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Page 3

by Sasha White


  The band was playing and the heavy beat matched the low level throb in Lara’s blood as she moved. The heat of admiring eyes drifted over her skin. There were so many, male and female, all hot with passion that fired her blood.

  She’d take one of them home that night. A man. A man with a big cock, plenty of passion, and lots of stamina to help chase away the hot dreams of that arrogant egotistical…lawyer.

  Large hands rested on her hips and a body brushed against her back. She glanced over her shoulder and winked at the bald college boy who’d moved in to dance with her.

  She shouldn’t call him a boy; he was probably only younger than her by a year or two, but he wasn’t man enough to inspire a stronger title. His excitement and eagerness fairly bled from him as he rubbed his groin against her ass in an effort to be sexy. It might be a little mean of her to tease him, but she couldn’t stop herself.

  She bent forward at the waist, pressing her hips back against him, and did a bump and grind that had her own body softening, readying itself for action. With a flip of her head, she straightened up, back arched as she rested her head against his shoulder and undulated against him in time with the music.

  “You are so fucking hot,” he panted in her ear, his hands slipping over the smooth flesh of her belly that was bared by her crop top.

  She spun in his arms just as the last notes of the song were struck, and the music faded into the crowd’s applause.

  The band said they were going to take a short break, and everyone started to drift off the dance floor. It was time to rehydrate.

  “Thanks for the dance,” she said to the boy and spun on her heel to leave.

  He grabbed her arm, halting her steps. “That’s it? Come on, baby. Let’s find a dark corner and get to know each other better.”

  She looked at his hand on her arm before raising her gaze to his. She gave him a look any smart man would recognize as a warning. College boy wasn’t stupid, and he released his grip.

  “Yeah,” he said with a sneer. “Whatever.”

  Lara headed for the bar without another word, and immediately spotted the lean blond parked there in leather pants and a snug black T-shirt.

  Oh, shit.

  Her heart kicked in her chest and every hair on her body stood on end. Karl looked so fucking good her mouth actually started to water. Saliva pooled on her tongue and her pussy clenched in recognition of what it hungered for. She’d been able to resist the lure of his challenge when she only had images of him in a suit and tie in her mind, but this…she had no resistance to the living fantasy in front of her.

  Even worse, she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

  Altering her course slightly, she headed straight for him. “Well, hello there, sexy. How are you tonight?”

  “Feeling pretty good after watching your little show there,” he replied. “You move very well, sweetie.”

  Pleasure swept over her at his compliment and she gave herself a mental kick in the ass. She knew she moved well, she didn’t need him to tell her that. Plus, he’d called her sweetie.

  Lara eyed him. She realized he was being sincere and that sent a wave of pure desire rushing through her veins. Normally she hated it when men called her sweetie or baby or darlin’, or any number of chauvinistic endearments. But Karl’s lazily spoken words were different somehow.

  “Thanks,” she said before smiling at the bartender and asking for a bottle of water.

  When he set the water on the bar Karl handed him a bill before she could, and the bartender walked away.

  “Thank you, again.” She turned to face Karl, stepping closer so that her hip brushed against his leather-clad knee.

  She let her eyes roam over him, not bothering to hide the need simmering in her blood. Why should she? She’d made it pretty clear the other night that she wanted him. He’d been the one to walk away.

  Remembering that, she shifted, a little unsure of exactly how to handle him now. Unsure of how she wanted to handle him now.

  As if he could read her thoughts, Karl’s lips tilted slightly and the lines around his eyes crinkled, making the small scar that ran through his left eyebrow shift. “You didn’t call,” he said.

  Not wanting to shout in the loud bar, or let him sense her momentary doubts, she shifted closer. When she moved, he spread his knees wider and she automatically filled the spot.

  “Why didn’t you call?” he repeated.

  She arched a brow at him. “Why didn’t you call?”

  He chuckled. “Because you’re the one who needs to decide if you’re really willing to do anything at least once.”

  Would she? Wicked heat zinged from her brain to her sex in answer and she grinned. Payback could be so much fun, sometimes.

  “Follow me?” she challenged.

  His chocolate eyes darkened and his lips twitched as he stood so they were chest to chest. “Lead the way.”

  With a little extra swing in her hip, she headed for the back of the pub.

  The band was starting up again and they were going against the stream of people heading back to the dance floor. Karl’s hand rested on the curve of her hip, the heat of his body close behind her as they passed the men’s room, then the ladies’ room and went straight out the back door.

  She’d been antsy and horny before she saw him, but in the past three minutes her body had started to burn from the inside out. Everything in her was centered on having him—he was not going to walk away from her again. She was in control this time.

  Karl was all man—all very sexy, very primal man. She might not know exactly what was going on between them, but she did know one thing for sure—she was woman enough to take him on, and revel in it.

  The cool night air hit her skin and a shiver ripped through her. She glanced around the empty parking lot, no real plan in her mind, just animalistic need driving her to do what came naturally. She started to head for her car, but then spotted the narrow walkway between the pub and the darkened building next to it. A big, leafy tree almost hid the small space.

  It was perfect.

  Without a word she entered the small passage and went about ten steps before stopping. She turned and faced Karl, who was looking at her with a mix of curiosity and approval.

  “You,” she said, putting her hands on his chest and gently shoving him against the cement wall of the pub, “are not walking away from me this time.”

  She leaned in, pressing her body against his fully, and ran her tongue over the tattoo on his neck. His pulse jumped as she nibbled her way toward his ear only to have her head pulled back sharply. The hand that was suddenly wrapped in her hair tightened, and her pussy throbbed in answer.

  “Oooh,” she cooed in appreciation, but the sound was cut off when his head came down and his mouth covered hers.

  Lara struggled to remember her plan as Karl’s flavor washed over her. He tasted so damn good—hot, potent, and male. His muscles flexed and danced under her hand as she swept them down over his chest and flat abs to his belt. Her fingers shook with her eagerness as she unsnapped and unzipped his pants.

  Pushing aside the supple leather, she groaned into Karl’s mouth when his cock leapt into the palm of her hand.

  Oh yeah! He was well built all over.

  The grip on her hair tightened and her head was tugged back. Karl’s mouth slid over her cheek to her ear, where he nipped at the sensitive lobe, sending bolts of pleasure straight to her pussy. “What are you gonna do with that, naughty girl?”

  She pulled back slightly, shaking her head and dislodging his grip. “I’m going to make it mine,” she said as she bent her knees.

  Karl watched as Lara knelt in front of him, the moonlight streaming through the trees leaves and gleaming on the top of her head as her hot breath drifted over his naked cock. She’d surprised him again, in a very good way.

  A long lick up the underside of his cock had him sucking in a sharp breath and reaching deep for his self-control as she swirled her tongue over the sen
sitive head. His balls tightened and he closed his eyes, letting his head fall back against the wall.

  His fingers tangled in her soft hair, but he just enjoyed the feel of the silky strands. This was her thing and he was going to let her do it the way she wanted.

  For now.

  It felt good, better than good, as she expertly circled the base of his shaft with her fingers and stroked. She caressed the full length of his shaft while her lips were wrapped around the top, gently sucking on the head. She popped him out of her mouth, licking him like a lollipop for a brief moment before taking him deep.

  A groan of pleasure rumbled through him, and he let it escape. “Deeper, sugar. Take me as deep as you can,” he coached.

  He didn’t press into her, though. He wanted to let her play, let her taste him, and get used to the size and feel of him.

  He also wanted to see how well she listened.

  Another groan eased from his throat when she did as he asked, her hands gripping his thighs as she stretched her jaw and sank down on his cock.

  She couldn’t take him all, he hadn’t expected her to, but she took him deep enough that he was touching the back of her throat. He looked down at her, one hand going to gently cup under her jaw. Karl could feel himself there as she pulled back, then took him deep again.

  “Good girl,” he murmured when her throat spasmed around him and she pulled back sharply, leaving his cock bobbing in the cool air. “Do it again. I like it when I feel the back of your throat.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes gleaming in the darkness as she licked her shiny lips. His heart pounded as he waited for her to speak, but she didn’t. Instead, one hand wrapped around his shaft again and she closed her eyes, taking him into her mouth once more. This time, there was no struggle to take him deep.

  Her hand stroked in time with her mouth as she sucked, her head going up and down, her speed increasing. Her other hand reached between his legs, wiggling in under the leather low on his hips and cupping his balls. He watched her, just as much pleasure coming from the sight of her at his feet as from the actual sensation of her mouth on him.

  He kept his hand beneath her chin where he could feel her pulse pounding, and his cock sliding along her tongue. The sound of her panting breath was music to his ears and his cock swelled. She was working so hard, such a good girl. Such a sassy, sexy, horny, adventurous girl.

  Karl’s breath caught as his hips thrust forward, everything inside him centering on his cock as pleasure exploded and he gave her all he had.

  “Yes, my girl,” he cried as she swallowed. “Take it all.”

  Tremors rippled through him as she continued to suckle him, gently cleaning him before she stood slowly. When she was at her full height she reached up, cupped the back of his head and pulled him down for a kiss. He tasted himself on her tongue as it swept between his lips and into his mouth in one fierce move. Then she was done.

  She stepped back, a fingertip wiping the corner of her smiling lips. “I will do anything once,” she purred before spinning on her heel and walking away.

  “Call me,” she shouted over her shoulder before she disappeared around the corner of the building.

  A laugh bubbled up inside of him and he let it roll out. She was certainly a handful. A very pleasurable, and deliciously wicked handful.


  After fighting his inability to concentrate all day, Karl put his laptop in his briefcase and left the office early.

  “Go home early, Graham. We’ll work on the Zebrowski papers first thing in the morning,” he said as he headed for the door.

  Karl was already halfway down the stairs when the door swung shut, cutting off Graham’s exaggerated whoop of pleasure. He didn’t know exactly where he was going, but he needed to get out of that office. He needed to breathe, to think…to relax.

  He stowed his briefcase behind the truck seat, climbed in…and sat behind the wheel. He loved his house. It was his private haven, his comfort zone, but it wasn’t where he wanted to be right then, either. With a twist of his wrist the truck was alive and he aimed it north. He needed a different kind of comfort.

  After almost thirty minutes of fighting traffic, Karl stopped at the entrance to his friend’s office and leaned against the doorjamb. The office wasn’t huge, but it was big enough and nice enough to impress with a sofa along one wall, the other wall almost all window so anyone in the office could watch the goings-on in the nightclub below, and a monster wooden desk.

  Behind that monster wooden desk sat Valentine Ward, with a lap full of soft female.

  Instead of speaking up and interrupting, Karl watched as his friend ran his hands under the plump blonde’s shirt and pulled her closer. Samair Jones moaned and Karl’s dick jumped. The sounds a woman made when being touched just right always went straight to his groin.

  “Do you guys ever stop?” he asked before he got too turned on.

  Val pulled back and peeked around his girlfriend’s shoulder. “Not often, but if you’re going to stick around I guess we can take a break.”

  “What? You wouldn’t invite me to join in?”

  “You passed on that once, and one chance is all you’ll ever get.”

  “Be nice.” Samair smacked Val’s shoulder and climbed off his lap to stand by his side. “Hey, Karl, how are you doing?”

  Warmth filled his chest as he noted how Samair kept her hand on Val’s shoulder, as if she couldn’t stand to be so near him and not touch.

  A few months earlier Val had been set on fulfilling all of Samair’s sexual fantasies, including a threesome with two men. The two men had shared women in the past, but Karl, recognizing that his friend was falling in love, had turned down the invitation to be the second when it came to Samair.

  Friendships like theirs could withstand a lot, but Karl hadn’t been ready to risk it.

  “I’m doing pretty good.” He walked into the office and dropped onto the sofa along the far wall.

  The lights in the nightclub came on, illuminating the window on the other wall, and Creedence Clearwater drifted over the speakers. “Kelsey’s here.” Karl said in explanation.

  Kelsey was the head bartender at Risqué. She’d shown up for her shift just as Karl had pulled out his phone to dial Val to let him in.

  “Oh! I need to talk to her before the club opens,” Samair said. She leaned down and gave Val a slow lazy kiss before heading for the door. “Maybe I’ll see you later, Karl?”

  “Maybe.” He nodded.

  Both men watched her leave, and Karl stretched his legs out in front of him, trying to get comfortable. “So, how’s married life?”

  “We’re not married,” Val replied.

  “May as well be.”

  Karl felt his friends gaze on him and he stood. He walked to the window and looked down on the empty club. The lights were on, the music was on, but the club was empty. Sometimes he felt like that.

  Giving his head a shake he kept his back to Val. “Not that marriage would be a bad thing for you two. I think you’ve caught yourself a good woman, buddy.”

  “There are a few of them out there, y’know.”

  Normally he would just shrug off Val’s comment. They both knew he wasn’t a true believer when it came to love and happy endings.

  There had been a time when he was. He’d been a hell raiser from the time he could walk, but his parents had always loved him, believed in him, and each other. Even when aunts and uncles, teachers and counselors had all told them he was going to end up in jail, or dead, by the time he was twenty.

  He’d been serving a year in juvenile detention for stealing a car when they’d decided to go on a second honeymoon—and their plane had crashed and burned minutes after taking off.

  Realizing how much he’d taken for granted, when he turned eighteen and was released, to honor his parents and the faith they’d always had, he’d straightened up and worked to make something of his life. But somehow, after that, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t see love anywhe
re. What he had seen was too many marriages turn very ugly very quickly. But this time, he didn’t want to shrug off the comment, or his thoughts.

  He turned from the window and met Val’s gaze. “Did you know when you met Samair that she was a good one? I mean, I remember you wanted her the minute she walked in the club that first night, but it was just lust, right?”

  They’d been friends a long time, but the men rarely talked feelings. They didn’t need to.

  But now, he needed to.

  Something in him had shifted, and he was feeling like he’d been caught flat-footed.

  “It was more than lust.” Val steepled his fingers under his chin and stared at Karl. “It was curiosity, attraction, desire. I was…drawn to her.”

  “You fucked her on the desk that night because you were curious?”

  “No. I did that because she asked me to, and by the time I was zipping my pants, I was hooked. I just hadn’t known it then.”

  That was a scary thought. “She’s totally different from Vera.”

  Vera was Val’s ex-wife, and a true-blue rich, snotty bitch. Completely mercenary in going after what she wanted, like most women Karl knew.

  “You’re right, Samair’s nothing like Vera was.”

  “But she’s a lot like the women you used to date before Vera?”

  “Karl, what’s going on?” Val stood and walked over to him. “One of your Subs giving you a hard time?”

  “Nah, it’s nothing.” He gave his head a shake. “Just feeling a little restless, wondering if a change might be a good thing.”

  “Change can be good.” Val took the hint and shifted the subject. “Samair and I like to change things up all the time.”

  Karl laughed, ignoring the slight twinge of jealousy he felt at his friend’s happiness. Val had fought for his happiness, and he deserved it. “Yeah? Does that mean you’re going to be my guests at the Dungeon again sometime soon? And maybe play a little this time?”

  “I don’t think so. We like to keep our games private.”

  “Yeah, right! Don’t try to tell me you two haven’t gone at it in every room of this club.”


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