Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories) Page 4

by Christie Sims

  He laid out a platter of roast pork, boiled vegetables, hot bread smothered in creamy butter and a selection of fruits. I was surprised that a tiny town like this could serve such good fare but the price had been good and we all tucked in.

  The innkeeper hovered around the table as if waiting for some compliment or an invitation, despite my initial dislike I asked, “Will you sit with us?” He almost flattened one of his own chairs in his haste to sit and I noted he had his back to the small group by the fireplace.

  “Thank ye kindly,” he bellowed, “Wife says you're looking for rooms for the night?” He glanced over his shoulder at the group, who seemed to be speaking quietly between themselves again, before leaning forward conspiratorially, “You folk seem nice,” he then whispered, “So take a word of advice and don't be shouting about them mountains! Some folk round here have took up a new trade,” his eyes cut toward the fire then back as I ate, “Seeing as how nobody don't never come back from them mountains no more, these people have started making sure people don't even get to them mountains, if you catch my drift.” He leaned back and in a louder voice added, “Well, that's the rooms sorted, we can settle up in the morning, I'm an early riser.”

  Once he'd gone I glanced at each of my companions, Hoots pushed his cup away after only filling it twice, he wanted to stay alert for any danger, I nodded slightly indicating it was a good idea. I didn't really want to have my throat cut and be left for wolves to eat by these robbers.

  The remainder of the evening passed quietly but quickly, a few other people turned up, steering well clear of the people next to the fire, took a few drinks and left. With drinking left out of the evenings entertainments and nobody other than Grimm to speak to I decided I'd turn in and get a good night's sleep. Unless...

  Beneath the table I lay a hand on Hoot's thigh, squeezing the muscle there and running my hand up his leather trews to find his cock. Massaging his shaft through his trousers, yet keeping up a conversation with Grimm so nobody thought anything was amiss, I felt his impressive cock start to harden and heard him pull a deep breath in.

  “I'm going to turn in for the night,” I said, getting up from the table and yawning. Grimm stood also, “I might as well get some sleep too,” he agreed, “It's not like there's much else to do in here.”

  Hoots just got to his feet wordlessly and we made our way across to where the innkeeper and his wife sat, “Can we have the rooms now?” I asked, receiving a nod in reply. He took us all upstairs and inquired, “Doubles? Singles? What be ya needing?” I stepped closer to Hoots and replied, “Me and my husband will have a double, my brother will have a single.” To his credit, Grimm never gave any indication anything was amiss or he was jealous in any way. He bade us goodnight and locked the door of the room he'd been given.

  Hoots and I dumped our bags just inside the door, him locking it behind him and turning to face me in the dim light from the candle we had.

  “You don't say much do you, Hoots?” I asked, slowly crossing the room towards him. Hoots just shook his head slowly, “A man of action, then?” I murmured in a breathy voice, squealing when he pushed me roughly up against the wall.

  Turns out the quiet and unassuming Hoots was a bit of an animal. He took me roughly, his thick fingers ridding me of my clothing easily then roaming over my nude flesh, pinching and squeezing. Tweaking my nipples and slapping my ass till it must have shone red.

  I loved every second.

  Although he wasn't corded all over with muscle, he was a barrel chested man and strong. Covered in black hair when he stripped off, I grabbed a handful of the stuff in his belly and tugged at it playfully, giggling. He slapped my hand away and shoved me back on the bed, nearly jumping on top of me and pinning me down. There had been no doubt about it, I was trapped, no way could I have got out from beneath him even if I had wanted to.

  I didn't want to. I wrapped my legs around his thick waist and lifted my ass up to meet him. His cock was big. Really big. Not all that long but thick. It stretched the sides of my pussy like nobody else has before and thrills of pleasure shot through me as I came and came again. Eventually it was his turn and he was as silent through his ejaculation as any other time, pausing to pump his seed into me, his whole body jerking as his face turned red. Not a sound.

  He crawled up the bed beside me and I smiled at him, “That was fantastic!” I said, Hoots just smirked and nodded. I rolled over and shuffled back into his big, hairy body, feeling his hard cock against my ass cheeks, go soft. His arm came across me possessively and we slept.

  Hoots woke me up twice more during the night to repeat the experience. I wasn't complaining about the attention but I did need some sleep.

  “Here,” I told the innkeeper the following morning. I pressed triple the amount he had charged into his hand as a thanks for his tip off about the cut throat thieves who were working here.

  “Well, thank ye kindly, miss,” he announced loudly, “They're gonna be waiting for ye.” He added in a whisper. I nodded, we had already figured that out for ourselves.

  To confound the bastards who wanted to rob and kill us we turned south, riding away from the mountain pass and turned south-east later in the day. At noon we turned north once more and rode for the mountains and Dhorin-Ta's fortress.

  Ice, cold, biting wind, no visibility, barely able to breathe. By the second day into the mountains, we had needed to tie a rope between us when Grimm's horse had fallen, screaming, down a steep ravine landing on a pile of jumbled rocks a few hundred feet below. It had been blind luck he had been leading the animal when it went over.

  Nothing here seemed remotely similar to anything represented on the map I had and I wondered if the map was a fake or if, somehow, the mountains had been changed somehow.

  “It's probably cos you can't see right out there.” Grimm stated, waving one ice cold hand at the world outside. We had managed to find a cave and although it was still freezing cold in here, it was out of the howling, biting, ice-chip filled wind. Hoots was valiantly trying to get a fire going, sending sparks down into a pile of dry tinder he had.

  “We need to accept the facts.” I stammered through chattering teeth, “We're a horse down, our supplies are rapidly running out and we're in real danger of freezing to death out here. I know it's disappointing but I think we're going to have to turn back.” Hoots was triumphantly blowing on a tiny flame he had managed to get going.

  We were all silent, huddled together in the darkness, under other circumstances, it might have been erotic, as it was, we were just desperate. The fire had burned out as we had nothing save our clothes left to burn and our last resort was to share our body heat and try to make it through the night.

  Our luck must have turned as the morning was as bright and sunny as you could want, the wind was still freezing but the ice chips it had had in it were gone. I leaned against the cave wall and stared out, gazing down with disbelief at a building about half a mile down the trail we had been following.

  “Dhorin-Ta's fortress.” I said as someone approached from behind.

  “Fuck!” Hoots swore next to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I just nodded.

  “Is that it, you think?” Grimm asked as he fastened a thick woolen cloak around him.

  “I don't think there are going to be many other places like that out here, do you?” I replied.

  We led the two remaining horses down the sharp incline and towards the imposing structure. It looked like it had been grown from the actual mountains, it fitted in so well. A shock of fright ran through me then, if Dhorin-Ta was as powerful as he was supposed to have been, it might have been grown from the mountains.

  If he had been that powerful, what kind of traps and insurances might he have left behind for people like us?

  A doorway led inside the great building like an open maw waiting for prey to stumble in and I noted both Hoots and Grimm check their swords were loose in their scabbards. I'd already done that a few hundred paces back.

ing my fear I led my horse inside the gloomy building casting about for somewhere to leave the beast while we explored. I tied my mount to a jutting hook and we carried on exploring the vast network of rooms and corridors.

  Why one magician needed so many rooms was a mystery to me, why they were all completely empty was another. I'd been to other places people have abandoned and there's always something left to show they were there, even if it's only a full midden pit. This place had nothing, it was almost as if it had been cleaned. Scoured and washed to erase any clue as to what the room had been used for.

  Even if I'd found no furniture because it had all rotted away, I would have expected to see the evidence of furniture, a nail or handle, even the mark of where it had once stood. Here there was nothing.

  We made sure the ground floor was clear before moving up the only set of stairs we had come across. At the top was a corridor running from one end of the fortress to the other, doorways led off to either side but one doorway stood out as different.

  It actually had a door in it.

  We approached on silent feet and my two companions stood at either side of it while I pressed my ear against the wood. I had no idea whether the hum I could hear came from the room beyond, from the door itself or from my imagination. I couldn't hear anything else.

  Nodding to Grimm and Hoots I opened the door as quietly as possible, peering round the wood to see a trove of trinkets and items, treasures and gems. My face must have shown what I saw as both men leaned in for a look themselves and I heard twin gasps as I greedily cast my gaze over the loot.

  If we could get this out, we'd all be rich for the rest of our lives.

  We approached the hoard cautiously, there was something definitely amiss here, and I reached out with the sword I held to see if anything would attack it. The tip connected with a constructed piece I couldn't identify and we all heard the tap of metal on metal.

  I watched with my breath held as Grimm reached out for an orange gem the size of a baby's fist. I kept expecting something to happen, an explosion or flash of light but his hand connected with the stone and he picked it up.

  We all grinned at each other.

  Which is the exact moment Hoots' body ripped apart.

  I felt something hot and wet hit my face and started screaming when I realized it was his blood. Something like fingers burst from Hoots' chest and pulled apart, effortlessly tearing his body in two. His head was yanked up and away from the remains of his torso, landing with a splat on top of the pile of treasure.

  I could smell blood and shit where my friend's entrails ripped and uncoiled over the floor. I could hear someone screaming over and over before I realized it was me. I managed to rip my stare from Hoot's smashed remains to see Grimm was dead as well, his arms and legs had been wrenched from his body and lay some feet from him.

  I must have blacked out then as when I woke up I was in a cage. Torchlight flickered through the room and could see there was a pit of some kind in the center of it. I stood and moved across to the bars, looking for whoever had killed my companions and locked me in here.

  I was thirsty and saw a bucket just outside my prison, reaching for the contents I dipped a finger in to find cool, clear water. I started pulling handfuls of the water towards my face, splashing it into my mouth.

  Something approached the cage and ripped the gate open, grabbing me by the arm in a leathery grasp as tight as a vice. I struggled and thrashed to no avail as this thing dragged me towards the pit.

  I beat against the arm which held me and it was like punching stone. Taking the whole thing in, I noticed it was about seven feet in height, covered in shaggy, black hair and bulging with muscles.

  The thing, whatever it was, lifted me over the pit and brought me level with it's face which is when I saw...dear God! It had Hoots' face! I felt madness begin to creep into my mind, there was no way this could be happening to me!

  His face split in a hideous parody of a grin and a growling, deep voice rattled from his throat, “Welcome, my dear. So good of you to bring me some fresh men to use.”

  “W-what are y-you?” I managed to stammer.

  “I am what is left of Dhorin-Ta!” The beast said, “This is the end result of mangling so many spells and weaving my flesh with the flesh of others to achieve immortality. I have become an Ogre!” Dhorin-Ta still held me over the pit, and I couldn't see anything but endless blackness below my dangling feet.

  Shaking me a little I realized he was speaking again, “...Many a year since I have seen one such as you,” his growling voice rumbled through me, “I am going to keep you for my own.”

  Horror ripped into me as I looked into Hoots' stolen eyes, seeing the lustful intent I had longed for a little while ago now, made me feel sick. Dhorin-Ta reached out with one clawed hand and ripped my blouse away, followed immediately by the tight, leather trews I wore.

  Suspended by one arm, over the pit, I was now naked to his gaze except for a pair of boots made from furs. The ogre gripped my shoulder in one hand and turned me around, lifting my legs to rest on his shaggy shoulders.

  Both hands now gripped my shoulders pulling me back onto his evil, stolen face and I screamed as I felt the stubble of Hoot's dead face rake up my inner thighs.

  Something hot and wet slid through my pubic hair and I could see my tears falling into the endless midnight of the pit as he probed my pussy with his unnaturally long tongue. My body clenched when I felt that proboscis slide up my love channel and his grumble of delight vibrated through the sensitive tissues down there.

  His wide nose was planted deep in my ass cheeks as he lapped and tongued my cunt. I cold feel him give a great sniff every so often, drawing the smell of my cunt and asshole into his lungs. My weeping had subsided and a calming numbness overcame me as I felt my body respond to this vile magician turned ogre's ministrations.

  His thrusting tongue flew up and down inside me like a cock and I could feel myself begin to burn as my body relished in the sensations shooting up into my abdomen as he carried on.

  I hated that this felt good, hated that the creature who had ripped Hoots to pieces and then stole his face, was about to force me to come. The prehensile tip of his tongue bent to rub over the most sensitive, spongy, portion within me and I started to cry out, my breath coming in huge gasps as my womb clenched and the muscles in my pussy rippled, working towards a massive orgasm.

  My legs shot out and back arched, lifting my head up as he finally forced my body over the crest of the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I could barely cope with the power coursing through me. My body jerked against his strong hands as massive aftershocks rammed through me.

  Hi tongue pulled from my crevice and I heard him chuckle, “Your come tastes good in my mouth,” I felt sick, “Now for something a little more intense.” My mind reeled at his words, what could be more intense than what he'd just forced me to do?

  Dhorin-Ta held me under one arm like a bale of straw or load to be carried and made his way from the pit to a raised platform on which a rotten old curtain had been laid. He dropped me atop this curtain and wrenched my legs wide open.

  I looked down to see his phallus which looked like an arm with a clenched fist at the end. There was no way...

  I flinched and screamed out when I felt the end of his gigantic cock bump against my tight opening, “Don't!” I begged, “Please.” His laughter echoed in the room as he leaned into me, forcing his impossibly hard cock inside my pussy.

  I counted myself lucky he had prepared me with his tongue or my body would have split with the thick length I had inside me now. It felt as if my cunt had been stretched to its absolute limit and I could feel the heavy, battering-ram head of his cock stirring deeply within my body.

  Every inch of my pussy was stimulated at the same time by his huge length as he started sliding it in and out of me while holding my belly and one leg to keep me in place. Regardless of how I felt about the situation, my body started to respond again and I felt another massive
orgasm start to build.

  His thrusting cock was so big, I could feel him thrusting through the flesh between my pussy and ass, making it feel as if I was being buggered at the same time as fucked. This thought drove me over the edge and I felt wetness explode over his fat cock as I came, hard, again.

  Exhaustion was beginning to overwhelm me as I screamed myself hoarse, ripping my throat raw with the sounds I made. My whole body clenched and shook, muscles clamping down against the rigid column of flesh which still pumped in and out of my small body.

  I finally looked up and saw the snarl of exited delight begin to form as Dhorin-Ta started to climax. His grunts of pleasure got louder and louder as his strokes rammed into me erratically. Something almost human lit in his eyes as he paused, before slamming his cock forward painfully into me.


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