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Wicked Page 18

by Sasha White

  If it came down to it, Graham was on Lara’s side, no matter who his boss was.

  Karl walked toward Lara, tuning out the room around them, his focus totally and completely on her. Her pupils were dilated, her cheeks were flushed, and the pulse at her throat was rapid. She was strong, and she was scared, and she was using her anger to control the fear.

  He didn’t want her to control it. He wanted her to release it, to give it to him, to trust him to take it, and still be there for her.

  “What happened?”

  “Someone broke in while I was with you last night and trashed my stuff.” She planted her fists on her hips and tilted her head. “Nothing was stolen, the rest of the suite wasn’t even touched, just the bedroom. Just my clothes and the bed…torn apart as if someone were in a jealous rage.”

  So that was the way her mind was coping. “And you think it has something to do with me.”

  “You never did tell me how many subs you have.”

  “You are the only anything I have.”

  She snorted, throwing her hands up and turning away from him.

  “Lara,” he snapped. “Don’t turn away from me.”

  She faced him again, her mouth twisted and arms folded across her chest. “What about Jan?”

  “Jan isn’t capable of something like this. Even if she was, her and I were play partners. Neither of us ever wanted it to be more than that.”

  Unease tightened his gut. Marie was another story though.

  “And your other play partners?” She arched an eyebrow at him. “Two times in the last week something bad has happened to me, and both times, they were when I was with you. You’re the connection, Karl.”

  “I’ve had many play partners over the years, Lara. Two that were regulars for the last year or so, both of who I’ve spoken to, and cut things off with since I met you.”

  “Did you make them feel as special as you make me feel? Did they think they could have it all with you, too?”

  He stepped closer, speaking softly and holding her gaze. “I never even went on a date with any of them. It was play, and that was it. Until you, I’d given up on ever finding someone I could have it all with. Someone who would challenge me mentally, psychologically, and physically.”

  Eyes wide, she stepped back, shaking her head and pulling her hands out of his reach.

  “Stop it, Lara! Look at me. Listen to me.” He grabbed her hands and pulled her against his body, pinning her hands behind her back. “Do not let this undo everything we achieved last night. These attacks are not about you and me. You’ve done nothing wrong and I’ve done nothing wrong.”

  She didn’t struggle against him, but she didn’t give in, either. He pressed his forehead against hers and willed her to look past his eyes and into his soul. “Don’t use this as an excuse to run from us, Lara.”

  He watched and waited while she battled her inner demons, knowing only she could do it. Slowly, the tension left her body and he had his girl back. He pressed his lips against hers, elated at the way she softened and opened for him instantly. Her body melted against his, her softness blending into his hardness and they were one. No thoughts, no fears, no anger, just the comfort of two halves becoming one.

  He ended the kiss slowly, not wanting to stop, but knowing they had things to deal with. Together.

  Releasing her hands he gave her a small smack on the backside. “C’mon, sugar, grab a few things and come stay at my place for a few days.”

  “Why?” Her brow puckered.

  “Your door is messed up and probably can’t be fixed until Monday, so it’s not safe here until we figure out what’s going on.” He did not want her alone in that suite again. Not until they caught whoever was stalking her. Maybe not ever.

  Her back went up and her chin went out. “I don’t need a big, strong man to protect me.”

  “I know you don’t, sugar. This is for me, not you.”

  He saw the indecision in her eyes. She wanted to stay independent, but she wanted to be with him, too, and he wasn’t above using that. Reaching out, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close in a hug. Bending his head, he whispered in her ear. “If you come stay with me, I’ll tie you up.”

  Her eyes lit up and she grinned. “Oh, okay then. You convinced me.”

  The knot in his chest easing, he kissed her again and then stepped back. “You gather some things. I’ll go tell Graham you’ll be with me.”

  * * *

  Graham’s body heat warmed Peter’s back as he watched Lara’s car turn down the road and follow Karl Dawson’s truck away from their home.

  “What are you thinking?”

  He turned from the window to face his boy. “Just how glad I am that Lara wasn’t home last night. And that she’s finally letting someone close enough to stand by her.”

  Graham shook his head. “I’ve never seen him like that, Peter. And I’ve seen him angry enough that just looking at him made my knees knock. But that…that was cold fury. I would not want to be the person on the receiving end of that.”

  Karl had come upstairs and introduced himself to Peter, asked for Lara’s phone and given them all his contact numbers. “Lara’s going to stay with me for the rest of the weekend, longer if I can convince her, but that will give you time to get the door repaired.” The tightly leashed fury had left his voice when he’d looked at the men and actually thanked them for being such good friends to Lara.

  Peter smiled at him. “I’m glad. It’s obvious he loves her. And that he understands her.”

  Graham cuddled up to Peter, his arms going around his waist and Peter’s heart swelled, filling with love. “Everyone needs someone,” he said simply. “I’m so glad I have you.”


  The weekend at Karl’s flew by. When Lara finished work on Monday she went back to her own place to find the doorframe fixed and a nice new shiny deadbolt installed, so she stayed. She could tell by Karl’s tone of voice when she called him that he didn’t care if the door was fixed—he wanted her back at his place. But he didn’t order her there, or even ask.

  Instead, he said, “You know where I am, and feel free to use your key anytime.”

  Lara hung up the phone and dropped onto her sofa with a dreamy smile in place. He understood. He understood her need to stand on her own, and yet, he made sure she knew she didn’t have to. She hugged the throw pillow to her chest and drifted off to sleep.

  “Do you think she’s dead?”

  A finger poked her shoulder roughly, and she growled. “I’m awake now, boys. What do you want?”

  “Dinner and a movie,” Graham said.

  Lara opened her eyes and sat up on the sofa. He didn’t have dinner, or a movie in his hands. Instead he stood there, left hand extended, palm down.

  “What?” Then she saw it and she jumped up from the sofa. “Oh my God! You guys are getting married?”

  Peter turned away from his spot by her window, his cheeks flushed, his pride obvious as he watched Graham show off his ring.

  She gave Graham a big hug and pulled back to admire the ring. “Very nice. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Good,” Graham said. “Now that you know all about our love life. Tell us about yours.”

  Heat crept up her neck and she glanced over at Peter, who had moved on to her second window with a long wooden stick in his hand. “What are you doing?”

  “I have a guy coming tomorrow to install bars on these windows, but for tonight, these will have to do.” He placed the wooden dowel in the bottom of the window frame so that it couldn’t be slid open.

  “No one’s going to break in tonight. Don’t worry.”

  Peter looked at her. “You know who it is?”

  “Not yet, but they’ve yet to attack me. They only go after my things, so I think I’m okay for a while longer.” She twisted her hands and sat down on the sofa again. “I think it’s one of Karl’s old playmates.”


  Oops. “Girlfriends, whatever.”
She waved a hand.

  “It’s okay, Lara. We know he’s a Dom.”

  Eyes wide, she stared at them, unable to think of something to say. If they knew he was a Dom, they’d have to know she let him top her.

  Peter dropped onto the sofa next to her and reached for her hand. “Those of us that live an alternative lifestyle, especially that one, tend to recognize it in others we meet.”

  She looked at Graham, who’d settled down in the chair across from them. “You knew all along? And you didn’t warn me!”

  He held up his hands. “Hey, I tried to tell you dating him might not be the smartest move.”

  True, but she hadn’t listened. Thank God.

  Wait a minute. “Those of you that play in that lifestyle?” Now it all made sense. The intense energy that sometimes sprung up from nowhere when the two of them were around. The way Peter always seemed to be able to calm Graham down or shut him up with a word.

  She smacked herself in the forehead. “How did I not see that?”

  The boys chuckled and she shook her head. She’d been blind.

  “We don’t hide it, but we don’t advertise our private life, either. It’s for us, and us only. Just like yours is for you.”

  “So you don’t think it’s weird? For me I mean, to all of a sudden enjoy having someone tell me what—control— dominate?” She threw up her hand and flopped back against the cushions. “See! None of those really apply! Karl doesn’t dominate me, or tell me what to do, or even try to control me. Not really.”

  Peter laid a warm hand on her shoulder. “He guides you. He leads, and you follow, but it’s where you want to go, right?”

  “Yeah, that makes sense. He leads. Sometimes with a bit more arrogance than others, but he leads. He’d never force me to do anything.”

  “A good Dom won’t.” Peter smiled at her. “You realize it’s probably killing him to let you stay here alone tonight?”

  She nodded. “I know. But I have to. I have to prove to myself that I’m still me, and not just his girl.”

  The boys stood. “Okay then, we’re going to leave you alone, but we’ll be upstairs, the doors open, as always.”

  Peter hugged her, then Graham, and she thanked them. “I’ll be fine, but it’s nice to know you’re there for me.”

  “Always, honey!” Graham blew her a kiss from the stairs up to their place.

  Her tummy rumbled and she made herself a peanut butter sandwich, thinking about how nice it was to have friends. And they were friends. She’d never thought of the boys as anything more than housemates until recently, but they’d proven they were so much more than that.

  When she stepped inside her bedroom and saw that the clothes that could be salvaged were hanging in her closet, the curtains were rehung and the bed made up with a new coverlet, she couldn’t fight the tears anymore.

  How did she get so lucky to have found such good friends?

  * * *

  The following Monday morning, Karl had just settled in at his desk with a steaming mug of coffee when his email program pinged. Monday morning hell was starting early. He opened the window and saw that the email was from Lara, and warmth spread through him.

  Sure, it had only been one week since they’d really committed to each other, but he knew it was going to last—they were going to last.

  He’d stressed a bit when she’d insisted on leaving his place last Monday to go back to her own bed, but it had been good for them. They’d had dinner together on Wednesday and a movie on Thursday, and then on Friday, she’d automatically come back home to him for the weekend. He hadn’t even needed to ask or try to bribe her.

  He still worried about her at home alone, but Graham had told him they’d had the windows barred and they were all being vigilant. The fact that he and Lara had been on two more dates and nothing had happened either night had taken the steam out of the argument that he was the cause for the attacks.

  The phone in the outer office rang but Karl ignored it. Graham wasn’t there yet, and his office hours didn’t start for at least thirty more minutes. If it were a friend, they’d call his cell. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and clicked on the icon for Lara’s email.

  * * *

  I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you, of your cock. Of the way my knees were still tender after I left your house because I spent so much time on them. Enjoyable time, I loved every minute that you were in my mouth. The sloppiness, your hardness, your hands in my hair and my tongue on you. I do want more. More of that, and everything else you have to give.

  * * *

  Desire infused his blood and he let his head fall back, closing his eyes. His girl definitely knew how to hit him where it counted. He remembered their play the night before and his cock filled. His hand went to the phone in his pocket, then stilled. If he called her now, he’d have to take cock in hand and deal with things there and then, and that didn’t have much appeal when he really wanted her.

  Instead, a new scene started playing out in his mind. Five minutes later he sat up, hit “Reply” and started typing.

  * * *

  Such a nice girl to start my day off like that. Thank you. Tomorrow night, you and I are going out. I have plans. The Dungeon. Wear your boots, and the PVC lingerie.

  * * *

  It was short and to the point. And it would drive her imagination wild.

  Karl chuckled and hit send just as the phone rang again. This time Graham answered and buzzed him. “Lisa Pollack is on line one, Mr. Dawson. Are you in?”

  “I’ll take it,” he responded, and then picked up the phone. “Lisa, how are you this morning?”

  “Wonderful, Karl. Just wonderful.” Her voice grated on his nerves, but he knew what was coming, and he wanted that information.

  “Glad to hear it. What can I do for you today?”

  “It’s not what you can for me, but what I have for you. My first check showed up, with all six months of back alimony, so I’m doing as I said. You wanted my investigator’s name?”

  “Yes, that would be helpful.”

  “Marie Agnew. A lovely police officer that moonlights as an investigator. She works by referral only, so if you have a problem with her, just tell her I gave you her name.”

  Karl thanked her automatically and hung the phone.


  His hands clenched into fists as puzzle pieces started to fall into place. Without thinking twice, he picked up the phone and dialed Mason Hardin’s private number.

  When Karl had called Val to see if he could help him get ahold of the man through the club owner’s network, Val had told him Mason Hardin was not a man to be fucked with. And coming from Val, that was a serious warning. But Karl felt no compunction whatsoever turning Marie over to him. Not just for taking those photos, but because there was a possibility she was the one harassing Lara. If he had any solid proof of that, he’d deal with her himself.

  When a deep male voice came on the line, Karl spoke firmly. “Mason, it’s Karl Dawson. I have a name for you.”

  “Good. I’ve already gone over my staff thoroughly and come up empty. I do not like the idea of this someone getting away with breaking my rules and harassing my club members.”

  “Marie Agnew. She’s not one of your staff, she’s a member—and a city cop who’s sidelining as a P.I.”

  “Well, that makes things a little more difficult. Not impossible, but difficult.”

  “I’ll leave it to you then.” Karl said his goodbyes and hung up with a clear conscience. With Marie being a cop, Hardin would be an idiot to do harm to her, the man was smart enough to find another way to make his point. And Karl knew that being banned from the club, and any other BDSM one in the city, would only be a small part of it.

  Which meant he and Lara could have a very good time there the next night, with no worries.


  Lara heard him coming before she saw him. Peeking through the new bars that protected the basement suite’s windows, she saw the big black ho
g head up the road and roll to a stop in front of her house.

  Karl turned the bike off and then stood, removing his helmet so that the last rays of sun glinted of his blond waves. The smooth movement of his body as he hung his helmet on the handlebar and twisted to take something out of the saddlebag had her remembering just how well that body moved. Heat climbed from the knot of arousal in her belly to her chest and up her neck until her cheeks were on fire. He was so yummy she could barely stand it.

  And he was all hers.

  Pleasure so deep and profound that it was almost magical filled her. Her life might have started off rough, but somewhere along the way she’d done something to please the karma gods.

  When Karl’s heavy footsteps went past her window she dashed through the small suite to the door. She was eager to go, and she didn’t feel the need to hide it.

  She was waiting in the open doorway when he came around the corner. “Hey there, sexy.”

  “Hello, sugar. You’re looking more sweet than sassy tonight.” Stepping into the suite, he crowded her until she had her back against the wall. Head titled, his gaze drifted up her body. His hand followed, skimming up from her hip, over her belly. The palm of his hand brushed her already-rigid nipple, then laid flat against the top of her chest.

  His eyes met hers as his hand crept up, then circled her neck, pinning her to the wall. His grip wasn’t tight enough to hurt, just enough to heighten her awareness and bring her complete focus onto him.

  The rough pad of his thumb scraped against her sensitized skin, tilting her chin up as he lowered his head. His mouth came down on hers with such masterly intent that Lara could do nothing but luxuriate in the moment. When he stepped back, his hand dropping back to his side, she was completely boneless. Only the wall behind her kept her on her feet.

  The small smile Karl wore when he held up a leather jacket said he knew exactly what his kiss had done to her. “Stand up, sugar, so I can put this on you.”


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