Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant 02 - Fatal Revenant
Page 89
She did not recognize what she had done until darkness reasserted her mortality, and the frantic labor of her pulse began to force new awareness into her muscles and nerves.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Covenant’s resurrected form standing, twisted with pain, on the far side of the blank gem, the dead stump. Theurgies flared and spat from his arms, his shoulders, his chest. Linden had burned him as badly as Lord Foul had burned him in Kiril Threndor. But she had burned him to life instead of death. The fading energies of his transformation wracked him as though he had emerged from a bonfire.
Like Joan, he bore the consequences of too much time.
Yet he was alive. In some sense, he was whole; unmarked except by his old wounds. Even his clothes were intact. Linden could see the rent in his T-shirt where he had been stabbed for Joan’s sake. His hair was tousled silver like reified white gold.
Fires flickered up and down his body. They were the only light in the vale; or in Andelain; or in the Land. Slowly they exhausted themselves and went out.
While the last wisps of power streamed from his eyes, Covenant forced himself to straighten his back and look at Linden.
He took one step toward her, then another, before his legs failed and he plunged to his knees. Still upright, he gazed at her with such dismay that her throat closed. She could not breathe.
“Oh, Linden.” His first words to her were a hoarse gasp. “What have you done?”
“Done, Timewarden?” Infelice snapped viciously. “Done? She has roused the Worm of the World’s End. Such magicks must be answered. Because of her madness and folly, every Elohim will be devoured.”
Abruptly the krill’s gem began to shine again. Its light throbbed like a heart in ecstasy, as if it echoed Joan’s distant excitement—or Lord Foul’s.
Hyn’s dolorous whickering reminded Linden that the Ranyhyn had tried to warn her.
Here ends
Fatal Revenant
Book Two of
“The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.”
The story continues in Book Three
Against All Things Ending
Abatha: one of the Seven Words
Acence: a Stonedownor, sister of Atiaran
Ahamkara: Hoerkin. “the Door”
Ahanna: painter, daughter of Hanna
Ahnryn: a Ranyhyn; mount of Tull
Aimil: daughter of Anest, wife of Sunder
Aisle of Approach: passage to Earthrootstair under Melenkurion Skyweir
a-Jeroth of the Seven Hells: Lord of wickedness; Clave-name for Lord Foul the Despiser
ak-Haru: a supreme Haruchai honorific; paragon and measure of all Haruchai virtues
Akkasri: a member of the Clave; one of the na-Mhoram-cro
aliantha: treasure-berries
Alif, the Lady: a woman Favored of the gaddhi
amanibhavam: horse-healing grass, dangerous to humans
Amatin: a Lord, daughter of Matin
Amith: a woman of Crystal Stonedown
Amok: mysterious guide to ancient Lore
Amorine: First Haft, later Hiltmark
Anchormaster: second in command abroad a Giantship
Andelain, the Hills of Andelain, the Andelainian Hills: a region of the Land which embodies health and beauty
Andelainscion: a region in the Center Plains
Anele: deranged old man; son of Sunder and Hollian
Anest: a woman of Mithil Stonedown, sister of Kalina
Annoy: a Courser
anundivian yajña: lost Ramen craft of bone-sculpting
Appointed, the: an Elohim chosen to bear a particular burden; Findail
Arch of Time, the: symbol of the existence and structure of time; conditions which make the existence of time possible
arghule/arghuleh: ferocious ice-beasts
Asuraka: Staff-Elder of the Loresraat
Atiaran: a Stonedownor, daughter of Tiaran, wife of Trell, mother of Lena
Audience Hall of Earthroot: maze under Melenkurion Skyweir to conceal and protect the Blood of the Earth
Aumbrie of the Clave, the: storeroom for former Lore
Auspice, the: throne of the gaddhi
aussat Befylam: child-form of the jheherrin
Bahgoon the Unbearable: character in a Giantish tale
Banas Nimoram: the Celebration of Spring
Bandsoil Bounds: region north of Soulsease River
Banefire, the: fire by which the Clave affects the Sunbane
Bann: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Trevor
Bannor: a Bloodguard, assigned to Thomas Covenant
Baradakas: a Hirebrand of Soaring Woodhelven
Bareisle: an island off the coast of Elemesnedene
Bargas Slit: a gap through the Last Hills from the Center Plains to Garroting Deep
Basila: a scout in Berek Halfhand’s army
Benj, the Lady: a woman Favored by the gaddhi
Berek Halfhand: Heartthew, Lord-Fatherer; first of the Old Lords
Bern: Haruchai lost to the Clave
Bhanoryl: a Ranyhyn; mount of Galt
Bhapa: a Cord of the Ramen, Sahah’s half-brother; companion of Linden Avery
Bhrathair: a people met by the wandering Giants, residents of Bhrathairealm on the verge of the Great Desert
Bhrathairain: the city of the Bhrathair
Bhrathairain Harbor: the port of the Bhrathair
Bhrathairealm: the land of the Bhrathair
Birinair: a Hirebrand, Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep
Bloodguard, the: Haruchai, a people living in the Westron Mountains; the defenders of the Lords
bone-sculpting: ancient Ramen craft, marrowmeld
Borillar: a Hirebrand and Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep
Bornin: a Haruchai; a Master of the Land
Brabha: a Ranyhyn; mount of Korik
Branl: a Haruchai; a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
Brannil: man of Stonemight Woodhelven
Brinn: a leader of the Haruchai; protector of Thomas Covenant; later Guardian of the One Tree
Brow Gnarlfist: a Giant, father of the First of the Search
caamora: Giantish ordeal of grief by fire
Cable Seadreamer: a Giant, brother of Honninscrave; member of the Search; possessed of the Earth-Sight
Cabledarm: a Giant; one of the Swordmainnir
Caer-Caveral: Forestal of Andelain; formerly Hile Troy
Caerroil Wildwood: Forestal of Garroting Deep
caesure: a rent in the fabric of time; a Fall
Cail: one of the Haruchai; protector of Linden Avery
Caitiffin: a captain of the armed forces of Bhrathairealm
Callindrill: a Lord, husband of Faer
Callowwail, the River: stream arising from Elemesnedene
Cavewights: evil creatures existing under Mount Thunder
Ceer: one of the Haruchai
Celebration of Spring, the: the Dance of the Wraiths of Andelain on the dark of the moon in the middle of spring
Center Plains, the: a region of the Land
Centerpith Barrens: a region in the Center Plains
Cerrin: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Shetra
Chant: one of the Elohim
Char: a Cord of the Ramen, Sahah’s brother
Chatelaine, the: courtiers of the gaddhi
Chosen, the: title given to Linden Avery
Circle of Elders: Stonedown leaders
Cirrus Kindwind: a Giant; one of the Swordmainnir
clachan, the: demesne of the Elohim
Clang: a Courser
Clangor: a Courser
Clash: a Courser
Clave, the: group which wields the Sunbane and rules the Land
clingor: adhesive leather
Close, the: the Council-chamber of Lord’s Keep
Clyme: a Haruchai; a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
Coercri: The Grieve; former home of the Giants in Seareach
Colossus of the Fall, th
e: ancient stone figure guarding the Upper Land
Consecear Redoin: a region north of the Soulsease River
Cord: Ramen second rank
Cording: Ramen ceremony of becoming a Cord
Corimini: Eldest of the Loresraat
Corruption: Bloodguard/Haruchai name for Lord Foul
Council of Lords, the: protectors of the Land
Courser: a beast made by the Clave using the Sunbane
Creator, the: maker of the Earth
Croft: Graveler of Crystal Stonedown
Crowl: a Bloodguard
croyel, the: mysterious creatures which grant power through bargains, living off their hosts
Crystal Stonedown: home of Hollian
Currier: a Ramen rank
Damelon Giantfriend: son of Berek Halfhand, second High Lord of the Old Lords
Damelon’s Door: door of lore which when opened permits passage through the Audience Hall of Earthroot under Melenkurion Skyweir
Dance of the Wraiths, the: Celebration of Spring
Dancers of the Sea, the: merewives; suspected to be the offspring of the Elohim Kastenessen and his mortal lover
Daphin: one of the Elohim
Dawngreeter: highest sail on the foremast of a Giantship
Dead, the: spectres of those who have died
Deaththane: title given to High Lord Elena by the Ramen
Defiles Course, the: river in the Lower Land
Demondim, the: creatures created by Viles; creators of ur-viles and Waynhim
Demondim-spawn: another name for ur-viles and Waynhim; also another name for Vain
Desolation, the: era of ruin in the Land after the Ritual of Desecration
Despiser, the: Lord Foul
Despite: evil; name given to the Despiser’s nature and effects
dharmakshetra: “to brave the enemy,” a Waynhim
dhraga: a Waynhim
dhubha: a Waynhim
dhurng: a Waynhim
diamondraught: Giantish liquor
Din: a Courser
Dire’s Vessel: Giantship used by the Swordmainnir to convey Longwrath
Doar: a Bloodguard
Dohn: a Manethrall of the Ramen
Dolewind, the: wind blowing to the Soulbiter
Doom’s Retreat: a gap in the Southron Range between the South Plains and Doriendor Corishev
Doriendor Corishev: an ancient city; seat of the King against whom Berek Halfhand rebelled
drhami: a Waynhim
Drinishok: Sword-Elder of the Loresraat
Drinny: a Ranyhyn, foal of Hynaril; mount of Lord Mhoram
dromond: a Giantship
Drool Rockworm: a Cavewight, leader of the Cavewights; finder of the Illearth Stone
dukkha: “victim,” Waynhim name
Dura Fairflank: a mustang, Thomas Covenant’s mount
Durance, the: a barrier Appointed by the Elohim; a prison for both Kastenessen and the skurj
durhisitar: a Waynhim
During Stonedown: village destroyed by the Grim; home of Hamako
Duroc: one of the Seven Words
Durris: a Haruchai
EarthBlood: concentrated fluid Earthpower, only known to exist under Melenkurion Skyweir; source of the Power of Command
Earthfriend: title first given to Berek Halfhand
Earthpower: natural power of all life; the source of all organic power in the Land
Earthroot: lake under Melenkurion Skyweir
Earthrootstair: stairway down to the lake of Earthroot under Melenkurion Skyweir
Earth-Sight: Giantish power to perceive distant dangers and needs
eftmound: gathering place for the Elohim
eh-Brand: one who can use wood to read the Sunbane
Elemesnedene: home of the Elohim
Elena: daughter of Lena and Thomas Covenant; later High Lord
Elohim, the: a mystic people encountered by the wandering Giants
Elohimfest: a gathering of the Elohim
Emacrimma’s Maw: a region in the Center Plains
Enemy: Lord Foul’s term of reference for the Creator
Eoman: a unit of the Warward of Lord’s Keep, twenty warriors and a Warhaft
Eoward: twenty Eoman plus a Haft
Epemin: a soldier in Berek Halfhand’s army, tenth Eoman, second Eoward
Esmer: tormented son of Cail and the Dancers of the Sea
Exalt Widenedworld: a Giant; youngest son of Soar Gladbirth and Sablehair Foamheart; later called Lostson and Longwrath
fael Befylam: serpent-form of the jheherrin
Faer: wife of Lord Callindrill
Fall: Haruchai name for a caesure
Fangs: the Teeth of the Render; Ramen name for the Demondim Fangthane the Render: Ramen name for Lord Foul
Far Woodhelven: a village of the Land
Father of Horses, the: Kelenbhrabanal, legendary sire of the Ranyhyn
Favored, the: courtesans of the gaddhi
Fields of Richloam: a region in the Center Plains
Filigree: a Giant; another name for Sablehair Foamheart
Findail: one of the Elohim; the Appointed
Fire-Lions: living fire-flow of Mount Thunder
fire-stones: graveling
First Betrayer: Clave-name for Berek Halfhand
First Circinate: first level of the Sandhold
First Haft: third in command of the Warward
First Mark: Bloodguard commander
First of the Search, the: leader of the Giants who follow the Earth-Sight; Gossmer Glowlimn
First Ward of Kevin’s Lore: primary cache of knowledge left by High Lord Kevin
First Woodhelven: banyan tree village between Revelstone and Andelain; first Woodhelven created by Sunder and Hollian
Fleshharrower: a Giant-Raver, Jehannum, moksha
Foamkite: tyrscull belonging to Honninscrave and Seadreamer
Fole: a Haruchai
Foodfendhall: eating-hall and galley aboard a Giantship
Forbidding: a wall of power
Forestal: a protector of the remnants of the One Forest
Fostil: a man of Mithil Stonedown; father of Liand
Foul’s Creche: the Despiser’s home; Ridjeck Thome
Frostheart Grueburn: a Giant; one of the Swordmainnir
Furl Falls: waterfall at Revelstone
Furl’s Fire: warning fire at Revelstone
gaddhi, the: sovereign of Bhrathairealm
Gallows Howe: a place of execution in Garroting Deep
Galt: a Haruchai; a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
Garroting Deep: a forest of the Land
Garth: Warmark of the Warward of Lord’s Keep
Gay: a Winhome of the Ramen
ghohritsar: a Waynhim
ghramin: a Waynhim
Giantclave: Giantish conference
Giantfriend: title given first to Damelon, later to Thomas Covenant
Giants: the Unhomed, ancient friends of the Lords; a seafaring people of the Earth
Giantship: a stone sailing vessel made by Giants; dromond
Giantway: path made by Giants
Giant Woods: a forest of the Land
Gibbon: the na-Mhoram; leader of the Clave
Gilden: a maplelike tree with golden leaves
Gildenlode: a power-wood formed from the Gilden trees
Glimmermere: a lake on the plateau above Revelstone
Gorak Krembal: Hotash Slay, a defense around Foul’s Creche
Gossamer Glowlimn: a Giant; the First of the Search
Grace: a Cord of the Ramen
Graveler: one who uses stone to wield the Sunbane
graveling: fire-stones, made to glow and emit heat by stone-lore
Gravelingas: a master of rhadhamaerl stone-lore
Gravin Threndor: Mount Thunder
Great Desert, the: a region of the Earth; home of the Bhrathair and the Sandgorgons
Great One: title given to Caerroil Wildwood by the Mahdoubt
reat Swamp, the: Lifeswallower; a region of the Land
Greshas Slant: a region in the Center Plains
Grey Desert, the: a region south of the Land
Grey River, the: a river of the Land
Grey Slayer: plains name for Lord Foul
Greywightswath: a region north of the Soulsease River
griffin: lionlike beast with wings
Grim, the: (also the na-Mhoram’s Grim) a destructive storm sent by the Clave
Grimmand Honninscrave: a Giant; Master of Starfare’s Gem; brother of Seadreamer
Grimmerdhore: a forest of the Land
Guard, the: hustin; soldiers serving the gaddhi
Guardian of the One Tree, the: mystic figure warding the approach to the One Tree; formerly ak-Haru Kenaustin Ardenol; now Brinn of the Haruchai
Haft: commander of an Eoward
Halewhole Bluntfist: a Giant; one of the Swordmainnir
Halfhand: title given to Thomas Covenant and to Berek
Hall of Gifts, the: large chamber in Revelstone devoted to the artworks of the Land
Hamako: sole survivor of the destruction of During Stonedown
Hami: a Manethrall of the Ramen
Hand: a rank in Berek Halfhand’s army; aide to Berek
Handir: a Haruchai leader; the Voice of the Masters
Harad: one of the Seven Words
Harbor Captain: chief official of the port of Bhrathairealm
Harn: one of the Haruchai; protector of Hollian
Harrow, the: one of the Insequent
Haruchai: a warrior people from the Westron Mountains
Healer: a physician
Heart of Thunder: Kiril Threndor, a cave of power in Mount Thunder
Hearthcoal: a Giant; cook of Starfare’s Gem; wife of Seasauce
Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep: a steward responsible for light, warmth, and hospitality
Heartthew: a title given to Berek Halfhand
heartwood chamber: meeting-place of a Woodhelven, within a tree
Heer: leader of a Woodhelven
Heft Galewrath: a Giant; Storesmaster of Starfare’s Gem
Herem: a Raver, Kinslaughterer, turiya
Hergrom: one of the Haruchai
High Lord: leader of the Council of Lords
High Lord’s Furl: banner of the High Lord
High Wood: lomillialor; offspring of the One Tree
Hile Troy: a man formerly from Covenant’s world; Warmark of High Lord Elena’s Warward
Hiltmark: second in command of the Warward