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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

Page 9

by Christie Sims

  Scrambling out from beneath the gryphon, she began to climb the side of the nest, gripping branches and scaling them like a ladder until she drew level with the rim. Belerana looked over her shoulder at the animal she wanted to fuck and raised her ass up, offering her gaping pussy up for his examination.

  The beast did not hesitate, he stood with his front feet on the edge of the nest near her own hands and stood behind her. She felt the tip of his cock bat against her ass cheeks a few times before reaching between her legs and grasping his cock. She positioned it at the opening to her cunt and leaned back as he pressed forward.

  Pain lanced through her as the gryphon bulled his way into her and she screamed, wondering if she was split inside. After three deep, powerful thrusts of his hind legs, however, she was screaming for a different reason.

  Pleasure like she had never felt thrummed from within Belerana, spreading from the spongy area just up inside her pussy and working its way throughout her body. From the bottom of her feet to the top of her head tingled in utter delight, her heavy breasts slapped back and forth as he rode her hard, but her nipples slamming into the wood of the nest just heightened her pleasure. Quickly she climbed the heights of orgasm and shouted herself hoarse as the muscles in her cunt grabbed and pulled at the gryphon's thick member.

  The gryphon did not care if she came, he did not care if she lived through the experience or died, he just drove his cock up inside the tightness of her burning pussy over and over. Bringing Belerana to the very edge of consciousness with the pleasure and delight brought on by his massive cock. She could feel every inch of every stroke he slammed up her love tunnel, stretching her internal muscles and filling her with his cock.

  The overwhelming, musky scent of him had turned her into a wanton slut, desperate to get fucked hard by this creature and she loved every second. When her third orgasm smashed through her, he could control himself no more and with an earsplitting, animal bellow, the gryphon ejaculated inside her.

  Belerana felt totally fulfilled as the lava-hot come squirted all over the deepest places another being could reach. The gryphon shook and shuddered as his orgasm crashed through him after which, he turned away, leaving the human woman panting and covered in sweat.

  She climbed down from her perch, muscles aching from the fantastic ordeal she had just been through, and walked over to lean against the oak. As the air here was free of the gryphon's pheromones, she regained her thought processes and the horror of the event hit her like a hammer to the face.

  Her screams disturbed the gryphon, rousing him from his new sleep and he leaped from his nest to land before her, bellowing his rage.

  “What did you do, you fucking animal?” Belerana yelled into his face, “Why did you rape me?” Even as the question left her lips, she realized it was untrue. His unique chemical signature had made her a pliable and willing participant, but he had not forced her to do anything.

  She fell to her knees, sobbing loudly. The gryphon tilted his beaked head to one side, then the other before deciding the noise was too annoying to bear.

  His head darted forwards at lightning speed, severing Belerana's head by snipping through her neck with his beak. Immediately the sounds ceased and the gryphon returned to sleep in his nest, saving her body for a snack later.

  The End

  The Cave

  The caving expedition had been planned for months and Claire had been prepared from the minute that their plans had been confirmed. She wasn't the most experienced of cavers but she had a few expeditions under her belt and she had been itching to explore the Devil’s Cave since she had heard about it last summer. At the time her caving instructor and inspiration for caving, Dan, had forbidden her from stepping foot in to Devil’s Cave.

  “As far as skill level Claire, well, you're a four right about now. To head in to Devil’s Cave you need to at least be an eight.” She had taken offense at the time but after going home and looking at a few pictures of the cave taken by other cavers, she realized that Dan had been right. Still, this year she was more prepared, she had more caves under her belt and she had more hours of rappelling.

  When Claire had approached Dan about finally tackling Devil’s Cave together he had laughed at her persistence but nodded and given in on the condition that she complete a month’s course in extreme rappelling first. Claire would have agreed to just about anything to add Devil’s Cave to her caving repertoire so she quickly agreed to Dan’s offer and they made plans to hit Devil’s Cave in August of that year. July would have been too hot to make the trek out to the cave.

  “Okay, so…you have everything?” Dan looked Claire over, taking an inventory of all of her clips and ropes and accessories that hung from her belt and backpack. She nodded. “And you are sure that you want to do this?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Would you just hurry up? I'm beginning to think that you're the one who’s too scared to ho down in to this cave!” She smirked at him and Dan raised an eyebrow cockily.

  “I will have you know that I have been to Devil’s Cave plenty of times before. There’s nothing to it.” He clipped a water bottle to his belt loop before adding, “if you know what you’re doing.” He turned and motioned for her to follow him. “Come on, let's get started.” Claire stuck out her tongue and followed him.

  The hike to Devil’s Cave was longer than Claire had expected it to be but her excitement for finally getting to see the cave for herself was enough to spur her on without complaint.

  “And if you start to slip what do you do?” Dan had been drilling her with safety questions for the entire trip up to the cave and by now Claire was beginning to suspect that he had planned to do away with her.

  “I scream and flail around wildly.” She couldn't help but snicker. Dan was not impressed and he let her know as much with a stern look before turning back to the path.

  “No you won't, and if you keep acting like that then I’ll turn around right now and we will just go home.” Claire rolled her eyes imagining Dan driving a minivan with two toddlers in the backseat squabbling over their favorite toys.

  “Sorry, sorry.”

  “Look, I know you're just being…you.” He didn't turn back when he said this and Claire wasn't exactly sure if it was a shot at her or not. “But this isn't our usual cave, this is dangerous…this is serious shit.”

  “I know, I know.” Claire agreed with him and followed him in silence like a scorned child for the rest of the way to the cave.

  When the cave appeared over the last of the rocky hills before them, Claire found herself amazed at the sheer size of it. She had expected a cavernous wonder but actually seeing it for herself was something else entirely.

  “Amazing isn't it?” Dan was looking back at her with a smirk on his face and Claire nodded open mouthed. “You haven't seen anything yet, wait until we get inside.” He started down the last hill toward the cave.

  When they got to the mouth of the cave Claire peered in to the darkness over Dan’s shoulder. The darkness was much less inviting than she had expected it to be, even when Dan shined his light in to its depths.

  “It looks much deeper and darker than I thought it would be…” She grabbed on to the loop of his belt as she leaned closer to him.

  “It's not as bad as you think it will be but everyone gets nervous when they see it for the first time. Just remember everything I taught you and you will be fine, and I'll be right here with you.” Claire stepped back biting her lip, she didn't think she would be as nervous as she was but now she wasn't so sure that this was something that she could even begin to undertake.

  It took a good deal of prompting from Dan to get Claire to step foot inside the cave and once inside it took Claire another good while to grow accustomed to the darkness.

  “Just go steady.” Dan’s voice echoed off the dimly lit walls as he led Claire in to the deep darkness of the Devil’s Cave. “We will trek downward for a while, just follow me and step where I step.” The lower they descended the darker the da
rkness became and Claire found herself reaching out to grasp for Dan’s reassurance.

  “What was that noise?” Claire looked behind her warily, tugging Dan back with her.

  “I didn't hear anything? Be careful! You're going to pull me right off the path!” Dan pulled back against the wall.

  “I heard it! It was a scream!” Dan shook his head.

  “There was no noise, Claire! There are just noises down in caves, you know that. It's the noises of nature, settling, cave life. You know how these things are. You're just getting yourself spooked. Now we've come this far and we need to keep going if we're going to do this.” Claire relaxed her grip and looked around them one more time before nodding slowly.

  “You're right…sorry.” It was just two steps further in to their descent that Claire heard the scream again, only this time it was a scream so hideous and so loud that she knew there was no way that Dan had not heard it. She saw his steps falter but still he did not stop, not did he turn, rather he continued to walk downward, toward the source of the screaming. Claire could feel the fear rising as butterflies in her stomach as she followed him down, she felt her heart leaping in to her throat, her stomach turning in to knots as her pulse quickened. Her heartbeat screamed to her ‘go back, go back, go back, go back,’ but she could not, she had to follow him now. She had tried for so long, spent so long to convince him that this was something that she could and should do yet now she wanted nothing more than to run.

  The deeper the descent in to the cave the colder it became. The dampness in the air clung to their skin and made Claire’s hair stick to her skin. She felt a shiver slide down her spine as the scream from below came closer, a whistling scream that began as a howl and whipped upwards past their ears like a banshee flying upward and tying itself around their ears like a silken ribbon before slinking downward again. Claire shuddered, goose bumps covering her soft and supple skin.

  “Dan…” He didn't turn to her, didn't even acknowledge her or the banshee like screaming that had assaulted their senses. “I know that you heard that too. What is it? What is happening?” Still Dan did not turn around, he faced downward now, looking in to the darkness that had swallowed up the screaming voice. Claire strained her eyes in the darkness to catch his attention, “Dan?” He still didn't turn to her. Reaching out, Claire places her hand on his arm, he felt cold to her touch but still he didn't respond to her. She tugged his arm this time, attempting to force him to turn and face her. Still he would not budge. His face looked downward in to the blackness and his eyes were fixed upon something that could not be seen. “Dan?” Claire’s voice came as a whisper this time, almost as if she were afraid to even rouse him. He didn't move. Claire backed herself up against the wall of the cave, giving herself something to lean against and putting a little space between herself and Dan. She wasn't sure if he was going to rappel or perhaps jump or perhaps neither but she wasn't exactly sure that she wanted to find out. Either way though, she was certain that she couldn't find her way back up to the surface alone. Sure, they hadn't come that far down in to the cave but the path down so far had been unsteady and Claire wasn't entirely convinced that whatever had been making the banshee noises wasn't going to follow her and do God knows what once it got her alone. The longer she stared at Dan though, the longer she wasn't convinced that he might do the same. She watched as his body began to sway painfully close to the edge of the edge of the ledge.

  It felt as bough she had been watching Dan swaying with the light breeze that blew periodically through the cave, for hours. Time dragged on much more than it should when in the complete silent company of someone who had possibly been struck with a suicidal tendency.

  “We need to walk to the bottom now.” Dan’s voice didn't sound the same, it didn't sound like him, but Claire was happy to hear some type of sound at all, she had begun to feel quite alone in the echoing chamber of the cavern.

  “Are you ok?” Claire walked over to him, a concerned look on her face and her arms held out carefully in front of her. When her hands came in to light contact with his arms she lowered hers with an embarrassed smile. “Sorry.”

  “I'm fine. We need to walk to the bottom now.” He repeated himself in almost a robot like tone and without time to comfort Claire he began to walk the trail as he had done before. Claire followed him, trying her best to leave a slight space between them this time just in case he should become an entirely new person after all.

  “Ok” Claire clamored around behind him, she could hear small rocks slipping under her feet even though the ground underneath her had become no less stable than it had been before.

  Dan’s pace had picked up as he walked with a newfound sense of purpose. Claire couldn't help but wonder if he had seen something at the bottom of the cave that she had been unable to see with her own eyes.

  By the time that they were midway down the path to the bottom of the cave, Dan came to a halt once more. This time he stopped in the center of the path and It took everything in Claire to stop herself from running in to him. Seconds after she stopped, the two of them were greeted with another howling scream from below, only this time when the scream rose up from beneath them and came up to wrap itself around their heads it aimed straight for Dan. Claire watched in amazement as a visible gust of something wound it's way around his head and before disappearing released another incredible and ear piercing screech. Dan turned to face her as the second sound began to fade. This sound did not fade back in to the darkness however, it faded directly in to Dan’s mouth which was wide open as he stared blankly at Claire. She felt goosebumps run the length of her arms and a great flock of butterflies took flight in her stomach as she stared at his gaping mouth. She wanted to say something or maybe run but her body refused to do both of these things as she simply stood there before him.

  Dan’s mouth closed and his eyes focused on her, his eyes that were now completely white and locked on to her with half a grin. He stepped forward closing the small gap between them, Claire wanted to step back, to push him away from her. He no longer looked like himself, whatever it was that had dissipated inside his mouth had changed him, given him the look of another world. His eyes seemed to glow, his entire presence seemed unearthly as he stepped toward her. Claire stepped back again, this time finding herself pushed up against the rock wall, the coldness of the granite seeping through her clothes, the hardness pushing against her. Dan pressed against her, the corner of his mouth lifted in a sinister grin, his eyes glowing back at her as if to say ‘I will take what I want.’

  “Dan?” She tried to reach out, she tried to shake him from his body with the sound of her voice but still he stared at her with those lifeless eyes and that sinister grin. He pressed in to her, his skin much colder than it should have been, Claire could feel his breath against her neck, he was breathing quickly as he pressed his mouth against her bare warm skin. His lips found her pulse and he mouthed her like prey, nibbling her supple neck with his teeth.

  “Mmm Dan, what are you doing?” She tried to push him away with her hands, she had never seen this side of him before, she didn't recognize anything about him now. His hands fumbled as he slipped them between their bodies and began tearing at the zips and buttons of her safety gear and clothing, trying to undress her in the cool damp air. His mouth still latched on to her skin. Claire tried to lean away from him, to break free and ask him what he was doing, why he was doing it here, why now, but when she pulled back she heard the growl deep in his throat. It began at the base of his neck, between his collarbones and soon rushed up and burst from his mouth with terrifying force. It was the growl of a wolf fighting to hold on to its prey and Claire wasn't going to challenge it, not even if she was that prey. She leaned in to him, giving her neck to his lips once again and she felt his mouth relax in silence. His tongue lapped serpent like against her skin, trailing downward as he tugged at her clothing, begging to taste more of her flesh.

  Claire shivered as the cool damp air of the cave wrapped around her naked body
. Dan stood watching her for a moment in silence. He seemed proud of the work he had done in stripping her naked and his possessed eyes looked her over continuously as they gleamed with a hint of something otherworldly. Claire’s body convulsed in the cool air and Dan’s new eyes seemed to watch with interest as she shivered. He turned his head curiously on one side, a small glint of red glowing in his eye sockets as he did. The longer he watched her, the more his eyes roamed over her naked body and his long, and now serpent like tongue flicked over his lips as he let his eyes come to rest on her perfectly trimmed pussy. His object of obsession, the thing he felt so drawn towards, the thing that he needed now more than anything. As his demon like eyes settled on her sweet pussy he raised his head in the air and took a deep breath. He could smell her, he could smell her tangy musk on the air and he knew that despite her fear, despite her shivers, she wanted to be pleasured. From her scent she was already dripping for him and his serpents tongue would be more than enough to complete the task at hand.

  Claire watched as Dan stood still in front of her, his form seeming to change in the now glowing darkness. A thin smoke seemed to be rising from the cave below bringing with it a tint of redness that colored the atmosphere around Dan giving him the appearance of the devil himself.


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