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Love by the Slice

Page 11

by Heather Young-Nichols

  “Gross.” She gave a visual like nobody else, “please…don’t.”

  She laughed loudly at my disgust. “I wouldn’t. He’s yours, so…”

  “Wait…loves?” Gemma asked looking overly confused.

  “Yeah, he told her he loves her, not that it was a surprise,” Bailey answered which only made Gemma look more confused. “What?”

  “Nothing. He just didn’t sound like the type to fall in love.”

  “Probably wasn’t. But apparently, our Bianca has a magical vagina.” At that point, I had to throw my book at her which resulted in a rowdy round of giggles. Yup. These were my girls.


  Work flew by that night and I was grateful I didn’t have to keep a close eye on Gemma because she’d finished training. She ran her area like a pro, pitching in when Carly got behind then Carly did the same when Gemma got behind. That’s what we needed at Romano’s, team players and Gemma fit in like a fangirl at Comic-Con.

  Gio called but didn’t have much time to talk. He barely said anything and kept getting interrupted. I think he wanted to check on me and I absolutely didn’t mind.

  “Who is that?” A deep male voice sounded in the background before something shuffled against the phone indicating that Gio covered it with his hand. It didn’t work.

  “Sal, get the fuck out of here,” Gio whisper yelled.

  “Is it that Bianca girl?” Sal asked much louder. Something thumped on his end which was followed by a grunt, then low laughter before Gio came back on the phone.

  “Sorry about that. Sal is special.” He hadn’t mentioned anyone in his family before, at least not without contempt in his voice. He sounded as if he might have real affection for Sal.

  “You and he talked about me?” I said with a smirk he couldn’t even see. Teasing him on this would be my new favorite pastime.

  Gio sighed, and when he spoke his voice had dropped two octaves than it had been before. “Not too much. He’s the only one I do talk to at all. Sal’s my cousin.”

  “I’m just messing with you.”

  “Hey, I gotta go.” This time something rustled on his end and another muffled, but distinctly female voice came through the line. “Ok, so, Mother beckons. I’m not sure what time I’ll get in tomorrow. Evening at least but I’d like to come by.”

  After telling him I’d be around, he said goodbye sounding even more reluctant than he had a few nights before when he first told me he had to go home. It was hard for me to imagine not enjoying being with family but even I had to admit I had a pretty great one.


  It became clear the next day that Toby had a massive crush on Gemma. Whenever she came into the room, he watched her with a slight blush to his cheeks. It was adorable but I knew I needed to make her aware of it.

  “Gemma,” I called from the door of the kitchen as she passed by heading toward the break room. “Got a second?”

  “Yeah. I’m on break.” She took the two steps into the kitchen. Joe and Gramps were right around the corner but they were busy and I kept my voice down so they shouldn’t hear us.

  “This won’t take long.” I wet my lips. “Toby has a massive crush on you. Just a head up.”

  “No, he doesn’t,” she said with a smile a small shake of her head.

  “Uh, yeah he does. It’s fine. I just wanted you to know. Also, we don’t have an official policy or anything but it’s a really bad idea to date, someone, you work with.” I swallowed. “I could get messy.”

  “But you’re with Gio.”

  My eyebrows shot up.

  “You work with Gio,” she continued. “And you’re with him.”

  I hadn’t expected that reasoning from her.

  “He’s seventeen,” I said instead of responding about Gio.

  Her nose scrunched up. “Ew.” Then she smiled. “I was just messing with you, Bianca. I’m not interested in Toby. He’s cute but no.”

  The towel in my hand hit her in the face before she could’ve seen me throw it. She laughed harder before walking away.

  If work went any slower, time would’ve been going backward because of how anxious I’d become for Gio to return. I counted the hours until he’d be back which slowed me right down. I went to talk to Gramps about switching my shift for the later one the next day, the one Gio on the schedule for, not because I wanted to work with him specifically. I wanted to not have to be up early.

  A smile crossed Gramps’ face, and he shook his head at me and told me to take the day if I wanted. I didn’t want that. It would make me feel too guilty to have him work the whole day then part of the night if we were busy.

  The hot water spray from my shower felt like little nuggets of sunshine wiping away sweat, flour and every other nasty element of the day. We’d been busy and I earned every weird smell clinging to me but didn’t want to chase Gio away when he came over.

  Since I didn’t know what time he’d show up, I wasn’t sure if I should make him dinner or what. After I got dressed in a white linen button down and jean shorts, I made myself something quick to eat. Something I could stash if he showed up.

  I turned on the TV, absent-mindedly channel hopping. Nothing caught my interest until I got to the cooking channel, I didn’t want to sit there staring at the wall as if I had nothing better to do until my guy showed up. One-upping myself, I pulled out the book I’d started last week, making a little progress before he knocked on my door.

  “Hey,” I said thrusting the door wide.

  Gio stood there letting his gaze travel up my body until he met my eyes with a small, sexy smirk on his face the whole time.

  “Hey,” he said then brought himself inside scooping me into his arms and kicking the door shut all at once.

  After putting me back on my feet, his hands cupped my face and his lips found mine. Holy crap the man could kiss. There was nothing soft or gentle in the way his mouth moved against mine, demanding even further access, which I gave happily. Without breaking his stride, he moved us further into my apartment.

  “Miss me?” I asked when I forced myself to take a breath and noticed he’d already started unbuttoning my shirt.

  “You have no idea,” he said pushing our lips together again. Those talented fingers made easy work of the rest of my shirt. He didn’t even have to look.

  Our feet shuffled us closer to my bedroom. My shirt hit the floor near the couch. His touch ran down my body to the clasp on my shorts, popped the button easily then pushed them down. He had me in my bra and panties less than a minute after getting to my place. I know what it said about him. He missed me. He loved me. He was horny. But what did it say about me if I’d willingly forgo the normal ‘tell me about your trip’ small talk to get to the good stuff first? Probably that I missed him, loved him and was horny.

  Before the back of my legs hit the side of the bed, he’d unclasped my bra and dragged it down my arms then removed my panties. Completely naked he gave me a push causing me to fall back on the bed.

  Yanking his shirt off, my eyes went to his tattoos, something I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of looking at. The rest of his clothes were a memory when his lips crawled up my body as he settled himself between my legs.

  Gio’s lips took my breath away, making me lightheaded until I almost couldn’t focus. They were hard and demanding. I tried to keep up until I couldn’t. I vaguely heard a drawer open and close but don’t remember him moving. His skin burned against mine, leaving an invisible mark on my body where they dug into my softness. Gio’s fingers explored me with vigor as he made sure I was ready for what he wanted to give. I’d been ready since I opened the door but my muscles betrayed me. My back arched, my legs tightened against his sides. I loved this man and wanted to show him. This time was different. The tenderness we’d shared before was gone.

  His touched turned rougher, holding me tighter and pulling me harder, molding me to his will.

  Gio moved inside me with an intense, steady rhythm making every muscle tighten low in my st
omach telling me my release wasn’t far away. As much as I loved the way he touched me, kissed and nipped at lips and neck, drove me to the highest levels of ecstasy, I knew what he was doing. He was claiming me and I was ok with it. I wanted him to claim me, wanted to be claimed. Wanted him to know I was his. This was the first time we’d been together after declaring our love. Coupled with whatever fucked up visit he had with his family, he clearly had a need—a need I desperately wanted to fulfill.

  He sent me soaring. Soaring for moments before free floating back to the bed where Gio’s body stilled above mine. With his weight still pressed against me, I didn’t want to let him go. I relished the feel of him against me and he could stay there crushing me all night.

  But he moved onto his back pulling me with him.

  Gio reached over for a couple of tissues, took care of his disposal needs then yanked my blanket out from underneath me leaving us to lie there in the dark. The fine sheen of perspiration mixed with the air conditioning made me chilly. I didn’t have to tell him, he knew.

  “So … ” I said fiddling with the sheet hem. “You missed me then.” One thing I’d learned about Gio was he wasn’t great at vocalizing his feelings. If he loved me, he did things like go to the pharmacy early for me, to take care of me. If he missed me…when he returned, apparently, he needed to possess me.

  “You have no idea.” His lips brushed the top of my head. “Are we good with the other thing?”

  “Yup,” I pushed my hair back over my shoulder.

  “If it doesn’t work—”

  “It will,” I cut him off.

  “Ok, but if it doesn’t. I want to know.”

  The sound of his voice made me suspicious. Maybe something in his past had him spooked. If someone in his past had gotten pregnant and not told him, I’d be crushed. Not even for me but for him.

  “Gio, you don’t have any kids do you?” I hadn’t thought to ask before. I assumed. He snorted his answer. Take that as a no. “Have you ever gotten anyone pregnant?” Again he said no. “Then…”

  “It’s you, Bianca. I don’t want you to ever think you’re on your own. With anything.”

  My arms hugged him tighter, pushing me closer.

  “I love you, too, Gio.” My lips kissed his chest right where I could feel his heart beating.


  As we got ready for work the next morning, Gio filled me in on a few things back home. Mostly his cousin Sal. And I was right. Sal was Gio’s favorite relative and even his best friend. When I asked if I’d meet him at some point, Gio didn’t hesitate to say yes. At least it gave me something. I talked a little about work and Gemma. We’d been hanging out, Bailey, too. Course I left all the ‘magical vagina’ talk on the beach. He didn’t need to hear about our weird conversations.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Toby seems good in the kitchen, but you’ll have to make sure he stays that way. I don’t want his crush on Gemma to get in the way.”

  “What’s so special about your restaurant?” he asked putting the breakfast dishes away. “Why does a corporation want it so badly?” It was the first time he brought up what I’d told him about Trinity.

  “There isn’t another pizza place for forty miles. People would rather make the drive here than eat somewhere else.” That’s a fact I was pretty proud of. “More than that it’s the sauce. It’s a recipe that’s been in the family since … I don’t even know when.”

  “It is pretty damn good.” He moved closer putting his hands on my hips.

  “It’s because when we made the sauce we put—” My lips got silenced by his. He held his mouth to mine until he knew I wouldn’t try to continue.

  “Don’t tell me,” he said pulling back to eye me with a wry smile. “Otherwise it won’t be a secret.”

  “Please,” I brushed him off.

  Chapter Fourteen

  With the season in full swing, I spent more and more hours at the restaurant and less time with Gio. Things were running smoothly, it’s just we get busy when the tourists descend and it becomes an all hands on deck situation. He came in early and stayed late quite a lot. In a weird way, at least when we were on the same shift we got to have lunch or dinner together. The little touches as we passed in the hallway brought a smile to my face and the memories of us in my apartment at night could make me lose my train of thought.

  “Gross,” Gemma said as she plopped into a chair across the table from me.

  I was on break but really I just wanted to rest my feet for a spell.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re thinking about Gio aren’t you?”

  I kept my grin small. “What’d you mean?”

  “That stupid little smile on your face. That’s someone remember something delicious and since you’re with Gio I assume it’s about him.”

  Instead of answering, I bit my lips together and make the zipping motion across them. I wasn’t giving her any private details.

  Gemma rolled her eyes.

  “Like I said. Gross.”

  “Then maybe mind your own business,” Gio’s voice from the doorway startled us both as he came into the room. “Hey,” he said squatting beside me. “I’m done so I’m going to run home and take a nap. Dinner tonight?” I nodded before he kissed me quickly and left me swooning long after he had gone.

  Everything was pretty perfect.

  At closing when he didn’t work and I did, I’d lock up to find him leaning against the bench outside the front door, waiting to walk with me to the bank. Each time, even though I knew he’d be there, my heart did a little dance in my chest to see him in all his sexy glory, leaning with his arms and ankles crossed, waiting for me.

  Finally, after a few weeks, we got two days off in a row. Together. I think Gramps felt sorry for us because of all the hours we’d been working and the fact that I insisted he take a couple of days himself. He looked tired.

  Day one had to be a beach day. The idea of relaxing on the sand with the sun to keep us warm excited me no end. Somehow, Gemma and Bailey got invited much to Gio’s chagrin. But they gave us our space.

  The girls put their towels a good ten feet from us. Close enough where we were still together but far enough away that he and I could have some privacy. Besides, we had a date all planned out for tonight.

  As soon as we got settled, he pulled me close. I threw a leg over him, landing it between his and laid my head on his shoulder. We both had sunglasses on to protect our eyes but I could still tell when he looked down at me. His hand landed on my back. The absolute lowest part of my back. Ok, it laid on my ass but not in a pervo way. He wanted to hold me to him. The other folded under his head and he made the most contented sound that I don’t think I was supposed to hear.

  “That bikini should be illegal,” he murmured.

  “I can put my cover-up on,” I teased propping my chin on his chest.

  “Don’t you dare.” His attention went to Gemma and Bailey splashing in the water as they chatted up a couple of guys. Well, Bailey did most of the chatting. “What the fuck are those two doing?”

  “I’d guess looking to get laid. Those guys are cute.” A disgusted growl gurgled at the back of his throat. “What? They are. I mean, they aren’t the extreme sexy hotness that is Gio Diamati but hey … not everyone can be right?”

  “Guess not.”

  Looking from him over to the girls then back, I felt I had to ask the question I’d been wondering about for a while. “Why don’t you like her?”

  “Who?” he asked with surprise.

  “Gemma. You don’t like her. You don’t like it when I hang out with her. And you barely talk to her. What gives?”

  “Nothing. Not everybody likes everybody else.” Really, he wasn’t going to give me anything more.

  “I think it’s more than that.” Pushing up, I surprised even myself when I sat down on him., straddle position right there in public. I felt a reaction almost immediately. While, yeah, I enjoyed getting a reaction from him, it wasn’t why I did it.
I wanted to hold him down until I got the real answer. His fingers gripped my hips firmly, holding me in place.

  “Keep sitting there and we’re going to have another issue.” He smirked up at me.

  “I just want an answer and am not against torture to get it.” A roll of my hips brought a groan and even more stirring from below his belt.

  “You might be the meanest person I know. And that’s saying something.” Leaning toward him slowly, my breasts pressed against his chest until we were face to face. Pulling off his sunglasses to see his eyes, I did the same with mine.

  “I could be meaner … ”

  “Please … don’t.” He sighed in frustration. “Ok, I just, don’t know. I don’t like her, okay?”

  “Fine.” Rolling my eyes, I started to move off him but he stopped me, holding tightly and I couldn’t.

  “Nobody said you had to get off me.” Gio pulled on the back of my neck, bringing me down to him. His lips burned mine. When his tongue touched the spot where my lips meet, my mouth opened as if on command. In moments like this, moments where his hands were on me, I totally forgot everything and everyone. Like whether other people were on the beach or not.

  “Get a room you horny bastards.” Bailey kicked some sand at us covering my back in a thin layer.

  Jumping up, I was on my feet trying to brush everything off. Gio stood slowly covering the two feet between us somehow with his swagger out and in full force, wrapping an arm around my waist until a hand settled on my stomach.

  “I think that sounds like a great idea,” he started pulling me back.

  “You guys make me want to puke,” Bailey snarled

  I couldn’t help but giggle.

  With reflexes quicker than I’d seen before, he had all of our stuff packed, my hand in his, tugging me away from my friends. It made me giggle and I could only try to keep up. He was a man on a mission and I happened to be his mission. Something Special tightened low in my belly in anticipation of what would be coming my way.

  Going out didn’t exactly turn out as planned. We went to a movie and stopped at Bill’s for a drink. But Bailey, Gemma, and Nick were there. I didn’t even know he’d come back to town and when I gave him hell for it he said it was a last minute thing to work on some wedding stuff with his mom and sister. It wasn’t going to be a super big affair but invitations had already gone out and Bailey couldn’t be more excited about a road trip to Chicago to see our best friend’s sister get married. It made me feel too grown up and weird to think about.


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