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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

Page 6

by Natasha Thomas

  The tattoos on her hip bones are revealed as I slip her shorts down her legs. Twin sparrows on each hip carrying a soft, intricately done feather grace her beautiful skin. I was there the day they were done, and they still blow me away every time I see them. It’s not the detail, or the placement so much, it’s how perfectly they suit her, how they emphasis her curves, move with her body, and make my mouth water,

  A mewl leaves her throat as I begin moving my lips gently down the length of her neck, over her collarbone, stopping to nip her flesh. Laving the sting away with my tongue, I continue downwards caressing the expanse of her chest paying particular attention to the swells of her tits rapidly rising and falling.

  Glancing up, just to reassure myself Lex is still with me, I see her eyes have fluttered closed, her neck is arched backward, and she is now resting against the trunk of the tree I backed her up against. Still sitting on the rocks she looks like a fantasy, a goddess come to life, my own personal miracle. With my hand behind her back, fingering the clasp of her bra I ask,

  “You sure about this, Princess? Cause you’ve got to know, if I keep going I’m not going to be able to stop. I want you too damn much, and have for far too long to hold off much longer.”

  Leaning forward, and with one hand snaking behind her back, she pops the clasp and slides her bra down her arms discarding off to her side. Looking back at me, where I’m kneeling between her spread thighs she replies,

  “Does that answer your question? I want this, Thomas. I want you.”

  Obliging a beautiful woman has never been a hardship for me, and when it comes to Lex, it’ll be my pleasure to bring her as much pleasure as humanly possible this afternoon.

  “Lean back baby, I want to see you. All of you. I’ve waited half my life for you and I intend to savor this, savor you.”

  Hesitantly Lex leans back further against the tree, and while the rough bark has to be doing a number on her delicate skin she doesn’t protest. If anything she looks even more aroused than she did a few minutes ago. My eyes roam her now naked chest, and the pebbled tips of her nipples call to me like a beacon while I’m lost at sea. Taking the tight tip of her right breast in my mouth I flick it with my tongue, trace the edges, and tease it with my teeth.

  Every flick of my tongue draws a heavy sigh, and every graze of my teeth has her rocking her hips, moaning my name. Not wanting to neglect her other lonely nipple, I switch sides and give it the same attention as its neighbor, Lex’s chants become louder, her pleas for more may be quiet but I hear every one of them, and so does my cock. The poor bastard is throbbing in time with my heartbeat, straining against the denim of my jeans to get at her. Knowing that there’s only my jeans, and her panties between him and sliding inside the only pussy it’s ever wanted is doing a number on my impatient cock. He’ll have to wait though, making my girl feel fucking amazing is far more important.

  Shifting restlessly Lex begs,

  “Take your clothes off, please. I want to see you too.” Sliding back a few inches, I remove my cut, folding it in half and leaving it off to the side. My t-shirt goes next, bunching it behind my neck I rip it off, hastily discarding it too. Needing some breathing room, I unbuckle my jeans and pop the top button. I’m not ready to release my disobedient cock just yet, fuck knows what he’ll do if I give him his freedom, and like I said, getting Lex ready, making her feel pleasure she’s never felt before is more important.

  “That better, Princess.” Her eyes roam my chest, travelling across my pecs and down at the V at the opening of my jeans. I know what she sees, and as much as I’d like to say seeing me shirtless is a new thing, because it’s not. We’ve been swimming enough, and she’s been at plenty of club parties where she’s seen me getting around half naked. It’s not like I flaunt it in front of her, but I sure as shit don’t mind the appreciative looks she gives me, and is giving me now.

  “Do you know how hot having my name on you is?” Her voice is husky now, deeper than usual, and it’s sexy as fuck. I’m grateful I get to hear her like this, that it’s me that’s made her overcome with lust that her voice has deepened, but thank God she doesn’t talk like this all the time. Because if she did I’d have trouble walking, let alone every time I heard it I’d want to bend her over the nearest surface and fuck the shit out of her.

  When I got Lex’s name tattooed in big bold old English script across my ribs it wasn’t for the hotness factor, albeit that’s a bonus now that wasn’t why I did it. Lex has always meant the world to me, so on her eighteenth birthday, because let’s face it, any earlier and her dad would have kicked my ass, I got Adelyn to design Alexis in an ambigram so I could read it in a mirror or if I was laying down. I wanted to see her name from any angle. I wanted Lex to know that no matter what I have her with me; that she’s never far from my heart. That’s the reason for the placement too. My upper ribs on my left hand side, wrapping from just under my pec muscle to just under my shoulder blade.

  The first time Lex saw it she cried. Fuck me, at first I thought she was pissed at me for doing it. I thought she hated it. If she had I wouldn’t have covered it up it means too fucking much to me, but I would’ve tried to keep it hidden while she was around. After she’d calmed down, Lex explained they were happy tears, that she was honored I’d do something like that. Fucking women. I’ll never understand them crying when they’re happy, but in the end, as long as my girl was happy that’s all that matters.

  Smirking at her I reply,

  “Glad you approve, Princess. It’d kind of suck if you hated it because it’s not going anywhere, it’s pretty fucking permanent, babe.”

  “Ha-ha, no shit. Now are you going to come here and kiss me, or are you going to keep sitting there preening like a peacock? I know which one I’d prefer.”

  Baring my teeth, I lean toward her crowding her, making her space mine.

  “I’ll kiss you as much as you want Princess, but I’m gonna kiss you somewhere else first. I’ve dreamed about what you’d taste like for years, so be a good girl, slip those pretty panties off and spread those gorgeous thighs for me.”

  Shivering in what I hope is anticipation she does what she’s told. I’m not a Dom, I don’t need to control the women I sleep with to get off, but you can bet your ass it’s hot when a woman listens to my instructions and gets off on it. And it’s pretty clear Lex gets fucking off on it. I won’t push her too far, I’m not about safe words and hard limits and shit, I want to direct her for her pleasure not mine. And with a woman like Lex, one that’s more inexperienced, fuck, she’s not experienced at all, I want to make this as perfect as I can for her.

  Hesitation is written all over her face, but just like I knew she would, she opens her legs for me. Not wide enough, but I can help her out with the rest. Skimming my hands up her thighs, I add pressure so she opens wide enough to accommodate my knees. With my thumbs hooked in the side of her panties I say,

  “Last chance, Lex. You want to stop, you need to say so now.”

  It’s not like I expect her to, she’s as turned on as I am, and I have no doubt her panties are drenched for me. But being the man I am, I want to make sure she won’t regret this tomorrow, or ever.

  “I’m sure.”

  I can’t help it, I shake my head. I don’t think she’s getting what I’m saying.

  “Princess, I’m not talking about me making love to you. What I’m saying is, if we do this, you and I aren’t doing that space shit you demanded.” The confused look on her face while cute pisses me off. “Don’t look at me like that, babe. You have to know that us doing this takes what we’ve got to a whole new level. One where I talk to your dad and Grandpa’s, have the shit kicked out of me probably more than once because I even considered touching you, and you end up my old lady. I can’t do this with you if you just want to pop that sweet little cherry of yours. It’s a whole hell of a lot more important to me than that, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let you walk away afterwards, so you choose babe. We do this and your mine, forever, o
r we stop right now and I respect that bullshit space thing you were wanting.”

  Her eyes don’t waver from mine as I wait long minutes for her to give me her answer. Just as I’m about to move, get up and offer to take her home, I feel soft hands on the side of my face guiding it toward hers.

  “You’re not joking right now are you? This isn’t some kind of sick joke where you say only kidding after, and you expect me to forgive and forget?”

  I’d say she was adorable for thinking that, but again it only serves to piss me off. Raking my hands through my hair, I lean down so that my breath is fanning her hair.

  “I should spank that pretty little ass of yours for thinking I’d do something like that to you, Princess, but I’ll forgive you this once if you promise not to say anything so fucking stupid ever again.” Biting down on her earlobe I add, “No, this isn’t a joke, there’s nothing remotely funny about the ass kicking I’m going to get and you know it.” Lex tries not to giggle but fails miserably. I’m glad she can find the humor in it now, because in a day or two I’m thinking she’ll be changing her tune. “I’m all in if we do this, and I’ve gotta know you are too. If you’re not, it’ll fucking kill me Lex, no lie, but you know I’d never force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  Pulling my hair roughly, roughly enough for me to release a growl, she snaps,

  “You’re a dick you know that?” Oh Jesus Christ, are they tears in her eyes? Fuck, I don’t do crying women, never have and never will. There’s just something about watching usually strong women break that pulls at my heart, leaving a big gaping wound in my chest. Glaring at me she says, “I’ve been in love with you since I was fourteen, and now you want to try being an us? What, when I tell you we need to distance ourselves, this is what you use to keep us together, sex?”

  If I were a betting man, and let’s face it I am, this conversation is going to go one of two ways. Either we’re leaving the lake together with my Lex recently and thoroughly deflowered, or she’s going to give me the ass kicking her old man would’ve delivered and we’re done. It could go either way at this point.

  “For fuck’s sake, are you fucking insane? No, I’m not using sex as a way to keep you in my life. Jesus Lex, I’ve fucking loved you for almost half my life, waited for you for almost as long as that too. It doesn’t get more devoted than that Lex, I don’t get devoted like that, but if me saying it isn’t good enough for you then leave. Just like everyone else does. Don’t come back to me when you realize I wasn’t fucking around, because I’m done waiting.”

  Where all that pent up shit came from I’ve got no idea. Maybe it was long overdue, maybe not, but it’s out there now, and I can’t and won’t take it back. Now she’s heard exactly what I’ve been going through trying to decide if I should make her mine, I’m not sure if that’ll make much difference to her decision, but it was something that’d been a long time brewing. I’d been chewing on telling her all this long before today, years before, but it just never felt like the right time. Here, now, this was exactly when and where it needed to be said.

  I want to say I regret saying it, but I don’t. It might be an asshole thing to do, to drop this shit on her just as we were supposed to be saying goodbye, but I don’t care. She needed to know. She deserved to hear it. Lex needs to know everything if she’s going to commit to me. If she gives me the chance to prove I’m worthy to stand by her side. I’m not an easy man to love, and if by some stroke of a miracle we end up together she’ll learn that first-hand, but I know from the depths of my soul no other man on the face of the planet will love her as much, or as hard as I do.

  Through her tears, which are now steadily dripping down her face, I hear the whispered,

  “I love you too. So, so much, Thomas.”

  As much as I’d like to say everything that happened next led to our happily ever after. That we made love at sunset, and everything was sunshine, rainbows and lollipops, it wasn’t. Fuck, when is it ever that easy? The making love did happen, and it was fucking magnificent. It was better than I ever imagined. Even in the many and varied vivid dreams I’d had about us together, they didn’t come close to what it felt like to have Lex beneath me screaming my name, clutching me like I’d disappear if she let go in the slightest.

  But the rest? It didn’t come close to being the fairytale ending I wished for.

  I never got to talk to her dad, Priest or Pipe. I never got the public ass kicking I anticipated. And I never once got to publically claim Lex as my old lady in front of my brothers and the club. I didn’t get to tell my best friend Saint I’d made her my woman. In the end…everything I’d wanted to happen was the exact opposite of what transpired. Think back on it, I should have handled everything differently. If I had the outcome would’ve been closer to the one in my dreams. But it’s too late for should’ve, could’ve, would’ve now. Now I have to live with what is going to be an invariably unlivable set of consequences, because what happened next killed the budding relationship I wanted to develop before any of that could take place.

  Most of all I’d love to place the blame for everything that didn’t happen on someone else’s shoulders. But I can’t do that either, because it’s all on me. All of it. Everything that happened after that phenomenal afternoon at the lake, I can only revisit in my dreams, is entirely my own doing. I only hope when the truth comes out, and it will, that Lex is willing to hear me out…maybe even take me back if she can forgive me.



  “Don’t forget, if anyone asks we are a normal, happy, functional family.”

  - Rotten eCard

  I swear to baby Jesus I’m going to scream if I have to walk into this place one more time, and come face-to-face with a set of tits or naked ass as the first thing I see, Don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware this is an MC clubhouse, but come on, is it really necessary to make it mandatory for all humans of the female variety to walk around practically in their birthday suits 24/7?

  “Dad, seriously? Can you please, please, please put a sign on the freaking door when the animals are grazing?” I proclaim a few feet inside the door.

  Slinging his arm around my neck, he covers my eyes with one hand and guides me toward the main bar. Snorting a laugh he replies,

  “Can’t keep track of all the beasts all the time, baby doll. You know what it’s like around here, these guys are fucking animals themselves, aren’t going to be able to cage them all.”

  I shake my head hefting my ass onto the vacant bar stool, and pull out a folder labelled club.

  “These are for you,” I gesture, waving my hand over the overfilled folder.

  “What’s all that shit?” he asks tapping his fingers impatiently.

  Rolling my eyes, I open the folder pulling out the first sheet.

  “This father dearest, is the list of supplies you need for the event you so graciously volunteered me to organize.” Shoving the next three sheets of paper at him I add, “And these, are your cost projections for the outlay you’re going to need to come up with.”

  Gripping the edge of the bar as he looks over what I’m sure all appears to be written in a foreign language he frowns.

  “Why am I looking at it though? Why didn’t you give this to Arrow, he’s the one doing the books down there?”

  Pressing my lips together I roll my eyes in frustration. The man is hopeless. He really is.

  “Because, Arrow has enough to do with the daily running of the place, you however, have nothing to do until Uncle Tank re-sprays the two bikes you need to put the finishing touches on.”

  Glaring at me he scrubs his hands over his face.

  “And how do you know that? Are you checking up on my project schedule or something?”

  That draws a giggle from me. Of course I am. When I was at Chasers this morning, before coming here, I had a good long talk with Arrow. Apparently daddy dearest has been “reassigning” what he calls “grunt work” to the actual grunts, the prospects, leaving
him with oodles of free time to do God knows what.

  “Yep, that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  Done with giving him more opportunities to come up with excuses for why he won’t take this on, I push myself up to standing.

  “Take a look over everything, talk to Arrow and Tank, and then let me know what you decide. I checked to make sure they were the most competitive quotes at the lowest price, so don’t get any ideas about me being able to get you any better deals.”

  It’s not that Chasers, the MC, or my dad personally are hurting for cash, far from it. I just know my dad is a scrooge in general. He doesn’t like spending money unless it’s absolutely necessary, involves bike parts, alcohol, or my mum. Lucky her. In saying that, I had never gone without, and I had most of what I wanted growing up. I had to do chores, work for it sure, and dad made sure I knew the value of the all mighty dollar, but he didn’t skimp when he handed out my allowance each week.


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