Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories) Page 5

by Christie Sims

  I squeezed my eyes shut and tried not to feel anything as his burning come splashed all over the opening to my cervix and I suddenly thought I would kill myself if I caught pregnant with his vile get.

  His breathing slowed and came back to normal and he lifted me from the platform, returning me to the cage I had woken up in. I curled in a ball and cried for hours until sleep finally claimed my exhausted body.

  I woke to find myself in the treasure packed room, a pile of fine clothing laid before me and the vast ogre form of Dhorin-Ta lounging before the pile. I snatched up the clothes, which could have been tailored to fit me, and dressed while his hot eyes burned into my flesh. I stood defiantly before him, determined to kill myself before letting this beast at me again.

  “I have lived in various forms for more than a thousand years,” Dhorin-Ta began, “In all this time, I have never encountered someone as amazing as you.” Hoot's eyes met mine from the ogres stolen face, “I have never felt so powerfully,” he chuckled, “Or come so hard, as with you. Normally coming here is a death sentence for anyone but your resilience and bravery have impressed me so I have decided to give you a gift.”

  I remained silent as his vast bulk shifted and he grabbed a handful (to him) of items from beside him. Holding up a tube which had a button on either end he told me, “Hold this and engage the buttons and you will be transported to anywhere you have been before. Keep the image of where it is in your mind when you work it or you might end up somewhere awful. Never think of a place you have heard of or seen in pictures or you will end up somewhere awful. Think of a place you grew up, or have a home at, somewhere you are very familiar with and you will get there.” He rolled the cylinder across the floor and picked up a small sack.

  “Here are some ordinary treasures for you, in compensation for your journey and efforts, I cannot allow you to take any magical items.”

  He leaned back and tossed the sack across to me and I stooped to pick it up, whatever was inside, I could barely lift it.

  “I would like to think you will return here one day.” He told me. I took the cylinder in my hands and thought of my little home in Grolain, “Die, you filthy monster!” I hissed pressing the buttons.

  The End

  Orcish Delight

  Being a slave is shit.

  Being a slave to Orcs is more shit. They're arrogant and self-righteous, while also seeing themselves as superior to humans like me.

  Worse than that is the fact, they like to live underground. In the damp. And the dark. Just my luck to get stolen from the farm I grew up on and put to work for these bastards. I'm never likely to see the sun or sky again now.

  I remember the day they came. Me and my brother had been dragging up weeds in the north field and I'd had enough, my back ached, my hands were red raw and I was sunburned from the mid-summer heat.

  I pushed Grinny along the track leading back to our home when something glinting caught my eye in the distance. It didn't take me long to know it was a raiding party of some kind, and my home was on fire.

  Grinny started crying as soon as he saw the six-foot tall, green skinned creatures which were stamping around the flaming remains of our house. Like an idiot, he ran off before I could stop him, calling out for Ma and Pa like a babe in arms.

  I hesitated waiting to see what would happen to him as he plodded towards the armed force. I winced as one of the massive, man-shaped creatures slapped a backhand blow across his face and he dropped to the floor like a stone.

  Another of the creatures picked him up as easily as if he weighed nothing and carried him off towards a massive, wheeled wagon. My heart leaped in my chest as I saw both my parents chained in the back – They're alive! I thought, hoping there was going to be some miraculous salvation for us all.

  Needless to say, that never happened. As silent as a gentle wind, one of them big man-things had found where I was hidden and grabbed me with arms so strong I couldn't barely breathe. He carried me towards the same wagon my parents was in and slung me in the back like I was a sack of grain.

  I looked at my Ma and Pa but they was both crying and wiling over Grinny who had a bruise all up one side of his face where he got slapped.

  “What we gonna do, Pa?” I asked after the big brute had gone.

  My Pa looked at me like all the life had gone out of his eyes. I never seen a look like that on nobody before and something in my chest hurt when I seen it in his kind face. My Pa come as close as his chains'd let him and whispered to me, “We ain't gonna do nothing, Loorlee.” He glanced about, “Them's Orcs what have took us and they'll kill ya as soon as look at ya if ya step outta line. So you listen to ya old man and do whatever them says.” I seen tears in his eyes and felt like crying myself at that but he managed to carry on and told me, “We mightn't never see one another again after this, them'll sell us to the highest bidder as slaves.”

  My Pa reached out and stroked my cheek, “I's sorry, Loorlee, I's never thought them'd come here even though the King's man telled us they might when we wanted to come out here.”

  I crawled into my Pa's arms and hugged his thin body all the way through the night while the wagon rolled away from the only home I'd ever known.

  Morning come and we was deep in some mountains where all I could see was trees and jaggedy rocks everywhere I looked. We started to go down a shallow hill and I looked in front of me with a gasp.

  The road went right inside one of the mountains! There was two gates, as thick as two men stood next to each other and ten times as tall. On both sides these Orcs had chopped windows into the rock and was looking out like this was a castle or something. I hadn't never seen nothing like it in my life, not even in the big town of Ordiss what had five wells that anyone could get water out of!

  Well, we went inside that mountain and I couldn't believe what I was seeing again. There was loads and loads of them Orcs, men and women both, watching us and working around the area.

  It weren't that light in that cave, there was some fires and some glowing stuff what give off light but I couldn't barely see nothing the deeper we got. I saw them Orcs what kidnapped me and my folks take their helmets off and underneath they had blindfolds over their eyes what they started taking off now we was all inside.

  We was going deeper and deeper inside the mountain, and the walls was getting wider till we got to a big room filled with Orcs. One of them Orcs what took us all opened the cage and dragged my Ma and Pa out, took them over to a raised bit of stone so all the other Orcs could see them and left them there next to a brutish Orc with a big spiked club.

  The first Orc come back for me and Grinny. Grinny wasn't thinking straight yet, after being knocked on his head the day before. I thrashed and tried to bite the pale green skin covering the hand of the Orc what come for me and Grinny. I could hear the others laughing as I snapped my teeth near his thick fingers like I was wild.

  Course he managed to grab me by the foot, dragging me across the stone floor between all them laughing, pointing Orcs with my skirts up over my head. The one what had the spiked club come over and took Grinny off his mate, who bent over and grabbed my shoulder, hoisting me above his head for all to see.

  “Get yer filthy hands off me ya fucker!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Laughter and catcalls I couldn't understand exploded around the room, with many of the audience pointing at the Orc what held me. He dropped me to the stone next to my Pa, knocking all the wind out of me.

  “Behave or them'll kill ya!” Pa hissed as I rolled around the stone platform trying to breathe.

  Everything else happened in such a flash I couldn't follow what happened. Ma and Pa was dragged off after some Orc bought them, leaving me and a stunned looking Grinny up there looking out over the crowd.

  When it come to the bidding for me, the whole room went quiet, my behavior before had put the buyers off and none of them Orcs wanted anything to do with me. The Orc what had dragged me up here was calling to the crowd in his savage language while the one what held the
club stood behind me, threatening like.

  The first Orc looked at me as if he hated the ground I was stood on and made a sign to the clubber behind me what said, 'Do her.' I near pissed myself when I thought I was gonna die and just closed my eyes, waiting for that nasty Orc to smash out my brains with that club what he had when I heard a shout from somewhere in the crowd.

  I looked up as some of them Orcs was gasping like they was surprised or shocked. Pushing through the crowd was an Orc what was bigger than all the others I'd seen, bigger than all them Orcs what was in this room.

  Well he was dressed right fine, that new Orc and he come across to stare in my eyes like he could see inside my head. I looked right back in his eyes and, even though them was as black as polished jet-stones, them sparkled like all the stars in the night sky was in them. I felt something funny happen to my insides when I looked in them eyes, like something inside my belly was moving about and getting all hot.

  He said something what I couldn't understand to the Orc what was about to kill me and I heard that Orc move off. Then he said something to the other one, the one what had took me and my folk, what made that Orc look real mad.

  Well I dunno what them Orcs was on about but I ended off going with that new, big Orc and he led me out through the crowd, leading me by the hand so gentle I was surprised by it.

  I dunno what happened to Grinny. I just know I never seen him again. Some of them other Orcs what I had to work with later, they said none of them Orcs what was in the room would pay any money for him and they knocked his brains out there and then. Still makes me cry a bit thinking about it, even though it was probably for the best, what with him getting hit by the first Orc back home.

  Poor Grinny.

  I ain't seen my Ma and Pa since them was sold off neither, don't expect I ever will, now, these caves under this mountain go on forever it seems like.

  So, I been here two years now, or so them Orcs tell me. In that time I picked up most of their language, it ain't hard after all, you just listen to what them Orcs are babbling on about and copy what they says.

  Turns out that big, well dressed Orc what bought me was some high-up Orc in their chain of command. It was a right surprise to me when he called for me one day to go and see him.

  Well I went up to his rooms, what was in a cave above where I was put to work cooking and cleaning and the like, and when I got in there it looked like I was back above grounds it was so light.

  He had a big fire what was burning bright in one corner, the smoke went up a chimney crack in the roof, and loads of them piles of glowing stuff what give off enough light for them Orcs to see by. I found out them glowing piles was rotting stuff and mushrooms what you can't eat what glowed a bit and them Orcs had to go miles underground to get it out for us to use.

  I know this Orc was high up but he must have had loads of gold too to have all this glowing stuff in one room. It made my eyes hurt to start off with cos I been down here for so long now my eyes work near as good as them Orcs.

  I stood in his room, blinking in the light as he looked me up and down with them eyes what still made me feel all funny inside. I was wearing what was left of the clothes what I come here in and them was all torn and too small for my body – I had big titties now what spilled out the top sometimes! It don't matter in the dark with them Orcs but here in this bright room, it weren't right.

  “You are called Loorlee, is that correct?” He asked me while I tried to make sure all them bits of me what should be covered, was.

  “Yes, master.” I said, never looking right in his eyes. Something what might have been a smile come over his face then, but it's hard to tell, what with his tusks what jut up from his bottom jaw. For all I knew he might have been in pain. Or having a shit. I nearly laughed at that and he must have seen me smile too cos he asked, “What is funny, Loorlee?” He's got a real deep voice what rumbles right through you, and makes your innards wobble. A bit like his eyes I think.

  Anyhow, I couldn't think of nothing to say to that so just shook my head and looked down at the floor. He took a deep breath, sighing it out and I thought I was in trouble for smiling or something when he asked me, “Do you know why I saved you in the auction hall on the day I brought you here?” I shook my head again, “No, master.” I said all quiet, like.

  “I thought I saw something in you that day,” the master carried on, “Something...strong. You had a defiance in your eyes I have not often seen, especially in a female human.” I was surprised as could be and frightened too.

  “I'm a good girl, master,” I cried out, “I ain't never been defiant in all the time I been here and I work faster and harder than them Orc girls what work downstairs.” I said this last bit all quiet like, so he wouldn't hear me. What I forgot is his big ears, what can hear an ant fart two miles off, it seems like.

  I heard him making some kind of rumbling sound but it took me a few minutes before I come to understand it was him laughing.

  “What?” I demanded, staring into his midnight eyes. He just laughed harder and pointed at me, “That!” He shouted through his laughter, “You still have that attitude I saw the first time I laid eyes on you.” He got up and I felt tiny next to his massive body what looked like it filled the cavern.

  His feet was massive, six-toed and a bit hairy. My eyes followed his legs up till they got to his thighs, each one was the same size as my waist, he had a leather and wood kilt what covered his privates but I thought they was gonna be about the same size as the rest of him. Above the kilt, his tummy was all hard lines and lumps of muscle, going up to his broad chest. His shoulders and arms was covered in thick pulsing muscle, cords of veins carried his blood about his body and everything moved and shifted as he breathed. He had massive hands, two times as big as mine, covered in thick skin and callus.

  He was as bald as all them Orcs was, apart from the women, what made his big, pointy ears stick out even more and I already told you about his tusks and them eyes of his. He was wearing an open jacket what never had no sleeves so I got a good look at his whole body.

  Something seemed to move inside me. It felt like my body was being pulled over to his, like my skin wanted to feel what it was like to be pressed up against all that hard muscle and I had to fight not to take a step. Something in his eyes told me he knew what was happening to me and I wondered if it was happening to him too.

  “I have waited these last two years for you to age and mature, Loorlee, giving your body time to grow and develop to its fullest before I asked for you to come to me.” I felt scared, exited and a bit sick all at the same time as his eyes roamed across my near-naked body. “Come with me.” He commanded.

  I walked behind him, watching the muscles in his ass and legs as they moved underneath the short kilt he had on. We went into another room what had a big pool cut out of the rocks, full of steaming water. “I think you might feel a lot better once you bathe.” My Orc master said pointing to the pool.

  I didn't know what to do, he was just staring at me like I was supposed to get all my clothes off right in front of him. I turned my back and stripped off what little of my clothes I had left, and my hands was shaking bad as I got in the water.

  I hissed when I got in cos the water felt like it was boiling and I swore a few times, making him laugh again. I realized I liked it when I made him laugh and I looked up at him when he stood there looking down at me with something like hunger in his eyes.

  I tipped my head back, wetting down my black hair, the water did feel good but I was still frightened about what he wanted from me. I weren't no fool, I seen people at it, Ma and Pa, cow and bull back on the farm, dogs, even some of them Orcs sometimes. But I ain't never done it, I never even kissed a boy back home cos the only one that there was was Grinny.

  Of course I'd played around a bit, touched my hairy bits between my legs till I come over all hot and exited like, but having one of them things up there? Never.

  I was still washing when I heard a splash and seen he'd sat on the
side, dangling his legs and feet in the water, “Come here.” He said and I slowly went over to where he sat, “Turn around, Loorlee,” I did what I was told and my breathing got faster till I was panting like I'd been running miles.

  “Master...” I couldn't think of what else to say.

  “Shhh, Loorlee, be calm.”

  I felt something touch my head and jumped but I realized it was just my master's hands putting something in my hair. It felt cold and runny, sliding down my head and on my shoulders. His thick fingers was rubbing my hair then, raking over my scalp like a plow through soil.

  I ain't never felt nothing good like that before, and I heard a little moan come out of my mouth like a cow mooing. He rubbed and scratched my head and washed my hair as I backed up to lean against his legs. He carried on squeezing my skin with his powerful hands, going down my neck and out across my shoulders.

  It felt like bliss to me and I didn't never want it to end. I couldn't believe such a huge Orc could be so gentle when all they usually done was fight. Tingles ran down my spine from the tips of his fingers and right inside my belly what felt all wet and squirmy.


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