Calendar Girl - An erotic novel (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

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Calendar Girl - An erotic novel (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 2

by Marsden, Sommer

  Stefan nodded as if I had passed a test and he pinned my roaming hand to the wall, pushing his hard-on to the place where my skirt now draped around my hips. He faux-fucked me until I felt like the air in the room was thin and hot and then he said, ‘Don’t move, Merritt. Stay right there.’

  The pearl buttons of my demure white blouse came undone for him one by one, shiny little white sluts under his fingers. He raised my skirt like the skirt of some dainty dancer and simply said, ‘Hold it. Just like that.’ So I did, while he pushed my panties low and told me to step free.

  I stood in my thigh high hose and my laced up boots, skirt raised like a can-can dancer and watched as he extended his hand and touched me. I tried to move my hand to touch him back and he shook his head. I stopped, clutching my skirt high to my waist.

  His fingers disappeared inside of me. One and then two and finally, after a frozen moment where I felt five heartbeats in my neck, he pushed a third finger into me. We both watched, transfixed as he fucked me with his fingers, my back flush to the door. I could hear the muffled, muted party below and I even heard Jeffrey’s big booming voice echo through the house. But I was too busy to truly note it. I was too busy letting this stranger get me off as he stroked my g-spot like he’d done it a thousand times before.

  ‘That’s it. Come for me. Are you going to come for me, Merritt?’

  I could only nod because the air I could draw was rushing into my lungs as my knees loosened and my belly tightened and I bit my tongue to keep quiet, coming with my skirt held up like some fairytale princess. I shook in the shadow of his body as he leaned over me.

  ‘I did.’ I sounded proud.

  ‘I know,’ he grinned again and that lupine quality was back. My belly did a long, lazy roll like I was on an amusement park ride and he leaned in to kiss my neck. ‘Stay. Stay right there.’

  I stayed.

  He pulled open a drawer and withdrew a small silver wrapper. Candy? No. A condom.

  ‘How did you–’

  ‘Lucky for me, John likes to brag about all his riotous sex with Marilee,’ he chuckled. ‘All through the house. He practically gave me a road map.’ As he talked, softly and gently like I was a spooked horse, he dropped his trousers, his boxers and rolled the condom on. He looked like a shadow man in the electric candle’s mild glow. ‘Still ready for me, Merritt?’ Before I could answer, he boldly tested me with his fingers again and I shuddered under his touch.

  ‘Yes. I think I am.’

  ‘More than ready.’ Stefan stepped in, pinning me with his upper body. ‘Hook your legs around my waist,’ he ordered and then kissed me. I did it.

  I locked my legs around his waist, feeling him press the tip of his cock to me and then slip effortlessly inside me to fill me and stretch me as he thrust. My head buzzed with the goodness of it. My body gripped up around him and I held his shoulders in my hands to steady myself.

  His teeth came down on my throat, gently at first, and then harder as he fucked me to the cold, unforgiving plaster wall. Someone whooped with laughter down in the party and I sounded like their sultry echo as I cried out, right on the slippery verge of coming again.

  ‘Bonus orgasm?’ he whispered. ‘I’m so glad we met. I like the way you sound when you come.’

  I came.

  ‘And how you feel.’ His voice was darker, more clipped and his hips slammed into me over and over again, until he said, ‘Open your mouth.’

  I did. He kissed me, pounding into me and then letting the sounds of his release loose in my mouth while he kissed me. I swallowed his cries and held him tight until he let me go.


  ‘Yes, wow. The bathroom is to the left. I’ll be in after you’re done.’

  I started to turn. Had I just been dismissed? I mean, what was it that Jeffrey had said? Absolutely no expectations? I could live with that. Good sex was good sex. He caught me by the wrist. His big hand trapping me again so that my insides went warm and wet for him all over again. ‘Merritt?’


  ‘Meet me downstairs, I’ll buy you a drink.’ He grinned.

  ‘I’ll be there,’ I said. I didn’t even consider saying no.

  ‘Girl, he is one of those Doms,’ Jeffrey said. We’d hit the diner after Marilee’s party. Stefan had offered to take me home but Jeffrey had swooped in and carted me away. Stefan and I had traded numbers, he’d pinned me to the wall for a kiss and then poof!went the handsome man who had fucked me silent in the guest bedroom.

  ‘I don’t think so,’ I said. ‘I can’t picture him in leather boots with a whip.’

  Jeffrey choked on his coffee, and shook his head. ‘Are you serious?’

  I shrugged. ‘What?’

  ‘I didn’t mean Dominatrix. Same concept, wrong sex, and they’re often for hire. He’s dominant. He gets off on being top.’

  ‘We were against the wall,’ I explained. ‘No one was on top.’

  ‘Merritt, hello!’ He pretended to knock on my forehead. ‘Topping you. Not being on top. He wants to run things. Gets off if he says jump and you say how high. Or if he spanks you and you ask for more.’

  ‘Spanks me!’ I clapped a hand over my mouth and about three old ladies with varying shades of lavender hair turned our way, frowning. A red frown, a coral frown and a frosted mauve frown. Who wore lipstick at three a.m.? And why were they here at three a.m.?

  ‘Oh, he’ll be spanking you.’

  I smiled at the three women who looked like birds on a wire at the counter. ‘He will not be spanking me,’ I hissed. I took a swig of coffee and a bite of my Western omelette. ‘There will be no spanking.’

  ‘Spanking, whipping, caning, tying up, tying down, gags, handcuffs. Whatever he’s into.’ Jeffrey grinned like a kid at Christmas. He was enjoying this way too much.

  ‘No and no and also ... no! I’ll just call it o–’

  ‘Oh, no, no, no you will not, Miss Merritt. He has January. Ride it out. Hell, honey, ride him out.’ Jeffrey threw his head back, laughing. He clapped like a drunken teenager though he was sober as a black suit. His pink lip-gloss glimmered in the diner’s neon. The birds on the wire frowned harder. Pretty soon they were going to burst into flames.

  ‘Jeffrey, I did not say–’

  He cut me off again. ‘He gets January. No cheating.’


  ‘Was the sex good?’ he said a bit too loud and this time a murmur ran down the line of women. I blushed so hard I expected to simply dissolve.

  ‘Well, yes, it was ... amazing! But–’

  ‘Have you got anything to lose?’

  ‘No, not really. Unless he’s a serial killer and wants to make a suit out of me but–’

  ‘Then no buts. Unless it’s your cute, little pale butt all red and rosy from spanking.’ He threw his head back again and roared.

  God. He was so lucky I didn’t just dump my coffee in his lap.


  ‘Trust me. Give him a month.’

  ‘Fine,’ I sighed. ‘But if he tries to spank me, then I’m holding you responsible.’

  ‘OK. Can I watch?’

  I threw a grape at him and he smiled. ‘No. And he won’t do that. You’re wrong.’

  OK, so he was totally spanking me.

  And I liked it.

  I gripped the pillow, the lower half of me draped over Stefan’s lap as he talked softly like we were at dinner. We weren’t at dinner. I was naked from the waist down, save for some fuzzy snowflake socks he’d bought me to wear around the house. My head was on a pillow, my bare ass raised across his lap as he landed another blow and said. ‘You didn’t come have lunch with me like I wanted.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I had a client who wanted to pick out extra wallpaper and that means a–’

  ‘No excuses, are there?’

  ‘No, sir,’ I said dutifully and my pussy fluttered hungrily. I had come to appreciate a good spanking. The feel of Stefan’s hands stinging my flesh as he scolded me for something
real or imagined. Then he would dote on me. Smooth those strong hands over me and push into me and fuck me. Fuck me until I screamed and cried and begged, and yes, sometimes damn near spoke in tongues.

  ‘No, sir, what?’ He landed the sharpest blow yet and my body quivered but inside I went wet, flickering around nothing, wanting the feel of his cock thrusting high into me and making me come.

  ‘No, sir. May I have another?’ The punch line was, I did want another. And then another. And then I wanted to spread my legs for him and beg him with my body.

  It had become a craving. To be submissive to his kinks and his wants. Because now, I wanted a lot of it too. Especially the days where my mother called and got me on the phone to cry and cry over Jack being gay. Jack being gay was not the end of the world. Hell, Jack being gay wasn’t even news to me. Jack had always been gay and that wasn’t going to change. He’d just finally said it aloud and good for him!

  ‘You’ve wandered again, Merritt,’ Stefan said softly and a shiver skittered up my back like a butterfly creeping up my spine.


  ‘We can’t have that happen, can we?’

  ‘No sir.’ A flurry of blows landed then. A sharp, hypnotic rhythm that made me think of marching soldiers and jack boots. In these instances I did not have to count. I simply had to endure.

  A single tear slipped out and then a rush of endorphins that made my ears ring and my head spin.

  ‘Are you more focused now?’ His fingers traced my outer lips, flicked at my clit and I sucked in a breath while uttering a ‘yes’.

  ‘Good girl. And look at this, Merritt has found pleasure in her reprimand.’ He always feigned surprise to find me wet and aroused.

  His fingers slithered along my slit and then he pressed the pads of his fingers into my opening, drawing it out, making me squirm. The fingers were gone as fast as they arrived and I yelped, a precursor to the rain of blows that filled my head with the sharp report of his palm on my warm, flushed skin.

  I didn’t cry or beg or any of that. That always delays the pleasure. I’d learned to take the bite of pain – to relish it, even – and then bask in the warm attention and severe pleasure that followed.

  Stefan flipped me, breathing hard, his cock tenting his jeans so that I imagined being trapped that way was painful. His clothes were off, the condom on before I could wiggle my way to the middle of the bed, both for comfort and to feel the flickers and nips of pain on my bottom. The soothing soft white sheets sliding over my flushed hot skin. He didn’t speak. Instead he spread my legs wide and licked the inside of one thigh, then the other. I squirmed like I could make him do what I wanted. I couldn’t. Finally, though, he settled his mouth on me – sucking and nudging my clit with his tongue just enough so that I held my breath, wanting to come, but not wanting to come.

  One more good suck and I jittered on the bed even as he raised, pinned me and slipped inside. His upper body trapping me flat, his hands under my ass tilting me just so. Because Stefan liked me just so. His cock driving home in a slippery hot race to make me come. I’ve welcomed every single orgasm, especially with the stress that had suddenly blossomed in my life like some late winter flower. January had been a rush of calls from a heartbroken, worried mother and my newly announced gay, out-of-the-closet brother. Who was unable to understand why our mother was distraught.

  Stefan bit my nipple just hard enough to make me jump. ‘Focus, Merritt. Stay in the moment with me.’ He pushed his fingers to the hot and throbbing flesh of my ass and I gasped.

  ‘Right. Sorry. There’s just so much in my head sometimes I can’t – oh–’

  He did that thing with his hips that hits all the right nerves and spots and I bit into his shoulder without thinking. He hissed and fucked me harder and just like that I was coming in a great, gripping release of spasms and soft cries. Sometimes the noises he made me make almost caused me to want to love him.


  Stefan pinned me flat, pulling my knees high so that I was opened wide and bare under him. He fucked me slow then. His eyes catching and keeping my gaze so that I couldn’t look away or drift. He rocked and thrust and ground to his content until he lost that fierce focused look of his and his jaw went taut, his eyes darker. And he made me come with him. But he always does that and it makes me grateful.

  He had just handed me a glass of nice Pinot Noir and a plate of cheese when the phone rang.

  ‘Leave it,’ he sighed. He knew what was going on. He had, in fact, been very patient as more than a few phone calls had stalled our evenings together. He might be a bit Dom but he had a good heart. And as far as non-commitment boyfriends went, he was a champ.

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘We can eat and then we can fuck and then I can tie you up with those scarves you love. Then we can fuck again. And we can drink wine, watch movies and sleep because tomorrow is Saturday.’

  The phone continued to shrill and I sighed.

  ‘I’ll even throw in the flea market. I know for a fact that the guy who sells the retro pinup girl stuff will be there. I know because I have his card in my wallet. He gave it to me last time.’

  He was bribing me. Maybe men had a sixth sense when it came to stuff like this.

  ‘Stefan, it’ll just be a minute.’

  He frowned. ‘Merritt,’ he said. His voice was full of disappointment and a touch of anger.

  ‘Just one minute.’ I held up a finger to prove it.

  He groaned, sipped his wine, leaned across the white sheets and navy comforter and kissed my bare shoulder. I shivered and my nipples poked the shell pink nightie I’d pulled on.


  I expected my mother. Or my whining, bitchy, diva brother. But no, Jeffrey said, ‘Guess what day it is?’

  ‘Um ...’ My mind raced. It was not his birthday. He was born on Valentine’s Day. Shocking, I know. The world’s biggest male slut born on the day of love. It wasn’t anyone’s birthday or a holiday or ... I had nothing.

  ‘Give up?’

  ‘Yes,’ I said. Stefan had moved his hand to idly rub the back of my thigh as he watched the History Channel on my bedroom television. The touch was enticing and comforting and most of all, at this point, familiar.

  ‘It’s January 31st.’


  Stefan leaned down and kissed the spot right where my ass met the back of my thigh. My body responded instantly with a contraction and a rush of warm fluid between my legs. ‘ I said impatiently.And?’

  His fingers stroked my other ass cheek and my face flushed with empathy for my bottom. He tickled at my clit with a fingertip and laughed softly. I heard the drawer. The crinkly sound of the condom wrapper. The smell of latex tickled at my nose.

  ‘And it’s time to say goodbye to Stefan the Spanking Dom,’ Jeffrey said, laughing.

  ‘But–’ One finger slipped into me and I swallowed a trembling sigh so that Jeffrey wouldn’t hear.

  ‘But nothing. I told you, no strings. No effort. And absolutely no expectations.’

  ‘But–’ Stefan was fucking me with his fingers, moving on the bed so that he could position himself behind me. My voice told him this was not an emergency, but he had no idea that this didn’t bode well for him. I didn’t stop him, I parted my legs even as Jeffrey spoke.

  ‘But nothing. Now get that last pity fuck out of the way and cut him loose. It’s only January! No getting wrapped up in any guy. This is your year to work it, Merritt.’

  I didn’t even get another But – in. He hung up.

  Stefan, grasped my hips, thrusting high into me, but holding me stable. Fucking me from behind in a way that never failed to turn me on. There was something primal and animalistic about a man taking me from behind. His fingers, slick with my juices, rubbed greedy, firm circles on my clit. ‘Stefan–’

  ‘Shh.’ He palmed my ass with one hand, gripped me tight with the other, thrusting into me fast and eager.

  ‘But we have to talk.’ I hung my head, an orgasm alr
eady swelling in my pussy. Glowing in my womb. I bit my lip, trying to stave it off.

  ‘Later. After,’ he said, his voice held no room for argument.

  So I let him take me, make me come. I let him turn me, tie me up and fuck me slow. I let him do it all until he finally came, his face gorgeous and determined.

  Then we talked. And he wasn’t happy. When he left I thought about crying. But just couldn’t manage it. I called Jeffrey.


  ‘Good girl.’

  ‘I feel like shit.’

  ‘It’ll pass. This year is about you. And just being untethered. Like a balloon.’

  ‘Balloons are usually tethered,’ I said, pouring more wine. I’d finish the bottle and go to bed.

  ‘OK, a runaway balloon,’ he said. I heard someone in the background. One pretty boy or another. Jeffrey always had company.

  ‘Yep, that’s me. I’m a rogue balloon.’

  Chapter Two

  ‘I DON’T KNOW WHAT she is so upset about,’ Jack said. Jeffrey was at the bar ordering our drinks. Sea Breezes for the boys and a Boiler Maker for me. Trust me, I needed it. And it was what my grandfather used to drink, so it had the nostalgia factor.

  February 1st had dawned nipples-fall-off cold and snowy. We met up at The Corner Bar for a drink. Me to regroup over the man thing, Jack to spout off about mom (my father was deceased so we didn’t have to deal with the father aspect) and Jeffrey because he was damn nosy.

  ‘She’s worried about you, Jack. You have to remember, we’re a different era. Mom and Dad watched lots of people go through lots of bullshit and even some scary stuff because they were gay. She’d be worried about you if you became a cop or joined the military or swam with sharks. She’s worried because she’s seen some bad stuff happen to good people who happened to be gay.’

  ‘Who’s gay?’ Jeffrey said, setting down our drinks. What a shit, he knew damn well.

  I laughed. Pointed. ‘This is old news to you so don’t stir the pot. The gay is, the man, the myth, the brother.’


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