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Wicked Page 19

by Sasha White

  With effort, she locked her knees and pushed away from the wall. One step forward and he slid the sleeves up her arms and settled it on her shoulders. It was then that she realized it was a perfect fit.

  Her fingertips pinched the pliable leather and she looked down as he zipped it up for her. Over the left breast, a word was embroidered. The black on black made it subtle, but Lara could clearly see her name. “For me? You bought this just for me?”

  “Of course,” he said. “You’re going to need something strong and warm to wear when you ride with me. Plus, you in leather was something I couldn’t resist.”

  She just stared. Emotions she couldn’t name swirled around inside her, and her mouth went dry. As if he knew exactly what was happening to her, Karl grabbed her hand, kissed her cheek, and led her out the door. “Time to go, sugar. We have one stop to make before we get to the Dungeon.”

  Swallowing hard, Lara gave her head a shake and followed where Karl led. She stood still for him while he put a helmet over her head and secured it beneath her chin. She swung a leg over the bike and flashed Karl her thong when she noticed him staring at her bare thighs.

  “Sassy girl,” he growled then climbed on in front of her. He reached back, grabbed her thighs, and tugged her forward until she was flush against him. “Between the boots, the jacket, and me, you should be warm enough. Just stay close to me, and I’ll be a wind barrier for you.”

  He slid his helmet and sunglasses on and then started the bike. Vibrations rumbled straight through her, and Lara moaned. She shifted forward a bit, arching her back and pressing down on the seat.

  Oh lord, the ride was going to be deliciously naughty.

  “Lara.” Karl turned his head and spoke clearly. “You are not allowed to come.”

  He revved the engine and the bike shook beneath her as he eased from the curb. Oh shit! It was going to be a long ride.

  Lara didn’t bother watching the scenery pass her by. She just snuggled up against Karl and held on to him. She rested her head against his back, closed her eyes, and concentrated on her breathing. The vibrations from the big bike between her thighs revved and receded with irregularity, keeping her body on edge the whole time while her mind hazed over.

  By the time the bike rolled to a stop in a small back alley parking lot, Lara was almost mindless with lust.

  Karl climbed off the bike and removed his helmet and glasses before going to work on hers. The second his warm fingers touched her skin her lips parted and a soft moan came out. She stared up at him, unable to stop from rocking against the seat of the bike in tiny motions.

  “Oh, sugar,” he murmured, stroking his thumb over her lip. “Was that too much for you?”

  She opened her mouth and sucked on his thumb. So salty and rough against her tongue. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, her hands reaching for his hips. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him while his other hand slid under her skirt.

  She moaned at the feel of skin against skin and rocked against his hand. “Shhhh,” he murmured, pressing his chin against the top of her head. He moved aside her thong and slid two fingers inside of her.

  Another moan escaped, and his hand cupped the back of her head, turning it so her face was buried against his chest, hidden behind the lapel of his leather jacket. He thrust his hand against her once, twice, three times, then pulled his fingers out and pinched her clit—hard. Her mouth opened, and a scream of pleasure erupted, cut off when he tightened his grip on her head and she bit into his chest.

  When she came back to earth his chest was shaking. She looked up at him, worried he was mad, only to see him trying hard not to laugh.

  Before she could think she balled up a fist and punched him in the gut. “Don’t laugh at me!”

  He took a couple of steps back and held his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, sugar. That was just too beautiful.”

  She quickly adjusted her underwear and climbed off the bike. “That was mean.”

  “It wasn’t meant to be. I didn’t realize you were so primed.” He arched a silky blond brow. “Maybe I should make sure that instead of not masturbating when I’m not around, that you do it every time before we go for a ride.”

  “Or maybe not. That could be fun, too.”

  Lara lips twitched. Okay, so there was a bit of humor to be had there. “Where are we, anyway?”

  “Back entrance of Risqué nightclub. I want you to meet a couple of friends of mine.”

  She started to look around. “In the alley?”

  A dark shape dashed out from behind a van five feet away. “Slut! Devil’s whore!”

  Before she knew what was happening rough hands grabbed at Lara, pulling her almost off her feet. A strong arm wrapped around her neck and held her against a barrel chest. “You think you’re too good for my brother. You think you’re so damn perfect. You’re just a slut. A whore who spreads her legs for the devil!”

  Adrenaline kicked in full force when Lara heard the words and saw the deadly curved knife in her attacker’s hand, aimed at her solar plexus.

  “Hey!” Karl shouted, inching closer. “I’m the devil you want. Let her go and come after me like a man.”

  Hot breath coated her cheek as the guy kept ranting. “You’d rather let this devil play between your thighs than smile at my brother. Day after day, I pray for you. I’ve tried to warn you, but you wouldn’t listen. Now it’s time for you to leave him.”

  “Hey, asshole! Look at me. You don’t want to hurt her. You like her, remember? You want me. Come on, come get me.”

  Lara watched Karl inch closer, his eyes on her attacker the whole time. Calm, intent, deadly.

  When the arm moved and the knife pointed straight at Karl, fear spurred Lara on and she reacted instinctively.

  She drove her elbow into his gut and her foot on to his instep. The grip around her throat loosened and she slammed her fist down and into his balls. He stumbled back and she jumped to the side as Karl tackled him and took him to the ground.

  They struggled, rolling around as Lara stepped closer. Karl pinned the hand with the knife and she kicked at it. The knife skittered across the asphalt and she ran to the door of the club. She wasn’t worried about Karl so much when the knife wasn’t in play.

  Lara banged a fist on the metal door of the club, and yanked it open. “Help! Someone call nine-one-one.” Two men came running down the hallway and heart in her throat, she turned back to the fight.

  The fight was over, though. Karl was coming toward her, the unconscious form of her attacker on the ground behind him. She rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him so tight she was never going to let go.

  “You okay?” he asked as he tilted her chin up to look into her face.

  “I’m fine. It’s you that scared me to death!” She stepped back and smacked him in the shoulder. “Why did you attack him? Why didn’t you just turn around and get help. Why didn’t you use your fucking cell phone? Damn it, Karl. You scared the shit out of me!”

  He reached out and pulled her struggling form against him. “Shhh, it’s okay. We’re okay.”

  An amused voice cut through the pounding in her ears. “I take it that’s Lara?”

  “Yes, this is my girl. Who, by the way, kicked ass.”

  She laughed against his chest, recovering quickly now that she could feel his warmth against her. “Actually, it was his instep I kicked, but I did nail him in the balls.”

  “You did good, sugar.” Karl’s arms tightened around her once more before relaxing enough that she could step back.

  “We’ve got Sandra Bullock to thank for that little bit of self defense,” she said with a chuckle as she looked into Karl’s eyes. “Me and the boys watched Miss Congeniality the other night, and they made me practice the Sing method. And while it didn’t work exactly as planned, they’ll be thrilled to know it did work!”

  Karl’s eyes widened slightly. “Sing method?”

  “Solar plexus, instep, nose, and groin.”

  “Crazy,” he muttered and hugged her tight once more before she pulled back. She didn’t go far, though. She stayed glued to his side, one arm around his waist, and turned to meet his friend.

  “Hi,” she said to the tall, dark, and handsome guy.

  He held out a hand, his smile big and welcoming. “Hi, Lara. I’m Valentine Ward, Karl’s buddy.”

  A siren came from the distance and they all looked down the alley. Two big guys from the club had her attacker rolled over, his hands tied with rope, and were trying to stand him up. “Just leave him on the ground, guys. The cops will be here in a second.”

  Karl walked her over, and Val followed. “Do you know him?”

  A shiver ripped through her. “It’s Robert. I don’t know his last name. Yardley or Hadley or something. His brother and him own the garage on Hastings that I deliver parts to.” She met Karl’s gaze. “He always gave me the creeps.”

  “Good instincts.”

  Two cruisers turned down the alley and came to a stop nearby. The cops took Robert away, and Val and his guys went back into the club while Karl and Lara gave separate statements. It went quick because one of the responding officers was Mathews, who’d been on the scene when her bedroom had been trashed. He said the prints they’d found on the screwdriver from her apartment, the one they figure had been used to pop the lock, had been from Robert and they’d been looking for him for almost a week.

  Karl had a fit when he realized that the cops had known who’d broken into her apartment, and no one had told her and it was her turn to calm him down.

  Forty-five minutes later, they entered the back hallway of Risqué and Karl pinned her to the wall again.

  “Before we go in there, I have to tell you something,” he said. His body pressed against hers, his eyes roving over her face as he brushed hair back from her face.

  “I have something to say, too,” she whispered.

  They looked at each other, eyes roaming, breath blending, and emotions completely bared. Her heart pounded, but not from fear. For the first time she could remember, Lara’s heart was completely open, and she wasn’t afraid.

  Karl opened his mouth to speak but Lara stopped him with a finger pressed against his lips. “Let me go first,” she said.

  Eyes shining with love, he nodded and closed his mouth. But he didn’t move away from her, and for that she was grateful. He hadn’t backed down, and he hadn’t let her run, and that was the way she wanted it to always be.

  “Right from the start, you challenged me. At first I thought the challenge was just your way to get me to have dinner with you, but it was more than that. You challenged me to find myself, and to accept myself. And more than that, you challenged me to accept you, and what you could give me.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and cupped his cheek. Her thumb smoothed over the scar running through his eyebrow and she smiled into his glittering eyes. “You seemed to instinctively know what I needed, and you’ve given me more than I’ve ever imagined.”


  “Shush. I’m not done.” She tilted her head and kissed him tenderly before continuing. “I need you to know that I understand what you’ve been saying. We fit. And when you tackled Robert, my heart about stopped. I don’t think—I know no man but you could ever have convinced me that love could really be mine, but you did it, and now I’m yours, Karl Dawson. But don’t you ever forget that this works both ways. You’re mine, too.”

  Karl’s grip on her tightened and she saw his throat working up and down as he gazed at her adoringly. “I’m yours, too,” he said, lowering his head and placing his lips against hers. “Forever.”

  The world disappeared as she drank in the taste of him. Her man. His arms around her, his ips on hers, his breath filling her up…it was right. Everything about them together was right.

  “Let the woman up for some air, Karl.” A deep voice full of laughter reached through the satisfaction welling up inside her. “If you don’t bring her out here for soon Samair’s threatening to show you how she earned her nickname-in a not so fun way.”

  Karl planted little kisses on her jaw and neck before he pulled back and turned to his friend. “Haven’t you learned how to control your woman yet, buddy?”

  Lara looked past Karl. “What’s her nickname?”


  “Cool. I like her already.” Lara grinned and pushed past Karl, striding toward Val and the swinging door to the main club.

  The startled look on Val’s face had her glancing over her shoulder to see the man she loved watching her with a proud smile. She held out her hand to him. “Come on, lover. I want you with me.”

  He wrapped her hand in his big one, and took her to a booth where she spent a couple of hours getting to know his friends. By the time they left to head to the Dungeon, there was a plan in place for a spring Bar-B-Q at Karl’s. She was bringing the Boys from upstairs, so her closest friends could meet his.

  It was the start of them building a life together, and it made her feel amazing.

  * * *

  Turn the Page to read a short excerpt from Kelsey’s story, MY PREROGATIVE, the next novel in the True Desires series.


  My Prerogative

  There are few things more enjoyable than lying naked on a sandy beach under a hot sun. Especially in a foreign country where no one knows me and I’m free do whatever, and whomever, I want.

  Kelsey Howard, footloose and fancy free, answerable to no one. That was me.

  Being single and adventurous made me the envy of many, and I had to admit, there were times when even I thought my life was blessed.

  Cute as a kid, pretty as a girl, and then beautiful as a woman.

  I do believe people see that when they look at me. I have to believe it, I’ve heard it my whole life. And on some days, I can even look in the mirror and see it. The problem is that I don't always feel that way. I have a hole inside that needs to be filled, and despite the fact that I know filling it with food, drinks, and casual sex isn't good, or smart . . . I still do it. I can't stop myself. It's the only way I know to fill that emptiness.

  So really? Is it wrong if it makes me feel better? Even if it’s just for a little while?

  Rising up a bit from my supine position on the beach, my elbows dug comfortably into the sand. I lounged in the heat of the Mediterranean sun and tracked the approach of my companion from behind dark sunglasses. Nope, nothing wrong with it at all.

  Ocean water glistened over his bulging muscles as they rippled with every move he made. Hair slicked back and eyes intent on me, he prowled up the beach. Yeah, he was definitely prowling, and I was woman enough to appreciate it.

  One of the few things I enjoy in life more than lying on a beach is lying under a well-built man. Both at once was a fantasy I was determined to finally have come true.

  Marco was his name, and I’d met him at the hotel bar on my second night here. The all-inclusive resort we were at encouraged hedonistic behavior and after the first night spent watching everyone let loose, I was more than ready for my own sensual adventure. I’d almost given up hope of finding someone I could click with when he’d introduced himself and the sparks flew. Marco had proven to be very adventurous himself - a wonderful choice for my holiday fling.

  I took a pull of tequila from the bottle I’d grabbed from the room’s mini-bar and a familiar tingle awoke low in my belly. Marco drew closer and I spread my legs a little wider, knowing he wouldn’t be able to avoid the temptation I presented.

  Sure enough, hunger sparked in his dark eyes and he dropped to his knees at my feet. Large masculine hands cupped my bent knees and slid up my thighs, sending more tingles through my system.

  “Hello there, stranger,” I said softly.

  His teeth flashed in a predatory smile and he began crawling up and over my body until his mouth hovered over mine. “You look good enough to eat,” he said.

  I looked to the left and saw no one, and then
to the right. There was a couple about fifty yards down the beach, roasting themselves on a blanket and minding their own business, so I lifted my arms and pulled him down on top of me. “So what’s stopping you?”

  He chuckled and kissed me hungrily. He tasted faintly of tequila and saltwater from the ocean, so I opened up and enjoyed the way our tongues rubbed together. The cool friction heated my blood and made my sex clench in anticipation. The nude beach we were on was part of the private resort where anything goes, and in that instant I made the decision to live up to my reputation as a wild child and enjoy every second of it.

  I tilted my head back, and Marco took the hint, nuzzling his way down my neck. The sound of waves rhythmically lapping at the shore became an erotic symphony as he cupped my breasts and flicked the jeweled hoops there back and forth.

  “So pretty,” he crooned. He wrapped his lips around one nipple and sucked hard, his tongue pulling at the piercing.

  “Harder,” I urged him. A little pain always heightened the pleasure.

  He complied and my hips jerked in response. Yes.

  I slid my hands into his hair and nudged him lower. Eager to please, Marco slithered down my body until his talented mouth was hovering over my greedy cunt. His hands cupped my ass, lifting me as his tongue came out and flicked the jeweled hoop that pierced the protective hood of my clit. A sigh of pleasure slipped from between my lips and I pressed him closer.

  Sometimes fantasies do come true.

  * * *

  Find out more about My Prerogative now.

  About the Author

  Unabashed is the third story in Bestselling Author Sasha White’s sizzling new Overwatch series. White writes modern erotic fiction with an edge of kink with the occasional foray into paranormal and science-fiction. She’s published over thirty stories with publishers such as Kensington Aphrodisia, Berkley Heat, Avon, Black Lace, and Samhain Publishing, and is recognized as one the top authors of the genre. This author’s brand of Romance with Heat and Erotica with Heart has made her a reader favorite, and she doesn’t disappoint.


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