop trying to tidy up and walk into the dressing room. Leilani takes my breath away every time I see her.

  Her hair is a mass of dark waves that look effortless (although I am well aware that she has been doing her hair for an hour), her eyeshadow is dark blues and greys – she called it a smoky eye. She’s got the palest of lip gloss on and her lashes seem to have grown since this morning. She half way into a pale pink dress, the top of her lacy thong playing peek a boo with me. She gathers her hair together and drapes it over her shoulder, her back completely exposed to me. The temptation to slip the dress off and rock up fashionably late is very high but Connor warned me not to be late. I am his wing man today.

  I zip Leilani up, before I trace the outline of her spine with my tongue.

  She spins round.

  “What do you think?”

  The dress fit’s like a second skin, it’s a fitted nude sheath, if she wasn’t tanned courtesy of a quick trip to Portugal, she’s look naked. It sits at her knees and should be modest as it’s even got a short sleeve, but it’s sinful, every curve of her is there to see – If I was a jealous man, we wouldn’t leave the house, but I am one lucky mother fucker and I don’t care who knows.

  “You look sensational” I kiss her because I can.

  She opts for some gold strappy shoes that match the zip in her dress, I picked a different pair when she asked my opinion but the ones I picked wouldn’t work as they had silver in them and the zip was gold – I mean why ask me?

  It’s an informal gathering so I opt to go without a tie. It’s still so warm out, the winter is going to be brutal. I lock up our apartment (we chose mine in the end, we did start looking for somewhere new, but she ended up with more stuff here and before we knew it, the decision had been made) I pull out of the car park and head to Trent’s

  “Can you believe this is our first event?”

  She’s giddy with excitement. When we got back to London we had Rayne over and told her what we were thinking about a new company. She didn’t hesitate to jump on board. We struggled over the name for a while. 3 was a favourite, until we realised every other company was called 3 one way or another. Connor mused one day that he loved 3 because it was a prime number. And thus Prim3 consultancy was christened.

  The press are going to be here today. Invited not gate crashing. Millicent will also be in attendance because she is one of our clients now. Rayne has given her a social and physical make over. It’s a marked improvement, she seems confident now in a non stalkerish way.

  “None of this feels very real. But it is”

  I don’t know if I am talking about us as partners in business or in life, but it applies to both.

  We go into the garden and the press are taking pictures, just outside the secondary gates Leilani and I stand for our first public appearance, the rumours have been rife, (well done Rayne) but we’ve managed to keep it quiet until now.

  I stand to the side as she has her picture taken. She doesn’t ham it up like she used to. She just poses as she’s asked, and I have never seen a more perfect sight.

  She holds her hand out for me and I forget we have an audience. It’s a quick kiss but it’s enough. Enough to keep me going. I hold onto her whilst our names are called, left, right and left again.

  Whatever the future has in store for us, I know it’s going to be ok.


  So far, so good! The party has been a success, the speeches were fantastic. Rayne looks fit to burst. We have every client on our books here, donations are coming in thick and fast. Connor and Guy have been chatting to the DJ’s for a while. I never pegged those two as friends but the last few weeks they have become inseparable.

  Connor managed to book the DJ’s who played such a huge part in getting him and Rayne together.

  They have been playing out of their skin – every song a banger. My feet hurt for dancing. We even did a mass Candy dance. Trent informed me he “had been doing the electric slide longer than me” and proceeding to tear up the dancefloor.

  “Hey you.” Guy is back. His arms around me as we sway to something I can’t hear because when he’s around me I lose a sense or two.

  “Where’s Connor gone?” I notice he’s lost his BFF.

  He smiles and points to the DJ booth.

  The music has stopped and the screen to the side of the garden has come to life.

  It’s a camera feed, streaming a feed from the Garden Room in the house to an outside screen. Rayne and Connor enter the room

  “Oh Shit, they’re not about to get it on in front of everyone are they?”

  I make to go down the steps when Guy pulls me into him.

  “Just watch” he whispers into my ear

  “Connor! They’re going to notice we’re missing”

  Rayne’s voice comes over the speakers, it’s low but we can hear it. She is looking at Connor like a little puppy.

  Mr. Dimples makes every woman in the vicinity swoon when he smiles. We really need to get him into modeling.

  “Let them” His voice has even more bass over the speakers

  “I wanted to speak to you, it will only take a minute. Do you remember the last time we were in here? I had just sent you flying across the floor. My life was a little chaotic then, but you have stilled me
, helped me move in another direction and been the only constant I have ever needed. I didn’t knock you off your feet Beautiful, you knocked me off mine – I love you more than I knew was possible”

  Oh shit, he’s down on one knee.

  Rayne gasps – and I know she is crying even though I can’t see her face. I look at Rose and she’s got her hand over her mouth in complete shock. Her tears, match Raynes, match mine. Trent throws a wink in our direction. I look at Guy who winks back. HE KNEW!!!

  “I don’t do planning, I have always been scared of the future, but I am more scared of a future without you. How do you fancy being a Benjamin with me?”

  He opens a little green box that he pulled out of his trousers and I think Rayne is going to faint. She nods.


  It’s quiet but we hear it. The roar that erupts around the garden sounds like a football match. Bea is here, she’s holding Rose’s hand. Two proud mothers. My parents are here, with Alexander, Elliott and Ethan. Kelsey is with Guy’s father. I can’t knock him, he’s trying. Our friends and families are all here. My best friend is getting married.

  “You ok Lei?” Guy is in my ear. He’s my reminder, my hope for our future.

  “Never better” I genuinely say.

  The DJ plays Donnell Jones “Knocks me off my feet” as the newly engaged couple make their way up the stairs. I catch Rayne as she jumps into my arms.

  “Sugar Tit’s, we got a wedding to plan”

  “Bitchface will you be my maid of honour?”

  “Obviously, I mean who else could throw the biggest baddest hen party ever?”

  I hold onto my best friend, as we spin around doing our own little dance. Standing to my right, watching my every move is the man I love. This is what happiness is. Last time we were here, it wasn’t just Rayne’s life that changed, it was mine too.


  You know I always have to have the last word.

  If you think, you’re not getting an invite to the wedding. You’re wrong. I’ve invited all of you. Be prepared to laugh, dance and cry. I get the feeling my wedding will be like none you’ve ever been to before. One thing is for sure. Our lives are going to change forever…


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