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I Take Thee, Matthew

Page 5

by Susan Joseph

  Divorce! The word was like a slap in the face. A slap in the face that woke me up. I looked at the brittle blonde sitting across from me and had to ask myself why I was trying to be more like her? It was obvious that Sierra wasn’t happy, and trying to be more like her was making me unhappy. “Sierra, I don’t want a divorce. I love my husband, even though I haven’t been acting like it lately.”

  “He’s an overbearing pompous toad!” she scornfully announced.

  “No he’s not. He’s a loving husband with traditional values. That might sound strange in today’s world, but he is the kind of man I want.” I got to my feet. “Sierra, I wish you well, but…” There was a banging at Sierra’s kitchen door, and then it opened. My Matthew was standing there, frowning. “Matthew…!” I was happy to see him. I had so much to tell him…

  “You, Mary Frances Patterson Callahan, are coming home with me right now. I’ve permitted this friendship to go on much too long, and if I let it continue this woman is going to talk you into divorcing me. I want my wife back, and I want her back right now.”

  He swept me off my feet, and tossed me over his shoulder, fireman style, and I almost swooned because I was so happy! Oh, I knew that my husband was out of patience, and that he was going to spank me, and I was excited. Everything in my world was suddenly wonderful and right again. I was through pretending to be something I wasn’t. I wanted to be a traditional wife, and I wanted to obey my husband in all things good. “Sierra,” he growled, “you are not welcome in our home, and if Mary Frances wants to sit down any time soon, she will not set foot over here.”

  “Frannie, do you want me to call 911?” Sierra was already running for her telephone, which was sitting in its charger on the counter.

  “Don’t you dare, Sierra. Don’t you dare.” I gave her a smile, and a thumbs up, and as Matthew carried me out of her home, I saw the unhappy expression on her face, and the longing in her eyes. She desperately wanted what I had, but until she admitted it to herself, she would continue to be unhappy.

  Matthew’s hard right hand smacked against my bottom all the way home, and even though I was ‘ouching‘ every step of the way, I was thrilled. Once we were inside, he pulled out a kitchen chair, took a seat, and dropped me over his thighs, and started spanking in earnest.

  “This has gone far enough, young lady. I’m tired of the fussing and fighting.” He spanked me hard, and I lay perfectly still and accepted each and every spank, my heart swelling with love at each one. “I know I’m breaking my promise to you, but frankly, I can’t stand living like this another minute.” He spanked and spanked, and my bottom was burning beneath my jeans and panties. I felt very loved and very safe.

  Matthew finally stopped, and turned me over to sit on his lap. “I love you,” I told him. I didn’t care that my bottom was stinging. My heart was singing with joy. “Please don’t ever let me do that to us again.”

  We talked and talked, and talked some more. Matthew held me, and we both cried a bit over some of the hurtful things we’d said and done… and then I decided that I had to be brave and honest. I wiggled a bit so that he would release me, and once he did, I got to my feet and kissed him thoroughly. I knew of only one way to tell Matthew that I was committed to our marriage and our way of doing things.

  I walked over to the stove, and reached into the ceramic holder and took out the spanking spatula and blushed as I carried it over to where he sat watching me solemnly. When I held it out to him I said, “I love you, Matthew, and I truly want us to live a traditional marriage. Would you give me the spanking I earned for refusing to be the wife I promised to be? Would you give me the chance to prove to you that I am truly committed to us, and to our marriage?”

  Matthew nodded emotionally, and gave me a kiss to seal our bargain. I unfastened my jeans and slid them down and off, and removed my panties as well, and then I put myself over his lap again. Matthew simply rested his left hand on my back. It was going to be up to me to submit to this spanking I asked for, and I was determined to accept whatever Matthew thought was needed to put us back on track.

  It was a very long spanking, and Matthew didn’t spank particularly hard. It was as though he knew I needed the time over his knee to forgive myself. Even with the gentler spanks, by the time he finished tanning my backside, I knew I would not sit well for a few days. My sit spot was screaming, and tears were streaming down my cheeks. Matthew held me and comforted me for a long while, then gently carried me upstairs and laid me down on our bed, and joined me there. We made love then, and several more times that day. And, Matthew gave me another spanking, because he wanted to, and I accepted it without complaint… because he wanted me to.

  Life returned to normal, and my parents noticed that Matthew and I were happy again, but respected our privacy and didn’t ask questions. Sierra moved less than a month later, and neither Matthew nor I was sad to see her go. She’d done me a huge favor, and I prayed she would find happiness someday.

  I didn’t think the next spanking I got was very fair… I was only trying to be helpful, but Matthew said I was interfering, and that Mark didn’t need my help. I strongly disagreed with that statement, and promptly reminded my husband that he’d told me to do something extra nice for Mark as atonement for my rudeness, and almost injuring him with a hammer. Matthew patiently explained that he meant something simple like baking a cake, or buying him a shirt, or knitting a blanket… not matchmaking. I argued that Mark was lonely and needed to find happiness. Matthew said that Mark was a grown man and he would find his own happiness. I complained that Mark was even slower about it than his older brother… and that is when the spanking happened. I guess Matt didn’t like learning that I was ready to date him months before he asked. He said it was because I wasn’t listening, so he needed to get my attention in a very elemental way. I thought that one or two swats accomplished that nicely, but Matthew disagreed, and since he was the one doing the spanking, my poor bottom was quite red when he asked if I was willing to be reasonable. I politely told him that I was always reasonable. Matthew chuckled in spite of himself, and then dared to spank me for telling a fib! It wasn’t a bit fair, but I agreed not to do any matchmaking.

  The holidays approached, and I was filled with my customary excitement. I loved to make and give special little gifts for everyone, and this year was no exception. Matthew just shook his head and chuckled each time he caught me working on one more little project. He didn’t peek, but he knew I was up to ‘mischief’ of some sort.

  My Mom was having Christmas Eve at her house, and as the day drew closer I was growing more and more excited. I loved Christmas. I loved the carols… and I loved going to Midnight Mass with Matthew and the entire family. Matt’s brothers all joined us every year for this traditional evening, which started with dinner, of course. Mom always outdid herself, even though Becky and I came and helped. Once dinner was over, we reminisced about Christmases past… Some of our cousins, aunts, and uncles dropped by for cookies and eggnog, and so did Dad’s employees.

  The house was full to brimming, just the way my folks liked it. At precisely 10:45 we all piled into cars and headed for the Church, which was always packed for Midnight Mass. We went early to get our family pew… and to make sure we were there when the singing started. My whole family loved to sing, and it didn’t matter if we were off-key once in a while. We believed in giving our voices back to God, and we did so exuberantly. Matt’s youngest brother, John, had a singing voice that was truly beautiful, and once in a while I would stop singing to listen to him. It was so wonderful. After Midnight Mass, we went back to my parents’ house and exchanged family gifts.

  The next morning, we would all be in our own homes and have our personal Christmases, but tonight was for family. I waited until everyone was finished opening gifts from each other, then I found my large bag, and announced. “I want all of you to open these at the very same time, so no peeking.”

  “That means she got us all the same thing,” my brother-in-law, Russ,
whispered loudly, making everyone laugh.

  I just laughed and passed out everything, then said, “Okay… Open them now!” And I waited, trying to watch everyone at the same time, and wondering who would be ‘first’. It was Matthew, of course. I suspected he might already know our special news, but that he’d been waiting for me to tell him.

  He got to his feet and hugged me, then kissed me. His gift was a shirt proclaiming him a ‘father-to-be’. And as the others opened their packages, there were happy cries around the room. Of course, my parents were thrilled at the prospect of another grandchild, and Becky was excited, too. Matthew’s brothers were whooping and yelling and clapping him on the back, and threatening him to be ‘nice’ to me all at the same time.

  Matthew held my hand all the way home, and kept smiling.

  “You knew, didn’t you?” I asked suspiciously.

  He nodded. “I figured you were planning to tell everyone tonight, sweetheart.” His eyes were misty. “We made this baby right after that spanking because of Sierra’s interference, didn’t we?” he wanted to know.

  “We sure did,” I confirmed. “I knew I was pregnant, Matthew. We put our marriage to rights, and our child was conceived as confirmation of our love and commitment.” I believed that with all my heart, and I saw that belief in my Matthew’s shining eyes as he looked at me in love. I felt truly blessed

  The End

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  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.




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