Calendar Girl - An erotic novel (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

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Calendar Girl - An erotic novel (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 3

by Marsden, Sommer

  ‘I knew you’d take her side,’ Jack said pouting. He could be such a fucking brat.

  ‘I’m not taking a side! I’m trying to explain. She’s worried because she loves you, you moron.’

  He blinked and Jeffrey snorted. He wore peachy lip-gloss today with faded, surely expensive, jeans, a black sweater and a white beanie with a skull on it pulled down over his shaved head. His fingernails were painted black in a punk rock, kick ass style. ‘Listen to your sister,’ Jeffrey said to Jack.

  Jack turned, frowned but then smiled. He’s always had a little crush on Jeffrey. Hell, who didn’t? I’d seen it forever. But now my radar lit up like Christmas tree lights. ‘And you two! No hooking up! That would just be too, too eew. Yuck and also bleh!’ I dropped my shot of whisky in the beer and drank it down. My grandfather would’ve been proud.

  Jeffrey shuddered and Jack blinked, looking mildly offended. ‘Girl, don’t even go there.’ Jeffrey swigged his Sea Breeze, pinky up. But that was just to taunt Bruce the bartender. It drove him mad. Bruce swore that men, gay or not, did not drink with their pinkies raised. Jeffrey only did it at The Corner Bar and it always made me laugh.

  ‘What? Am I that gross?’ Jack balked, his face red. He drank his drink, pinkie down, and I chomped some on the stale, over salted, complimentary popcorn.

  ‘Yes, you have cooties,’ I said, resurrecting a favourite taunt from childhood.

  Jeffrey shivered in mock disgust. ‘Agh! Cooties?’

  Jack looked fit to swallow his own tongue with indignation when a voice said, ‘Who has cooties?’

  Jack looked up, then was on his feet, shaking the man’s hand. ‘Hey, man. What brings you to our local hole in the wall?’

  The stranger smiled. Thin and tall but broad like a football player, he looked like he could snap Jack in half if he tried. His square retro glassed winked at me in the low bar lights. ‘My sister lives up the street. She just had a baby. I went to visit my new niece.’

  ‘Well, child, let us buy you a drink!’ Jeffrey raised his pinky at Bruce who promptly frowned. ‘Get this man a ...’ He pointed to the newcomer.


  ‘Get this man a beer! He’s an uncle! And none of that watered down sex-in-a-canoe beer!’

  ‘Sex in a canoe?’ the newcomer asked, sitting when Jack pointed.

  ‘Fucking close to water!’ Jack and Jeffrey said in unison. I raised my finger to Bruce for another beer of my own. Shook my head when he waved the whisky bottle my way.

  ‘Just a beer,’ I said.

  Jack was clearly enamoured. ‘Guys, this is Alan. We work together. He just started, in fact. He moved here from ...’ Jack shook his head.

  ‘Michigan,’ Alan said, his brown eyes on me, he grinned. ‘Who’s this beautiful woman?’

  Jack’s face fell, Jeffrey uttered a disgusted but amused ‘unh’ and I flushed bright red. Had I already found Mr February? He reached out and took my hand, shaking it lazy and slow and somehow intimately.

  ‘Merritt,’ I said, my voice a little watery and high.

  ‘My sister,’ Jack practically spat and then waved his empty glass at Bruce.

  Jeffrey was too busy chuckling. ‘Foiled again. It’s OK, you’re a newbie. Your gaydar will improve,’ he whispered.

  Alan looked confused and I quickly changed the subject. ‘So, you work with Jack?’

  It had gotten hot and heavy fast with Alan and I. He was all the normal, calm, non-polished, big lug man that Stefan hadn’t been. Stefan had been soft spoken and in control. Very self assured, very in control. Alan had a big booming voice and an easy nature, and really, you just wanted to hug him after the first 30 seconds of knowing him.

  For our first date we went to Fisherman’s Fancy, a small local eatery where they served the best hush puppies and fried fish. Some cold beer, a lot of flirting and some stolen kisses.

  ‘So your brother is gay and he liked me?’

  ‘I think he still does.’ We’d spoken on the phone a few times, Alan and I, and his voice did weird things to my insides. It was a deep, dark voice that almost made you feel dirty. Like listening to him say filthy things would be good. His hand slid a bit higher up my thigh and I knew I had to decide. First date. Fuck him or not?

  ‘That’s nice. He’s a nice guy. Things like that don’t bother me. People are people, right?’ He laughed, leaned in, kissed me with his soft lips. ‘That was a song, right?’

  ‘Depeche Mode,’ I said, letting his tongue rim my lips before opening for him to kiss me harder. That was it, I’d sleep with him. He didn’t care that my gay brother wanted to hump him like a horny monkey. That sealed his adorableness for me.

  ‘Right. I remember now.’ He started to hum even as he kissed me and the vibration of it worked through my chest, down into my belly, lower still to rumble softly in my pussy.

  ‘Take me home,’ I said, sliding my hand high on his thigh, letting the tips of my fingers graze the hard cock secured in his khakis.

  ‘Christ,’ Alan said more to himself than to me. He raised his finger at the waiter in the universal ‘cheque please’ signal. ‘Are you sure?’

  The fact that he even double checked made me want him that much more. ‘I am so sure I could burst into flames,’ I said, and leaned in nipping his throat with my teeth while the waiter finished our cheque. His cock was hard and long under my hand and I was feeling rather excited to see it up close and personal. It felt different than Stefan’s and Stefan’s had been way different than Drake’s. Before my husband, I’d only been with one other guy and his had been ... well, his had been unfortunate. This did not feel unfortunate.

  ‘While you take care of that, I have to powder my nose,’ I said. I didn’t really have to powder my nose. I wanted to make sure my panties were straight and my stockings looked good and that I didn’t have any toilet paper stuck to my naughty bits or God forbid, my dress. My cell rang in the short, dark hall to the bathroom.

  ‘Hello?’ I whispered.

  ‘Where are you?’ Jeffrey whispered back. Why was he whispering too? I told him. ‘Ah, shama-lama-ding-dong!’ he cried and I rolled my eyes. I knew where this was going. ‘You will have hot, mad, insane monkey sex with this man before the evening is through,’ Jeffrey said in his best fake psychic voice.

  ‘No shit, Sherlock,’ I hissed, pushing into the rest room. An elderly woman with hair dyed the colour of a brand new penny looked up, alarmed. Then she frowned at me. I smiled and gave her a pinky wave while Jeffrey yammered.

  ‘He’s into something dirty. Kinky, dirty fun is what he wants from you. Mark my words. He’s got something up his sleeve. OK, so I’m lying. It’s in his nightstand.’ He laughed at his own joke and I checked myself in the full length mirror.

  ‘What man doesn’t?’ I growled.

  ‘True, but I sense something that will make even you, my lovely Merritt, go hmm.’


  ‘Mark my words. Now I’m off to take your brother to the Pink Elephant.’

  ‘What?’ I yelped and penny-head gave me another glare while she ran a hot pink lipstick over her thin mouth.

  ‘We’re going to–’

  ‘No. Diddling. My. Brother,’ I managed.

  Miss red hair, pink lips yelped and scurried out of the ladies’ room like whatever I had was catching.

  Jeffrey cackled madly and tsked. ‘Merritt, do not be that way. Honey, he’s your brother. Which makes him nearly my brother. That would practically be incest for goodness sake!’ Then he hung up.

  I sighed. Damn, damn, damn. What was I going to do with him? With Jack? With them both? The phone chirped and I read it. Moms(Jeffrey had programmed it). I hit the button to silence it and then turned it off. This night had been enough of a mindfuck. I did not need to add a conversation with my mother to the mix.

  ‘Ready?’ Alan asked, his face aglow with pre-sex expectations. A little shiver ran up my spine as I thought of the orgasms I planned on having at the hands (and lips and tongue and cock) o
f this man.

  ‘You betcha. Let’s go.’

  ‘You look gorgeous,’ he said, escorting me out.

  ‘Oh, you sweet talker, you.’

  ‘Is this weird?’ Alan whispered, fitting me into the harness. I blinked, considering blurting, yes, it is weird! Of course it is weird!but we’re all weird in some way when it comes to sex.

  ‘Not so much weird as new,’ I said, and then he pulled the strap a bit tighter and the hard rubber knob inside the harness rubbed my clit. I sucked in a breath. OK, so I could get used to this.

  He smiled at me, his face excited but anxious. ‘I like it when you go slow,’ he said to my ear and his hot breath made my nipples spike. A curl of excitement wound around inside my stomach and my pussy grew wetter. I was going to fuck a guy. Me! Merritt Evans! I was going to fuck this handsome, strapping guy with this turquoise-coloured cock. And if I did it right, the ‘pleasure nub’ (as Alan had described it) would get me off. Then he’d fuck me. Apparently, a good dose of dick in the ass turned Alan into a stallion. At least according to Alan. We’d see.

  ‘One more should do it,’ he said. He kissed my ear and then my forehead. His lips found mine and he yanked the belt so that it slid one more notch. The nub rubbed my clit and I felt a flickering in my cunt that meant in no time at all I would come. Just the thought of doing this to a big, strapping guy like Alan had me ready to go. ‘And if you like it, next time we can use the other.’ He kissed me one more time and opened the nightstand drawer. He handed me lube and I took it with shaking fingers.

  ‘The other?’

  ‘The double dong. A dildo outside for me, one inside for you. You’d be fucking us both at once,’ he said and turned his broad freckled back to me. I had never had a man prostrate himself before me this way and part of me was a nervous wreck, the other part of me was so turned on I was damn near vibrating.

  ‘Oh,’ I breathed.

  ‘Just use the lube and ... open me up,’ Alan said.

  I did as told, using damn near all the lube in the bottle. To be perfectly frank, I’m shocked that Alan didn’t shoot off the bed. But he didn’t. I watched, fascinated, as his body took me in. So this is what it was like. To enter, to penetrate, to be inside another body. I worked him until he was gasping and moving back to meet me and then he made a small sound I recognised as need and I pushed the blue head of my brand-new cock to his ass and pushed just enough so that the head slipped in.

  Alan sighed, ‘Yes, yes, thank you, Merritt.’

  That was all I really needed, to tell the truth. I slipped into him, grasping his hips and holding him the way I had been gripped during sex, I moved into him, faster and faster. The rubber nodule rubbed and bumped and stroked my clit so that I had to bite my lip to hold on and not come.

  Alan’s arms jumped and bulged as he reached under and stroked his cock. I’d seen his impressive monument to malehood and the sight of a man jacking off always did me in. I came hard and fast, biting my lip, thrusting my hips, gripping him so tight I thought my fingernails would penetrate his skin as surely as the toy was penetrating his ass. ‘Take it off, take it off,’ he chanted.

  Even as fine gossamer bits of orgasm continued to trail through my pussy, I fumbled with the strap. I yanked with trembling hands, managing to drop the whole contraption by the bed. Alan groped in that drawer again, drawing a condom over the rosy length of his cock. He came at me with it then, jutting forward in a nearly malicious way that made my pulse speed up and my pussy go creamy for him.

  He flipped me onto my back, yanking my knees high so they were near my ears. He slipped into me, spearing me on the full length of himself. I gasped, taking every inch as he moved in an aggressive but oddly tender way. The head of his cock rubbing my g-spot at the most perfect angle. All of me went lax. My fingers and toes and lips, even, felt heavy and slow but in a pleasant way. Like a good red wine buzz or a mild fever. His mouth found my shoulder, my clavicle, my mouth. He kissed me hard, fucked me harder.

  ‘That was good, Merritt. You were good. Now come for me baby, because you fucked me so good I can’t hold it much more. He pinned my arms for a second and thrust faster. He breathed in my ear, whispering sweet nonsense words until the orgasm that had coiled in my cunt let loose with warm flicks of pleasure that were so good it bordered on pain. Then Alan came with me and by the time he was cleaning his toy he was already talking about next time.

  But I was game.

  Chapter Three

  ‘SO WHAT’S THE PLAN for you tonight? You and Mr Alan going out? Going in? In and out? Getting it on?’

  I snorted. It was already Valentine’s Day week. In two short days, I would have to figure out if I was spending it with Alan or keeping him at arm’s length like I was supposed to. I shrugged. ‘I think we’re getting Chinese and a movie.’ I hadn’t even told Jeffrey what Alan’s thing was. He knew there was a thing. He knew that to a degree his fake psychic prediction had been right, but I wouldn’t fess up. Which was driving him mad.

  ‘A little bondage?’

  I shook my head, waggled a finger at him. Grinned.

  ‘Water sports?’

  ‘Nope.’ Truth be told, I was getting tired. Having to be the fucker every time had stolen some of my girlish glee. Who knew that deep down I loved to be taken and that after the first few pegging incidents (yes, I’d looked up the proper term), the rush wore off and I wanted him to woo me and take me and fuck me. Me, me, me!

  Jeffrey leaned in and I could smell the strawberry of his shiny pink lip-gloss. ‘Candle wax on the nips and bits?’

  ‘Un-unh.’ I swallowed a giggle and then my beer. Maybe I’d plead sick tonight. I still had about two weeks with Alan, but no one said I had to be with him every time he asked me out. That wasn’t in the plan.

  ‘He likes to take it up the rear,’ Jeffrey snorted.

  I was about to react with huge nonchalance but I was too late. Jeffrey’s eyes flew wide and his shiny, pink mouth split in a grin. ‘Dear Mother Mary and baby saviour, he likes it up the–’

  I smacked my hand over Jeffrey’s mouth and hissed, ‘Do not finish that sentence. Do not. Or I will disown you, including not lending you my leggings that you say are technically unisex. Do you understand, Jeffrey Brian Grant?’ He nodded, his eyes still wide. I took my hand away. ‘Are you wearing mascara?’

  ‘Just a stroke or two.’ He leaned in, shiny bald mocha head gleaming in the low lights. ‘Oh my God, so you um ... you give it to him. You’re his back door Santa? You’re making deliveries in the rear? You’re–’

  ‘Jeffrey,’ I said warningly.

  He raised his hands like he was under arrest. ‘Girl, you know that I of all people would not hold it against a man for liking a good firm di–’

  ‘Jesus Christ,’ I said, letting my head hit the wooden bar table. ‘What have I done?’

  He threw his arm around me. ‘Exactly, Merritt. Tell Uncle Jeffrey, what have you done?’

  I waved my arm so that Bruce would pour me another beer ... or three.

  I did end up putting Alan off that night. I sat and eventually spilled all the beans to not only Jeffrey, but God help me, to my brother Jack. Newly inducted into the gay club, he wanted details. After enough beer, you’ll explain just about anything.

  So on Valentine’s Day, I felt horrible and accepted Alan’s offer of a romantic night out. Jeffrey had birthday plans with a secret someone. I have to admit that Jack had cracked me up, reasoning to his own sister that if Alan was such a fan of taking it up the rear, maybe, just maybe there was hope for him putting the moves on him after all.

  I was not expecting it when Alan handed me an elegantly wrapped package in the restaurant. We were tucked in the back of Sebastian’s in one of their decadently tall, private booths. I unwrapped the shiny silver and red paper to find a gold box with no marking. My belly fluttered. I loved presents. Was it some sexy bit of lace and silk to wear? Jewellery? What?

  ‘Go on, open it!’ Alan said. He seemed nearly as excited to
see my reaction as I was to find out what was in my lovely golden box.

  I pulled the lid off and froze. ‘Oh ... Oh, um, wow, Alan. What a surprise.’

  ‘You said cobalt blue was your favourite colour,’ he said, his cheeks flushed, eyes shiny.

  ‘Yes, yes it is. You’re right. Cobalt blue is my favourite colour.’

  ‘Do you think it will fit?’

  I eyed the gift up and nodded. ‘I’m sure it will. It’s pretty much one size fits all with some minor adjustments,’ I said. I tried to put the lid on the box, but he put his hand out to stop me.

  ‘Do you like it?’

  I stared at the double dildo complete with shiny black harness. For me. To wear. I weighed my options. Part of me was mortified to find a blue double dong where I expected lingerie or jewellery to be. Part of me was curious beyond belief. And yes, I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit to being a bit turned on. But also mortified, do not forget mortified.

  ‘I ... yes?’

  He nodded. ‘I know it’s a bit unconventional.’

  Gee, ya think?


  ‘But I think I trust you enough to know what you know about me. And I want you to feel as good, if not better than I feel, and I thought we’d just kick it up one notch. I know you’re not looking for anything serious or permanent, but I feel a connection to you, Merritt.’

  Uh-oh. I smiled. ‘Hey, Alan,’ I said, deftly changing the subject.

  ‘Yeah?’ His big eyes gleamed with happiness and titillation.

  ‘Eat up so we can get home and I can strap this thing on.’ What the hell, right?

  I’ve never seen a man eat a steak that fast. Not even a man as big as Alan.

  He had me cinched into the harness almost before the front door even shut. His big, blunt fingers pulled at my black skirt, my tiny panties. Stroking and coaxing my pussy to get wet and flower for him so he could plunge the cobalt blue dildo on my side deep into my cunt. I gasped, taking it all in as he slowly but surely pushed it deep inside. I shivered, waiting for my body to adjust. And only when I let out a long breath, did Alan start to finagle the buckle. My boots clacked the hardwood floor, for he’d left them on. Thigh high stockings, big black boots. Only my panties had been whisked away. I walked to the sofa where he was already ditching his clothes. The other big dildo stuck out before me, a dark blue perpetual erection. It tented my little black dress obscenely and I had to giggle.


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