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Unwrapped by The Billionaire

Page 4

by Joanna Nicholson

  All she could really think about was Theo, and how comfortable he and her father looked as they talked together and laughed. She felt a pang of guilt at the thought of wanting him. Of fantasizing about him and she wondered if he even remembered that she was in the same room.

  Mrs. Miller was in the middle of saying something when she sensed him looking and she turned her face. Their eyes met again and this time Theo wasn’t smiling. He had an expressionless straight face, but his eyes were sparkling and he took a sip of his whisky as he watched her. Her face, and then his gaze dropped to her breasts and then to her legs crossed together. Nora’s father said something and Theo looked away at him but she felt like he had just touched her again. He had never looked at her that way before in front of people.

  “Nora, I was just telling Theo about the apartment you bought,” her father said, interrupting her thoughts and she looked at them again. Theo was staring at her, directly at her face and she held his gaze. She didn’t care if anyone else had noticed. She wanted to get her fill of watching him.

  “It’s nothing special, dad. It’s just a regular sized New York matchbox apartment,” she said and Theo pressed his whisky glass to his lips, but his eyes remained on her. It was as though they were trying to have an entire conversation with their eyes.

  “It’s still a huge achievement for your age, Nora. And in New York!” Mrs. Miller chipped in, but she didn’t turn to look at her. She had eyes for Theo alone and it was thrilling to be watched by him so intently. She moved in her seat and purposely leaned forward a little, aware that her cleavage would show. Theo’s eyes dropped to her breasts, just for a moment but she had noticed the change in his gaze.

  He cleared his throat and turned to her father.

  “It is impressive,” he said and Nora suddenly felt giddy with desire. It was as though she was upset that he had broken his gaze, that he wasn’t looking at her anymore. She stood up from her chair, and with her cheeks flushed, she placed her empty glass on the coffee table.

  “Theo, can I please use your toilet?” she asked.

  “Of course, let me show you,” Theo stood up as well.

  “Sure she remembers the layout of your house,” her father interjected, but neither Theo nor Nora looked at him.

  “She’s a guest, Andy, I don’t mind showing her,” Theo said and walked up to her. “This way,” he said to her in a deep low voice and Nora followed him, forgetting about the people in the living room. She mildly registered that the others had quickly fallen into another conversation as Theo and she left the room, but all she could really only see the man walking in front of her. His wide shoulders, his athletic muscular back under the thin material of his shirt.

  They didn’t exchange a word as he led her up the stairs to the floor where she remembered the guest bathroom was located in. And she didn’t say a word when they walked past it. The hallway was dimly lit and Theo lightly opened the door of a room that Nora didn’t remember being in before. She stepped in and he followed her and shut the door.

  Nora turned slowly to him, her feelings and desire crashing in her ears. She felt like she was going deaf. Theo stepped towards her, as her eyes adjusted to the dark.

  “This is so wrong, Nora,” she heard him say.

  Chapter 9

  Nora couldn’t get the words out. She didn’t know what to say to that statement, because it was the truth. But even before she could think of a reply, Theo had lunged at her. She felt his hands on her waist as he pushed her to the wall. In the dark, his lips found hers and they were kissing. Nora gasped, tasting his mouth, feeling his breath on her nose, the sting of his rough stubble around her mouth. She arched her back, thrusting her hips towards him as he pressed her body to the wall.

  She had dreamt about this moment for so long, that she couldn’t control the shake in her hands or the reaction of her body. There was a sticky wetness between her legs and she wasn’t ashamed of it. His hands found the zip on the back of her dress, and while their lips remained fused, he pulled the zip down.

  Nora’s hands fumbled on his chest, unbuttoning his shirt so that she could finally do what she had fantasized about doing all those years. His chest was solid muscle and she ran her fingers over the chiseled angles of his abs. He had pulled down her zip and her dress gave way, sliding slowly down her shoulders. Nora pushed her hips further into him, desperate to have him inside her. She just wanted to get past the initial moment so that they could satisfy each other quickly, but Theo was slowing down. He had more control over himself than she did.

  He pulled his lips away from her and Nora gasped again. She had weaved her fingers through his chest hair, while he dropped his hands to her legs. He was feeling the soft Goosebumps on the insides of her thighs. His fingers were traveling upwards, reaching for the throbbing juicy folds between her legs.

  “Theo…please,” she breathed the words in his ears. She wanted him inside her. She didn’t want to wait because she’d waited too long.

  “You’re delicious, Nora,” she heard him say as his fingers found her wet mound. Nora gasped again as she felt him tug aside the skimpy lace of her panties. He was touching her, stroking her sensitive wet folds, searching for her clit. She knew she wouldn’t be able to cope with it. She would come instantly, but Theo seemed to be determined to tease her.

  When he slid down in front of her, Nora threw her head back and closed her eyes tightly shut. She wanted to see him naked, see that cock she had been imagining in her head for all those years.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she said in a whisper, placing her hands on his lowered shoulders. Theo lifted the skirt of her dress and slipped his head under it. Nora felt his hot heavy breath on her legs and a tug in the pit of her stomach. He was carefully pulling her panties down her legs, till they lay pooled around her ankles. Now his breath was on that spot between her legs, her wetness growing with every second. She wanted this and so much more. She wanted him to possess her, she wanted to give herself to him completely.

  “Relax, Nora,” she heard his muffled voice and then a gentle flick of his tongue. Nora bit down on her lip and tightened her grip on his shoulders. She wanted to feel his cock, take it in her mouth. She wanted to do everything she could to please him, but it seemed like he wanted to please her first. No man she had slept with had been so concerned about her pleasure and just the thought made her spasm.

  Theo licked her clit and Nora gasped. Then his tongue pushed through the folds of her, reaching for her. His thumb had found her clit now, and as he slurped and thrust his tongue into her slippery folds, his thumb teased and played with her clit.

  Nora knocked the back of her head against the wall, arching her neck, knotting her fingers through Theo’s thick mane. She felt him thrust his wide tongue into her, repeatedly, lapping up her juices and trying to reach for that spot of no return. Nora felt herself being pushed closer and closer to the edge, nearly tumbling and falling. She wanted so much more. She wanted him to ram himself into her, but this was so good. Just his tongue was better than she could have imagined it.

  He didn’t stop teasing her clit, and she could feel the waves rising. With every passing second, Nora felt herself losing her grip on reality. Her father’s best friend was going to make her come with his mouth. She was going to lose all control because he knew exactly how to handle her body.

  His tongue reached inside her, thrusting and pumping the way his cock might and Nora moaned loudly. She dug her nails into his shoulders as she came, feeling her juices squirt out of her and into his tongue, into his mouth. Theo didn’t stop, his tongue continued to pump into her till she loosened her grip on him. Till he was satisfied that she was satisfied. Then, he stroked his finger on her slippery juicy clit one last time, before he stood up. She could smell the scent of her on his mouth, and in the dimness of the room; she saw his green eyes look heavy with desire. Nora wanted more.

  “Theo…” she said his name in the middle of heavy breaths. He shook his head, hardening
his face.

  “That shouldn’t have happened, Nora. You’re Andy’s daughter,” he said and stepped away from her.

  “Please, no, I don’t care,” she said as he continued to back away.

  “We need to go back downstairs to them,” he said and Nora’s heart thudded against her chest as she watched him open the door. The light from the hallway flooded the room now and she could see him more clearly. She wanted to scream at him, tell him that she was in love with him…had always been, but she could see the guilt in his eyes now.

  “I need to go back,” was the last thing he said to her, before he disappeared, leaving Nora standing in the dark room with heaving breasts.

  Chapter 10

  It wasn’t until Nora had come back down to the living room that she realized she wasn’t wearing the panties that Theo had taken off earlier. He was sitting next to Sam now, almost like he was purposely avoiding her father. He didn’t look at her when she entered, and Nora sat down next to Mrs. Miller, who had gotten quite drunk by now.

  She kept an eye on Theo, pressing her legs together where he had made her come with his mouth.

  “Where’s this dinner that you planned on serving us, Theo?” her father had stood up suddenly and he rubbed his belly. Sam and Mr. Miller laughed and Nora noticed the way Theo looked guiltily up at her father.

  “It’s served in the dining room already, if you want to head in,” he said humorlessly. He wasn’t smiling anymore and if anyone looked closely, they would have noticed the hardness in his eyes.

  “Will Violet be joining us at some point, Theo?” Mrs. Miller stood up shakily on her feet and Theo did the same. Nora remained sitting where she was, feeling like if she stood up, everyone would be able to see very clearly on her face that she had just had an orgasm. Her skin was still tingling from it.

  “She’s visiting some family in Chicago,” Theo said in a business-like tone and kept his face firmly turned away from Nora. She wished he would just look at her again, just once, but he was determined not to.

  “The cat’s at play while the wife’s away!” her father said jokingly, and his voice boomed while he laughed and thumped Theo’s back friendlily. Nora watched as Theo clenched his jaw and passed his friend a half-hearted grin.

  “How long is she gone this time?” Mrs. Miller asked, rolling her eyes and draining the remaining wine from her glass.

  “Drop it Juliet, won’t you?” Nora’s father said, passing nervous looks at Theo who said nothing. He just pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants and stared at Mrs. Miller. “Who cares. It’s more fun when she’s not here anyway,” she said before turning to walk out of the living room. Nora watched as her father exchanged looks with Theo, before she stood up herself.

  “I think I might go back home, dad,” she said and felt victorious when Theo finally looked at her. The Millers and Sam had already left the room, and her dad fixed a confused expression on her with knotted brows.

  “Why, honey? What happened?” he said and Nora dropped her heavy lids to the floor, Theo was looking at her with a burning gaze.

  “Nothing, I just feel a little sick and I want to sleep it off. Nothing to worry about,” she said.

  “Are you sure, honey? Do you want me to walk you home? Should I come with you?” her father asked, sounding concerned.

  “Leave her alone, Andy. Let her go home if she wants to,” Theo interrupted him and Nora looked up at him, unable to hide the quivering of her pressed lips.

  “Yeah, she’s probably bored here with us oldies anyway!” her father joked again.

  “I’ll see myself out,” Nora said, jutting her chin up in the air.

  “No, I’ll walk you out. Andy, you should go in and make sure Juliet hasn’t fallen asleep on the chair,” Theo said and her father passed her an encouraging smile before walking out of the living room.

  Alone in the room with Theo again, Nora felt an incredible urge to fall into his arms. But he had his hands inside his pockets and was standing at a distance from her. His body language portrayed that he wanted the distance to remain between them.

  “We should stay away from each other,” he said in a deep authoritative voice and Nora sensed her nostrils flaring. She could feel the temper rising in her, even though she was burning up with desire for him.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t be in town for very long. Just a few more days and I’ll be out of your hair,” she said and Theo clenched his jaw.

  “Andy is my best friend,” he said and Nora licked her hot lips.

  “And he’s my father. So what? I am an adult,” she said, noticing how screechy her voice had gotten.

  “I am a married man,” he said and Nora felt her voice choke in her throat, hot tears prick the back of her eyelids. She had nothing to say to that because it was the truth.

  “Goodnight, Nora. Take care of yourself,” he said and whipping around, he walked out of the living room. Once again, she was left alone with heaving breasts, watching him leave.

  Nora ran out of the living room and out of the front door, nearly crying out as she felt the cool breeze lap against her hot flushed cheeks. She was angry at herself, because she had expected anything other than rejection from him. Why had she been so silly to expect that he might look at her the same way she looked at him?

  But that orgasm! Nothing could ever come close to how he had made her feel, with just his mouth. What was he capable of doing with his cock?

  Chapter 11

  Nora had just bought a cappuccino from the small local cafe, when her cell phone rang in the pocket of her jeans. Balancing the Styrofoam cup in one hand, she pulled it out of her pocket and answered the call, not realizing that it was Jack.

  “Nora!” she heard his voice and stopped in her tracks. She had forgotten all about him since she came back home. Since she had laid eyes on Theo again.

  “Jack, hey, how are you?” she said, pushing open the glass door of the cafe with her back. Outside, she stood under the shade of the cafe’s awning near the door.

  “Just thought I’d check in to see if you’re free tonight. I could come over,” Jack said and Nora knotted her eyebrows in confusion. Then a second later she realized that he had forgotten she wasn’t in New York.

  “You can’t. I’m visiting my dad at home, remember?” Nora said, shaking her head slightly.

  “Oh! Right! I forgot about that. When are you back?” he said and Nora tried to manage her rising temper. How could he have forgotten such an important detail? She’d called him from the airport before she took the flight. Did she really mean that little to him?

  “Why, Jack? Are you horny?” she said, spitting out the words. Instead of sensing that she was actually mad at him, Jack laughed.

  “Kinda,” he said and Nora shook her head. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and was now glad that she hadn’t invited him to come on this trip with her.

  “I’m sure you’ll find someone else to take care of it,” she said, rage dripping from her voice. Jack had finally caught on to the sarcasm in her voice and he fell silent for a few moments.

  “I’m sensing that you’re mad at me for some reason,” she heard him say and she rolled her eyes.

  “You didn’t even realize that I’m not in New York!” she snapped.

  “Yeah, so? I’ve been busy. I didn’t have a chance to think about it. It’s not like you’re not coming back!” Jack’s voice had risen as well. Nora gripped the cup in her hand tightly, dropping her voice to a whisper when she saw an old neighbor walk past her. She forced a fake smile on her face and waved, before speaking to Jack again.

  “What are we doing, Jack? What is this thing that we have going on?” she said and heard him let out a deep exhausted sigh.

  “Do you really want to have this conversation over the phone, Nora? I don’t know what you want me to say. We go on dates. We fuck. We share a few common running jokes,” Jack said and Nora pressed her eyes close.

  “And you sleep with other people when you want t
o,” she completed his thought and Jack sighed again.

  “Not that again, Nora! Seriously. It was the one time, and we had just started seeing each other. It wasn’t like it counts as actually cheating!” Jack’s voice was raised now and Nora opened her eyes.

  “We’d been seeing each other for three months at that point, Jack,” she said in a quieter voice and he had started laughing.

  “Do you want me to apologize again, Nora? Fine, I’m very sorry. There! Are you happy?” she could sense how lightly he was taking this and she couldn’t even remember anymore how this conversation had started.

  “Whatever. I’ll talk to you later, I guess,” she said.

  “Nora! Wait, when are you coming back then?” he asked and she sighed.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet. Couple of days, maybe a week. I don’t know,” she was anxious to get off the phone with him. She couldn’t bear to hear his voice in her ear anymore. She needed her distance from him.

  “Okay, let me know,” he said.

  “Why? You didn’t even notice I was gone,” Nora snapped at him.

  “Yeah, whatever. Suit yourself then,” Jack said and before she could, he had hung up on her. The back of her neck was burning up with rage, as Nora looked at her phone screen, clenching her jaw to hold back the scream that would have escaped her lips otherwise.

  She couldn’t believe she had wasted all this time on a guy like him. Did he even know her last name? He called her when he wanted to and he fixed dates based on his sexual urges. How had she allowed herself to stoop so low for men who didn’t even see her for who she was or what she had to offer?

  “Boyfriend?” she heard Theo’s voice behind her and whipped around to find him standing at the cafe door. He was holding his own Styrofoam cup of coffee in one hand and dangling a leather briefcase from the other. He was dressed in a smart pin striped suit, his shoes were polished and black and his bottle green tie looked luxurious. Nora gulped, her cheeks flushed because he had clearly overheard the conversation she just had.


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