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As Wicked as You Want: Forever Ours Book 1

Page 48

by Nia Farrell

  Edward’s lips curled slightly. He knew me so well. He’d drawn a line and dared me to cross it.

  I caught his hand and Daniel’s, kissed their hair-dusted fingers, and smiled at each of them in turn, accepting the challenge.

  “Take me to bed, and we shall see.”


  Black Maria – police van used to transport prisoners

  Bow Street Runners – London’s first professional police force, operating from 1769 until 1839

  cold harbor – lodgings where no hot meals were served

  cravat – a short, wide strip of fabric worn as a necktie

  eromenos – a younger male in a sexual relationship with an older male

  first mourning – black clothing worn in the first months after a family member’s death. Daughters who lost a parent wore mourning dresses for one year, at first trimmed in crape, eventually going to the lighter colors (gray, purple) of half-mourning.

  fresh fish –Civil War slang for a new recruit

  germ theorists – people who believed the theory (not yet proven) that germs caused diseases.

  Grand Tour – an extended trip through Continental Europe

  graybacks – lice. In Civil War camps, soldiers would place them on a plate and bet on which crawled off the fastest.

  gum blanket – a piece of rubber coated fabric (typically 60” x 70”) with grommets issued to soldiers that provided protection from the weather

  haberdashery – a shop that sells sewing articles (notions)

  hackney carriage/coach – horse-drawn conveyance for hire

  haversack – single-strapped bag worn over one shoulder and used for carrying supplies – for the Civil War soldier, typically the day’s food ration.

  hydrophobia – rabies

  inamorata – female lover

  Irish toothache - erection

  La Grande Odalisque –a nude female concubine, the subject of the 1814 painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

  The Late Rebellion/The Late Unpleasantness – names for the American Civil War

  laudanum – opiate commonly used in the 19th century to ease pain, calm nerves, and aid sleep

  le vice anglais (“the English vice”) – gaining pleasure by spanking,/flogging/whipping people

  literary piano – typewriter. Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent June 1868, made improvements, and invented the QUERTY keyboard

  load in nine – nine steps to load and fire a Civil War musket: 1. load (prepare to load); 2. handle cartridge (retrieve cartridge from cartridge box); 3. tear cartridge (bite paper open so that the cartridge contents can be emptied into the gun barrel; 4. charge cartridge (place powder and ball into the barrel); 5. draw rammer; 6. ram cartridge; 7. return rammer; 8. prime (place a percussion cap on the gun’s nipple); 9. shoulder arms (ready to fire)

  messmates –a group of soldiers who cooked and ate together; Civil War rations were raw.

  Minié ball – conical lead bullet used during the Civil War

  mollycoddle – an effeminate man or boy

  monthly courses – menstruation

  National Dress Reform – movement begun in 1849 to adopt healthier dress—typically no corset, with “Turkish pants” (trousers, bloomers) worn under a shortened skirt.

  old soldier’s disease (soldier’s disease) – addiction

  paroxysm – female orgasm

  pederasty – sexual activity between an older and a younger man

  Priapus – slang for an erection. Priapus was the Roman god of male fertility, depicted with an oversized, constant erection

  psychopomp – guide for newly deceased souls to the afterlife

  pudendum – external genitalia

  Roman shower – vomiting

  satyr – in mythology, a class of lusty woodland demigods

  shelter half – a square of canvas issued to a Civil War soldier; joined with another half to make a tent for the two men.

  soiled dove – prostitute

  soldier’s heart – the Civil War term for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  Southrons – people from the South; Confederates

  stick pin – piece of jewelry used to secure cravats and neck ties

  Sultana – an overloaded ship that sank on April 27, 1865, on the Mississippi River while carrying Union soldiers, many of whom were former prisoners of war. It remains the largest maritime disaster in U.S. history, with an estimated loss of 1800 lives.

  veneries – sexual indulgences

  waistcoat – vest

  water closet – flush toilet; a room that contains a flush toilet (bathroom, restroom)

  Zouave – military units with distinctive, colorful uniforms inspired by the French Foreign Legion

  Biographical Sketches

  Abraham Lincoln – 16th President of the United States of America, assassinated in April 1865.

  Andrew Johnson – 17th President of the United States of America.

  Benjamin Disraeli – British prime minister (appointed) 1868-1868 and (elected) 1874-1880.

  Clara Barton – former Patent Office clerk, independent worker in the American Civil War, head of the Missing Soldiers Office (helping to identify 22,000 MIAs), and founder of the American Red Cross.

  Colonel Patrick Kelly – officer in the 88th New York Infantry and leader of the Irish Brigade at Gettysburg.

  Dorothea Dix – mental health reform worker who was head of Union Army nurses in the Civil War.

  Dr. Mary Edwards Walker – contract surgeon who served with the Union Army, captured and imprisoned as a spy, later awarded the Medal of Honor. Staunch advocate of women’s rights, suffrage movement, National Dress Reform, and the temperance movement.

  Elizabeth Van Lew – Union sympathizer living in Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate capital during the Civil War.

  Father William Corby – chaplain of the Irish Brigade.

  Fighting 69th, The – The 69th Infantry New York State Volunteers, first regiment of the Irish Brigade, nicknamed “The Fighting 69th by General Lee after they repulsed the Louisiana Tigers (another Irish unit) at the Battle of Malvern Hill. The Fighting 69th suffered extensive casualties during the Civil War; only six Union regiments lost more men.

  General Ambrose Burnside – commander of the Army of the Potomac after General McClellan. Burnside was replaced by General Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker. The term “sideburns” comes from the general’s facial hair.

  General Daniel Sickles – Union General who lost his leg in the Wheatfield at Gettysburg. Before the war, Sickles set a legal precedent with the first temporary insanity plea, when he was acquitted of murdering his wife’s lover Philip Barton Key (the son of Francis Scott Key, who wrote the “Star Spangled Banner”).

  General Thomas Meagher – Irish-born Union brigadier general who raised the Irish brigade and led it until after Chancellorsville in 1863.

  General Ulysses S. Grant – Union General and 18th President of the United States.

  George H. Pendleton – Democratic Presidential candidate in 1868.

  George Sand – pen name of French novelist Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin, known for her romantic affairs (mostly with men), for wearing men’s clothes in public, and for using tobacco (considered male behavior).

  Governor Horatio Seymour – former Governor of New York and the Democratic Presidential nominee in the 1868 election.

  Howard Glyndon – pen name of Laura Redden. The first town in America named after a woman is Glyndon, Minnesota.

  Irish Brigade – A Union infantry brigade comprised of three core regiments (69th, 88th, and 63rd New York, mostly Irish Americans) active during the Civil War from September 1861 – July 1865. Their war cry fág an bealach means “clear the way.”

  Kate Chase Sprague – daughter of Chief Justice Salmon Chase, wife of Rhode Island Governor William Sprague. They were divorced in 1882 after her extramarital affair with Senator Rosco Conkling, but there are rumors of infidelity prior to her second child’s birth i
n October, 1869.

  Laura Redden (Searing) – deaf poet and journalist, war correspondent for the St. Louis Republican newspaper.

  Mrs. (Mary Todd) Lincoln – wife (then widow) of President Abraham Lincoln.

  Nathan Bedford Forrest – former Confederate Cavalry Lieutenant General (known as “The Wizard of the Saddle”) who helped found the Ku Klux Klan after the war. As a delegate from Tennessee, he attended the Democratic National Convention in 1868, where the slogan was “This is a white man’s country, Let a white man rule.”

  Salmon Chase – Secretary of the Treasury under President Abraham Lincoln, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1868 Democratic Presidential candidate.

  Schuyler Colfax – Speaker of the House and Grant’s running mate in the 1868 Presidential election.

  VMI cadets – students from the Virginia Military Institute who fought as a unit in the Battle of New Market, Virginia, on May 15, 1864.

  William Ewart Gladstone – British prime minister 1868-1874.

  Author’s Biography

  Nia Farrell is one of Mr. Blackthorne’s Wicked Pen Writers and a multi-genre author who is published in nonfiction, poetry, music, articles, and children’s books, with one documentary screenplay under her literary belt. She’s an old soul and a period reenactor who’s been into corsets for centuries, although she wears them more to Civil War events these days.

  Nia has been involved in the metaphysical community for over twenty-five years. She is a Reiki Master and crystal healer whose work encompasses this and other lifetimes. In her book Something More, a 2016 Golden Flogger Awards Finalist, BDSM and submission are tools for healing post-rape PTSD, earning a nomination for Best BDSM Book of the Year, Ménage Category.

  Her debut books from The Three Graces series, Something Else, Something Different, and Something More, are kink with a paranormal twist. Soul mates, reincarnation, karmic fallout, shamanism, and psychic abilities come into play. Personal experience and extensive research go into crafting her characters, but it’s her sense of whimsy that has made fictional Posey, Minnesota, the ménage capital of the United States, with a Monty-Python-inspired diner that’s central to the plotlines.

  Nia was fortunate enough to meet her soulmate early on. She married her high school sweetheart, raised two children, and began writing at her husband’s suggestion. She has been published in erotic romance since 2015.

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  Now in paperback! Contains Something Else, Something Different, and Something More. 230 pages.

  Amazon paperback buy link or

  Three women. Six men. Things are about to get interesting….

  Welcome to fictional Posey, Minnesota, home of three young women whose names all mean ‘grace.’ Grace Murphy is the local psychic medium who’s been saving herself for the men of her dreams. Anna James is a starving artist who lives for the music she makes. Rae Simmons (aka Rachel Givens) is everyone’s favorite waitress, delivering plate lunch specials with service and a smile. The Three Graces Trilogy contains their stories, originally released as separate e-book novellas.


  (The Three Graces Book One)

  Three soulmates forge a future from the flames of their pasts in an interracial MMF ménage erotic romance. “It’s part paranormal, part BDSM, part love story, but all good.”

  Ebook buy link

  What reviewers are saying about Something Else:

  “Imaginative and sexy” “A likeable, strong heroine and two very hot heroes” “I am a strong believer in psychic abilities so for me this book was a HOME RUN! I loved the storyline and the sex – WOW – talk about HOT!!!” “Jam-packed with just about everything a reader can imagine (and fantasize about)!...Nico is...hotter than hot! ...J.T. is a total alpha and literally makes the pages (and your panties) sizzle.”

  Author Pandora Spocks: “This is the first book in the Three Graces series and I can’t wait to read the next two. The story is at once mystical and heartbreaking, the characters rich and compelling. You find yourself pulling for Grace, Nico, and J.T. to find peace and happiness. And the sex…it’s MMF ménage at its hottest! Something Else is highly recommended!”


  (The Three Graces Book Two)

  Starving artist Anna James has sworn off men. Rock gods Jackson and Jacob Thomason just promised her the best sex of her life. Does Anna dare submit to the part-Comanche twins who perform as No Mercy? A BDSM MFM rock star erotic romance.

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  What reviewers are saying about Something Different:

  “Sexy and sultry” “Fun and hot…This ménage à trois, featuring two sexy rock star brothers and a talented musician, will leave you breathless and wanting for more.”

  “Nia Farrell did not disappoint. Although Something Different is a heavier BDSM read than its predecessor, it was well written and flowed well. I cannot wait for more in this series.”

  “The story is entertaining, the sex is hot, and Anna is sarcastic and funny and talented!! A woman after my own heart!! She is lucky enough to meet her rock idols and go even further with them, a dream come true!!”

  “From the first word, Anna’s smoldering with sexuality and sensuality. Her first exchange with the boys drips with sex. It’s inevitable, and that’s why it works. There aren’t a lot of other books I’ve read with this much sexuality in the way the narrator talks and hoo boy, this is what makes this so good, so readable, and so hard to put down…I’m a fangirl.”


  (The Three Graces Book Three)

  Nominated for Best BDSM Book of the Year, Ménage Category, 2016 Golden Flogger Awards.

  Ebook buy link

  Rachel Givens is supposed to be dead. She has post-rape PTSD and a three-year-old autistic daughter, father unknown. When her former lovers—a biker and a porn star—walk into the diner where she works, this single mother learns just how much more she can handle.

  What reviewers are saying about Something More:

  “The WARNING for this book should be STEAMY HOT & Panty Melting….” “Anyone can write a story that has great sex scenes but give me a story along with the sex and you’ve got yourself a HUGE fan! Rachel Givens and her daughter Hannah stole my heart immediately….Cam and Cord swooped in and not only filled Rachel’s heart with love and forgiveness but they also reached Hannah’s—which is a difficult task in itself. Just an amazing story!”

  “Rachel’s story is riveting and raw…you forget she’s a mom raising a little girl while hiding in a small town. This story was so different from the others and I loved it more for that exact reason.…I was blown away by these stories and although they could be r
ead as standalones, I would read them in sequence. Bravo Nia for giving these ladies life and us sexy hot fantasies.”


  (the sequel to Something Else)

  When morning sickness hits the house, J.T. and Nico bend their knees and plans are made for a very special honeymoon. They’re giving Grace the capture fantasy of her dreams at Replay, a BDSM theme resort where patrons role play in the past.

  Amazon ebook

  Amazon paperback

  What reviewers are saying about Something Special:

  “I am so totally in love with Grace, Nico and J.T.!! No you did not miss books 4&5, they just aren’t available right now, but Something Special picks up right where book 3, Something More left off. We see more of the beautiful threesome and I fell right back into wanting to just devour the story but holding myself back and slowing down to appreciate all that their story has to offer.”

  “Something Special follows Grace, J.T. and Nico, from Something Else (book one), after they have been together for awhile & are expecting their first child. It is told from J.T.’s POV. The author has given the readers an in-depth look at the dynamics between a triad of people in love—an alpha Dominant, a female submissive, and a second male who is both dominant & submissive. It is amazing to this reader how this female author can so thoroughly get into the male dominant’s psyche.

  “As in the first three books, this story line demonstrates the level of commitment and love between three should who live and deal with not totally common additional issues (PTSD, psychic abilities and living a “different” lifestyle) on top of the “normal” everyday obstacles of life and love. And, it also shows how even the strongest of personalities can bend and give to prove their love!”


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