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The Witch of the Western Gate: Dragon's Gift

Page 15

by P. K. Brent

  "Right, as usual," said the cloisonne vase.

  "I bet you knew that suitor was a vampire all along!", the girandole hissed accusingly at the turtle, who did not deign to reply.

  "Perhaps," tinkled the chandelier. "Perhaps it is presumptuous of us to try and infuence a girl's heart in matters of love, especially when we can't even recognize a vampire hidden under a veil of glamour."

  "We were just trying to save the family from being tainted further by Wolven blood," defended the burled walnut chest.

  "Apparently there are worse things than Wolven blood," replied the chandelier. An uncomfortable silence throughout the house ensued.

  A tremendous thunderclap shook the house, then a flash of bright light.

  "The master is home," announced the iron turtle bearing swordplant. There was a scuffle on the stairs as Cormac McChesney stumbled down them, smoke curling from his black hooded robe and the acrid smell of brimstone in the air. He stared at Blue for several long seconds, exhaling deeply, his hands digging into the back of a chair as he steadied himself. Then he pulled Blue to him in a fierce hug. The quilt she'd been wrapped in slid to the floor.

  "Cormac! She's alright!" said LeRoy.

  "Thank goodness! I felt a ward go off and knew there was danger in my home. I was so frightened that Blue was hurt."

  Blue stirred and opened her eyes wide, "Dad! You're home! Are you alright?" Blue grabbed Cormac's hand and led him to a chair.

  "You've been fighting!"

  "I'm fine," replied Cormac. "I had to check on you. One of my wards went off and I knew someone tried to break into the house. I could feel an attack on my home."

  "I found out about LeRoy," said Blue. "I've seen him twice now as the kilted warrior. Blue held up her hand and the celtic cross of the McChesney druids showed on the palm, a fresh brand. "I didn't mean to, it just sortof happened."

  "I can see that you have been up to something as well," replied Cormac.

  "We have to talk Dad. These secrets about the McChesneys, it's too much! I'm in more danger not knowing than I would be if you told me."

  Cormac sighed. "It's complicated, Blue, and it involves other people. I'm restrained by vows of secrecy. Someday you will understand."

  Blue was insistent. "I need you to go back to those other people and work on them. Get their permission to inform me about what is going on! You must promise me that!"

  "I promise I will try," agreed Cormac. "No guarantees, and you must understand that I work within strict parameters, oathbound. But I will try."

  “What is it you’re fighting?,” asked Blue. “At least tell me that much. I know you are fighting. I saw it in the mirror and I can smell the brimstone on you now.”

  “Cormac sighed. It’s a great evil, Blue. Very old and very dangerous. The Dark Abyss. That is all I can tell you.”


  "It's late and you look exhausted, Blue. Let me help you up to bed." Cormac grabbed the banister and half carried Blue to her room, holding his daughter at his side. Blue turned to give LeRoy a warning look, and beckoned him to follow. Once in her room, Blue closed the door then turned to the crow.

  "OK, LeRoy, time to spill the beans."


  "Time to come clean."

  "I am clean," insisted LeRoy.

  "I mean, time to tell me the full story about your curse. The curse that changes you from the kilted warrior to a crow, or is it from a crow to the kilted warrior? Who did it? How long ago?"

  "It's a lot of bletherskite. You don't want to hear that," protested LeRoy.


  "Bletherskite. Silly romantic rubbish.

  "I do want to hear it!" insisted Blue.

  LeRoy sighed,"I suppose you have a right to know. You have discovered me and you are a McChesney, so I will tell you the story."

  "Very good," replied Blue. "Begin!"

  "I was born during the mid-1400's, the Dark Ages, as moderns call it, though we did not know at the time that this was a dark time for it is all we knew. My father, oddly enough, was a French noble, who travelled abroad and married into the McChesney Clan, thus my name LeRoy, which in French means "of royalty." My mother was a lovely young McChesney girl, who died young, leaving just my father and I alone. Aside from her untimely death, I lived a happy life and served The McChesney, as our Clan leader was called. I was both a swordsman and a bard. These both are common jobs young men in a Druid Clan are trained to do. The elders did most of the magic, study, and scrying. I showed a knack for magic and likely would have been trained in that field eventually.

  One day I was out on patrol. There had been reports of wolves harrying our flocks of highland sheep. I was hunting for the beasts when I came upon a beautiful girl with long golden hair. She was sitting on a shawl spread out upon the grass, singing and playing a lute. I was immediately enchanted.

  "Play a song for me, lass," I implored. She smiled and played the sweetest tune. I knew from the start that Shayla, was one of the fey, but she clearly cared for me and returned my compliments. I visited her every afternoon that week and at the end of it I asked her to marry me. She agreed. The next day I expected to take Shayla home with me, to wed. But she was not there on the hill that day. Instead an angry fey magus stood in her place and accused me of trying to steal their most beautiful ornament, Shayla. He cursed me. I was changed into a crow. He chose a crow because they often steal bright and beautiful things too."

  "How can you turn into the kilted warrior then?," asked Blue. "And what on earth is all this about the fey?"

  "One question at a time…. I had sworn an oath to The McChesney to protect his home and family, and an oath carries magical powers. Thus whenever the McChesney Clan leader's house or family is threatened, my oath takes over and I revert back to human form, with uncommonly great strength. Once the threat is gone, I become a crow again."

  "Can't the curse be broken?"

  "Many have tried to break it, including Grandma Lily. It is no use. I fear I am cursed until the day I can find my fey love again and marry her. Perhaps then it will be broken."

  "I see," replied Blue, thoughfully. So what is the Dark Abyss that Cormac mentioned?"

  LeRoy sighed. "It is a group of evil magi that are bent on taking over all who have magical powers. For if they do that, then they can dominate the world, and perform all the evil deeds evil geniuses are want to perform. That is why Cormac fights them, for the McChesney Clan has always had uncommonly strong spell casters. It's his duty."

  "Cormac fights alone against these Dark Abyss magi?"

  "No," replied LeRoy. "Cormac and others are engaged in this battle. Cormac is one of the leaders. It's all very secret and Cormac is bound by oaths not to discuss their plans. Since I am a crow most of the time, no one bothers to place me under oaths. So I know more than I should, as usual."

  "Why is Cormac here, in America, when he belongs to a Druid clan and should be in Scotland?"

  LeRoy sighed. "In the past century, the McChesney's suffered bad luck in battle. So the clan dispersed across Scotland, Ireland, and the new world. I was sent here with your great-great-grandfather with the hope that distance would weaken the curse laid on me, but it has not."

  "I see," replied Blue. "Thank you for telling me, LeRoy. If ever I can break the curse on you, I will, and I will try to find a way."

  "I know you will and I thank you."

  Chapter 19

  Blue sent a text out to all of her closest friends, Stella, Rafe, Brando & Talon.

  "Q atked me. Now has Took. WTD?"

  "R U OK?" replied Stella.

  "Im OK. Need Took now. C is bck."

  "Meet at med garden at 5AM. We attack while V zzzzz. Get zzzzz now." replied Brando.

  They were to meet at the meditation garden at the Stella's family's funeral home, across from the McChesney house. Blue crawled into bed, hoping to get a few hours sleep. She expected to stay wide awake the entire night, but when her alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. she was soun
d asleep. Blue hit the alarm fast, hoping not to wake up Cormac.

  "I cannot believe you are sneaking out now!" hissed LeRoy. "After all that happened tonight!"

  "Don't worry LeRoy. Brando said to meet at 5AM. We need to attack once the vampires go back to their lair to sleep at sunrise. Brando, Rafe and Talon will be there first, watching for me and Stella. We're not stupid."

  "What will I tell your father if something happens to you? Tell Cormac. He will help get Took back. It will take him all of five minutes to mop up those vampires."

  "It's not that simple, LeRoy. I can't involve Cormac."

  "Why not?"

  "Cormac is largely ignored by the Paranormal Council. They know he is a battle mage and they don't like it, but they don't know much about his affairs. He leaves the Paranormal Council alone and they leave him alone. But if he wrangles with Quantrill, while Quantrill is following orders from Zerelda, and Zerelda is the President of the Paranormal Council, that would surely lead to problems."

  "I understand what you mean," replied LeRoy. "Well, don't get hurt and be back fast. Remember to call on me if you have big problems. Sometimes the hag lets me leave the house to help a McChesney, though sometimes not. She's quite tempermental."

  "I'll remember," replied Blue.

  Blue crept down the stairs then out the front door, closing it stealthily behind her. Fortunately, Cormac was exhausted and sleeping soundly. Blue tread silently down the driveway, across the street and onto the path of the meditation garden, which was cleared all winter. Stella and Brando were there waiting.

  "What happened Blue," asked Brando.

  "After you dropped me off, Quantrill jumped me."

  "He was here waiting?" Brando's voice had an ominous tone.

  "He was crawling around on the back of the house like a bug, probably trying to break in, but he couldn't get through the wards."

  "How did he get his hands on Took?"

  "When I opened the door, Took flew out and attacked Quantrill. Then Quantrill's gang jumped over the fence and grabbed Took, while LeRoy and I fought off Quantrill. Le Roy was protecting me, and the vampires got away with Took. If only I were stronger, and didn't need protection, I could have taken them." Blue often bemoaned the fact that although she had the power of a battlemage, she was physically fragile and couldn't take a hit.

  "I thought there were wards all over the property?," said Stella.

  "There are, but they cover such a large area that they can't keep powerful intruders out, though they do keep humans out. They serve mainly as alarms. The house, being smaller, has powerful wards that prevent break-ins."

  "I see."

  "Where's Rafe and Talon?," asked Blue.

  "I dropped them off to do reconnaissance on the vampires," replied Brando.

  "Reconnaissance? How do you know where to look?"

  "Soon as the vampires showed up in town, we tracked down their lair, figuring they'd cause a problem eventually. Vampires usually do."

  "That's terrific!" said Blue. "I'm so relieved that you know where they have Took. There's no way I can do another tracking spell with Cormac in the house. He'd wake up for sure."

  "Why not just tell him so he can help?," helped Stella.

  "I can't cause a conflict between him and the Paranormal Council and Zerelda."

  "Makes sense," replied Brando.

  "This is such a relief that you already know where to look."

  "Hop in the car," said Brando.

  "You brought the Sybil!," exclaimed Stella. They all hopped into the antique fire engine carriage.

  "Yes, Blue's spell from the other night is still in effect, so the Sybil is running fine. The way it hovers along over the snow makes it ideal to take across pasture. Also the illusion spell is still working, so it looks like an SUV to mundanes."

  "Perfect!" exclaimed Stella.

  Within a few minutes they were out of town and skimming across remote pastures near Shelby Center, a small hamlet of old country houses, the largest of which belonged to Zerelda Reynard.

  "Where are they staying?," asked Blue.

  The Sybil came to a stop and Brando pointed. "That is Zerelda's house. We have to pass it, so I wanted to point it out. The blood suckers are further out in the backwoods, in the old Reynard farmhouse."

  "Zerelda's house looks creepy," said Blue, referring to the large dark brown wood house with olive green trim. It looked bleak and ominous.

  "Yuck," said Stella.

  The Sybil continued, further out into the countryside. Blue was surprised when it came to a stop. There was nothing to be seen except empty pasture criss-crossed by lines of windbreak trees. Finally, against the horizon, where the first glow of sunlight appeared, Blue saw it, the burned down shell of a large house.

  "There's nothing there but the ruins of an old, burned out farmhouse," said Blue.

  "That is not just any burned out old farmhouse. That is what remains of the old Reynard farmhouse," Brando explained. It burned down thanks to careless spellcasting, though the mundanes think that careless smoking was the cause. The Reynards, what's left of them, don't even farm the land anymore. They prefer to leave the land fallow and collect the government subidies."

  "Wow, the Reynards are having hard times," said Stella.

  "Zerelda does fine," replied Brando "Most of the remaining family money was funnelled into her accounts."

  "I see," replied Blue. "But where's Took and Quantrill?"

  "In the root cellar, of course," replied Brando. "Even though the house is burned down, there is a large basement room underneath. Perfect for vampires. Just wait here a few minutes for Rafe and Talon to return."

  "Why do they need a basement?" asked Blue. "Quantrill walks around in daylight with no problems."

  "Old vampires can tolerate the sun to some extent, but they prefer the dark, and they like to sleep in a dark, cool room," replied Brando. "Also, some of the vampires in his gang are much younger than he and can only come out at night."

  A few minutes later two wolves loped by and ran behind a nearby brush, emerging a few minutes later in their human forms.

  "You were right, Brando," said Rafe. "All the bloodsuckers are down in the basement root cellar of the old Reynard place. We counted nine of them lurking around here, drinking wine and laughing. They went into the basement about an hour ago."

  "Oui," said Talon. "Aussi the dragon Took was with them, tied up."

  "Tied up like a turkey," added Rafe.

  "The vampires, they poke petite Took with a broom handle," said Talon, his voice ending in a low growl.

  "It gets worse," said Rafe. "Quantrill put out his cigarette on Took's back." Blue gasped.

  "Oui, vampires, tres mal.

  "Let's get him back!" Blue started walking toward the burned out house. Rafe grabbed her arm and held her back. Blue struggled against him and he wrapped his arms around Blue to hold her, pounding fists against his chest.

  "No, let me go! I must get Took!"

  "Stop, Blue, hush be quiet!" whispered Brando. "Everyone in the Sybil." They all piled into the antique, fire engine carriage, Rafe dragging Blue. Fortunately the Sybil, being an open carriage, had no doors to slam.

  "Here's the plan," Brando continued. "The bloodsuckers are probably asleep now. We'll wait another hour, until seven, just before sunrise. Then Rafe, Took and I will rush in with these high powered flashlights. Rafe pointed to a bag on the floor. That will stun them. We'll grab Took and run."

  "I need to help too!" said Blue.

  "I'll hand Took up the stairs to you and Stella. Run with him to the Sybil. Don't look back."

  "What if they come after us?" asked Stella.

  "If a vampire follows, then leave. Fast. Drive back to the McChesney house. Don't worry about us wolven. We're more than a match for the vampires. Most of Quantrill's gang is too young to take full sunlight. They won't be able to leave the basement. All we have to do is get up the stairs again and we'll be fine."

  "Alright," replied Blue. S
tella nodded.

  "Take these," said Blue. She handed Rafe a bag.

  "What is it?"

  "They're magical capsules I made, containing smoke bombs. They'll go off with a bang and a flash of light and smoke."

  "Perfect," replied Brando. "Going in." Brando opened the hinged metal door on the ground. It was locked.

  "Without waiting for discussion, Blue blasted it with an energy bolt, breaking the lock. The vampires were sure to hear that. Brando opened the door and Rafe threw down all of the magical capsules. There were immediate screams and hollers as the bangs, flashes of light, and smoke went off. Brando tossed his flashlight down then jumped in after it, followed by Rafe and Talon. There were sounds of a ferocious struggle that went on for a few minutes then Took's head appeared. Blue and Stella reached down and grabbed Took. Just when they had him, Quantrill's hand appeared and he grasped the little dragon's neck. Blue realized that Quantrill's intention was to snap it and kill the little beast. There was only a moment to respond. Blue let loose with the thrumming of a shadowblast and caught Quantrill squarely in the chest. He few back down into the basement. Blue and Stella saw their chance. They carried Took to the Sybil. Blue held him firmly under her arm, like one would a chicken. Then they hopped in and drove away.

  "I hate leaving the wolven there to do all the dirty work," said Blue.

  "I know," replied Stella. "But it's the best way to help them. They can't fight if they're worried about you being hurt. Even though you're a powerful spellcaster, your body is only human and easily broken."

  "So true," sighed Blue, steering the Sybil fire engine carriage toward home.

  "It's ridiculous having so much spellcasting power, while being soft and fragile as a peach."

  At the McChesney house, Blue scooped Took up into her arms and carried him to the sunroom. There she fed him and rubbed oil into his burn, both she and Stella cooing and petting the little dragon. Even LeRoy looked pleased. Took bathed in the fountain, gazing lovingly at LeRoy and Blue. Blue gave both of them an extra treat with their meal -- blueberries.

  "Took purred in pleasure, like a cat."

  "You two girls need to shower now and get ready for school, or else Cormac will suspect you were up to something tonight. So shoo, go on with you," said LeRoy.


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