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Unwrapped by The Billionaire

Page 88

by Joanna Nicholson

  “I’ll hold you to that,” she said softly, gazing up at him with a playful smile. “I don’t want to be made a widow before we even have a chance to get married.”

  He smiled at that, pulling back from her slightly, though he kept his hands on her shoulders as he looked her in the eyes. “It’s a promise.”

  A sudden knock on the door caused both Elena and Gerard to jump, the sound of Armando’s voice coming clearly through the slim door. “It is almost time, you two. Charlie wants us all in the front of the plane again so he can go over the final plan one more time.”

  “We’ll be right there, Armando,” Elena called out hurriedly, casting a look back at Gerard, who nodded. “I guess this is it.”

  “I guess so,” Gerard said gently, sliding the lock so that he could pull the bathroom door open. “Try not to be too nervous. I’ll be here with you every step of the way.”

  She gave him a gentle smile, following him out of the bathroom back toward the front of the plane. She found it slightly strange that Charlie would go through the trouble of renting a commercial airplane for only nine passengers, but she didn’t pause to give it too much thought. She would probably never understand the thought processes of the incredibly rich, and if Charlie wanted to spring for it then who was she to tell him no? At least it ensured that they wouldn’t have to worry about pulling any innocent bystanders into the fray.

  Once they returned to where the others were sitting, Elena focused on Charlie, who was standing expectantly near the entrance to the cockpit with a smile on his face. “Ah, I see that we are all together now. Let’s get down to business.”

  Chapter Fifteen: Gerard

  The nine agents parachuted from the plane down onto the ship, managing to take the night watchmen completely by surprise. Gerard took out one of them with a well-placed karate chop to the back of the neck, the man’s body crumpling to the floor immediately. Elena chose to keep her distance, taking out one of the other guards with a tranquilizer gun and stowing him behind a series of barrels to keep him out of sight. She flashed a thumb up to Gerard once she was done, the two of them moving towards the staircase that would lead down into the depths of the sizable ship. They were supposed to meet up with Armando and Germain and go into the ship together, but so far, they hadn’t seen hide nor hair of either of them.

  “Where are they?” Gerard demanded impatiently, pulling his pocket watch from the pocket of his suit and glancing at the time. “They’ve got two minutes before we are supposed to be making our way down into the room where the treasure is being held. I hear that Dubois spends most of his time sitting with the treasure with a few of his right-hand men, so once we get through the few guards that he might have posted around the ship the hard part will be over if you ask me.”

  “Or maybe the hardest part will only just be starting,” she suggested, her blue eyes darting back and forth to keep track of their surroundings. “Dubois is the final boss here, Gerard. We shouldn’t be taking him lightly, no matter what.”

  “I agree. Underestimating someone as dangerous as he is would be a mistake on our part. One that could prove to be fatal,” he said, the sound of footsteps behind them causing the two of them to turn just in time to see Armando and Germain appear. “Took you two long enough.”

  “We had a bit of unexpected trouble when we first landed. Turns out that a few of the watchmen were positioned at the place where we landed, and they all had guns. Dispatching all of them without letting one let off a gunshot is a lot harder than you would think. So, forgive us for being just a little late,” Armando said, his hands moving to straighten his slightly ruffled suit jacket.

  “We figured that making sure no one sounded the alarm ahead of time was a little more important,” Germain added, the slim Frenchman pulling his revolver from his holster and motioning towards the stairwell. “Who do we want to go in first?”

  “I think that I should go first, with Elena behind me. Germain, you follow Elena and make sure to offer her assistance should she need it. Armando, since you have the best eyesight here, I figure you will make the best lookout, so bring up the rear for us, would you?” Gerard said, glancing at each of them and turn and waiting for them to nod before continuing. “Alright, let’s go. Try to make as little noise as possible.”

  The four agents began to make their way down into the ship, endeavoring to make as little noise as possible. Gerard had been on ships kind of like this one before, but it seemed unusually large for a ship designed to transport treasure. It reminded him more of an oversized yacht than it did a transport ship, the fact that the rooms they passed by were storage rooms rather than bedrooms serving as the only distinguishing characteristic to let one know that they were on a transport ship. Their footsteps were soft on the wooden floors, though Gerard was beginning to wish that they had padded their shoes before they came. All it would take would be the smallest noise to alert the guards of their presence, and in his experience, shoes were often the causes of such noises.

  He could hear Elena breathing gently behind him, her gun now held firmly but loosely in her hand. They moved slowly, creeping from doorway to doorway as they approached a sizable door at the end of the hallway. Gerard had to bite back a curse at the sight of two guards with automatic rifles standing in front of the door that would lead into where the treasure was, suddenly grateful for the gloom of the ship, the sporadic lighting playing to their advantage. He turned back to face them, throwing up his hand for them to stop moving. He gestured toward Germain, then pointed with his thumb toward the two guards. The Frenchman was the one who had the most practice with getting past armed guards, and it seemed that his skills were going to be needed once more.

  He slipped past Gerard and Elena, the Frenchman putting on one of his best smiles as he allowed himself to move into the light. The scarce lighting of the corridor made it so that the two guards couldn’t see him until he was only a foot or so away from them, the slim man seeming to materialize out of the darkness without warning. The guards opened their mouths to exclaim something, but Germain was already moving. His pistol glinted in the light as he leveled it at each of the guards and pulled the trigger twice, each shot striking one of the guards right in the middle of their foreheads. They dropped to the ground like sacks of potato, blood beginning to pool onto the wooden floor of the ship. Germain turned to look back at them and motioned for them to approach, already moving to retrieve the rifles from the floor where they had been dropped.

  Gerard took one of the rifles while Armando grabbed the other, Germain moving the bodies of the guards out of the way of the door. “This is where things are probably going to get hectic. Are you guys ready?” he asked, wiping his hands clean on one of the dead guards’ shirts.

  “As ready as I can be,” Elena muttered, gazing toward the door hesitantly.

  “Alright, let’s do this. Make sure you stay close to one another. The last thing we want to do is get separated or allow one of us to get captured,” Gerard said, seamlessly taking the role of a leader like he was born to do it.

  Armando and Germain took up positions on either side of the door as Gerard pulled the door open, the heavy metal door making a large amount of noise as it swung open. He charged inside with Elena directly behind him. He kept his gun leveled in front of him as he and his fellow agents filed into the room, the group of four finding themselves facing a group of only nine people. It only took a moment for him to recognize Dubois, who was sitting in the center of the room on a heavy crate, a large golden goblet held tightly in his right hand. “Ah, well will you look what we have here? Looks like a couple of rats have gotten onto our ship,” Dubois said, his Louisiana accent coming across thickly in his voice.

  “The only rat that I can see around here is you, Dubois. This treasure doesn’t belong to you,” Gerard said petulantly, the barrel of his rifle pointing directly at the Louisiana gangster.

  “It does now,” Dubois said with a laugh, snapping his fingers. The sound echoed loudly around the r
oom, the eight men guarding him all pulling guns from their own inner pockets. “Unless, of course, you do-gooders are going to try and take it from me.”

  “I’m afraid that is exactly what we intend to do,” Germain said, his natural French accent coming across heavily in his nervousness. “Our employer believes that these items can do far more good in the hands of the public rather than those of a private collector, especially a criminal as heinous as you are.”

  “It takes a criminal to know a criminal. What are ya’ll doing that makes you better than me? You are spies, correct? Does that not mean that you are constantly wading through morally ambiguous waters for the sake of money? We are not so different when you really think about it. Why don’t we work together? There is plenty of treasure here to go around,” he said, his one good eye twinkling mischievously. “How much is your boss paying you? I’m sure that I could offer you a better deal.”

  “Is that right? Because I should say, we have been offered a pretty good deal already,” Armando piped up, taking a step forward with his gun pointed toward one of Dubois’ henchmen. “All we have to do is get the treasure to our employer, and in exchange, he will make sure that we can all live comfortably for the rest of our lives. It would be pretty hard for you to top that offer.”

  “I guess this is the part of our meeting where negotiations break down,” Dubois said, sighing gently as he rose from his seat, revealing the rifle that he had been concealing with his body up until now. “Unfortunately, it seems like the four of you are slightly outnumbered.”

  “Looks can be deceiving, Dubois,” Armando said with a grin right as the roof above Dubois and his men exploded, pieces of the wooden deck raining down from above as the other agents’ zip lined down into the room.

  Dubois and his men were taken completely by surprise, the few shots that they managed to get off thankfully missing Gerard and Elena, the bullets whizzing past only a hair’s breadth away. Dubois tried to level his gun at Elena, but Gerard was squeezing his trigger before the gangster could even raise his arm. Dubois dropped like a stone, the few of his men who hadn’t been killed throwing down their weapons in surrender.

  “Bad move,” Gerard said softly. “Aiming a gun at my woman is a death sentence.”

  Chapter Sixteen: Elena

  “Is it seriously over?” Elena asked as she stood on the top deck of the ship with Gerard, the two of them looking out at the waters of the ocean as the sun began to peak up over the horizon.

  “I think so,” he replied quietly, his tone making it sound like even he couldn’t quite believe that what he was saying was true.

  “That was a really close call,” she said, remembering the bullets that had whizzed past them only a few hours earlier. “We could have been killed.”

  “I’m guessing that means you have solidified your decision to leave?” Charlie’s voice spoke suddenly from behind them, the couple turning around to face their boss.

  “It is honestly one of the hardest decisions I have had to try and make,” Elena admitted, brushing a lock of hair away from her face that the wind had blown out of place. “I like working for you, but having to constantly risk my life takes a little fun out of the job.”

  “I can imagine,” Charlie said, scratching the back of his head gently. “Is there anything that I can say that will make you guys consider staying with the organization?”

  “If you could limit the number of life-threatening missions that we have to go on to only a few, I can consider staying on the payroll,” Elena said, casting a glance over at Gerard. “I just want to make sure that I have the chance to live long enough to start my family, which is something that I think the time for is rapidly approaching.”

  Charlie looked at the two of them with a confused look on his face that gradually changed into a sly smile. “Ah, so the two of you have become an item, eh?”

  “You could say that,” Gerard said, looping his arm around Elena’s waist and pulling her closer to him despite her protests. “I asked her out the day that our vacation began, actually.”

  “Well, congratulations on that. I hope that the two of you will be able to enjoy a long, happy relationship together,” Charlie said sweetly, reaching into his inner pocket to pull out two envelopes bulging with cash. “It isn’t nearly all of what I plan to give you guys, but I figure you can take this as an advance until we inventory these items and sell them. The others have already accepted theirs, so I hope that you will do the same.”

  “After almost getting killed we would be stupid not to take it,” Elena said with a laugh, reaching out to pluck the envelopes gently out of Charlie’s grasp and handing one to Gerard. “And don’t think that I didn’t hear that line you spouted when you shot Dubois,” she said teasingly, looking Gerard directly in the eyes.

  “I don’t know what you could be referring to,” Gerard said embarrassedly, the male suddenly seeming to be very interested in looking at something in the distance.

  “Oh? Does the line “Aiming a gun at my woman is a death sentence” ring a bell?” she asked amusedly, loving the fact that he seemed embarrassed. She had never really seen him rattled before, so this was a nice change of pace. It was good to know that even Gerard Donahue had a soft spot in him.

  “Whatever!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air. “Can we just make our way back home now, please?”

  It was the early afternoon when Elena and Gerard found themselves back in London, the two of them hanging out in Elena’s apartment. With the excitement of their successful mission still coursing through them, the desire to celebrate was strong. However, despite wanting to go out and celebrate their success, there was something else far more pressing on Elena’s mind. She was kneeling on the floor in front of Gerard, her hands currently occupied with undoing the clasp on his belt and unzipping his pants. She almost drooled at the sight of his hard cock popping out into view, but she managed to restrain herself.

  “What got you all riled up?” Gerard asked curiously, a smile on his face as he watched her lean forward, her tongue peeking out of her mouth to drag along the bottom of his shaft.

  “You mean aside from having my sexy protector all to myself?” she asked, opening her mouth wide enough so that she could envelop the head of his cock, sucking on it gently. She would occasionally allow the thick head of his member to pop out of her mouth with a loud popping noise, delight coursing through her every time she would see his cock throb powerfully in response to her action. “Maybe I just feel like having a piece of you today.”

  “Well, I’m not the kind of man who does things halfway,” he replied, his hands moving to intertwine in her hair. “If you want me, you are going to have to take the whole thing.”

  She glanced up at him with a smirk, the heavy double entendre in his voice making it obvious what he was referring to. Closing her eyes, she allowed her mouth to envelop his cock once more, only this time she didn’t stop with just the head. She let her mouth slide down until she had half of his cock in her mouth, her lips pursing as she sucked on it gently. Her hands, in the meantime, moved to gently stroke over his balls. She even took the time to heft them carefully, feeling just how round and full they felt in her grasp as she sucked at his cock like a baby breastfeeding. His precum was oozing quickly out onto her tongue, Elena greedily lapping up every bit of it that she could.

  “Is this revenge for me eating you out during vacation but not letting you do anything in return?” he asked playfully, his hips gently beginning to roll back and forth, alternatively pushing his cock further into her mouth and pulling it out until only the head remained inside.

  “It might be,” she replied, letting his cock slip from her mouth just long enough to speak before she would envelop it once more with her mouth. A small bit of saliva drooled out of the corner of her mouth and down the side of his cock as she slowly began to bob her head back and forth, allowing him to use his hand to guide her movements.

  She started humming gently, allowing the vibrations t
o travel along the length of his cock. He let out a quiet, throaty moan that caused her pussy to drool into her panties, the sound of her aroused lover only serving to turn her on more. Her hand slowly stroked along the portion of his cock that she couldn’t fit into her mouth while the other one continued to cradle his balls. She didn’t know how long he would be able to hold out against her skillful mouth, but she did know that she wanted to be able to feel his balls clenching when it happened. Something about being able to feel the cum as it surges up the shaft before exploding into her mouth was something that she absolutely loved doing, though Gerard had been one of the few guys to allow her to indulge in that kink.

  She opened her mouth submissively when she felt Gerard begin to gently thrust into her mouth, doing her best not to gag as he forced his dick into her throat repeatedly. She was starting to feel really turned on, the desire to let him finish in her mouth competing with the desire to feel him take her the way that she wanted him to. She wanted to feel him pinning her down to her bed; to scream out his name as he pounded her tight little pussy the way that only he seemed to know how. Despite wanting all of this, she found that she could do nothing more than allow him to use her mouth as he pleased while her hand snaked down to rub over her drooling slit. She could feel his cock beginning to throb rhythmically in her mouth, signaling that her lover was beginning to approach his climax.

  That’s it. Cum for me, baby. Let me feel you coat my mouth with your creamy load. Her fingers were buried deep inside of her pussy now, pumping in and out of her wetly even as she continued to gag on Gerard’s cock. She didn’t care about how slutty she might look at that moment, her only thoughts centered on giving Gerard and herself pleasure. She didn’t even get a warning from Gerard when his orgasm finally hit, her mouth suddenly getting flooded with his hot cum, having to swallow multiple times to get it all down. She pulled her mouth away from his cock and held her mouth open for him to show him that every trace of his cum was gone, something that she knew he secretly enjoyed.


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