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The Aeon Star

Page 29

by Hart, Lauren T.

  The Fire Light hit David in the shoulder — he screamed.

  Genevieve called the undulating waves of Fire Light, gathering them in the palms of her hand.

  Corliss fired again, but the wave arced and turned immediately to Genevieve, igniting and uniting with the rest of the Fire Light that danced across her hands and arms, swirling around her in wisps and sparks of red and orange and yellow.

  Corliss spun to face her, fury raged across his face as he fired the weapon again and again and again; until it would fire no more.

  "I'm sorry," Genevieve whispered. She released a stream of Fire Light toward Corliss. He stumbled as the beam struck his chest. He screeched, batting hopelessly at the flickering embers. His face stretched and contorted in pain. He shook for a moment and then his body fell to the floor as his gruesome hollow faced soul, now alight with Fire Light, stood before her, screaming and writhing in agony as they slowly consumed his soul.

  She reached her hand toward David once again, freeing him from the unintentional torments of the Fire Light. Again she placed her hands together, and raised them above her head, releasing the Fire Light above her.

  Her eyes met Nick's, kneeling on the floor next to David. She wanted to go to him; to be in his arms, to let her tears burst forth and have him comfort her, and assure her that everything would be all right. But neither of them made a motion to move.

  Gerard barked orders to have the treacherous guards taken into custody. They didn't protest, their will already surrendered.

  "Someday you'll have to explain to me why you stepped in between me and a lunatic with a wave gun." Nick was saying to David.

  "As soon as I understand it, I'll explain it to you." David grumbled.

  A gentle hand touched her shoulder. She turned to see Gerard, her father. Familiar features, older and in masculine form were reflected back at her in his face. His brow was furrowed, trying to remain calm and keep order despite his fears and worry.

  She threw her arms around him and buried her head in his chest.

  He hesitated then dropped his pretenses and wrapped his arms around her. Shushing her, he led her out of the ballroom.

  Chapter 33

  Kings and Researchers

  'Paul,' she called through her tears.

  'On my way,' his words comforted as they echoed.

  She pulled her awareness within herself again as he approached them in the corridor just outside the room that connected to the ballroom.

  "Rodgers?" Gerard asked, taking a defensive, protective, stance. "What are you doing here?"

  "I called him," Genevieve offered. "Now is not the time for you to neglect your people."

  Gerard understood this. His jaw tightened with something that looked like pride that she understood. "To my library then," Gerard directed. "South wing. Take the stairs." He pointed down. "Then all the way to the end, second door."

  "Or we could go through David's office," Paul offered.

  Gerard glared. "How have you come by that information?"

  "By being head of the Xavier's private security for the past four years," Paul offered.

  Gerard nodded and handed Genevieve over to Paul then started back toward the ballroom. "Genevieve?" He turned back at the edge of the door. "May I ask you, why you apologized to Corliss?"

  "I wasn't apologizing to him," Gen offered. "I was apologizing to the Fire Light."

  Gerard looked confused.

  "It's what she calls the wave energy," Paul offered

  "It's what they call themselves," Gen said.

  "Are you trying to say that the wave is alive?" Gerard's eyes were wide. "And you can communicate with them?"

  "They didn't understand the effects of their actions before, but now that they do, they're conflicted," she said. "Life is very precious to them."

  Gerard's brow furrowed; he nodded then left.

  Of course a simple stroll to David's office was anything but. Paul did his best to shield her from onlookers, camera flashes, and countless souls both known and unknown screaming her name, as they hurried down the gallery hall, retracing the way her and David had come. She caught a brief glimpse of Mike and Davin, but Paul was quick to redirect her away from anything that wasn't their goal.

  "Royce, Taye." Paul nodded in turn at a couple of guards at a security checkpoint that Genevieve was sure would delay them. But they simply stepped aside.

  "That's an amazing skill you have," Gen remarked.

  "What? What do you mean?" Paul looked confused.

  "You're amazing, Paul."

  "Yeah, I know," he smiled, pushing open the door to David's office.

  "Pauly," Amber squealed.

  Paul flashed Amber a look then turned to Genevieve. "You're safe now."

  "Am I?"

  Paul sighed, resigned. "What can I do for you?"

  "Gather the keys."

  Paul nodded.

  As soon as he'd gone, Amber was at her side, holding the travel bag in front of her. "I hate to let a good dress go to waste," she moped.

  "If I put the dress on, can I wash off the make-up?"

  Amber pulled her into a bathroom off the office.

  Gen gasped when she saw herself in the mirror. She looked scary; like a tragic emo death warmed over with bright red cheeks and puffy eyes.

  Amber unclipped the added hair and pulled Gen's hair into a wispy up-do while Gen washed her face and redid her make-up. Then Amber started undressing her, pulling her shirt over her head. "Ooh, I like your tattoo," Amber said as she unhooked Gen's bra.

  "Amber," Genevieve protested as she put her hand up to catch her slipping bra.

  "A bra won't work with the dress I got you," Amber explained as she pulled at the button on Gen's pants.

  "I'm not a Barbie doll, Amber."

  Amber sighed and reached into the travel bag and pulled out a long white dress that transitioned into silver at the bottom "It was made for you." Amber held the dress up for Genevieve to see.

  "It's beautiful," she breathed.

  It was even more lovely on. Gen brushed her hands across what remained of her bullet wounds. They existed now as slight scars, and fading purple bruises, but were still clearly visible in the strapped and backless dress.

  "We can cover those with some make-up," Amber offered.

  "Don't," Paul said from the doorway. "You earned those." He came to stand behind her. "Nice tattoo."

  She met his eyes in the mirror.

  "C'mon, they're all waiting upstairs."

  She wanted to slip the hoodie over her shoulders, but instead she draped it over her arm and took hold of Paul's hand.

  Nick was the first person she saw as she exited the hidden door behind the bookcase in Gerard's Library. He was leaning against the arm of a leather couch, with his eyes on the floor. David was lying on the couch, his tie loose, his jacket missing. Gerard sat in an armchair at the other end of the couch.

  "I see you ran into Amber," David groaned.

  "You know how to find me if you need me," Paul said, as he turned to leave.

  "No. Stay, Paul," she said, refusing to let go of his hand. "I have no secrets from you."

  Nick shifted uncomfortably.

  Okay, maybe not the best choice of words. She kicked herself mentally and let go of Paul's hand.

  Paul chuckled.

  Gen glared at him.

  "I'm sorry. I know — it's not funny." He put his hand on her right shoulder, their shared shoulder. "I'm always with you, Cupcake."

  Gerard cleared his throat and leaned forward. "It's a priority that we discuss the potential for any further or..." He flashed a glance at Nick. "Imminent threats. If Corliss could hide his true nature so easily, who knows what other threats may be lying in wait." Again his eyes darted toward Nick.

  "After that show; who would dare?" David offered.

  "As long as there are those who fear her, fear what she can do, or what she may do, the threat will remain," Paul said.

  "The threat is not to me." Gene
vieve stepped further into the room. "It's to those around me." She met Gerard's gaze.

  His jaw tightened.

  Quite unexpectedly, she felt a spark of electricity tickle her brain, she gasped, turning quickly toward Paul. "Did you?"

  Paul shook his head.

  Scattered bits of imagery flitted through her mind, but she didn't recognize any of it, couldn't make sense of any of it.


  "I'll take care of it," Paul said, excusing himself.

  Take care of what? What just happened?

  All eyes in the room were on her, looking nervous and expectant. As if she could give them answers...

  She walked nervously toward Nick. "Sorry about the holes," she said as she thrust his favorite hoodie at him.

  Nick eyed her suspiciously, taking the jacket from her with one hand. "Not so different?" he questioned. "You look different," he said. "You feel different too."

  "I am different," she said. She met his beautiful jeweled eyes for the briefest moment.

  "So is this," Nick held his hand near her chest, tracing the air a few inches away from the bruised scar. "You were really shot?"

  She nodded.

  "Does it hurt?"

  "Human pain hurts," she acknowledged her right shoulder.

  Nick looked confused.

  "I— I want to tell you some things," she said.

  "There are things I'd like to tell you as well."

  "Perhaps you'd like to tell us, why Mr. Grace is here?" Gerard growled from his armchair.

  "Gerard," David started.

  "I'm sure you're aware that the security box from Royal Crown has been moved to a new location and set with two new locks," she said.

  Gerard nodded.

  Nick exhaled sharply, his head shaking slightly, his eyes on the floor.

  "It happened just after Lewis Xavier's death," Genevieve continued. "There are now four keys needed to open the vault containing the core: the two original keys and two living keys. The new locks are DNA encoded. Biometric. You have to be alive to unlock them."

  Gerard was aghast. "Is there a reason you're sharing this information with a follower?" And then— "You didn't. Do you understand the implications of what you've done?" his tone was fierce.

  "Don't you dare!" she glared at him. 'You're going to lecture me about controversial decisions? As if I could help who I fell in love with any more than you could,' she thought.

  Emotion hinted in his eyes. 'No,' she heard his voice in her head. "What's done is done," he said flatly.

  Genevieve held her hand above the star on Nick's chest, wanting to touch him, but not daring, for fear of her headstrong emotions. "You're the forth key," she informed. "That's why David..." her voice trailed.

  "But that's not possible. You said they were DNA encoded. You'd have to have had my DNA to—"

  Genevieve cut him off by turning back the sleeve of his hoodie to reveal the missing patch of fabric.

  He ran his fingers across the square cutout "But how did you—? ...Italy," he breathed.

  She took a hold of his hand and pulled him away from the others. Their conversation wouldn't be private, but at least Gerard and David might take the hint that she wanted it to be just between them.

  "You and Paul?" Nick asked.

  "No. Paul and I are... we share a common consciousness sometimes."

  Nick looked confused, and doubtful.

  "It doesn't matter." She took a breath, struggling with her tears. "That's not what I wanted to tell you."

  He folded his arms across his chest, waiting.

  "All your searching," she started.

  Nick shook his head.

  "It's you," she said quietly.

  He met her eyes, confused.

  "My strength is in my will."

  "What are you trying to say?" His jaw tightened.

  "You are the one, chosen to destroy me."

  "No. No!" he took a step away from her. "Why? Why are you telling me this?" His tone was angry.

  "I've never been good at keeping things from you."

  "I disagree," he waved his arm toward the room.

  "If it's still your intent to kill me — to kill the Angemon — I would ask that you wait until the core has been retrieved."

  "You're asking me for a stay of execution?" he sounded enraged.

  "I'm asking a potential Aeon King to consider the desires of his people," she countered, louder than she'd meant to.

  David forced himself into a seated position. "What?"

  Gen ignored him and Gerard as they realized the implications of what she had just said.

  Nick scoffed, shaking his head. "Well, you sound like you're asking me to kill you. Is that what you want?"

  She wiped a tear from her cheek. "No." Her eyes were on his chest, unable to meet his eyes. "But it's easier to ask you to consider the desires of our people than it is... to ask you... to love the monster." She swallowed her tears and met his gaze.

  Nick looked like he'd been gut-punched.

  "There's no special trick," she offered. "Fire Light won't work though... You're just the only soul I won't fight back against."

  Nick took another step away from her, horrified, he backed into a bookshelf, stumbling, he put his head down, his hands on his knees.

  "I'm sorry," she said then turned away from him, returning to the center of the room, where Gerard and David were staring at her with somber faces.

  They stood in silence for a moment, and then—

  "Genevieve," Nick sounded softly behind her.

  His hand was on her back, tracing along the formation of stars, and down the length of her arm, his fingers intertwining with hers, he pulled her toward him.

  She turned to face him; his beautiful jeweled eyes were pained and red around the edges. She couldn't help herself, as she reached her hand to his cheek, wiping away his tears.

  "I'm really confused right now," he said. "I keep going over everything that has been between us, trying to figure out what's real, what's true."

  "I've never lied to you," she said. "I don't think I can," she realized.

  "When's your birthday?"

  "I have no idea," she said.

  "What about your name?"

  "I was called Jenny Taylor growing up. I was told that my name might have been Genevieve and given the identity of Jennifer Hollis just before I left South Dakota. The guy at the bank and Paul filled in the blanks on my actual name."

  "Tell me about Colorado," his voice sounded gruff

  "I've never really been to Colorado. I never got off the plane. When I was there with Xavier, I was also in California. I thought it was a dream."

  "But you were there, you know what happened."

  Her breath caught. "I'll never forget."

  "Do you know who killed Xavier?"

  "Embry Farold and Shawn Weston."

  Nick let out a soft sigh as he glanced over her shoulder toward Gerard and David, but she kept her eyes on him. "Did you give us such a hard time about the Ange because you didn't want to be found out?"

  "No. I had no idea what I was, Nick. I gave you a hard time because I really didn't want to be a part of your crazy alien worshipping cult," she sulked; avoiding what she was sure would be disapproving looks from Gerard and David.

  David made his audible, with his half cough, half grunting noise and Gerard scoffed.

  "Why did you enter into a relationship with me?"

  She started to cry. "Because I'm selfish." A sob escaped her. "I couldn't make myself stop loving you — and then, I didn't want to stop anymore even though I knew I'd just end up hurting you because my life was a lie and I had no idea who I really was."

  "Gen," he said softly, sighing. He traced his hand along the silver strand to the back of her neck and pulled her to him. His lips met hers.

  The butterflies spun on the tips of their tiny toes.

  And she was lost.

  Lost in his kiss, in his arms, in his love.

he breathed, "All that I have, and all that I am is yours. I bind my soul to yours. I love you Genevieve Evangeline Auberon. Now and always, I am yours."

  Her breath caught in her throat as she realized what he was doing — what his words meant. "Nicholas," she smiled. "All that I have, and all that I am is yours. I bind my soul to yours. I love you Nicholas Steven Grace. Now and always, I am yours."

  He kissed her again.

  The lights in the room flickered wildly.

  Gerard and David gasped, alarmed.

  Nick smiled. A laugh escaped him. He pulled her closer to him and continued kissing her.

  The room was heavy with confusion and contradiction, and hope and love.

  "That was... unorthodox," David said.

  Gerard nodded then turned, suddenly on edge, toward a door at the far end of the library seconds before the door swung open. A young blond boy with bright blue eyes came rushing in, towing his twin sister, with matching features, at the end of his hand.

  "Daddy? Did you see the lights?" the young boy asked.

  "Mommy said it was a power surge," the girl added.

  A tall woman with long blond hair darted into the room, behind them. Her eyes were soft brown, like David's. Their resemblance was so strong it would be easy to mistake her for being David's mother, but Genevieve knew, that she was hers.

  Eloise gasped as she caught sight of Gen and Nick.


  The children turned, startled.

  "Genevieve!" Ian yelled.

  "It's all right," Gerard soothed, slipping his arm around Elle's waist.

  "Ian, Lilly." Genevieve opened her arms to her brother and sister; she hugged them tightly and kissed their cheeks.

  "This is my Genevieve?" Elle said, crossing to her. She looked nervous, pensive.

  Genevieve put her arms around her mother and clutched her tightly as Eloise began to sob. She pulled Genevieve to arms length, running her hands over her hair, touching her face, her arms. "You've always been in my heart," she said. "I have waited so long for this day, to have you home, my Genevieve." She pulled her into her arms again.

  "So you're Ian?" Nick grinned. "It's nice to meet you." Nick put his hand out.

  Ian gripped it happily. "I like your cats," he said.

  Nick laughed.

  Elle looked alarmed. "But— you..." She turned to Nick. "You're the researcher," she eyed him, warily.


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