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Hunters of the Gods_Protecting Their Heir

Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“A loyal wolf to the Circle of Elders. I found your son, Lionel, and I promised him I would you take you back to him so you could be a family once again. Come on. We need to move quickly.”

  She helped Galvan up and out of the cage, along with three other men in one nearby. “What pack are you with?” one of the men asked.

  “None. I’m on my own and work with the elders. My job is to help reunite any women and children separated from their mates, their families that were taken against their will. There’s a whole lot of that going on right now, and both of you are needed by your packs,” she said to them as they headed up the stairs. She opened the door, made sure it was safe, and then brought them along the corridor when she saw Keuric soldiers and Saint soldiers, plus Puello Keuric and Preston Saint.

  “There. Head that way. You’re safe now.” She went to move, and Galvan grabbed her arm. He inhaled.

  “European?” he questioned.

  She stared up into his eyes.

  “My job is done here. I need to move on. Be sure he gets to Preston’s mom’s house. Lionel is there, and so is his wife.” She heard the men yelling in excitement at seeing Galvan and quickly jumped to the right and out the side door. As she scrambled across the darkness, noticing that the Keuric and Saint packs seemed to have almost full control of the campground, she slowed down and never saw the figure in the darkness. He grabbed her around the waist, and she countered his move. A rogue out for a treat.

  “I’ll take you with me. They’ll like you.”

  “I don’t think so.” She countered his move, and a fight began. She debated about shifting but took a hit to her shoulder and fell backward onto the ground. Before she could get up, the rogue was tackled to the ground and killed in an instant. She saw it was the wolf from the Keuric pack in half-shift form and turned to run only for him to grab her and press her up against the wall, her face to the building, his mouth against her neck and head. He was breathing in her scent. His body was huge, hard, and rock-solid against her back and ass. “Let me go.”

  “Not a chance in hell. What is your name?” he asked, and she didn’t answer him.

  “I’m Lodge Keuric, and I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He inhaled again.

  “That really isn’t your choice.” She tried to turn around, but he pressed against her more snugly.

  “What is your purpose here this time? What pack are you with?”

  “None. Let me go. Your brother is free and alive. Be with him.”

  “How do you know my brother?”

  “I know who all of you are. Lucienne is important, Lodge. Get him to his wife and his son.”

  He pulled back slightly but enough for her to turn around and face him. She was shocked at his height, his muscles, and the fierceness in his eyes. “Come with me,” he said just as a series of gunshots went off and then a commotion not far from where they were. Her men were hearing the conversation in her ear. They were causing a distraction.

  “We should head the other way,” he said.

  “And miss the action? I don’t think so. If you’re scared, then I’ll lead.” She began to move.

  He yanked her arm back and went in front of her. “Stay close,” he said, and it was so very hard to resist not to. He smelled good, enticing, and she knew, her wolf knew, that he was her mate. She wanted a taste, but then an explosion happened along with the gunfire. He fired back, and she made her move. She took off running, shifted to her wolf form, and was long gone before the chaos stopped. Instead of feeling triumphant by tricking the Alpha, she felt guilty, but she had a job to do. Her mom and brother had no hope of living if she didn’t do what needed to be done. She felt like crying. She had a mate, and he was a lead Alpha in the Keuric pack. The gods were definitely messing with her life as usual.

  * * * *

  “Galvan!” Puello pulled his brother into his arms and hugged him. Ross and Stark followed suit, and he grabbed onto them. He inhaled. His nostrils flared, and Puello whispered to him. “No one knows about her but us, Mom, and the dads.”

  Puello saw the emotion in his brother’s eyes. Galvan hugged him tight, and Puello slapped his back. “I love you, brother. Thank the gods we found you.”

  “I love you, too. By the gods, I can’t believe this is real,” he said, but then the cousins began to greet Galvan, too.

  They helped him to the SUV, and let the other men help with clean up and begin to process the prisoners.

  “What took you so long?” Galvan asked, and they snickered.

  “How did you fuck up and wind up in here?” Ross countered, and Gavan exhaled.

  “I was hit with an arrow. Some kind of tranquilizer. Next thing I knew, I was in a cell. The outside lined with silver.”

  “Silver? Then how did you get out of the cell just now?”

  “A woman. A wolf actually. Shit, how the hell did she do that?” Galvan said.

  “We’ll figure it out. You get home to your family and rest. We’ll handle this end and make sure that Lucienne gets to his wife and son. Alexandra is going to be beside herself,” Preston said.

  “Let’s get you home. We’ll talk on the way,” Puello told him.

  * * * *

  “Why didn’t you tell us about her back then? Why keep her a secret if you were concerned about the danger?” Ross asked Galvan.

  He leaned back in the seat and exhaled. “There was enough danger around us, around the family and the packs. Women were being taken, and matings being forced. She would have been a target, and the baby. Oh God. Did she have the baby?” he asked them.

  “A boy. His name is Brock,” Stark told him, and Galvan covered his face with his hands.

  “She’s your mate, too. How did you find her? What happened?”

  They started to explain about meeting her, and about the problems that were still going on and about having no heirs but Brock to the family.

  “Where are they now? Who is with them, protecting them?” he asked.

  “She’s recovering,” Puello said, and Galvan could hear the strain in his brother’s voice.

  “Recovering from what?” he asked.

  “Mom was attacked on the property a day ago. We were with Alyssa, beginning the mating process,” Ross told him. His heart hammered inside of his chest.

  “She is ours, Galvan. She belongs to all of us,” Stark said to him.

  “I know, and it makes me happy to know that you found her. What happened to Mom? Is she okay?”

  “She was at first, but by the time we arrived, it appeared her injuries were worse than what was thought,” Puello said to him.

  “What do you mean? I’m confused.”

  “Alyssa came home with us with Brock to get the family’s full protection. For us to inform our fathers and mom, but Alyssa noticed Mom’s condition. She saved her, Galvan,” Stark said to him.

  “Saved Mom how?”

  “It seems Alyssa is a healer. Plus, she has wolf blood and Fae blood in her. A spell had been placed in order to protect her from being identified and harmed. Same with her sister, Alexandra, and she is mate to our cousins Preston, Heracio, and Saunder, and, well, someone else, but it isn’t our position to say,” Ross added.

  “How did Alyssa help Mom?” Galvan asked.

  “By removing the poison and taking it into her own body,” Puello said, and Galvan felt sick.

  “What? How is she? Will she be okay?”

  “Her grandmother swears she will be. Hopefully when we get home she will be awake and all better. She saved our mother,” Ross added.

  When they arrived at the estate, his mother and fathers greeted him, but his mind was on Alyssa and Brock. The son he never met. The woman he would give his life for.

  “She is resting peacefully. She awoke only an hour ago asking for you. Margarete is with her now,” Jordon told his son.

  “Let me shower and change. I don’t want her to see me like this or to meet Brock looking like this,” he said, and his mother smiled.

  “She is incredibly beau
tiful, son, and so very special,” Selania told him.

  “Brock has your eyes,” Ross said to him, and Galvan resisted the urge to shed a tear. He would make up for lost time.

  * * * *

  Alyssa felt the bed dip, an arm go over her waist, and then a hand cup her cheek. She blinked her eyes open and was shocked. “Galvan?” She lifted up as he lowered down and hugged her. He was here. Those big blue eyes, shoulder-length blond hair, muscles upon muscles, her lover, her mate was alive and here after all this time. He inhaled against her neck, and she inhaled against his. When he lifted, it was to find her lips and kiss her. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and ravished her taste. He slid his body over hers and cupped her face between his hands and pecked at her lips, chin, and neck.

  “I can’t believe that you are here. Oh, Galvan, I missed you so much,” she said and cried.

  “Don’t cry, baby. I’m here. I’m here now, and I’m never going to leave you. Not ever.” He hugged her tight.

  “Brock. Oh God, you need to meet him.”

  “It’s three a.m. I think it can wait a little longer.” He kissed her again. That kiss grew deeper, and then he slid his palm up under her shirt to cup her breast. “You look even more beautiful than I remember, Alyssa. I’m so sorry it didn’t turn out as I planned and hoped. I never thought I would be away so long. Never imagined being caught and held prisoner. It was torture. Hell, mate, absolute hell,” he said to her, and she hugged him tight, wrapped her legs up around his waist, and suckled against his skin. She ran her fingers through his shoulder-length blond hair and felt the muscles in his neck. She was aroused, needy for him to be inside of her. He thrust his hips against hers and then the caresses, their kisses weren’t enough. They were desperate to be one again.

  He pulled her shorts down and then lifted up her top and tossed it aside. He sat above her, straddling her waist. “Let me look at you. Oh, by the gods, my brothers and I are so very lucky.” He slid his large palms up along her hips to her breasts, cupping them. Then he smoothed them up to her shoulders, caressed her cheeks, brushed his thumb along her lips, and pressed her arms above her head. He lowered his mouth to her breast, and she reacted. Tilted her hips upward and felt her pussy spasm. That burning began to simmer and rise, while he used his mouth to explore her further. A lick along her breast. A tug over her nipple. He suckled against her belly button and then lowered until his palms cupped her breasts and his tongue licked her clit and cunt.

  “Galvan. Oh, Galvan.” She moaned and ran her fingers through his hair, and he growled against her pussy. The burning itch grew stronger.

  “I need you.”

  “You want me inside of you already?”


  “But it’s been so long. Are you sure?”

  “Yes. You’re my mate, and so are your brothers.”

  “They’ll join us soon. They wanted to give us time alone.”

  “Then take me, Galvan. Make love to me now. Then your brothers will join us, and that is how it will be forever.”

  He lifted up, shimmied out of his clothing, and then lay over her again. “I missed you so much, Alyssa. I really thought I would never hold you like this. Love you like this ever again.”

  “I did, too, Galvan. The sadness and loneliness is over now.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her again. He aligned his cock with her pussy, and as he pulled from her mouth, she held on to his shoulders, and he began to press into her cunt. One hand on her hip and one above her shoulder, he nudged and nudged and then thrust fully into her. She moaned as tears spilled from her eyes, and then she relished in the feel of Galvan making love to her. He was real. He was alive and back in her life again. Then she felt the tear fall and hit her lip. She looked at him, and he closed his eyes and made love to her slowly, deeply, as their hearts mended, and their bodies once again became one.

  * * * *

  Galvan felt so much, and he was overwhelmed with emotion. He had his mate back. He was making love to her, and only hours before he was a prisoner being held against his will, just waiting for death. With every stroke of his cock into her pussy the possessive, protective feeling was back again. The shield over his heart, his emotions broke down with every stroke. He loved her with all his heart and soul. She was part of him, and he part of her.

  “Tonight it all changes,” he said to her and kissed her again and then lifted up and thrust faster, deeper, his wolf in need of possessing what was his once again. She moaned and panted, cheered him on for more, and it fed his wolf. The sight of her large breasts bouncing with every thrust, and the way she held on to his forearms as he stroked faster into her, was all too much to handle. “I’m there, mate. I’m there.” He felt his incisors elongate, his eyes began to glow, and he fought to not shift inside of her. His cock grew thicker, bigger, and her moans louder.

  “Oh.” She cried out another release, and he lost control. He came inside of her and lowered to her neck and bit into her shoulder, marking her his mate forever.

  He fell against her and then rolled to his back. She lay across his chest and kissed his skin, his neck, and nuzzled close. The door creaked open, and she knew the others were joining them. She lifted up, and Galvan cupped her cheeks.

  “Together,” he said to her. She smiled. The bed dipped, and Puello was there. She rolled to her back, and he climbed up between her legs. He was naked, sexy, and immediately pressed his lips to hers. She ran her hands along his tight, hard muscles, then up over his neck, drawing him closer to kiss her again. He aligned his cock with her pussy and slid right into her wet, hot cunt. They moaned, and then she sensed Galvan get up. Her heart jumped with concern, and she knew that would be a normal reaction for some time.

  But then Stark was there. “He’ll be right back. He’s washing up, and then we’re going to take you together and make this official. You need our full protection, mate. We love you,” Stark said to her.

  Puello thrust into her faster, deeper, and she grabbed onto his shoulders and countered his thrusts. He lifted up, pulling from her body, and he flipped her onto her belly. She gasped. “Puello,” she reprimanded.

  “Submit, mate. We are in control,” he said as he let his large, hard hands massage her ass cheeks, parting them, and then he smoothed them up her back to her shoulders. She moaned at the sensations.


  “Hey.” She reacted, and Stark laughed.

  “Lift up. It’s time,” Stark said, and Puello helped her, lifting her body as if she weighed nothing at all as he placed her over Stark. Stark herd her hips, and she gripped his cock as Puello lowered her over his shaft.

  “Oh,” she moaned as she sank down over his thick, hard cock and immediately began to ride him. Puello pressed over her back, suckled against her neck and shoulder as he rocked his hips, his hard cock against her asshole. His fingers slid over the tiny bud. Her body was still wet from Galvan, and even more so as Stark was thrusting up into her cunt. His finger slid into her asshole with ease, and she moaned aloud only for Galvan to return and bring his cock to her lips.

  “Together,” he said to her. She gazed up into those sexy blue eyes, the gruff along his face, the shoulder-length hair, and tears filled her eyes with emotion. He gripped her hair and shook his head. “I’m never leaving you again. Never,” he said, and she lowered her mouth to his cock just as Puello thrust his fingers into her ass. She was moaning and rocking her hips as Puello and Stark worked her body.

  “Get in there, Puello. It’s torture just watching,” Ross said to him and then smoothed his hand along her back and to her ass.

  “It sure is,” Puello said and then pulled his fingers from her ass and replaced them with his cock. “Widen those thighs. Show me you accept all of us as your mates, and let us know this body is ours to do as we please,” he said to her, and she widened her thighs, moaned, and pushed back as she lifted up and down over Stark’s cock.

  “Oh yeah. Fuck, that is hot,” Galvan said, and Puello aligned his cock with her a
sshole and slowly began to push inside of her. She was nervous a moment, but her body and soul knew this was right and that she was theirs already. Puello thrust all the way in, and they all exhaled.

  “So tight. So perfect,” Puello said and then picked up his pace. He and Stark thrust one after the next as she sucked on Galvan’s cock until he came. She licked him clean, and Puello followed, grunting, growling, and then biting into her shoulder, marking her as he came inside of her ass. He kissed along her shoulder as she panted for breath. That inner itch lessened, and she got it now. Understood how it worked. It was necessary for the mating to take. Without them, it would be torture, and she would surely wish for death.

  “My turn,” Ross said, and as Puello pulled out, Ross gave her little reprieve. He gripped her hair and head and lowered over her shoulder to kiss her hard on the mouth. His other hand he used to squeeze her hip and then slide his cock right into her ass. Stark continued to thrust up into her, and she moaned into Ross’s mouth as he thrust into her ass balls-deep. When he released her lips, he growled low. “Torture. Being out of your body for too long is fucking torture.” Then he and Stark increased their thrusts and relieved that itch burning through her core.

  “I’m there,” Stark said.

  “Me, too,” Ross added as she cried out her release and came. She fell to Stark’s chest, and he came as he bit into her right shoulder. Then Ross came and bit into her left shoulder. The room spun, her body felt a shock of something, and they all felt it.

  “What the hell was that?” Puello asked as he and Galvan joined them on the bed.

  Ross pulled from her ass and massaged the globes.

  “Rest, mate, and in a little while we do it all again,” Ross said.


  He spanked her ass. “Ross!” she reprimanded. They chuckled, and she smiled against Stark’s chest as he caressed her shoulders. They were all together, and finally one, so why was she still feeling uneasy?

  * * * *

  Alyssa held Galvan’s hand as they walked down the hallway to where Brock was sleeping. It was early. Eight a.m. and the guard was still by the doorway. He gave a nod of his head to her and Galvan, then to Puello, Ross, and Stark. Galvan opened the door, and immediately Alyssa knew something was wrong. The bed was empty, and one window to the balcony was open wide. “Brock!” she screamed, pulled from Galvan’s hand, and ran around the room. She could hear her mates giving orders. Puello was yelling at the guards. Chaos erupted around her, and she couldn’t catch her breath. Her chest tightened, and she cried out, screamed through the air, “Brock!”


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