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Hunters of the Gods_Protecting Their Heir

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “What do you care? You’ll be in and out if the shit hits the fan. If your uncle knew you were here and that you secretly were the one engaging in these hunts, he would have my ass.”

  “Well, he won’t find out. He lives in Europe,” she said, and then they heard the screams as they got out of the car and quickly made it closer to the building along the high grasses.

  They could see what was going on, and Luna was instantly angry. The wide doors opened, and a slew of cages were inside of the warehouse. They were close enough to smell the scent of blood. She crinkled her nose. “The one woman was the aunt we were looking for. She’s being taken inside now.” They heard the yelling, and then two men were kicking at the women.

  “We need to do something,” she said to him.

  “Wait for backup. They are a few minutes away.” But the cries were too much for her.

  “Screw this. Let’s do it. Silver bullets first, and then we shift if necessary.”

  “Fuck, why do I continuously subject myself to your superhero excursions?”

  She didn’t even chuckle. Her mind was on the poor women, the victims of whomever this madman was who thought that wolves could be forced to mate to someone other than their intended mate. She jumped into action, and so did Cobe. Then things got crazy fast.

  * * * *

  “So someone is in there now?” Lodge asked one of the leaders.

  “Yes, but they were here searching for a woman they needed to talk to when they came across the warehouse and a few women being brought there against their will,” he replied.

  “Let’s move,” Corporal said as they drove along with the other SUVs of wolves ready to question or kill those responsible for the violence.

  “Move now. They’re in trouble,” one of the other men said. Sure enough, gunfire began to erupt, and they drew their weapons and headed inside next. As they split up and entered, there were cages of imprisoned women and children, and one man and one woman fist fighting several rogue wolves. Other men began to come out of the back rooms and join in the fight. Lodge started to shift along with the other men and that woman, and they battled together, taking out who they could. Lodge thought she was a fierce fighter, but from here he couldn’t get a scent of her or who she was. He looked for Corporal and Toby as he grabbed a wolf by his throat and tore out his jugular. Another came at him and then another, but he was relentless and a warrior. When he was breathing heavily, he realized that the fight was over, and several men were now prisoners. He saw the woman in wolf form chasing after two other wolves. He followed and caught her scent, and stopped short. Lodge couldn’t believe it. His wolf growled low as she tore at one of the rogue wolves’ throats. He heard his brother’s growl, just as he jumped the other wolf attempting to overpower the woman. Her scent was all-consuming, and he knew instantly she was his mate. Their gazes locked, and then his brother’s roar called to him. He turned and growled at her, an indication as an Alpha to remain where she was. He jumped into action to assist Toby, and when they were done, he turned to look for her again.

  “What is it?” his brother asked, as they shifted back to human form.

  “Did you see her? Do you see her anywhere?” he asked and held on to the railing and looked for her in the chaos of dead wolves and screaming and crying women and children.

  “The female who was fighting?” Corporal asked, catching his breath.

  “Yes. Where did she go?” He was in a panic, sniffing the air then cringing in disgust at the scent of death and rogue wolf.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Toby asked. He turned to look at his brothers.

  “I caught her scent.”

  “So what, you want to get laid?” Toby asked.

  “She’s my mate. Could be yours, too,” he said, and his brothers widened their eyes and then looked around and growled low.

  “I ordered her to stay and she denied her Alpha.”

  “Well, she’ll suffer for that. A nice hard spanking I think. Let’s see if we can catch her scent and pick up a trail on her,” Corporal said, and they headed back to the main part of the warehouse where their backup was coming in to help.

  “This is a mess. A fucking disgusting mess. The Alphas’ mate from Gillmore pack that was slaughtered is back here, and she is with child,” one of the omegas said to Corporal. “There are others, too. This is too close to pack land. They’re searching for Alpha mates or children of alphas.”

  “Notify Puello. He’s going to want to assist. There are members from the pack closest to their side territory. The danger is zeroing in on our packs. That’s pretty fucking obvious,” Lodge added, and Corporal called his cousins.

  * * * *

  “Are there any rogues alive? Any?” Puello asked.

  “We gathered them. Only four. Several took their own lives before any of us could,” Lodge told Puello.

  Stark looked around them. Saw their people assisting the injured, and getting information from the children and women who had been prisoners.

  “How could this happen, and right underneath your noses? We’ve been gone for years, and it was our understanding that men were monitoring and protecting the packs. What the hell is all this about?” Puello demanded to know.

  “I was asking the same thing, cousin, but it seems these places, warehouses are sporadically located all over the US. You know as well as I do that you can infiltrate and destroy these setups, but it’s like new ones pop up again and again,” Lodge said to him.

  “That’s because whomever has been issuing orders to destroy or at minimum weaken other leading packs has help doing this. Why can’t we figure out who is issuing these orders? Who is pushing the development of an army of rogue wolves and other mixes in order to cause havoc and despair?” Stark asked.

  “It’s what we are all working on or have been,” Ross said. “However, I think we need to call a meeting of the Alphas. The four surrounding packs along with representatives of the elders. Changes need to be made. We need to protect what we have here. Gillmore pack isn’t far from our own. There are two others on either side of Saint pack and Keuric. If we keep sending out soldiers to hunt for the enemies we can’t even identify, then we set ourselves up to be destroyed,” Ross added.

  “I agree. Let’s call our fathers and have them arrange the meeting. Changes need to be made and quickly,” Puello said and then looked at Lodge, Corporal, Toby, Ross, and Stark.

  “There are some things going on we can’t discuss right now, but will be discussing shortly. Toby, any other location or information where we might be able to find Galvan if he is alive? We need him back,” Puello said and glanced at Stark. Stark was feeling uneasy and desperate. Desperate to hold Alyssa, claim her, mark her as their mate, and protect her and Brock. If he was reading his brother’s expressions correctly, then they would head to her place right now and begin to make the arrangements.

  “I’m not certain. I did write a few things down and thought perhaps Stark and I can go over the map and some key spots that could be locations for makeshift prisons, then compare that to the intel from our allies. We could have them do the recon since they are in Louisiana, and then get back to us. I think it’s best we all remain close to our packs and begin initiating security and surveillance of the highest level,” Toby suggested.

  “Agreed. We’ll meet in the morning. In the interim, let our fathers work with the elders and organize that meeting with them and set things in motion,” Puello said, and then they shook their cousins’ hands and headed back to the SUV.

  “What’s the plan for tonight?” Stark asked Puello as he and Ross got into the SUV.

  “To follow our instincts and get back to Alyssa and Brock. Secure them onto the estate. Inform our parents of the heir to the pack, organize a mission to rescue Galvan if a location is verified and confirmed, and not a trap. Then organize a special team of soldiers to capture, interrogate, and destroy these warehouses and prisons. We need to do what is necessary before the one running this violence gains more and
more power and comes after our packs next.”

  * * * *

  Alyssa couldn’t fall asleep. In fact, her mind was in a whirlwind. Thoughts and visions were attacking her, and all she could do was absorb the information. She wasn’t human. She wasn’t really shy, scared, and delicate as she once thought herself to be. The spell over her was to hide so many capabilities as well as her true personality. Wolf, Fae, an ability to protect, shield against whatever she chose to shield against. Her mind told her “evil.” That she was a warrior capable of fighting and defending the weak as she stood beside her men, her mates. Galvan was indeed alive, and he was fighting to live to get back to her.

  The Keuric pack needed a woman who was strong, superior in loyalty and faith to the ways of wolves and their pack. The gods spoke to her, enlightened her on her position, warning it would be threatened. She would be challenged mentally, physically, but knew her path was decided. Bits and pieces of other things, of what she was meant to do and react to were given to her like puzzle pieces she couldn’t quite put together but felt as if they were in her grasp. Then the burning grew. The need to mate, to no longer be alone and susceptible to pain and control.

  She thought of Puello, Ross, and Stark as she lay on her bed in boy-short panties and a tank top. She felt needy, and an ache inside her core, her soul was getting worse and worse. The mating musk was powerful, but this, this was different. The gods were telling her it was different and to be ready. What she needed to do, what was necessary, and part of her existence would be coming sooner than later.

  Alyssa couldn’t help but think of the three men. Puello, Stark, and Ross were incredible. They were big, muscular men, Hunters of the Gods, superior warriors who fought to protect their packs and the innocent victims of others. That was what Galvan had been a part of. Similar to the U.S. military, a soldier of sorts Galvan and his brothers fought side by side to protect not only their packs, but the sanctity of were laws, regulations and codes. Without an authority of law, of power to enforce these, rogues would run free, and criminal evildoers would attempt takeovers across the land. It was all beginning to make sense. This whole other part of her destiny, of why she met, fell in love with, and had Brock with Galvan. She would be more than the woman who bared the only male and future leader of their pack. These powers, abilities her and Alex had, would come into play.

  Despite resisting this knowledge and living day by day, trying to survive with a broken heart— a loss and emptiness so deep—and her sole focus on Brock, protecting him and raising him, deep down inside she knew that this was meant to be—that she was to be the mate to these three men, and that Galvan would return to her.

  With that mental acceptance came need. Her body tingled, visions in her head brought images of Puello, Ross, and Stark touching her, caressing her skin, cupping her breasts, making her feel in need of them.

  Tears filled her eyes as she thought of Galvan. A guilty sensation emerged despite the visions in her head, and the way his brothers’ touch aroused her, felt right and safe. That ache in her core simmered, making her shift her hips, feel hot, uneasy. She started to slide her palm down her belly to her cunt and gasped at the sensitivity there. She barely registered the pounding on the door, or the loud footsteps coming up the stairs. She didn’t think there was danger, and she knew that Brock was safe with Grandma at her cottage down the road.

  Then she panted, lips parted as Puello, Ross, and Stark came into her bedroom. They looked fierce. Their eyes glowed ever so slightly, and they were dressed in black. Like perhaps they were just engaging in some warrior mission, and the thought made her pussy clench.

  “We are here. We can take care of that ache, mate. Will you accept us?” Puello asked. Inside her pussy she felt a tingling, almost burning sensation. She moved her hips as the men undid their shirts and all those muscles and skin came into sight.

  “I’m scared. Confused. What would Galvan say or feel?” She shook her head, and her chest heaved up and down. The sight of them, their scents aroused her beyond control. She could feel the wall she had built up weaken, and it was like her soul knew this was right. Her heart ached and battled between what was meant to be, and what promises she made in remaining faithful to Galvan.

  They were superior men, Alpha wolves, leaders of their pack, and they were gorgeous, rugged, and so appealing. Every ounce of her felt it. A sensation of guilt, fear, lingered over her thoughts, but it was her own mind fighting this out of respect for Galvan. She tried listening to her heart—following the sensations there like her sister had said to her and grandma, too. When she did, other sensations oozed through her body—desire, want, lust, acceptance. She closed her eyes and inhaled just trying to breathe. That backfired on her, too, as her senses seemed sharper, and their scent—overpowering, appealing, enticing—filled her nostrils and penetrated through her skin, and she softly moaned.

  The floor creaked, and the bed dipped. She opened her eyes, and her lips parted at the sight.

  Puello stepped closer and stared at her body, making it come alive, ache with need, harder, deeper, to the point that some sort of itch, ache, bubbled up higher. Her pussy clenched. Her breasts ached terribly for his touch.

  “Don’t be scared. Galvan is our brother, and we are meant to share you as our mate. Give into the sensations. Accept us. Allow us to ease the aches and show you that this is real and meant to be,” Puello told her as Ross and Stark looked at her, their eyes partially glowing, and the air filled with the mating musk, causing her to lift her pelvis, close her eyes, and moan aloud.

  “Yes. Please help me. Show me that this is meant to be. That Galvan will be part of this, too. Please,” she begged.

  Puello gripped her hips and pulled off her boy-short panties. It was fast, sort of rough, but then his hands gripped her hips, he closed his eyes and just breathed, too. Was he feeling as out of control and needy as her? Was she causing him to feel crazy with need? He clenched his teeth, held her gaze and breathed through his nostrils. “Mine,” he whispered, but the sound, the tone, those glowing wolf eyes had her pussy creaming instantly, and a gasp escaped her lips. “Puello,” she moaned, and the next thing she felt was warm breath as Puello’s mouth went to her pussy, and he inhaled deeply. She grabbed onto his head, tilted her hips upward, her head back, and moaned. Then Stark, naked, greedy for a taste, knelt on the bed, and pressed over her from behind. Cupped her cheeks and kissed her on the mouth.

  Ross began to pull up her top, and as Stark released her lips, they yanked off her tank top, and there she was naked before them. In tune to every sensation. To her breasts swollen and needy, to her palms, as Stark pressed his lips to them and trailed more kisses up her arms.

  “A goddess. The gods have given us a goddess,” Ross said and cupped a breast with one hand before leaning down to feast on her nipple.

  Stark inhaled.

  “Fae, wolf, magic—”

  “Delicious,” Puello added, and then she felt his tongue press into her cunt and came just like that.

  The feel of their mouths on her skin and her body’s reaction was overwhelming. She moaned into Stark’s mouth as he plunged his tongue in deeply. She tightened and rocked her hips as Puello’s tongue elongated in her channel, pushed deeper, tasting, drawing juices from her cunt and making her feel desperate. She turned, pulling from Stark’s mouth. As his mouth landed on her neck and suckled hard, she locked gazes with Ross, part of her breast and nipple in his mouth and his eyes glowing a bluish green.

  “Ours. You are ours forever,” Stark stated. Ross pulled his mouth from her breast, Puello pulled his tongue from her cunt, and they moved around, rotated to feast on her equally. She grabbed at them, at Puello as he climbed onto the bed to move around her but instead covered her mouth to kiss her thoroughly. She ran her fingers through his hair and then moaned as Ross blew warm air against her pussy lips before licking and tasting her cream. Stark cupped her breast and then slid her one arm away from Puello’s head to press back against the comforter, giving
him fuller access to her right breast. He licked, nipped, and tugged on her nipple, swirled his tongue over it while Ross plunged his tongue into her pussy and Puello simultaneously devoured her moans. It was hot, sexy, and so wild she felt desperate for them to be inside of her. Puello pulled from her mouth and stared into her eyes. “You are ours forever,” he said and nipped her lower lip, then pressed her arm back against the comforter.

  “I need you, mate. My wolf is so fucking needy,” Ross said to her. His lips were wet from her juices, his eyes wild, sexy, exotic as they seemed to glow.

  “Take me. I want all three of you to take me, claim me,” she said.

  They removed the rest of their clothing, then Ross gripped her ankles and pulled her down to the edge of the bed. He slid his palms up her thighs, spreading her, and then aligned his cock with her pussy as Puello and Stark held her hands above her head, their fingers entwined.

  “We will be one, and we promise you, we will bring Galvan back. We will find him, and together we will protect you and Brock and be a family.”

  “Yes. Yes, Ross—oh!” She moaned as he slid his cock into her pussy, nudging, thrusting, and grunting until he could push all the way into her cunt. She tilted her hips upward.

  “So tight, so warm and perfect. Mine. Mine,” Ross repeated and thrust all the way in, claiming her. He rocked his hips and then held himself deep inside of her. His brothers released her hands, and Ross moved over her and kissed her mouth, her neck, and her shoulder as he thrust into her deeply. She ran her hands over his shoulders, pressed her breasts tighter to him as the ache deep in her core lessened with every stroke.

  “I feel that. Oh God, keep going. Faster, deeper, Ross. I need you deeper.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Never. You wouldn’t, couldn’t. I’m not fragile. Take me,” she commanded.

  He did just that and thrust, and stroked, making the bed shake and rock before he came inside of her and bit into her shoulder, shocking her. She felt so much, was so overwhelmed with emotions. She also wondered why Galvan hadn’t marked her when they’d made love and then realized that the time wasn’t right. The mark would let all know she was the mate to the Alpha, and that would endanger her more. There was no turning back after tonight. Once the three Alphas marked her as their woman, filled her with their seed and their scents, everyone, even their enemies, would know that the Keuric pack would instantly be empowered, and any possibility of a takeover would be defeated by all of them.


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