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Hot Pink Heels (The Street Series)

Page 7

by Adrienne Dawn

  “Her name is Mandy,” Phil said. “She’s a looker, isn’t she? I just met her recently.”

  Jackson didn’t care for Phil’s tone or his comment, but he had to let it go. “Where did you meet Amanda?” He realized his error as soon as he said it, but fortunately, Phil didn’t think his use of Amanda’s full name was strange.

  “Mandy, she goes by Mandy,” Phil said. “I ah, met her through some friends,” he stated evasively.

  “What friends? I thought I knew all of your friends,” Jackson started to question him further, but Phil interrupted.

  “Listen, I found her through an escort service, Jack, but please don’t tell anyone,” he pleaded. “She’s a nice girl and I just wanted to have a pretty date for the evening for once.” Phil’s short stature and slightly rounded stomach was a testament to his reason for resorting to this measure.

  “Phil, it’s me, Jack. You know your secret is safe with me,” Jackson said earnestly, but he couldn’t get his mind off one question. “So, what services did you pay for exactly?” He tried to sound conversational instead of questioning, but it was hard when his heart was racing. And just why is it racing, buddy?

  “Excuse me?” Phil’s voice tightened. “I don’t think I heard you correctly, because it sounded like you just tried to butt into my business. But for what it’s worth, it’s not like that. I’m just dancing with her a little and then taking her straight home. But it doesn’t hurt my situation that she’s so easy on the eyes, am I right?” He smiled convincingly, but Jackson wasn’t enthused.

  “Why do you ask? Interested in hiring her to step in where Clarissa can’t, or are you even still with her?” Phil questioned.

  Jackson’s hands fisted at his sides, but his voice was calm. “Clarissa is a lovely young woman who has been through a lot of pain,” Jackson said, forcing himself to sound normal. “She’s not like that, and yes, we are still seeing each other.”

  “C’mon, we both know you’re going to have to sow some wild oats before you settle down with Clarissa,” Phil laughed.

  Jackson’s eyes narrowed. This conversation was over. “Well, Phil, I hate to run, but I have a couple of things to see to,” he said.

  “Yeah, okay, good catching up with you, pal,” Phil said. Jackson suspicioned Phil had been drinking, and by all signs, he’d already had more than enough. He was going to have to convince Amanda to ride home with him, or take a cab or something. Phil was in no shape to drive and it should be easy to snag his keys from the valet later in the evening.

  Turning, he began to look for his hooker.

  The lady in question was exiting the restroom, her face carefully repaired, but her emotions were teetering at best. Clarissa Black had been nothing like she expected. After a frosty warning to stay away from Jackson, Clarissa had swept from the room with a smile plastered to her face.

  Amanda had remained behind, her fragile heart in tatters. After pulling herself together, she realized she just wanted to go home. She wasn’t sure how Phil would take that, but she’d give some of the money back to him to make up for it. She just couldn’t stay here another minute and chance another run-in with either Jackson or Clarissa.

  All sensors were on alert as she searched the room. She finally landed on Jackson, who was standing off to the side of the now-crowded dance floor. He was leaning down, his lips close to Clarissa’s ear, no doubt whispering promises to her. He was probably telling her how Amanda was nothing to worry about, just some hooker he’d helped in order to assuage his conscience.

  As if confirming Amanda’s suspicions, Clarissa curved into Jackson’s arms, tucking her head just under his chin as Amanda had only dreamt of doing. You are truly screwed up. He’s clearly off the market and even if he wasn’t, he’s used to fishing in a pond that is way out of your league.

  She couldn’t stand there for another second. She had to find Phil and convince him to take her home. She had the cash in her wristlet and was prepared to offer some of it back to him, but when she appeared at their table, she knew it wouldn’t be necessary. Phil was clearly passed out, his head laying on the table and several empty glasses next to him.

  Clarissa and Jackson may have looked the part of the happy couple, swaying gently to the music at the edge of the dance floor, but their almost dreamy expressions belied the tension in their embrace.

  “What did you say to her?” Jackson questioned Clarissa, after hearing about her chance meeting with Amanda in the ladies’ room.

  “It was nothing, really,” Clarissa began, but his look of disbelief had her backpedaling. “Okay, we chatted briefly, and after our little talk, I think it was clear to her that she was to stay away from you.”

  “Tell me you did not say that to her,” Jackson asked in surprise. “That does not sound like my Rissa at all.” His arms loosened and he backed away just a bit. Other couples continued to move slowly around them.

  “Well, your Rissa has never had the man she loves give her any reason to distrust him before,” Clarissa said none too gently. Jackson turned to look for Amanda across the room, sensing rather than seeing her as she headed for the exit. Phil was at their table, asleep, but Amanda was gone.

  Realizing they were drawing attention, Clarissa chucked him gently under the chin, as if they were playing around. She had to remain calm and unruffled. Forcing a smile, she tightened her grip on his hand as he started to move away. “Where are you going,” she asked in a too-sweet voice.

  “Her ride is plowed, and I have to make sure she gets home safely,” Jackson said, attempting to free his hand from her surprisingly strong grasp.

  “Jackson, you can’t be serious!” Clarissa looked at him, stunned. “You cannot go after that, that hooker!” The last word was nearly a shout and was enough to stop most of the couples on the dance floor and several at the nearby tables.

  “I have to, Rissa,” he said, not caring who heard them now. “I have to make sure she’s safe, because there’s one more thing I haven’t told you.”

  Clarissa was mortified to see the other guests staring at them. She pulled Jackson aside, her face saying everything but she still had to ask. “What? What is it?”

  “Amanda is pregnant,” Jackson said quietly.

  Amanda stood outside, trying to get her bearings before hailing a cab. The bubble had popped and the dream was over. There would be no Prince Charming to rescue her, now or ever. No guy would climb a rickety fire escape for someone like her, because that only happened in the movies.

  She was on her own and she was determined not to give up on her dream of becoming a star, despite the numerous setbacks she’d already faced.

  By the time Jackson made it outside, Amanda was about to step into a cab. “Amanda! Wait!” He jogged down the steps and grasped her elbow. “Where are you going?”

  “Home, Jack,” she said. She turned to start back into the cab, but he stopped her again.

  “Let me give you a ride,” Jackson offered. “Clarissa can’t leave for awhile, but when she can, we’ll be happy to drop you off. Just please don’t go without answering one question.”

  “What’s that?” Amanda sighed, knowing what was coming.

  “Did you go through with the abortion?” Jackson held his breath, hoping for the “no,” but when he looked into her eyes he had his answer. The pain there was evident, but she thrust her chin out and tried to shake off his grasp.

  “Jackson, it’s none of your damn business,” she started. “You helped me get out and I’m not with Billy anymore, so butt out.”

  “Okay, so this escort business is so much better, I suppose?” He snorted despite his relief at her news regarding Billy. “What about the baby?”

  “Fine. You want me to say it? I will. It’s gone,” she said harshly. “I told you what I was going to do. I went through with it—I had to. I had to get on with my life and a baby would have seriously screwed up my future,” Amanda tossed out. She realized how ridiculous those words sounded, since she was already pretty screwed up,
but she met his challenging look with one of her own, willing her eyes to stay dry.

  “Now I’m in the escort business, which is definitely a step up, because most of my jobs won’t require me to have sex or do any of the other ungodly things I’ve had to do just to survive.”

  “Are you all right?” Jackson determined he would have to put the abortion behind him for now and focus on her well-being. He could delve into his strange feeling of disappointment later. “I mean, after the abortion, you’re okay?” He looked her up and down, as if he could just look at her and see everything.

  “I’m fine,” Amanda said, sighing. “Okay, fine, if I let you take me home, what do I do in the meantime?”

  “You can just have a seat and enjoy the evening,” Jackson said. “There will be a silent auction in a few minutes that should be interesting. Plus, you haven’t had dessert.”

  Amanda laughed, wondering how he could think she would care about something like dessert after everything she’d been through. She was just glad Phil had paid her ahead of time; otherwise she would have felt even more stupid about just sitting around all evening.

  It was Jackson’s hand that now rested at the small of her back, guiding her inside.

  She turned for the table where Phil was still snoozing in his salmon, but Jackson steered her away after seeing Phil’s condition. When she realized he was leading her toward Clarissa’s table, Amanda panicked. I can’t stand another minute with that woman, she told herself.

  As they neared the table, Jackson called out for Clarissa and she turned to face them, her pale skin glimmering like the moonlight. Clarissa’s jaw dropped and the two women eyed each other carefully.

  Jackson was afraid there would be a catfight, but he had to settle things a bit. “Ladies, I guess you’ve already met, but just in case, here we go…”

  “Amanda, this is Clarissa Black,” Jackson said. “Clarissa, this is Amanda…”

  “Knox,” Amanda supplied. “Amanda Knox.”

  “Right,” Jackson said carefully. “Clarissa, I told Amanda we would give her a ride home after the benefit since her ride is currently passed out at their table. She’ll wait here if that’s okay with you?”

  Amanda was under no impression that Clarissa was okay with any of this, but she sure put on a hell of a show for Jackson. “Of course, Jackson, I don’t mind at all,” she’d said, tucking her hand around his arm as they strolled off to meet some big donor. The look she’d tossed over her shoulder at Amanda was easy to read: Stay away from my man.

  Well, that was just fine with her, because she had a job to do and she had no intention of hooking up with any guy, much less Jackson. What would she do with a pastor anyway?

  Clarissa seemed almost jealous, which made Amanda laugh. Clarissa Black, heiress to a fortune, jealous of me? As if I could compete with her. Not that I’d want to, of course, she reassured herself quickly.

  Thirty minutes passed with no end to the evening in sight, and Amanda was seriously bored. Her dessert was long gone when she heard someone clear their throat and looked up to find a slightly older gentleman standing there.

  “Miss, you are the prettiest lady here tonight. Would you dance with me?” He held out his hand and she noticed the Rolex on his wrist.

  She was out of her league and she doubted the truthfulness of his compliment, but she was also bored almost to tears. She shrugged. “Why not?” Amanda joined him on the dance floor where he pulled her close and began to move the two of them smoothly around the other couples.

  “Hey, you’re pretty good at this,” she said after a minute. She noticed his diamond-studded cuff links and began to wonder who this man was. Must be someone important, so don’t blow it, she cautioned herself.

  Although he certainly was smooth on the dance floor, Amanda began to notice several heads turning their way. That’s when it clicked. She was dancing with Senator Collin Atwater, and he was dancing with a hooker.

  Chapter 13

  Amanda stiffened in the senator’s arms, wondering how to extricate herself from what could quickly become front-page news. What if the pictures they are taking show up in the news and Billy sees them? She closed her eyes, trying to enjoy her few moments in the limelight, but all she could see was Billy’s face when he’d realized her former roommate had skipped out.

  “Are you all right, dear?” Senator Atwater said. “You look like you’ve just eaten something horrible. Are you feeling unwell?”

  He was so polite, Amanda almost choked on her own response. “I’m fine,” she said, her throat feeling like it was starting to close off. His look of concern was replaced by a smiling surprise as Clarissa showed up and asked to cut in.

  “Why Ms. Black, you look radiant tonight,” he said, easily passing Amanda off into Jackson’s waiting arms.

  The switch was so casual, it seemed like they never stopped moving, but Amanda was feeling anything but casual. Jackson was holding her, and although he was keeping a respectable distance between them, her skin felt like it was on fire wherever it touched his body.

  Jackson was not unaffected by her closeness, but he couldn’t let Amanda or Clarissa see what Amanda did to him. He wanted to pull her in closer and tuck her head under his chin. The urge to protect warred with another response: The urge to discover how it would feel to really kiss her.

  He broke eye contact with her, dragging his gaze away to meet Clarissa’s stony stare. Twice in one night, Jackson thought. So Rissa can be a fireball.

  Holding Amanda in his arms made one thing crystal clear: He did not have any romantic feelings for Clarissa. Amanda was not likely someone he would marry, but being near her had proven he could have a spark with someone.

  It wasn’t there with Clarissa, and he realized he couldn’t drag out their relationship, because it would only hurt her more in the end. Tonight, however, was not the time to share his discovery with her.

  “Jack?” He reined his thoughts in and looked down at Amanda. She was looking at him questioningly, causing him to realize she’d said something to him.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” He was at an utter disadvantage. One hand was at the small of her back again and he felt her bare skin as she shivered involuntarily.

  Amanda cleared her throat and tried again. “What was that all about? Clarissa seemed pissed,” she said.

  “Well, do you have any idea who you were dancing with?” He raised one eyebrow as he answered her question with one of his own.

  She shrugged again, rolling her eyes. “Amanda, that is Senator Atwater, one of the only conservative politicians left in the entire state and certainly one of the biggest contributors to Clarissa’s charity work.

  “I figured out who he was, but I still don’t get why she cut in like that,” Amanda said as they moved around the edge of the dance floor. The strong muscles she felt rippling through his suit jacket distracted her. What the hell. Giving in to the temptation, she tightened her arm around his waist and was satisfied with Jackson’s barely audible gasp.

  Her move brought their bodies closer, their clothes just brushing each other. Her knowledge of the male body confirmed his attraction to her, but it was over in an instant. Jackson grabbed her upper arms and gently set her back from him.

  “This dance is over,” he said gruffly. He took her hand and led her back to the table she’d been sitting at for nearly an hour. Taking a seat beside her, he turned to face her.

  “Amanda, when Clarissa saw you dancing with the senator, she flipped,” Jackson said. “He’s one of her biggest donors, and she was afraid of what would happen if any of those pictures got leaked to the media, because of who you are.”

  She got it, her eyes flashing, but Jackson was oblivious as he stared over her head. “You told her I was a hooker? Oh my god, does everybody know? Don’t worry, I won’t be the one to spill the beans,” she said, gritting her teeth.

  “Forget what could happen in the senator’s next election,” Amanda said. “What about if Billy saw those pictures

  Jackson swallowed, attempting to dislodge the lump in his throat at the thought of Amanda, broken and bleeding because of Billy’s revenge. “Tell your precious Clarissa that the secret is definitely safe with me,” Amanda sneered. She got up, determined to leave this time.

  “Amanda,” Jackson called out, before pushing his chair back and following her to the door. “Wait.”

  Whirling on him, Amanda fisted her hands on her hips. “No Jack, I’m tired of this game,” she said. “I’m leaving now. If you want to give me a ride, then fine. Take me home now. Otherwise, leave me the hell alone.”

  He grabbed her arm, attempting to pull her back into the room, but her words stopped him cold. “What’re you gonna do, Jack? Drag me back inside like Billy did?” She stared at him for a heartbeat and then he released her. “I didn’t think so.” She turned on her heel and walked out the door.

  Jackson was torn. He looked for Clarissa and saw her dancing with another donor, but her eyes were locked on him from across the room. Sighing, he followed Amanda into the night.

  While they waited for the valet to bring Jackson’s car, he spoke with the other valets about Phil and asked them to keep him from driving himself home. Amanda tried not to admire him for the way he took care of a friend, but it was hard. When they weren’t speaking to each other it was easy to lose herself, thinking about all the “what ifs.”

  What if she wasn’t a prostitute? Would he date her, or was Clarissa the type of woman he really wanted? What if she threw all caution to the wind and jumped him? What if she really could break down his defenses and get him to sleep with her? What if he wanted to take her home and take care of her forever?

  Whoa, Amanda, where the hell did that come from? Mentally shaking her head, she saw them pull up with a faded Focus and she turned to look at Jackson. “That really wasn’t your car last week, was it?” She couldn’t figure out why it made her want to laugh.


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